Is There A Special Place In Hell For Anti-Whites?


Here’s the latest SPLC article on the League:

“Michael Hill’s fall from the ivory tower knows no depth. In a message on Friday to members of a private League of the South Facebook, the former Stillman College professor offered an odd sort of prayer.

“May Yahweh bring a dire earthly punishment on all those anti-White Whites who assist in any manner in the destruction of their own people and civilization. Such is treason to the created order,” Hill wrote in a private Facebook message that was leaked to Hatewatch. “Also, may Yahweh hold open a special place in hell for them.”

While the tone and tenor of the post may not be that surprising, given the steady fall of the League into more radical racist and antigovernment positions, it does shed some light on what may be the ideological underpinnings of what the League has become over the last several years. …”

This is another timely article. I’ve been wondering the same thing lately. I know it can sound a bit nasty and judgmental to say “you are going to Hell,” but that’s where Christians believe the damned will eventually end up.

Over at The American Conservative, Rod Dreher has been blogging about the Benedict Option and this new book he has written about Dante. In Dante’s Inferno, the sodomites are located on the bottom-most ring of the seventh circle of Hell, far below the homicides and the suicides, because sodomy was considered an even worse form of violence. It is a culmination of violence for “being destructive to neighbor, violating self-love, and at the same time undermining family and community.”

The ninth circle of Hell, which is reserved for traitors, is closest to Lucifer himself. It is composed of four rings which correspond to those who betray their family, betray their community, betray their guests, and betray their liege lords. In the Inferno, Judas Iscariot is found in the fourth ring of the ninth circle of Hell, which is named “Judecca.”

So where would White people who are anti-Whites end up in Dante’s scheme? Seeing how they betray their families and communities, wouldn’t they end up in the ninth circle?

About Hunter Wallace 12412 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Certainly such would be in the lowest circle with Brutus. Rather rough on Brutus, who, unlike our white anti-whites, had many admirable qualities.

  2. I agree.

    Brutus saw himself as a patriot. These people though have turned against their own families and communities. They are also self hating like the suicidal.

  3. There’s a special place in hell for crypto jews, and crisis actors. Has no one watched the bizarro Sandy Hookesque performances of the Portenza family?

    Potenza is the city in southern Italy filled with italian jews.

    Anyone remember the summer and fall of 2013? Colin Flaherty had pierced the mainstream with his White Girl Bleed A Lot book, and white women were starting to address the war on them by Diversity. Special attention was paid to the home invasions of the Percy family, and to incidents like the Wichita Massacre. Doesn’t Eileen Portenza’s account remind people of HG’s?

    Every home invasion I’ve read about in which blacks rape white women target working to near-poverty class whites. EVERY single one I’ve seen targeted northwestern europeans – anglo types, not italians or any kind of mediterraneans. Yet here we have a seemingly mid to upscale neighborhood and house with mediterraneans living in it…

    Alli and her father look jewy. Further, Alli’s babbling about how she worries about the children and wives of the black rapists goes beyond ‘zen’ forgiveness into lecturing society. How irresponsible and aggressive towards other women and their kids to lobby for such animals to be allowed to go back home to them. Recall that summer and fall 2013 there were also a number of particularly horrific murders by black men of white anglo girfriends and their white kids by white men.

    Eileen’s performance is hard to believe but Alli’s is basically impossible. The sister, Rachel, talks about how ‘imagining’ it is worse than living it; after all, Eileen and Alli crow about the ‘happy times’ they had in the ER after Eileen had spent the night cracking jokes throughout the ordeal. Sandy Hook-type spin and mind control memes run throughout their wrap up; forgiveness, leniency, don’t think about it because it wasn’t bad at all unless you ‘imagine’ it and it’s your ‘choice’ to dwell anyway. Even the metaphor of the middle class ‘white’ bourgeios home suggests that white americans shouldn’t abandon their true home – the past was too full of good times, everyone in the community helped to revamp certain rooms and in the end, we all just have to come ‘Together.’

    I really don’t know on this one, other than that just to watch Alli and consider the casting makes the authenticity of it unlikely. No one I have ever known ever talked this way about their rape. Most home invasions involve not just rape but lynching of the female victims.

    Yet not only do these women survive – they thrive! Cultural enrichment at its finest. Jews love to patronize white women who are targeted for rape and sexual violence and even harassment. Because they don’t get it like white women do, they rationalize and project that white women are weak. They’re just codependent and plain.

  4. I meant above that neurotic, jealous jewish women are codependent and plain; white women’s inner strength and comparative beauty challenges jewesses’ delusions of jewish female ‘superiority.’ Spring through fall 2013 was a time when some were noting how specifically targeted blonde and redheaded ‘anglo’ women were for both sexual harassment and violent sadism from blacks generally. The focus on them, though, is symbolic for their whole tribe – the founding anglocelts (I include germanic peoples in that). Both blacks and jews are beyond obvious about the deep-rooted animus they harbor towards anglocelts, and often verbalize it directly.

    The Portenza family female victims defy every norm for black on white violence. Mr. Portenza is allegedly disabled and was powerless to help; ironically, his impotence only seemed to have aided ‘Mama bear’ wife in ‘loving’ the wounded black martyrs back into human decency. No species whose mamas react this way to their young being tortured survives; they go extinct. The issue of fairhaired white women’s suffering at the hands of Diversity had been rigorously highlighted in the six months leading up to this incident and special attention was paid to the issue of blonde women as symbolic mothers of all their tribe’s children. The Portenza family’s affluence is interpreted as the cause for black men’s depravity even though the targets of black on white home invasions are all of very modest means.

    I haven’t watched more than 10 minutes of the media blitz devoted to ‘inspiring the american people,’ but the spectacle already screams Sandy Hook mind games even louder than most jewmedia hoaxes. I’d like to hear how anyone could watch this and find any normalcy in these people. Most commenters, especially female, react with disgust and anger or even outright hatred. One obvious paradox: why would the sister have to enter therapy for ‘survivor’s guilt’ for traumas that ‘barely impacted’ her mom and sister?

    Lay down, white men, and let the women handle things. Mama bear knows best how to steer the family out of enslavement and genocide. Strong white women forgive and nurture their way back to safety from torture and hate.


  5. Oh and another thing, Trayvon Martin had just recently been acquitted by an almost all white female jury. Zimmerman’s defense had made an issue of the white woman whose home had been broken into just weeks before the shooting; two black men had ransacked the house of a woman while she hid upstairs trying to protect her child. Even if Zimmerman’s actions could have been considered rash or overbearing in some way (I don’t necessarily agree with that interpretation), his compulsion to track Martin stemmed from defensiveness against black male home invaders endangering home alone (white) women and their children. This incident seemed pivotal in interpreting Zimmerman’s guilt or innocence.

  6. As Dante’s Inferno is a classic, I wouldn’t want to denigrate it.

    But it IS the product of an apostate System, that also claimed the entire Earth as the ‘property of the pope’ and ergo/thereby ‘including’ all non-Whites as ‘worthy of salvation.’

    Which is interesting, since the praxis of the first 1000 years of Christendom, and the praxis of the Orthodox (until after Peter/Catherin the “Great’s” perversion of the Orthodox mind) was to limit the ‘offer of salvation’ only to White Caucasoids.

    [It was not the Russians merging their DNA with the Eskimos in Alaska we read about, but the Spaniards begetting the mestizo hordes we now have to live with in the USSA, that is the corroboration of my point.]

    Anyway, the ‘levels of Hell’ are interesting, if only to show that in the Roman hierarchy, some sins were less ‘equal’ than others- which means that this is the MAJORITY European mindset, prior to the rise of Enlightenment ‘humanism.’

  7. Would Mr Hill use the term yahweh? If not and it was placed there by the overpaid hacks then they just revealed their donor base.

    Also its quite clear these donors are in violation of the 1948 UN Convention on Genocide. Specifically the one about group defense how ironic

  8. I can’t believe some people still believe this nonsense about “crisis actors”. Get real! Real children were killed at Sandy Hook, and the surviving Boston Marathon bomber mangled and murdered real people, not “crisis actors” doing a massive fake out. Hunter Wallace heard reports from Alabamians who were in the marathon who testified to the reality of the bombing. Are Hunter and his friends ‘crisis actors” too?

  9. I thought he was a Southern Baptist.

    Anyway, the “special place in Hell” remark probably has to due with Dante. Rod Dreher’s new book has stirred some interest in our circles. We were just discussing it here the other day in the comment section about the Sodomites being in the seventh circle of Hell.

  10. Sandy Hook’s utter fakeness and use of crisis actors has been so established that anyone still denying it is just in denial, period. Stephen Dalton grew up in a cult, FYI. It’s possible Hunter Wallace’s acquaintances were in the throes of the seeming realness of some aspects of the Boston bombing. They say people try to convince themselves of the veracity of the hoaxes so as to subconsciously maintain what they feel is self preservation in a corrupt and tyrannical system. Sophia Smallstorm’s video, Unraveling Sandy Hook should convince absolutely anyone that the entire event was fake. She works with established names like James Tracy and Jim Fetzer, to name just a few.

    This video is an interesting exploration of both the fake international news that’s being peddled to the american people, and of the schizo-ness of the jews and especially feminist ones. The jews don’t always agree on how to maintain their oligarchy, but they always agree that there should be one:

    Here’s Vdare on the Percy Massacre:

    Odd that the only home invasion we hear about is bunch of jewy meditteranean ‘whites’ lecturing us anglocelts on how white women deserve it and therefore shouldn’t be angry. If only we had given more of our feminine selves.


    • There were numerous people from Alabama who were up there participating in the Boston Marathon. Are they all lying? Were they all “crisis actors” too?

  11. Hunter Wallace has failed utterly to accomplish anything substantial in the real world in terms of pro-white activism, pardon me for stating the depressing truth.

  12. First, I have never scrutinized the Boston bombing. But what makes anyone think that the marathon itself was fake? What I gather skeptics are saying is that the elements of the bombing were faked, not the whole marathon event. To pull off a relatively discreet hoax like the bombing amidst a real marathon doesn’t seem that difficult if there was enough time to plan and people in the right positions to pull it off.

  13. There aren’t any where I live, Hunter Wallace. But I can answer ‘yes’ to the question of whether I have espoused certain very radical anti-judeo pro-white views in my real name in front of people from all over the world.

  14. I’m just exhorting the southern people to save themselves. To do so seems to require stepping back and taking a long look at the rules of engagement, and the larger context of the United States.

    In the northeast, particularly NYC and it’s environs, suggesting to the jews that they aren’t white is tantamount to gassing their children in six million ovens that never existed. The northeast jews don’t look ‘white’ or the slightest bit angloceltic. They look mostly like middle eastern people with a little ‘white’ dashed in here and there. Regardless of whether or not southern and heartland midwest jews look somewhat more blendable, they aren’t politically or culturally. Their entire depraved cult of ruling over the gentile (europeans) is based on lying to and repressing us.


    Lara Logan is the blonde anglo 60 Minutes reporter who had been gang-raped (within about 60 seconds of trying to report from the crowd of egyptian revolutionaries) some years back. I watched the moments leading up to the incident live, and had to run upstairs when Lara failed to make it out of the sandnigger mob. I knew from the second the coverage started that she was toast. Sandniggers live to rape our women and culture, and wouldn’t take long to jump this fairhaired anglo female.

    I personally wonder at the true cause for her hospitalizations. It’s only been four years since the heinous attack, but I’d think her physical challenges from it might have been contained by now. I knew a woman who’d endured fairly physically brutal rape for a number of years throughout adolescence (not me); she had internal scarring her doctor monitored in yearly checkups in her early mid 20’s (having kids was her top priority in life). But her scars were just that by then, not an enduring health crisis.

    I suspect, without knowing for certain, that Lara’s issues may be emotional. But that’s just speculation. White aryan woman are weaklings who need to be told how to toughen up, dontcha know? The jews really want what’s best for us inferior gentiles.

  16. This report is far more cryptic and suggestive about the nature of Logan’s hospitalization:

    I suspect jewish or muslim trolls of trying to discredit Logan’s account. As a fairhaired anglo female I can personally attest that the sandnigger arabs almost compulsively rape our demographic, although in my experience I endured only a threat and gesture of this, thank heavens.

    Good will and prayers for Lara.

  17. Liberty is right, unfortunately. Name me one positive thing that has occurred because of public activism? The League has been around for what, 15 20 years? What has it accomplished? I’m only asking for one example.

  18. All right.

    In Mississippi, the Confederate Battle Flag remained on the state flag. In Georgia, the Roy Barnes flag was replaced by the present version. That was due to the pressure that was put on state legislators by pro-Southern organizations which were stronger a decade ago.

    Unfortunately, the last 15 to 20 years has been dominated by the shift toward the internet. Whereas our people used to get out on the streets to publicly stand up for their interests in the 1990s, now all they do is bitch and whine on the internet under anonymous pseudonyms, which is why they are so easily ignored. After all, why should anyone be taken seriously who won’t stand by their own beliefs in public?

    What has “e-activism” ever accomplished? In the 1990s, David Duke was on the cusp of becoming governor of Louisiana. Has the White Nationalist movement grown stronger or weaker since Duke’s political campaigns? It has grown weaker across the board and has absolutely nothing to show for it but millions of “posts” and “comments” on blogs and messageboards.

    Duke is nothing more than a YouTube personality these days.

  19. I don’t think we’re being ignored, just beat to the punch. How can we ever compete with the jews when they control the mainstream media?

  20. Pro-whites need a new paradigm, not just methods. I have a friend from South America who said once, if your people (the northwestern europeans) were able to unite at all you could take back at least some main part of your country. Why can’t you do that, he asked?


  21. A flag? That is the culmination of 20 years of street activism? Ok, it is something.
    E activism in an educational tool. I’d say the majority of people that post here and are active in the streets came about their idea from the internet. You won’t learn about these topics on TV or the mainstream media. That is why it is more effective, vastly more effective.

  22. The last 20 years has been dominated by the internet, not street activism. As web traffic has increased, pro-White organizations have grown weaker and less able to advance their agenda. The trend has been toward fewer and smaller public protests in the real world and more online fantasy role playing on blogs, messageboards, and social media. As a whole, the pro-White movement has grown far less influential than it was the 1990s, and that trend seems to be accelerating as Americans become even more individualistic.

    LMAO, spreading ideas and education. What difference does that make? Who cares if there are thousands of closeted e-activists moonlighting on the internet under anonymous pseudonyms? How many of them are ever going to act on their “education” in the real world to advance their goals? Knowledge doesn’t necessarily change behavior. It’s nothing more than a circle jerk. The vast majority of those people are too scared to even eat breakfast with someone who shares their views in their own town.

  23. If it were not for the internet, I would not be aware of many political issues that I am now. Simple point. Causing awareness is the first step. Standing on a street corner for a few hours with a sign doesn’t reach that many people. More often than not the people who protest only serve to reinforce negative stereotypes. Skin head trash or poorly dressed red necks alienate people – a self defeating activity.
    I think street activism is personally rewarding for those who engage in it, but that’s it. It does very little in effecting change in the real world. It is a good way for friends to get together, go to the bar after, much like a social activity. It is also a good way for people to place themselves over others who don’t partake in it, like bragging rights and such.
    But it’s very obvious that it does nothing in regards of change.

  24. Street activism like what we saw in Baltimore is effective. But no one is ready to get violent on our side. Peaceful activism does nothing, blacks understand this reality.

  25. 1.) Now that you are educated and aware, what are you doing? Is there any next step beyond education and raising awareness or is e-activism a circle jerk? Do any of these students ever graduate?

    2.) What are closeted types doing? Hiding behind their keyboards, right? What kind of message does that send to the public? It tells people that e-activists are too afraid or ashamed of their beliefs to be publicly identified with their own cause.

    If even you acknowledge through your actions that your own cause is immoral and something to be ashamed of, why should ordinary people think otherwise? Who is going to stop our enemies from pushing on an open door when no one is willing to say this is wrong?

    3.) Unlike e-activism, street activism is a multiplier. 10 street activists are more visible than 100 e-activists. 1,000 people marching through the streets can’t be ignored, but 10,000 e-activists can easily be ignored, marginalized, and dismissed.

    4.) What has 20 years of e-activism accomplished other than making every pro-White organization in America weaker and more disorganized and the WN movement less influential?

    5.) Does anyone have any confidence in e-activism? If the next 20 years turn out like the last 20 years of closeted internet posting, can anyone see anything other than decline in our future?

  26. Holding up signs is exactly what the enemy wants from you. They are a tiny weak and stupid race of delusional morons. They will all die in a day when the storm comes. They want to see you supplicate their sympathy these rat bastards they are. They imagine themselves as gods when they are not even men. Satan has taken what small wits these witless fools have and given them a doom that shall be echoed forever across the universe. They think they shall rule, but they have been set up as slaughter for the Lord of Lies who seeks nothing more than to see rivers of blood flow endlessly in the streets.

  27. I have been aware for some time and have passed on what I have learned to many, many people. What they do with the information is up to them, but I have done my part.
    I think it was last week that you acknowledged that your recent street activism was a failure and it wasn’t up to your expectations. So apparently we agree on that point.
    Posting comments on majors sites gets thousands of views, so I think that form of activism is just as effective as standing on a corner with a cardboard sign. It serves the same purpose – to get the message out.
    As far as standing behind my beliefs, I do, and everyone who knows me knows where I stand both racially and politically, I just prefer to not stand on a corner for a few hours a months items sign because I know it is simply a waste of time and it won’t achieve anything.

  28. 1.) Exactly.

    There’s no step beyond education and raising awareness. The vast majority of e-activists who are “educated” don’t change their behavior in any significant way. They continue to observe the status quo in real life and use the internet as an outlet for endless fantasy role playing.

    2.) No, I said that WNs and New Right types don’t have any reputation for activism, and that it was unrealistic to expect that our activism would change the status quo in the “movement,” and that those people would come out and join us in large numbers. We shouldn’t be disappointed that didn’t happen.

    3.) We’re not “spreading information” at demonstrations. The point of demonstrations is to take a public stand for or against something and to show people that we are not afraid to advance our position. When closeted WNs spend years posting anonymous comments on the internet, the only message they are sending is that they are so ashamed of their beliefs that they need to conceal their identities.

    4.) If standing on a corner isn’t such a big deal, why are you afraid to be seen in public? Who are you? Does anyone know you? If you are not ashamed of your beliefs, you can tell us who you really are, right?

  29. We disagree on apparently all the above points.

    Who am I? A father who has to work in able to provide my children who does want to have his name in an SPLC article because it would negatively effect my way of earning money. I have asked before what kind of you do and you refused to answer. I think you don’t have a job as most of us do, thus you have nothing to lose. You are in a good position to be visible person because of your usual position. If you had to work for a living you may be a bit more hesitant on being a public figure, but you don’t so it makes no difference to you.
    In the real world people have to work, and I am sure you don’t know this, but companies do extensive background checks now. So, I think I’ll continue providing for kids, and not stand on a corner for no apparent reason.

    • 1.) Just like I thought, an e-activist who is afraid of the SPLC, and who is too ashamed of his own beliefs to appear in public. Frankly, if cowardice, passivity, and lack of integrity are the virtues of the WN movement, we shouldn’t expect it to go anywhere. Instead, we should expect the e-movement to be exactly where it is now.

      2.) There’s no book or essay you can read to solve your problem. Your problem isn’t any lack of information. Like I said, “education” is worthless if you are going to live your life conforming to the SPLC party line. The same is true of the WN movement. It ultimately doesn’t matter what you believe if you don’t act on it and instead conform to someone else’s belief system.

      3.) Fools broadcast their employment information on the internet.

      You don’t think people who attend our protests have jobs and take risks? Well then, how do they support themselves? Life has always been hard. We were put on this earth to suffer. And you know what? No one who refuses to kiss the SPLC’s ass and tow their line suffers all that much for it. There are millions of White people who hate the SPLC out there.

      Go hang your head low at some other website. We’re proud to be White and Southern here.

  30. The last 20 years has been dominated by the internet, not street activism. As web traffic has increased, pro-White organizations have grown weaker and less able to advance their agenda. The trend has been toward fewer and smaller public protests in the real world and more online fantasy role playing on blogs, messageboards, and social media. As a whole, the pro-White movement has grown far less influential than it was the 1990s, and that trend seems to be accelerating as Americans become even more individualistic.

    Were we “powerful” 20 years ago? I don’t think so. And we were many fewer.

    The internet is planting the seed in hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of minds. It’s going to take two generations, in my opinion, for internet WN’ism and it’s mass effect on Whites, to really come into its strength.

    Don’t be upset by what you perceive as “passivity” of the masses. They are passive because they can be; because they don’t have to toil in the fields, they are not inclined to fight in the streets. People are economic with their energy. Laziness is just a lack of having a big picture to work toward.

    But things change. People are very poor, and have to start making other arrangements for how to live. I see people still in the denial stage; people making 10 bucks an hour think they can buy and maintain a car. They save for months, get a car, the car breaks, they can’t afford to fix the car. So they saved 6 months to have a car for 2 weeks. Now they are saving another month to fix the car.

    They don’t want to wake up from the American dream. But they will be forced awake, sooner or later.

    The processes of society that are currently in place lead inexorably to a more activist and politically savvy populace.

    • Absolutely.

      The WN movement was far stronger in the 1990s before the internet than it is today in 2015. Every single pro-White organization that comes to mind was stronger in the 1990s than they are now. The internet has weakened us and made us more cowardly and disorganized. Look at the career of David Duke. He went from almost winning the governorship of Louisiana in 1991 to a YouTube personality in 2015.

      In the 1990s, Amren conferences were broadcast on C-SPAN. Charles Murray could publish a book like The Bell Curve. Jared Taylor had lots of radio and television interviews. Pat Buchanan was a major presidential contender. The SPLC was nowhere near as rich as it is today. The National Alliance wasn’t a joke.

  31. “Go hang your head low at some other website. We’re proud to be White and Southern here.”

    That’s because your child is still an infant. More likely than not, he’ll end up as Don Black’s son did, denying everything you hold dear, because you seem to think the work of centuries (Going back to Adam Weishaupt and 1776) is going to be settled in a minute.

    What an ass, HW.

  32. I don’t blame people who guard their anonymity. I’m glad they are part of us, and they should remain “sleeper agents.”

  33. Hunter,

    I wasn’t around until the early 2000’s. But it seems to me you are bemoaning the lack of pro-white activism showing up in the media.

    But here’s the thing — pro-white activists are media shy, and rightly so! There are literal communes of WN’s around the country, there are multiple PLE’s, but they DO NOT TALK TO THE MEDIA. Can you blame them?

    This is the worst nightmare for the enemy, if you think about it. THey want to “mop up the last pockets of resistance” but those pockets of resistance no longer take the bait of 15 minutes of fame to give away all their privacy and anonymity.

    They are also not doing dumb shit that gets them arrested. They are living very ordinary, anonymous lives except for the fact that they are religiously WN rather htan ideological WN. They aren’t trying to affect electoral politics; they are burrowing into the culture and their local economy instead.

    But you object that you don’t see WN on TV any more. Dude, that’s a strength not a weakness! You could say that I’m merely lying about PLE’s, and since they don’t care to reveal themselves, I can’t prove to you otherwise, except to say you can trust my word. I wouldn’t lie to you here, on this blog, to my comrades.

    What’s even freakier is that they have the same ideas about what to do independently of one another. People who never heard of me or read my blog are doing and saying the same things, and have been since before 2010, when I started the MWIR blog, so there’s no way I influenced them. It’s like Newton and Leibniz discovering calculus simultaneously, or the 100th monkey anecdote. Even human beings have a Hive Mind on a certain level. Aryan Skynet has been activated and has become self aware.

    I barely post on the internet any more because the real world is more interesting. But I wanted to pop in — I like what Michael Hill is doing and I’m glad it leaked out because it’s awesome. Religious fanaticism is the way forward. Aryan Skynet is religion not politics; in fact it’s Creation; AS is a rebirth of consciousness stimulated by the threat of genocide against us.

    Religious fanatic WN’s are not seduced by fifteen minutes of fame nor suckered into criminal conspiracies by agents provocateur. They are out there, just being authentic White people and not eating the corn syrup and don’t drink the mass media Koolaid.

    In a generation or two, the descendants of the families that don’t drink the Koolaid end up in the ruling classes. Because Idiocracy.

  34. Hey Liberty, FYI, I didn’t grow up in a cult. I joined the cult as a young man in my early twenties, and left it in my late twenties. Since then, my religious affiliations have been old-line Protestant for about seven years, and Catholic for two decades. BTW, if you’re implying that I still think like a cultist, nope. I left the pay and mindlessly obey mindset behind years ago. That’s why I don’t believe in 9/11 truthism, and Sandy Hook/Boston Marathon crisis actor scenario’s. Only people with an astonishing inability to see the truth that’s right in front of them believe that crap. Here’s the truth Liberty: Muslims who’s religion teaches them to kill the “infidels” committed 9/11 and Boston. A deranged boy with severe mental illnesses killed those kids at Sandy Hook. No “crisis actors” were ever spotted at Sandy Hook, 9/11, or Boston, and none were ever arrested, indicted, tried, convicted, imprisoned, or executed for their part in these crimes. Only real criminals were killed, caught, tried, convicted and sentenced for those crimes.

  35. Stephen Dalton, the fact is, you joined a cult. That’s as bad as growing up in one. You follow authority mindlessly and blindly. Catholicism is one gigantic cult, in a way. A group called AbleChild, which seeks to defend kids from pharmacological abuse (I don’t know if schools can actually require certain kids to be medicated but I think they work against any and all forms pf corporate/state Big Pharma abuse) did a FOIA request on Adam Lanza’s ‘mental illness;’ the state refused to honor it. To date, not one ‘mental health’ expert aka psychiatrist has ever stated exactly what this boy’s ‘mental illness’ was. His supposed psychiatrist had been stripped of his license to ‘practice medicine’ and fled to New Zealand a couple years before. Do you know how hard it is to strip a psychiatrist of their license? Since there’s no science or medicine to what they do, it’s nigh impossible to prove malpractice against them.

    Sofia Smallstorm, James Tracy, Jim Fetzer, and many more have proven Sandy Hook a hoax beyond any doubt. Just check out the helicopter view of the parking lot; every car looked like the same CIA black sedan. The same people walked in circles throughout the drill (there was an offiicial one scheduled that day for that exact type of crisis). Alleged victims’ photos have been used in other international fake crisis events, like ‘Noah Pozner’s.’ These are some of the most trivial details to start off with. Anyone curious should check out those sources and THINK FOR THEMSELVES. The idea that you know more about this than media and political analysis PhD’s, presidential campaign consultants, etc. just shows how scared you are, since only when it’s the ‘right’ authority telling you something absurd do you believe it.

  36. Is Dr. Hill OK?

    It seems like League of the South activism has fallen off a bit.

    I was very, very honored to have been accepted at two very effective LotS protests, campaigns in Middle TN and assisted with PR in the LotS protests for traditional Southern marriage.

    God bless Dr. Hill and all true sons and daughters of the South.

    God bless the South.

    “The North is a direction, but the South is a place, special place”

    James Edwards

  37. Liberty, the cult I was in believed in looney conspiracy theories like the ones you’re pushing. They had plenty of “proof” for their conspiracies too. I no longer have that kind of mindset, so I don’t assume a conspiracy is the cause of it unless some pretty hard proof is offered. The hard proofs of Boston, 9/11, and Sandy Hook shows the first two events were done by Muslim terrorists, and Sandy Hook was done by a psychotic boy. The only “crisis actors” I see are these experts (?) who you and other true believers take as the last word on these events. They’re putting on the greatest show on earth!
    Hunter, did any of those Germanwing “crisis actors” walk away for that staged event, or did a vast conspiracy kill them all before they had a chance to talk?

  38. Stephen, here’s what’s looney:

    Believing that there would be hours and hours of interviews of this family yet only one local news report, *that* underplayed the ‘psy op’ narrative and merely reported in meticulous detail just how punished these men were by listing every single crime and sentence. It went out of its way to mention that the perps were identified by fingerprints and other non-sexual DNA samples. Yet these women were supposedly gangraped, Alli by ‘at least four’ of them and who knows how many in Eileen’s case. We aren’t even told at what point she was raped. Wouldn’t semen dripping out of two women’s bodies suffice? Do you have any idea what an epidemic HIV is in the gangbanger demographic? Neither Eileen nor Alli contracted it. Were they gentlemen? Did they pull out????????????????????????????????????????????

    It’s looney to believe that these gangbangers descended on this house at 5am. Who goes raping ‘white wimminz’ at 5am with only at best an hour+ daylight left? In general these crimes happen either at the beginning of the night (home/body invasions) like with that Cleveland Ohio New Year’s Eve 2013 incident, or maybe somewhat later, but daylight is avoided by groids and criminals generally. We’re to believe that after rummaging through the house looking for booty for some time (and why didn’t they find any in an affluent home?), one groid took Eileen out into the yard and shot her as she tried to run away. The house pictured isn’t the slightest bit isolated or on a big lot; even one gun shot (much less two) would alert and interest neighbors. Eileen running in pajamas on the lawn with a black guy following her and a strange car in the driveway (not sure if they’re said to have driven in but if they didn’t, how’d they get into such an affluent neighborhood on whim and have such luck to find a garage door open when most of the time the Portenzas closed and locked it at 5am?) as neighbors are milling in houses right next door and across the street and going to work IS RIDICULOUS.

    The psy op point is that these groids are not niggardly cowards sneaking up on this ‘white’ family in the dark of night. When Eileen was allegedly in the car driving (with two bullets in her leg) to the ATM, the groid told her to ‘look at me.’


    Attention was drawn to this notion that white women’s bodies were almost always burned after the groids finish raping them, back in summer early fall 2013. Kristen Warneke in the Percy Massacre (Ed Gentry, Sr., Ed and Pam Gentry, their son and girlfriend Kristen Warnecke were all murdered by a pack of groids) was the young white female whose body was said to have been ‘charred beyond recognition’ by the same justice system that issued a gag order on the case against the wishes of the one surviving family member. Ed, Sr.’s trailer wasn’t burned up yet he’d been tied and handled. The other four lived in a trailer that was burned. The groids also burned the car they used. The anti-white justice system didn’t want people to know the motives (prosecutors went to great lengths to lie and claim ‘robbery’ was the motive for a capital murder case) of the rapists, and that the two scenes of white female torture were burned so the rapists could hide their DNA. Kristen was abducted for further torment as the younger female, it’s almost certain. Then the car that she’d been in and maybe her body was burned.

    ‘Look at me in broad daylight’ is their way of asserting that groids aren’t doing this out of psychopathic sadism. He’s just a misunderstood rebel without a cause, really. It’s Eileen’s fault his parents were junkies and felons, and she just needs to recognize this and maybe breast feed him or something/sarc.

    You are not just taking up a ‘looney’ position; it’s willfully obtuse and CRUEL to women.

    But what should I expect here on OD?!

    On top of all this, innocently ignorant southerners (and whoever else) should note that throughout the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s (not sure about after) the most popular form of cosmetic surgery was nose jobs. Who was getting them in droves? Mostly mediterranean women trying to look ‘anglo.’ I’d say jealousy of northwestern european women’s features was even more pervasive in the jews (and to a lesser extent italians) than was their hatred of blondes. Nose job surgery was a rite of passage in my youth among the jews.

    My point is that angloceltic people are even more discernible for their facial features than they are for their blondes and redheads, and the jews – and blacks and everyone else – are 1000% aware of it. ‘Anglo’ women in cities along the non-south east coast are all targeted, it’s just that the redheads then blondes take the brunt of it and get ‘special treatment’ for symbolic reasons among others.

    Funny that these women were blondes but obviously not anglos. Eileen screams mediterranean/italian and Alli’s whiny voice giggling with her rapists screams JEW! Her brownette sister is the weakling who took the whole thing to her neurotic ‘white’ women’s weakling heart; her interview even has her ‘losing it’ while Alli cracks jokes in the ER.

    COME ON PEOPLE. Sorry to have been crude but the ‘looneyness’ is really getting old.

  39. Normal mothers aka ‘Mama Bears’ viciously attack and annihilate predators who victimize their babies:

    Having lived at times in mainland America’s woods, I can assure people that animal mothers with their young in tow are the most dangerous and volatile of all creatures of the wild. Once confronted with a grave (or simply perceived) threat to their babies they never back down until that threat is exterminated or in full and docile retreat. I lived in greater fear of turkey moms marching their turklings on the front yard than of bears, who avoid people if they’re not offered food.

    Alli Portenza is worse than her mother, though, kinda like watching Joan and Melissa Rivers. At least Alli holds her own in the competition for Worst Comedic Performance in a Female Role.

    Seriously, if Americans didn’t hate women so much this one would be a cinch. Instead, I’m like the only person in the pro-white scene who actually questions that brutal gangrape is never a cinch. And that’s probably who this production is targeted at the most, although it could always go mainstream viral if necessary.

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