Freddie Gray Narrative Collapse

The Freddie Gray story looks like the latest incident in a long line of race hoaxes:

“An investigation has concluded Freddie Gray broke his neck after falling head-first into the back of the police van as it was moving, it was reported today.

Medical and law enforcement sources briefed on the police investigation told ABC News Gray’s ‘catastrophic’ head injuries were consistent with hitting a bolt ‘in the back door of the van’.

They claimed there was ‘no evidence’ Gray sustained a fatal spine injury during his arrest, which was caught on camera on a street side on April 12.

According to ABC’s sources, Gray was standing in the van, bent over with his hand cuffed behind his back and his head pointing towards the back door.

It is believed he fell into the door, breaking his neck.” …

It sounds like he was acting crazy in the back of the police van and accidentally killed himself:

“BALTIMORE — A prisoner sharing a police transport van with Freddie Gray told investigators that he could hear Gray “banging against the walls” of the vehicle and believed that he “was intentionally trying to injure himself,” according to a police document obtained by The Washington Post.

The prisoner, who is currently in jail, was separated from Gray by a metal partition and could not see him. His statement is contained in an application for a search warrant, which is sealed by the court. The Post was given the document under the condition that the prisoner not be named because the person who provided it feared for the inmate’s safety. …”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The Freddie Gray narrative couldn’t gain as much traction in the spin department. It seemed like they were on the defense right from the start. Due to his age, they could not hide his criminal record nor would anyone believe that he was going to school to be an engineer. As far as I know, there was no job to speak of. When we learned early on about lawsuits for lead paint chips as the defining aspect of his life, I knew this one just wasn’t going to make a lot of hay.

  2. I have little doubt that the white house, liberal press, racial grievance professionals, and the Justice Department are all actively and directly working together on this cases to promote and push the “criminal justice reform” agenda. The entire sham is scripted and orchestrated and Obama is directly behind it.

  3. LiberalismFailed says:

    ‘I have little doubt that the white house, liberal press, racial grievance professionals, and the Justice Department are all actively and directly working together on this cases to promote and push the “criminal justice reform” agenda.’

    Michael (obese anti-White slug) Moore would like to reform the system.

    On April 30, Micheal Moore tweeted his “demand” that police be disarmed and “every African-American currently incarcerated for…nonviolent offenses [be] released from prison today.”

    Moore did this through a series of three tweets, in which he lamented what he sees as America’s mistreatment of black citizens.

    In the first tweet, sent at 3:16 a.m., Moore wrote: “Imprison u, shoot u, sever your spine, crush your larynx, send u to war, keep u poor, call u a thug, not let u vote. But u can sing for us.”

    In the second tweet, sent at 4:03 a.m, he wrote, “Here’s my demand: I want every African-American currently incarcerated for drug ‘crimes’ or nonviolent offenses released from prison today.”

    In the final tweet, sent at 5:05 a.m, Moore added, “Next demand: Disarm the police. We have a 1/4 billion 2nd amendment guns in our homes 4 protection. We’ll survive til the right cops r hired.”

  4. It doesn’t matter if the “narrative” failed. The self-same police state believes in it and enforces it.

  5. Does anyone actually think that those rioting Colored folks give a shit about the truth. There is no place in America for them and they are starting to know it. The kind of frustration that comes from that knowledge is volatile. We can expect lots of large riots for small reasons from now on.

  6. This is not surprising in the least. Apparently he got a taste of “lawsuit” fever in a recent settlement. No doubt this young buck was thinking he could get a similar settlement from the police department if he was injured during an arrest. Maybe he was coached by a lawyer and that is the reason he ran from the police for no reason.

  7. My christian upbringing taught me better than this.

    This video clearly demonstrates that Gray was injured and in serious pain well before entering the van:

    So apparently when the cops lie about white victims being the targets of ‘botched robberies,’ or about pro-whites, they are lying ‘boys in blue who work for the jew.’ Yet when they falsify police reports in plain sight to abdicate responsibility for murdering a black man, they’re saints.

    The two witnesses in the van (were there two) have not only significantly changed their stories, they’re facing charges. They’re lying to avoid prosecution. The mayor and police department are adversaries; one employs the other. 50% of Baltimore’s cops are black. They take care of each other above all else.

    A civilian produced another video of the police van’s unreported fourth stop. It had no purpose, other than to torment Gray.

    And this website and its followers have none either, other than to be malcontented cranks who are either on someone’s payroll or to lead more lost souls into evil.

  8. To Take Me Liberty: This quotes an ABC investigation and it’s findings, findings I am sure they were loath to release. You were off base with your personal attacks on us. This site didn’t make this stuff up. You have problems with this story, (which it sounds like your Christian upbringing could never accept, no matter the source or proof)………then take it up with ABC news. “Lost souls to evil”…… ass!

  9. Wes – Liberty’s distorted conception of Christianity is what makes people despise and turn away from Christianity.

    What WOULD the Christ do, were He to return to the world tomorrow? What do you think He would make of the drug dealing, vile, predatory, greedy, selfish, profane, bastard–breeding, thieving, raping, murdering pavement apes, the cretins that emulate them, and the vain, egoistic “Christians” that enable the afore-mentioned depraved vermin?

    “Christians” always seem to forget that God does NOT love every-one, and when the Christ returns, he comes to enact justice.

  10. Liberty – why don’t you run down to Burntitmore and spread your Christian Love down there, where you devotion to poor oppressed Yoofs will be far better appreciated?

  11. Christianity is many things to many people. It has done great things and perpetrated some of the greatest evil seen on this planet in recorded history. All in the name of Christ. All under the banners of white people. This liberal that I responded to, while representative of a world view that I abhor, is right in his portrayal of many, many “Christians” today. A weak, pathetic, suicidal bunch of social destroyers if there ever was one. They truly have given away the prize of Western Civilization…….for nothing more than their own warped conscious. Traditional Christians are far ahead of this bunch but it is not only the people but the scriptures that are flawed. There can be no doubt about Christ’s teachings on love and forgiveness, nor about his colorblindness. I have never been able to make the jump to the concept of Anglo-Israelites and just prefer to see the whole thing as a corruption of the JEW. I don’t need God to tell me that blacks are a blight on the world as a group, or that Jews own the financial life of this country. Or that liberalism is choking this country to death before our very eyes. I feel that this is common sense and anyone who stands before me and argues against this is an idiot. I much prefer leaving God and religion out of it. It isn’t necessary and just divides our people. Still…I know people will be people and that most of them need the pat on the head that they get from it, so I say go ahead and do your thing. I don’t care what gets people off their ass to fight this plague, just that they do it. So far they aren’t. We’ll see.

  12. Stupid fucking niggers everywhere you look. Not doing a God Damn thing except taking government money or enjoying a job they don’t deserve or stealing shit or raping and killing white women.

    How hard is this to figure out? They truly are sub-animal, i.e., they act gratuitously violently. An animal kills to survive. A nigger kills not to survive but to rape and rob.

  13. Is that the real Jim Giles? Damn, I was listening to some of your old audio files today for a few hours. Sure wish you were back on. You know how to call a spade a spade! Pick up that microphone there boy! Good to see you…..hear?

  14. What WOULD the Christ do, were He to return to the world tomorrow?

    Would you recognize him if he did? How do you know he hasn’t already? If he did, would you concede what you think you know is the right path and then dutifully follow what you were told was the right path?

    I’m not very religious, so my words may ring hollow to you, but what organism can tout its intelligence and pretend to truly comprehend the notion of a higher being when that organism always holds out hope for a solution of tomorrow that should have already been put in motion yesterday? That type of Tomorrow never comes; and if it does, it looks a lot like today, which looked a lot like yesterday.

    Very simple question:

    Are you waiting on someone to save you, or are you waiting on someone to come along and reaffirm your current views and the way you see the world today? Funny thing about many acolytes is that they always profess to be ready to follow the lead of something more powerful, but they seemingly have all the right answers already figured out and never concede that their views could be wrong, misguided or counterproductive.

  15. A video camera
    A white cameraman
    A white expert(s) to be interviewed
    A white interviewer, journalist

    Mobile, combat ready, i.e., ready for incoming, hit and move like Forrest on horseback but with White Media (video) not bullets.

    Linder and Griffin could serve as the experts. I’ll be the interviewer. We just need a white cameraman and the funds to mount up and ride from location to location. First stop Baltimore.

    A simple plan that trumps all the words ever written by the most brilliant White writers combined x 100.

    As smart as you are and yet you don’t get this seems odd to me.

  16. This is how nations die. Regardless of the verdict outbursts in the years to come will be more frequent and more violent. Nations are organic beings and America is dying. What we are seeing is the beginning of the death throes of the United States but not yet the birth pangs of its replacement. Hopefully this will build up a scene of revolutionary discontent in the minds of white Americans, or at least the sane ones, as mental secession from the system must always precede actual revolution and nation building. I think even the Feds know this which is why they organized the Jade Helm war games. All that wasted money about the government report on how to fight zombies that was appeared to be insanity was not some tongue in cheek joke, you, Mr. and Mrs. white Americans , are the zombies! Good to see Jim Giles again. I remember his Free South dot org as the best Southern Nationalist group out there at one time. One that was proactive and revolutionary and not reactionary and backward looking. He took on racial issues when most others in the Southern Nationalist movement were courting rainbow confederates.

  17. Jim,
    Great idea. Along the lines of your old show but with on scene video. Where are the people with money to do these modest things? Even if they did so covertly. Even so, the location is still just a prop. It seems to me that you could pirate free use video footage, and along with phone interviews, which you are a proven veteran at, get a clear message across. On You tube. On Facebook. That’s how most internet radio works these days. You don’t need to be told that. The way things are going, you might just get your show live in a Mississippi town. Or people might start sending you video from their towns when they blow up. Who knows?
    Do this thing Jim. In whatever manner that you can. Now is the time to strike, things are happening fast now! You are a veteran broadcaster! If you go on the air, I’ll send you a donation to help with new equipment, etc. For what it’s worth. I can’t think of anyone, who does what you do, who can do it as well. I can’t even think of anyone who does what you do. When you do it. Put that old blue tick nose to the ground and come back out swinging! I’ll be listening for you.

  18. Hey, whatever happened with the case of the girl who was burned alive in Mississippi? Have any of you in that area heard anything about it?

    Up north here there was a girl from Spain that was attacked, raped and killed by a naked brotha named West Spruill.

  19. Nobody think there isn’t some weird shit going on here…Ana Charle’s obituary as written by her brother in Spain:

    “Soldiers and police at times defend the lives of citizens by giving their own.
    Firefighters risk their lives fighting fire.
    My father decided to dedicate his life to medicine. He treated many people with contagious diseases.
    I decided that I wanted to build houses so that people could live better lives. I could fall from scaffolding.
    Ana Isabel dedicated her life to helping the weakest people deal with their problems. Apparently, one of those people ended her life. I don’t know.
    What I know is that ever since she was little she was always worried for those who were the most fragile. Later, she studied psychology as a career, as she was already a psychologist of the heart. She was never scared of a debate when it came to her beliefs about the disadvantaged classes and why she fought for them.
    Ana Isabel’s strong character led her destiny to New York, where she started a new life from zero with her daughters. We missed her here, but it was her desire to live there. If her ties to people in her hometown grew weaker, those she created in New York grew stronger over time, something made clear in the loving statements in American newspapers. What we read are testimony to her kindness and dedication to her job, to the people with problems in the Bronx.
    Now she can’t help anyone else. But I’m sure if she could say something she’d like to say ‘goodbye’ with a kiss and ‘thank you’ to everyone for accompanying her along her journey through life and send them her affection.
    I suppose her dedication and work will live on in the welfare of other people. Her work is done.
    I know her memory will always be with us. We love her.
    Part of her will travel always with her children. She loved them.
    Now, her spirit is free.
    Ana Isabel was a unique kind of hero.”

    Ana is forced into the car at gunpoint where the groid makes her strip. He’s naked. At that point she decides to run? He then runs out naked and shoots her. Wouldn’t she have been thinking of her two kids at that point? He wasn’t in the process of abducting her; she could have survived it. It makes nice visuals, though, if someone wanted to dramatize poor naked female escaping an unhinged naked rapist, and portray said rapist as ‘mentally ill’ since his plan was ‘irrational’ or something, given the time of day and PDR (public display of rapistness). Spruill is said to have tried to dismiss his public defender, another alleged symptom of ‘mental illness.’ He did time at some point for attempted murder but not one article specifies where. He acquired a gun recently but it was originally purchased in Arizona. Even his bad eye creates a nice visual for insanity.

    She materializes in NYC ten years ago, but the only quotes we hear are from shelter people, and one ex-boyfriend. Her landlord says she moved into Queens a year ago but never talked to anyone. What happened to the father of the two kids?

    There are other oddities. Was the pic recent? What woman dyes her hair red when she’s allegedly fearing unwanted male attention or aggression? Studies show women dye their hair red after breakups as a signal to attract a new mate. Natural redheads are simply stuck with it.

    The only northwestern european whites in NYC are the irish; one section of the Bronx is still an irish neighborhood, has been since at least the 1950’s. Irish immigrants gather in a section of Queens. Red hair is highly symbolic to irish americans.

    NYC has been waging a campaign for at least two years to try to construe all the homeless as ‘mentally ill,’ and to try to keep state institutions from closing down. A redheaded Mother Theresa with two girl children and no man cries out for help but ‘no one listened;’ Ana was said to have requested security for the shelter and neighborhood to no avail, two local jewish politicians inform us.

    Read that obit again and tell me weird stuff’s not going on. Ana is said to have been killed Monday evening, right as Baltimore (and while violent riots were breaking out everywhere, including NYC) was burning – martyred soldiers, cops, firefighters…heroic doctors who cure ‘contagious diseases’…builders who house people to help them…psychologists ‘of the heart’ who only want to help ‘the most fragile’ – ‘the disadvantaged classes.’ Even the part where it tries to cover for ‘weak ties’ to her home in Spain…

    Then came claims by the cops that Gray was mentally ill and trying to kill himself. Then one cop is said to have ‘mental health’ issues; I bet it’s the one who has a domestic violence rap against him. Black rapists don’t choose or hate either on top of it all, they’re just ‘mentally ill.’ Any white woman who reports groids and various stripes of non-whites have attacked her is ‘mentally ill.’

    The jews want their coppers to protect them from the hordes who grow angrier every day. To maintain control, they want all the poor they’ve robbed locked up and all men who express aggression or even virility deemed ‘mentally ill,’ so they can be controlled. They’ve fomented and shepherded this race war, but they need to exert control over how it all goes down, which for most blacks and whites is into serfdom.

    Men aren’t being ’emasculated’ or ‘feminized’ by feminists, or SJW’s or even liberals but by the Nanny State: “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” – C.S. Lewis

  20. Somebodies in Milford, Connecticut distributed White Lives Matter with another one quoting the Talmud and what horrors the jews approve their people inflicting on gentiles.


    I would personally show up to protest the cops prosecuting, which is apparently being threatened. Blacks burn up a city, attack and kill people, but whites can’t distribute flyers.

    Name the time and place, I’m there.

  21. Someone needs to figure out if Gray was out on bail or probation and if that prevented him from legally owning and carrying a weapon. A common condition of probation in Maryland is that you can’t own or carry a weapon of any kind.

  22. Additionally the ‘combat’ White Media mobile unit would need:

    Security: Big White Men with experience at security
    Two attorneys to advise on sight and serve as witnesses

    And I don’t belittle White writers. They just need media coverage along with White candidates. To make it ‘real.’ Otherwise, it’s not real.

  23. OF COURSE the Nigocracy is going to go after the cops. A blood sacrifice is wanted. The fact that the main cop is a Nigra males things a little trickier. TV Nigras are stumbling around trying to soften the Nigra Killer Kop’s culpability.

  24. Celestial – get over yourself and stay on topic, ok, Precious?

    Stay on topic? I asked a legitimate question after reading your blather about “when the Christ returns.”

    Whether you are devoutly religious or not religious at all, you injected that little slice of off topic crap into the mix. Were the questions I asked too hard for you? Did you need multiple choice? How about you not use questions marks if you are too scared or too ignorant to give a proper retort when someone responds to your questions, mmmkay, Sugar Tits?

  25. Cops, black or White, are all part of the White, aka “racist”, power structure. They are pigs, they are the “racist” enemy preying on innocent black folk, blah, blah, blah. It’s anti-Whitism 101.

  26. Marylin Mosbey, the Black Power Boon, gave the game away. The eagerness to get Collective Vengeance for it’s benighted, damned Race, is already biting It in it’s spectacularly ugly ass. The timing of this reveals that all the affadavits were PREPARED IN ADVANCE of the coroner’s report.

    Po Po knows it, too.

    The dye is cast.

  27. Folks, let’s quit wasting our time in thinking that the different races like each other or even get along. They have segregated into their own races for friends, clubs,sports, churches and neighborhoods-to an extinct.
    Let’s divide America into four sections: White, Black, Brown and Mixed. Let people choose to live around people they like- not the Federal Government force-feeding us to believe we are all alike. We are not alike; we have different cultures, work attitudes, family attitudes, religions and educations.
    I am tired of some Black dude screaming about some White dude or some Spanish dude sneaking across the border for work when Latin America has bred itself into poverty and social destruction.
    Wilson James/ Texas

  28. “’Two attorneys to advise on sight and serve as witnesses’

    If a client’s attorney acts as the client’s witness, the attorney may be cross-examined by opposing counsel and testimony is not protected by attorney-client privilege. Moreover, an attorney serving as a witness on behalf of his client is an act that is borderline incompetent on its face, and it would support his client’s future action for malpractice. For these reasons attorneys do not act as witnesses in their clients’ cases.

    Only witnesses should act as witnesses.”

    Point taken. Given that reality then a legal team ready to advise and defend and represent when the Mobile Combat White Media Unit is attacked and otherwise interfered with. The legal team would also be vital in obtaining documents from the police and courts.

    You sound like a class act.

    Amazing how much White talent sits out there unorganized and unexploited.

    If only one of those uber rich White motherfuckers were to fund the Mobile Combat White Media Unit. It would be a whole new ballgame.

  29. Jim Giles says:

    ‘If only one of those uber rich White… ‘

    It is amazing how many jewish causes are funded by enormously wealthy yid benefactors. On the other hand uber rich Whites spit on us for the most part.

    You would think there would be one or two out there … somewhere.


    So far this one looks real, one main reason being that the cop is white, very white. But if the perp turns out to be some ‘mentally ill’ resident of some group home in the neighborhood which the jews then start screaming has to be closed down (that’s what they’re saying about the shelter Ana Charle’s murdered allegedly had lived in) so they can justify interning the uncooperative masses, I might change my mind.

  31. Amazing how much White talent sits out there unorganized and unexploited.

    If only one of those uber rich White motherfuckers were to fund the Mobile Combat White Media Unit. It would be a whole new ballgame.

    Jim, considering the not-so-much debatable fact that unorganized, incompetent, frivolous and caustic can be used to describe practically all of the pro-White sphere in America, if you were rich, would you be willing to bet your “uber rich Whiteness” on seeing any kind of return on your investment? Most rich people don’t get rich by making bad investments and throwing their money away just for shits and giggles. And they certainly don’t stay rich by walking that path.

    Aside from attorney fees, some of the things you’ve listed take very little money. They take some time; they take some organization; they take some sacrifice and ingenuity; but they take very little money. They certainly don’t require anything that would need the assistance of very rich people. It would help, sure, but it’s not something that should stop people who claim to be dedicated to a specific cause and way of life.

    The way I see things, you don’t need rich White people as much as you need dedicated and industrious White people. Those are the people that $$$$$$$ eventually gravitates toward when you look at everything on a longer timeline.

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