By Hunter Wallace
It’s been a terrible week for America’s Dad … ehrm, I mean America’s Rapist, Bill Cosby, and it would be very remiss of us at the C of CC not to give at least one shout out to this American cultural icon whose television alter ego Cliff Huxtable had such an outsized impact on American race relations:
“What a way to end one of the greatest careers in the history of American television and popular culture.
Your statue is removed from Disney World’s Hollywood Studios Theme Park. Reruns of your groundbreaking shows are banished from the airwaves. Longtime colleagues and supporters publicly denounce you. A judge cites your self-anointed posture as a moralist as the reason to unseal a 10-year-old court document that contained the smoking gun: your own testimony that you obtained quaaludes to give to women with whom you intended to have sex.
Call it the week of the cultural death of Bill Cosby.
I appreciate what an enormous cultural force Cosby once was. In fact, I am one of the guys who helped create and burnish the image of him as “America’s Dad” in my work as a pop culture and TV critic at papers like the Detroit Free Press, Dallas Times Herald and The Baltimore Sun.
I also believed he was making a difference in attitudes about race, particularly in the 1980s and ’90s with the series “The Cosby Show,” in which he starred, and “A Different World,” which he produced.
Writing about the sweaters he wore on screen and their history as a symbol of patriarchal authority for the white TV dads on shows like “Father Knows Best” in the 1950s and ’60s, I argued that by adopting this simple wardrobe prop and so owning it, he appropriated the authority that came with it for men of color. And that was just one of the ways that Cosby’s TV persona subtly helped normalize the idea of black men in power for millions of white viewers. …”
Bill Cosby got away with raping upwards of 40 women, most of them White women, because the media chose to look the other way on the grounds that he was “making a difference in attitudes about race.” Oddly enough, the same media which coddled this serial rapist for decades continues to promote the myth of “white privilege.”
He’s also keeping his Hollywood star:
“Bill Cosby’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame isn’t going anywhere, no matter how bad the scandal over allegations of sexual assault might get.
The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, which awards the stars, says it has gotten many requests to remove Cosby’s star, which has graced the 6900 block of Hollywood Boulevard since it was awarded in 1977.
To which Leron Gubler, president and chief executive of the chamber, has a simple response:
“The answer is no.”
Ain’t That America … Bill Cosby keeps his Hollywood star, but we tear down statues of Robert E. Lee as a “public nuisance.”
Is Gubler a jew?
They are the great black “enablers”: The masterminds that direct the hordes of mindless pawns.
The author of the piece, Zurawik, is probably a Jew, too.
“The Sun’s TV/media critic since 1989, David Zurawik earned a Ph.D. in American Studies (pop culture-media studies) from the University of Maryland, College Park. He has an M.A. from the University of Wisconsin in specialized reporting (pop culture) and is the author of “The Jews of Prime Time,” a look at 50 years of Jewish identity in network TV”
“I am one of the guys who helped create and burnish the image of him as “America’s Dad” in my work”
What an accomplishment!
Um, y’all? According to the great book Official Conduct of Black Males, aren’t we supposed to just look the other direction and write it all off?
Recall, old folks, when Clarence Thomas was up for that SCOTUS seat? Ah! Coming back now? Anita Hill’s testimony? I certainly do.
But, according to the code, we’re not supposed to bother about that, look the other way as it just the same sort of stuff black makes do all the damned time….
It’s a fallen world.
I still like Bill Cosby’s clean comedy records from the late 1960s.
I Spy and the first Bill Cosby show where he is a gym teacher were good.
He said sensible things about Black dysfunctions.
Very wealthy TV Hollywood celebrities are always vulnerable to sexual corruptions.
Again, it’s a fallen world.
@jack ryan: No, it’s a *chosen(ite)* world! 😉
jack ryan says:
‘It’s a fallen world.
I still like Bill Cosby’s clean comedy records from the late 1960s.
I Spy and the first Bill Cosby show where he is a gym teacher were good.
He said sensible things about Black dysfunctions.
Very wealthy TV Hollywood celebrities are always vulnerable to sexual corruptions.
Again, it’s a fallen world.’
Rolls eyes.
This post could have been written by Cosby’s jew agent or publicist or Whoopi Goldberg.
I find the accusations of rape dubious.
Women who went to a private room with Bill Cosby at the Playboy Mansion were innocent damsels?
And he gave them quaaludes…so what? People take MDMA and screw all the time today.
Suddenly, decades later, with “rape culture” everywhere in the media, this comes out?
I’m not saying Bill Cosby is a good man, but this is a bit rich.
A strange thing it is, my daddy’s family being Jews, to behold so many Jewish supremacists, masquerading under the guise of ‘anti-semites’.
Imagine this : I grew up around Jews, and, at no time, did I realize that they were in control of the world …
I could be naive but most directors are not fucking the starlettes.
Cosby has a pattern of drugging women and then molesting and raping them.
What he’s gotten up to is excessive by anyone’s standards.
I respected Cosby as one of the few prominent blacks who exhorted his own to take responsibility for their lives and stop blaming whitey for all of their troubles.
It’s time for him to man up now.
Being a sociopath, predator and run of the mill negro Cosby knew all he had to do was pretend to espouse values that most Whites hold dear.
By telling funny stories and portraying harmless individuals ( Dr. Huxtable) he was able to fool the vast majority of Whites who are perpetually clueless as to the true nature of the beast.
Aided by Hollywood and the media he worked his diabolical scams without fear of getting caught.
Almost 50 women have stepped froward to indict him.
Don’t tell me ALL of them willingly succumbed to being drugged and raped.
Who knows how high actual numbers are?