Freddie Gray Narrative Collapse

The Freddie Gray story looks like the latest incident in a long line of race hoaxes:

“An investigation has concluded Freddie Gray broke his neck after falling head-first into the back of the police van as it was moving, it was reported today.

Medical and law enforcement sources briefed on the police investigation told ABC News Gray’s ‘catastrophic’ head injuries were consistent with hitting a bolt ‘in the back door of the van’.

They claimed there was ‘no evidence’ Gray sustained a fatal spine injury during his arrest, which was caught on camera on a street side on April 12.

According to ABC’s sources, Gray was standing in the van, bent over with his hand cuffed behind his back and his head pointing towards the back door.

It is believed he fell into the door, breaking his neck.” …

It sounds like he was acting crazy in the back of the police van and accidentally killed himself:

“BALTIMORE — A prisoner sharing a police transport van with Freddie Gray told investigators that he could hear Gray “banging against the walls” of the vehicle and believed that he “was intentionally trying to injure himself,” according to a police document obtained by The Washington Post.

The prisoner, who is currently in jail, was separated from Gray by a metal partition and could not see him. His statement is contained in an application for a search warrant, which is sealed by the court. The Post was given the document under the condition that the prisoner not be named because the person who provided it feared for the inmate’s safety. …”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. How do black people call this ‘white supremacy’ with a straight face?! How much more will it take for the charade to fall apart?

    I still maintain that the cops killed Freddie Gray. The Baltimore cops stand between these two criminal elements, the city politicians who are the sanctioned criminals and the Freddie Grays who just aren’t officially. None of them is innocent. It’s just a matter of how gray. The black political class and the amazonian black female SJW’s are purely guilty.

  2. Keith Alexander, on the Political Cesspool, noted last night, that old Freddie would have died sooner or later, by his own deeds, or at the hands of his co-ethnics. It would only be a matter of time. Apparently, the hood where old Freddie died, is the WORST section of Burntitmore – which is saying something.

    Did the cops kill Freddy? GOOD! Well done! Considering that this pest control event has ripped off the scab of the festering infection that IS “American society” – they’ve done Whites a real favor.

    Average Whitey was prevented from attending his beloved sacred rite, a Niggerball game, at the O’s stadium, Camden Yards. cause the Jew Owners were afraid that the rioting Ghetto Apes may cause even more damage to their paying White sheep Oy vey!

    It had to happen some-where, sometime. And ANY White that worries at all about some Moon Cricket getting a long dirt nap has a LONG way to go.

  3. “or at the hands of his co-ethnics.” – The cop charged with the actual murder is black. Also the probable cause for arresting him was apparently in an illegal weapon, and probable cause is based on what the officers think and feel, not what it turns out to actually be the case. We may well have a situation where the white cops are found not-guilty, while the black cops are found guilty.

  4. “Jim, considering the not-so-much debatable fact that unorganized, incompetent, frivolous and caustic can be used to describe practically all of the pro-White sphere in America, if you were rich, would you be willing to bet your “uber rich Whiteness” on seeing any kind of return on your investment? Most rich people don’t get rich by making bad investments and throwing their money away just for shits and giggles. And they certainly don’t stay rich by walking that path.

    Aside from attorney fees, some of the things you’ve listed take very little money. They take some time; they take some organization; they take some sacrifice and ingenuity; but they take very little money. They certainly don’t require anything that would need the assistance of very rich people. It would help, sure, but it’s not something that should stop people who claim to be dedicated to a specific cause and way of life.

    The way I see things, you don’t need rich White people as much as you need dedicated and industrious White people. Those are the people that $$$$$$$ eventually gravitates toward when you look at everything on a longer timeline.”

    Jewish media controls reality. It’s more powerful than the central bank or the government. White Media could do the same. That requires big capital. No short term return on the investment. Long term, the return would be unquantifiable.

    Nothing Whites do to resist is real. White Media would make it real. Pro White candidates would be viable with White Media coverage and ultimately regain control of our government.

  5. Jewish media will install Hillary Clinton as the next president. What’s the ROI for electing POTUS?

    Just when I think I’ve cast my last vote an opportunity arises. I will be voting for Hillary, re: Destroy the Republican Party.

    White Media would destroy the Republican Party once and for all.

  6. I don’t give a damn about Blacks but you can bet if Cops get away with killing Blacks they’ll do the same to us Whites.

    Sam is right. You’d think even a few Whites would help fund WN. Hell the Jews even funded a pedophile nazi.

  7. White Media is an idea or framework. It’s no different than any other startup business. When you are talking about going up head to head against mainstream media, then sure, it would take a very large influx of money. But the implementation of a framework like that doesn’t require a ton of money. Initiation, ingenuity and organization are the keys to getting something that can at least begin to crawl. The gotta learn to crawl before you walk saying is true in this case.

    – Video cameras and audio equipment are fairly cheap — you certainly don’t have to be rich to have one nowadays — and good editing software is easy to attain; but you need to have everything in the right hands.

    – Potential interviewers, reporters, researchers and analysts are probably sitting at home right now, wishing they had some way to contribute their time, talents and energy; but you have to put yourself out there and actively recruit the right talent and assign them the proper roles. You need someone who understands a little sociology and how to properly form Teams and get the most from them.

    – Travel costs are manageable; but you need someone who understands logistics and whose primary role is to organize everything so that time, energy and money is used more efficiently.

    – Websites where you can disseminate information are relatively cheap; but you need competent developers and marketers who would be willing to work cheap and/or donate some of their time.

    The biggest roadblocks I’ve seen come from those who just aren’t that good at delegating tasks(teamwork) and/or extremely bad at the marketing side of things.

  8. “Nine years ago, when illegal aliens were coming out of the shadows to stage huge marches demanding ‘rights,’ I wrote a column for National Review (!!!) with the title The Future Comes Apace. I took those words from Shakespeare’s play Timon of Athens. The title character of the play is a wealthy man who is too open-handed with his wealth. At last his generosity bankrupts him.”

    The wealthy white man today is akin to Shakespeare’s Timon who is blithely handing out his wealth to flatterers and false friends, and the future is crawling towards him as well. But the return will be more than bankruptcy. It shall be his death and/or the death of his blood, his genes.

  9. “White Media is an idea or framework. It’s no different than any other startup business. When you are talking about going up head to head against mainstream media, then sure, it would take a very large influx of money. But the implementation of a framework like that doesn’t require a ton of money. Initiation, ingenuity and organization are the keys to getting something that can at least begin to crawl. The gotta learn to crawl before you walk saying is true in this case.

    – Video cameras and audio equipment are fairly cheap — you certainly don’t have to be rich to have one nowadays — and good editing software is easy to attain; but you need to have everything in the right hands.

    – Potential interviewers, reporters, researchers and analysts are probably sitting at home right now, wishing they had some way to contribute their time, talents and energy; but you have to put yourself out there and actively recruit the right talent and assign them the proper roles. You need someone who understands a little sociology and how to properly form Teams and get the most from them.

    – Travel costs are manageable; but you need someone who understands logistics and whose primary role is to organize everything so that time, energy and money is used more efficiently.

    – Websites where you can disseminate information are relatively cheap; but you need competent developers and marketers who would be willing to work cheap and/or donate some of their time.

    The biggest roadblocks I’ve seen come from those who just aren’t that good at delegating tasks(teamwork) and/or extremely bad at the marketing side of things.”

    I’m ready to run. I’ve been through the crawl and walk stages. I’m also ready to develop a business plan and spend the money wisely and hire White talent with real communication, technical and business skills. “When you are talking about going up head to head against mainstream media, then sure, it would take a very large influx of money.” That’s exactly what I’m talking about doing. Nothing less. My demand is one hundred million dollars ($100,000,000). Chump change for the kind of wealth that is out there and given the stakes involved.

    The Mobile Combat White Media Unit(s) would make Jewish media look like the propagandists that they are. In one of the first forums I ever moderated long ago someone made a post that I lost and it haunts me to this day as to its exact wording because it exquisitely defined real news, i.e., something buried deep and never reported upon or talked about, e.g., Clayton County Sheriff Victor Hill. This nigger merits a thorough investigation, coverage and reporting. He could be shown to the world for what he truly is, a nigger, a reality the Jewish media disallows.

    White Media would regain control of reality which is now possessed by Jews only.

    Mobile Combat White Media Unit(s).

  10. Jim,

    I recommend going for a targeted, LOCAL subjects/market.

    Ted Turner became one of the few White American gentiles to be a media owner player, he started small and very local – Southern cable TV, grew to Turner Broadcasting, CNN when it was based in Atlanta and had a very different, Southern (White) feel as opposed to Jewish dominated media from New York and LA.

    It’s simply not realistic to start out as being a national White media network and there are existing internet White nationalist media, you would have to cannibalize their viewers.

    Go local – become a big fish in a small pound.

    Think local, act local – we can’t “save the world” or save the whole US nation.

  11. “Jim,

    I recommend going for a targeted, LOCAL subjects/market.

    Ted Turner became one of the few White American gentiles to be a media owner player, he started small and very local – Southern cable TV, grew to Turner Broadcasting, CNN when it was based in Atlanta and had a very different, Southern (White) feel as opposed to Jewish dominated media from New York and LA.

    It’s simply not realistic to start out as being a national White media network and there are existing internet White nationalist media, you would have to cannibalize their viewers.

    Go local – become a big fish in a small pound.

    Think local, act local – we can’t “save the world” or save the whole US nation.”

    I’ve tried local and it doesn’t work. Reality is universal. White Media must be able to report in Ukraine, Paris and anywhere there is real news to report.

  12. Jim Giles do you really consider Eric Linder anything but a psychopathic plant of some kind? I mean, really?

  13. Officer Brian Moore passed away a couple hours ago in NYC. He was 25 years old.

  14. Oh and more very weird thing is that Officer Moore was shot just a couple days after I posted on here about the irish in Queens, NYC where the crime took place and Ana Charle’s murder. Moore is irish.

    I’m sticking for now with Moore being a real event but it’s still freakin’ weird.

  15. NY Times article that clearly justifies the practice of chasing/arresting perps who merely ‘make eye contact’ in ‘high crime areas:’

    Moore was allegedly in an elite plainclothes unit that sought out these types of career criminals before they could commit crimes. He and his partner were supposedly scoping out potential burglars in the Queens neighborhood.

    Yet that neighborhood is said to not be particularly dangerous by residents.

    Moore comes from an NYPD-connected family.

    Ana Charle’s obit…’soldiers and police heroes.’ Irish in Queens and the Bronx.


  16. All over NYC jewish-owned publications are these commendations of the white community mourning Officer Moore because they aren’t rioting. The good little goyim are marching peacefully into their own servitude.

    I seriously think Brian Moore got paid off handsomely and is lying on the beach somewhere drinking margaritas. He’d been living with his father in Long Island, how convenient. Yet his salary would have been higher given that he’d climbed the ranks into ‘elite plain clothes’ so rapidly by 25. What kind of decently paid 25 year old wants to live with his dad, instead of other 20-somethings? Undercover cops going into witness protection isn’t uncommon historically, especially when it came to nailing the mafia.

    It’s all just too coincidental. The exact type of scenario that the three white cops in Baltimore were in when they chased and arrested Freddie Gray is recreated to spin the narrative. These types of incidents don’t happen very often at all in NYC. The irish, who look like the three Baltimore white cops, could be expected to be less virile than the italians, who are way more numerous and way way more belligerent and anti-black.

  17. Now an article is overtly stating that Queens Village in Queens, where Moore was shot, is a mostly black community (which in NYC doesn’t imply ghetto). It’s certain that the irish immigrants are dispersed around the borough.

    A white cop sacrificed his life to save black people from tyrannical black thugs is what we’re to believe. Most of the time NYC cops are assigned to neighborhoods that reflect their own ethnicity for various reasons.

  18. Now Anthony Heath, the black lyncher of Angela Steigerwalt in Allentown Pennsylvania is taking his case to trial to plead not guilty by dint of ‘mental illness.’ He’d strangled blonde Steigerwalt for refusing to drive him somewhere, then cut up and burned her body to be dumped in Jim Thorpe, a famous state park in Lehigh County:

    He’d already been offered a plea that allowed for ‘mental illness’ but apparently wasn’t satisfied with it and demanded a trial.

    He’ll likely lose but pro-whites need to address this issue of black on white female rape being construed as some symptom of ‘mental illness.’ What ‘mental illness?’ Were the UVA rapists (that never existed) perceived as expressing ‘mental illness?’ No, they were evil oppressors, just like these black monsters are who tyrannize white women all over the country. Heath should never have been allowed to call his vile lynching of this white woman some form of dinno nuffin due to ‘mental illness.’

    In whole areas of eastern Pa the black gangs from exurban NYC/NJ have infested formerly safe white territories. There is literally nowhere for middle class whites to escape anymore:

  19. I’ll leave today’s lobbying with the simple question: Why would the NYPD send an elite undercover plain clothes police officer into a predominantly black section of NYC?

  20. I can’t decide whether this is sheer propaganda or some product of jewmedia’s propaganda working effectively:

    Now white americans are believing that the Freddie Gray ‘problem’ exposes systemic abuses of black men, as opposed to the other way around. In reality the system constantly indulges blacks and browns, hence their lawlessness. So whites’ reaction is depressing.

  21. Officer Nero is legally forcing the DA to produce the knife, claiming that it is the illegally carried type under Baltimore law, therefore his and one other white officer’s charges collapse as they hinge on whether the arrest was legal or not:

    Only one of the three white officers, Rice, faces felony charges. All three black officers do. This really isn’t the narrative anti-whites wanted, so it’s unclear how they’ll proceed. Then again, white cops have been getting blamed for black perps’ and fellow cops’ instigations for years so I shouldn’t be so surprised. It’s also hard to know how much the witness filmmaker’s video forced the incident into the mainstream, since there were enough black agitators willing to promote it as ‘racism’ against blacks.

  22. “Jim Giles do you really consider Eric Linder anything but a psychopathic plant of some kind? I mean, really?”

    Linder would be a regular voice and face for my Mobile Combat White Media Units as would Griffin.

    Psychopathic? As compared with the reality Jewish media controls?

    To you uber rich White motherfuckers sitting on my $100,000,000, we wouldn’t be a conservative Fox news network. We would be about the business of creating the reality of a White Homeland. Period. All that need be done is seize control of reality from the Jewish media.

  23. Linder would be a regular voice and face for my…….


    Ooops! There I go thinking aloud again. Sorry about that, man. I’m sure with Linder helping out with public relations you’ll get that $100,000,000 in no time. He does such a great job of generating a revenue stream out of VNN.

  24. ” Linder would be a regular voice and face for my…….


    Ooops! There I go thinking aloud again. Sorry about that, man. I’m sure with Linder helping out with public relations you’ll get that $100,000,000 in no time. He does such a great job of generating a revenue stream out of VNN.”

    Why not Honeypot or Honeytrap!? Why the apology, you’re anonymous?

    Linder is far from perfect but he is profoundly informed and articulate on matters of race and Jewish reality.

    My brandishment of Linder is to state clearly we would not be a conservative Fox news. And I would run the show, not Linder.

    Ultimately, we would seize control of your mind and you would drop your doubts if you support a White Homeland which you would and will if you are 100 percent White.

    White Media = White Control = White Homeland

  25. Jim G – I greatly admired your interviews and was honored to be a guest once.

    I think this White media plan needs a marketing plan that is more focused, more realistic and doesn’t simply repeat the VNN – internet American White Nationalist movement which is very limited, nobody is making money since Pierce died.

  26. Agree. No VNN repeat. The focus would be on honest journalism, i.e., reporting who, what, when, where and why. That in and of itself seizes control of reality as Jewish media does anything but engage in honest journalism.

    My $100,000,000 money demand makes making money a mute point.

    Realistic? An uber rich White motherfucker can make it realistic. Niggerball players receive sums dwarfing my modest demand.

    White Media uber alles.

  27. Liberty – is there a REASON you think I advocate passivity, in any realm?

    You are one that ranted on, in post after post, about being “fair” to a low level Pavement Ape thug.

    Take your risperidol, dear.

  28. More weird stuff that doesn’t add up:

    1. Ana Charle’s autopsy has not been reported on, even though research indicates 5-7 days tends to be enough time. Hers was simple; she died from three gunshot wounds. The big question is, was she raped or not – and that’s simple to decipher. Yet we’ve heard nothing about it. It’s important because it sheds light on her motivations and whether she chose to run off before getting raped or not. I maintain that most women would have opted to just put up with the rape at that point, when there was good reason to think they could survive after the rapist had gratified himself. While there are horrid stories of rape and murder crimes, there are thousands more of sheer rapes that women survive. Most women think about this stuff even before they face such an actual situation. I’d choose giving in over near certain death when chances were still decent that rape would satisfy my assailant. A single mother or any mother would be thinking about getting back to her children and remaining alive above everything else. Most women in general would.

    2. She left Spain to follow her ‘calling.’ There’s no homeless epidemic in Spain? It’s a country drowning in ‘poor oppressed fragile weaklings’ that needed her saviorism. Yet she had to go all the way to Jew York City to find this work in a homeless shelter.

    3. She was a single parent with two young girls. Where’d they come from? By what man? Didn’t he have any say in where she took them? Who knows a single mother who’s raised kids on her own, without any family around helping out? An article said Charle had just moved into a house in Queens a year ago, yet knew no one and was ‘very quiet.’ No friends or family around to watch her girls in case of an emergency? Or just to babysit? Really? NYC’s rents are insane; raising two kids on one dogooder’s salary isn’t easy.

    Her dyed red hair is probably a decoy. My conversations with irish coming out of NYC is that they notice ‘the niggers give redheads a hard time.’ Redheads face even more sexual harassment and aggressions from blacks than blondes; this has been noted on some pro-white sites. Some began screaming when the jewish feminist invaded Harlem last fall to make it appear that she was a victim of black male sexual harassment. Redheads don’t have to wear skin tight clothes, top and bottom or even any, or invade blacks’ neighborhoods to elicit intense sexual harassment and worse from ‘diverse’ men.

    ‘Ana’ ‘proves’ that the black on white female rape epidemic is not an ethnicide. She could be a jew, dontcha know. It’s not an anti-‘anglocelt’ ethnic cleansing, but just some ‘mentally ill’ ‘fragile’ ‘victim’s’ sick ‘fixation’ on a woman, jewish/mediterranean or otherwise. Red hair isn’t being attacked for it’s ethnic and prurient dimensions, but for some twisted mentally ill sexual purpose.

    The reality is just the opposite. Natural very light blondes, and especially redheads, are the focus of diversity, especially black, male sexual harassment almost exclusively in NYC and NJ. Next level of target along the east coast from DC to Philly is anglocelt brownettes. Mediterraneans don’t even make the radar.

    Verdict: Psy Op

    A week later the valiant hero irish cop from Long Island dies defending everyone and the fake redhead could-be-a-jewess, stand-in for his people’s symbolic female.

  29. Watching Jewish media is like watching a Jewish movie where fiction becomes reality.

    My White Media funded through the $100,000,000 would:

    1. Create a news website. A go to, must see website focused on defining reality, the big picture, the big news stories. Format style: Clean and simple.

    2. Construct a news room headquarters with video production/broadcasting capability. State of the art video cameras. Skilled cameraman. Think ‘Meet the Press’ with Tim Russert.

    3. Develop an elite mobile White News Team capable of going anywhere in the world to report on a news story especially niggers raping and killing White people. Point the camera at what America/Europe has become. Ask White people questions about the outcome. Lots to document. Simple journalism. Acute. Intense. Tenacious. (Be ever careful of blue niggers.)

    4. Report the news and editorialize upon it, opposition to forced integration, open borders, endless foreign wars and free trade.

    5. Practice.

    6. Make lots and lots of White Movies/News Reports.

    7. Seize control of reality from the Jews. Look for White candidates to emerge and report on their campaigns and those they run against.

    8. White Media = White Control = White Homeland

    White Media uber alles.

  30. Jim,

    Unless you get some individual extremely rich backer with an ego to match Ted Turner or Donald Trump – this isn’t going to get off the ground with small donations by the existing White Nationalist “movement” that is notoriously cheap, wants everything for free.

    There are already many existing internet White nationalist news and media web portals.

    Why not concentrate on what you do best:


    Make your media THE best place to go for intelligent interviews of race realist, alternative right, immigration restrictionist, Southern separatists?

    Larry King rose to national prominence by being the best interviewer in the 1980s.

  31. I like Jim’s idea. I just don’t dig the ‘race realism’ aspect of it. Where I’m from there’s tended to be a veneer of either politeness or more often, distance maintained between the warring factions. But that’s been purposely broken down in the last 10 years or so, and now as the shit continues to hit, the veneer has become a shackle. People want anger and defiance; up here though they don’t want it so much in the ‘they’re subhuman animals’ terms. Giving vent to ‘naming the groid or jew’ suffices as liberation. Race realism that’s biologically determinist comes off as re-evoking slavery and a schema that the very angry white middle class vaguely senses as ominous. Whites don’t want to unite with the dark hordes if they know what’s good for them (integration is designed to place us at the very bottom, for one) but they don’t want to go back to having a nation with blacks either, as that’s always hurt the middle class. When defiance rages for national separation whites’ enemies can’t really challenge that; it simultaneously rallies whites to build something new that can allow the middle class true freedom.

  32. As for these jewish ‘news’ stories, I want to point out how much craftier they’re getting. In the fall of 2013 some pro-whites were highlighting the black on blonde-as-symbol-for-WASP female violence. I’m now using ‘blonde’ to also include redheads. As Colin Flaherty broke into the mainstream dialogue about race with his reporting on black mob violence, the jews tried to spin the emerging truth of black on anglo by falsifying a report of black on jewish female knockout game attacks, all committed by one supposed black youf against a bunch of jewesses in Brooklyn. The reports were that he admitted to targeting some ‘because of the way she looked.’ In NYC that’s never even approximating ‘anglo.’ There are very few western european jews like those in other parts of the US that might pass for a mutt-y looking anglo. There were no proper names used in the report and no video tapes to prove this black had attacked all these jews.

    Well, the blacks in the same Brooklyn section got pissed at the false allegations and a fight broke out. Laurie Cumbo is the black Brooklyn councilwoman who even came out and implied the attacks weren’t necessarily authentic.

    During the same overall time period, that crypto jew judge in Brooklyn, Barbaro, was deployed from out of retirement to spin the ‘lower working class whites are scapegoats of the criminal justice system’ meme that had started to come out of the Amanda Knox debate. Knox had been wrongly convicted of a black man’s crime in Italy. People started pointing out how all the most egregious and famous cases of wrongful convictions during the 90’s and on were white lower class people – NOT blacks, who were so privileged in the system that from that era on they tended to get serious leniency in the system.

    That trial took place early last fall, and it demonstrated the absurdity of the whole production for anyone who hadn’t picked up on it in the beginning. Barbaro testified that he’d only been ‘racist’ towards a ‘white'(Donald Kagan, the jew who murdered a black guy in NYC) one time in his whole career.

    Their attempts to try to falsify their victimization to keep up with ours as whites have only led them into more dangerous waters, in terms of people figuring out that they’re not blacks’ targets, and with that, that they are the ones who have turned the blacks loose on whites and socialized them to attack us specifically as ‘white.’

    So now the could-be-jewess Ana Charle story spins in a much subtler way. In NJ, there are almost no blonde jews (and only a few obviously looking jewish ones in the whole of NYC, none very light or nordic-looking). *But* there are quite a few auburn-haired and even some rare light orange-haired ones. Why the eastern european jews feature these streaks in them I don’t know, but it’s a much more ingenious way to try to meld ‘jews’ with whites than they’ve tried in the past, while they’re also working their intern-the-goy angle simultaneously.

    Cunning critters, the jews. That ya gotta give ’em.

  33. Jim,

    Unless you get some individual extremely rich backer with an ego to match Ted Turner or Donald Trump – this isn’t going to get off the ground with small donations by the existing White Nationalist “movement” that is notoriously cheap, wants everything for free.


    There are already many existing internet White nationalist news and media web portals.

    None that I’m aware of with my stature, experience and skill. None that I’m aware of with a video camera and news team. None that I’m aware of with $100,000,000 in funding.

    Why not concentrate on what you do best:


    My interviews would resume as would my monologues.

    Make your media THE best place to go for intelligent interviews of race realist, alternative right, immigration restrictionist, Southern separatists?

    All good but reporting the news is essential because you seize control of reality in doing so. Then we don’t have to watch Jewish reality. We can watch White reality.

    Larry King rose to national prominence by being the best interviewer in the 1980s.

    I aspire to make White Media a world power analogous to a nation acquiring nuclear capabilities. That’s the kind of power media possesses. The power to control reality.

    Jewish media/reality

    Jewish media killed those police officers. Just like Jewish media elected the nigger mayor.

    White Media uber alles.

  34. I want to state that I’m uncertain about Brian Moore’s death. He is/was a real person; I just don’t know whether he truly died or not. He might have been killed in a very different circumstance than the one being propagated.

    Ana Charle is almost certainly a fabricated persona.

    The jews have always used theater to control the goy.


    Read the main goals of the ‘mental health’ bill being pushed in Congress. Some say it will pass this session. It ends any individual rights americans had. The state can imprison someone and chemically lobotomize them without any evidence. There are no criteria for this imprisonment, or any limits to it. There is no judicial process to establish the veracity of the claims made about a prisoner, nor empirical medical evidence to prove the ‘diagnosis’ they support.

    Racism has been recently defined as a ‘mental illness.’

    The government has been working to collapse the distance between the criminal justice system and the ‘mental health’ system for years, now. In Massachusetts, the process is almost complete:

    Advocates is a government HUGELY funded non-profit that has centers all over the state and plans to build more. Under Murphy’s bill there will be an Assistant Secretary for Mental Health at HHS, Health and Human Services. Police, prosecutors and judges will also be able to sentence citizens to force-medication programs.

    This is part of why Freddie Gray’s killers must be seen for what they are. The cops, the legislators, mayor and prosecutor are all murderers – of eveyone’s freedom and right to due process.

  36. There is a ton of stuff about jews and red hair on the net. From one site:

    “Red hair is also fairly common amongst the Ashkenazi Jewish populations, possibly because of the influx of European DNA over a period of centuries,[citation needed] or in the original founding of their communities in Europe.[15] Both Esau and David are described in the Bible as red-haired. In European culture, prior to the 20th century, red hair was often seen as a stereotypically Jewish trait: during the Spanish Inquisition, all those with red hair were identified as Jewish.[16] In Italy, red hair was associated with Italian Jews, and Judas was traditionally depicted as red-haired in Italian and Spanish art.[17] Writers from Shakespeare to Dickens would identify Jewish characters by giving them red hair.[18] The stereotype that red hair is Jewish remains in parts of Eastern Europe and Russia.[19]”

    Why red hair is more common in eastern european jews, than blonde hair, is unclear since eastern europeans aren’t known to have red hair. Some theorize it’s khazar-related. Most NYC/NJ area jewish redheads are auburn, like Debra Messing or the ‘ginger’ jewish kid in South Park (whose family is said to have come from NJ). It doesn’t look like the ‘aryan’ orange hair that’s associated with the german and anglo celts.

    Some history of the crypto marrano jewish invasion into Ireland from Portugal:

    The origins of the eastern european jews’ auburn hair remains a mystery, but the ‘roots’ of Ana Charle’s mysterious persona is crystal clear.

  37. Whereas, in a forum, blog, etc., the biggest yapper controls reality. No comparison with White Media. It’s trivial and utterly meaningless except of course for the poster.

    White Media = Nuclear Power.

    White Media uber alles.

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