About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


    • Michael comments here.

      I will let him explain it. I believe he is starting a new website. My impression is that it is like the time Richard Spencer started Radix Journal. Could be wrong though.

  1. I was wondering why it wouldn’t come up. Thanks for letting us know. I am however, dissapointed.

  2. Thank you very much to those who read and supported the site. I enjoyed running SNN and met quite a few really good folks thru it. It was intended to be more than a blog. We did regular podcasts, videos, organised activism, etc. It was much too much for me to operate by myself once I began to work more hours. Even with a little help it was too much. I also felt it had served its purpose by popularising the term and ideology ‘Southern nationalist’ among those in pro-Southern and pro-White circles. We mostly defeated the Rainbow Confederate forces and moved the Southern secessionist movement in an ethno-nationalist direction. That said, we were not seeing a lot of growth in our ranks despite a lot of time, money and effort being put into the project over 5 years. So I think it is time for the next thing. To get a different – better – result something new must be tried, I think. We need talented people to step up with new ideas for spreading our worldview. For the last few months I have been focused on writing a Golden Circle book. I recently finished the first draft of that and will soon start a new book project. As HW says, I do plan to start a new blog – a much less ambitious but more manageable site than SNN.

  3. @Palmetto

    Thanks for doing it. As a Northerner it was very interesting to listen to the podcasts, especially the “Yankee Babylon” podcast in particular (I also enjoyed your “Drinkism” video). Be well good sir.

  4. So is all the content lost now? Even if it was no longer updated, it could have served a purpose as an archive with tons of resources. If the site was backed up before shutting it down, then I wonder if perhaps the League would be interested in purchasing it and hosting it elsewhere.

  5. We will still get to see what’s on PP’s mind here on OD…right. So all is not lost.

    Btw, Great White Republican hope, Scott Walker is leaving this weekend, for his brain washing visit to Israel. Where he will undergo what the Washington Post describes as a “crash-course in foreign policy.”

  6. Well while I followed SNN ever since its inception, it did have a lot of interesting articles especially those Golden Circle Podcasts which really went into detail on a subject that has been neglected by regular academics, also I thought that drinkism video was spot on and went well with that puppet video on how everybody is equal, which I found hilarious. I also wondered what would become of all the resources, I don’t know if the league will get the website but if you go on to SNN now, you would see it is owned by what looks to be an advertisement or webcast firm….whatever that means. To any one who may know, what is the title of Michaels book and is there any way I can come into a copy of it when it is fully completed? For what its worth, SNN helped get me interested in the ideas of Southern nationalism at a time I was starting my life so thanks a lot and good look for what the future may hold!

  7. The Southern Nationalist Network was a valuable tool in growing the Southern Nationalist Movement and that goal was accomplished 10 times over. Good work Michael on the SNN and I look forward to seeing your new Blog and following your work in the future.

    One of our problems in terms of the Pro South / Pro White Movement is we’ve always been underfunded. Our enemies have maximum resources and money and can hire countless numbers of people for various Jobs. You could say online activism in terms of Blogs, Online Radio, and Videos is a Full Time Job. That along with media and field activism in terms of street demonstrations is another Full Time Job.

    We might not be getting rich working day and night for our cause but the end result of Southern Independence is worth it. Deo Vindice !

  8. “I doubt the League would be willing to buy Michael’s content. They are currently begging for $1000 on Facebook to pay for stickers. Sounds like fiscal mismanagement to me.”

    Here’s what Rusty is talking about:

    “The League needs $1000 to pay for some bumper stickers we had printed a few years ago when we had our “Get off the Titanic” campaign. The bill was sort of overlooked and has now come due; we’re not budgeted for it and I am hesitant to take money out of our billboard campaign to pay this bill. For anyone giving $75 or more, I’ll send a premium: A hardcover copy of Dr. James Kibler’s book, Our Father’s Fields. You can give via PayPal at either dixienet.org (via the “donate” feature” or leagueofthesouth.com (via the “Support the Cause” feature) or you can send a check to the LS office. Thanks in advance for your help.–Michael Hill”

    That’s what Rusty defines as “begging”. An expense has surfaced that was not in the budget, but at the same time it is a manageable amount that can be covered by asking for members to pitch in a little here and there. So what is wrong with asking folks to chip in and take care of it rather than divert funds from another project or raid an emergency fund? It doesn’t come across to me as a desperate plea for donations, like Rusty seems to think. As for “mismanagement”…yes, perhaps someone dropped the ball and forgot about the bill. But this is something that happens with any business or organization from time to time. As a matter of fact, I deal with Accounts Payable at my place of employment, and we overlook invoices for one reason or another on occasion. This is something that just happens when you’re having to pay so many bills.

    I doubt Cushman would have wanted to charge the League to “buy his content”. I was moreso talk about the League covering the cost of keeping SNN live on the internet as an archive resource. I can understand if Michael personally doesn’t want to pay the cost of keeping SNN live when he is not going to update it anymore. What I don’t understand is why he would just let all that content disappear from the internet without checking to see if the League or at least another Southern Nationalist was interested in saving it.

  9. I think a huge effort was made over the past two years to appeal to “New Right” types and get them involved in Southern Nationalism and specifically in street activism.

    In hindsight, we shouldn’t be surprised that it didn’t work. That crowd has never been known for street activism or real world activities. Of the handful of them who attend conferences like Amren or NPI, the overwhelming majority are extremely camera shy, and few of them are even Southerners to begin with. It was never realistic to expect them to show up at our events anyway.

    It’s also a futile task trying to persuade internet based White Nationalists to participate in street activism.

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