C of CC Statement on Chattanooga Shooting

CofCC members warn about jihadists in Tennessee in 2013
CofCC members warn about jihadists in Tennessee in 2013
CofCC members warn about jihadists in Tennessee in 2013

By Hunter Wallace

It has been a slow day here at C of CC headquarters.

Now that Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez has made international news for his shooting spree in Chattanooga, I am disappointed that the mainstream media suddenly doesn’t want to talk to us anymore. No reporters have called us to ask us about our opinion on the jihadist massacre in Tennessee.

Who could have ever predicted that?

League of the South protests jihadists in Tennessee in Murfreesboro
League of the South protests jihadists in Tennessee in Murfreesboro

In October 2013, I personally helped to organize a protest in Murfreesboro and Shelbyville, TN against the US federal government’s policy of refugee resettlement which is changing the culture and demographics of Tennessee. League of the South and C of CC members took to the streets of Tennessee and spent hours holding signs that read “It’s wrong to replace us” and “No jihad in Tennessee.” We distributed fliers and literature that warned local residents that the US federal government was dumping thousands of radical Muslims in their midst.

In Murfreesboro, TN, the construction of an enormous mosque had become a flashpoint in the region, and we wanted to draw attention to the threat posed by Islamic terrorists who were already by then well established in the Minneapolis-St. Paul metro area, which had been used as a beachhead to finance and export terrorism to Somalia. We were counter-protested by a group called the “Tennessee Anti-Racist Coalition” which came out to call us “racists” and “white supremacists” and tell us on video, “There is no jihad in Tennessee. That’s ridiculous.”

The SPLC, too, chimed in to condemn our protest against the jihadists in Tennessee. The anti-hate squad had our hotel reservations cancelled twice in Shelbyville and has long been opposed to what it decries as “anti-Muslim activism” in Tennessee. In the photos above, I stood side by side my fellow League and C of CC members warning against Tennessee becoming a dumping ground for refugees and immigrants and a breeding ground for Islamic terrorists, while the SPLC chirped about the rising tide of “Islamophobia” in the region.

The leftwing media also made a point of decrying our “racist” and “Islamophobic” protest in Murfreesboro and Shelbyville. The Shelbyville Times-Gazette called us “the worst of the South” and “a group of totally misguided people” who “want to bring back a former Southern tradition of prejudice” and who “falsely claims the “government” is “imposing an alien (Islamic) culture” and “replacing the people and culture of Tennessee.”

Now listen to what the Chattanooga Times Free Press had to say about Yasmeen Abdulazeez, the sister of Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, back in 2010 in an article titled, “Muslim teens seek acceptance, understanding”:

“Before graduating from Red Bank High School, Abdulazeez said some of the students would harass her. She said she saw that as an opportunity to dispel misconceptions about her faith.

“I’m not afraid to go straight toward them and ask them, ‘Do you really know what Islam is?’ ” Abdulazeez said. “There’s this misconception that Islam is a violent religion. Muslims are actually peaceful.”

The leftwing media, which pumps out BS like this on a daily basis, has spent the last month smearing the C of CC and demonizing the entire South over the Confederate Battle Flag and demanding that all Southerners be browbeaten and collectively punished because of the actions of one crazed individual fanatic. Don’t hold your breath though waiting for them to hold Islam, that religion of peace, to the same standard that they established in Charleston.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The NYT article on this guy reads like a eulogy for a fallen hero. The words Islam and Muslim do not appear anywhere in the article.

    Fuck Jews and their media.

  2. Lew says:

    ‘The NYT article on this guy reads like a eulogy for a fallen hero. ‘

    Hunter Wallace says:


    (snip) His neighbors here in Hixson, the suburb of Chattanooga where he grew up, said that he seemed to have been an all-American boy, handsome and polite, normally in a T-shirt and jeans. (snip)

    Another neighbor, W. Keith Clingan III, said that about six or eight months ago, Mr. Abdulazeez came roaring up the hill in a Toyota Camry with no hubcaps, driving through a yield sign in front of Mr. Clingan’s home.

    Mr. Clingan, 56, an owner of an auto body and glass company, asked the young man to stop. It was the second time that he had seen Mr. Abdulazeez fail to heed the yield sign. “I told him to slow down and I said, ‘Do you have a problem with that?’ He said, ‘No, sir, I’ll slow down.’ ”

    After that, Mr. Clingan said, Mr. Abdulazeez would always give a friendly wave as he drove by. (snip)

  3. That Times article makes the shooter, his family and all the Muslims in the area to be wonderful people.

    You would think they were talking about Ward Cleaver, June, Wally and Beav.

    So what could have set the handsome, polite young lad off?

    According to The Chattanooga Times Free Press, he graduated from Red Bank High School, whose quotation on his graduation yearbook page was: “My name causes national security alerts. What does yours do?”


    I’m guessing it must have been incessant racial profiling, Anti- Muslim/Arab bigotry and throngs of heartless racist rednecks taunting him, waving rebel flags everywhere in Tennessee that pushed him over the edge.

  4. Maybe he read some cartoon that deeply upset him.

    We need Canadian styled Federal Human Rights Commissions to ban any and all cartoons that might offend the Religion of Peace….

    Also ban all sporting events because it’s offensive to Muslims that they never win any sporting events….

    Also, ban White Southerners from drinking beer in Tennessee or eating BBQ pork, those things are forbidden in Islam.

    Here’s a controversial one, but it needs to be done….

    Let the Muslims get back in to holding slaves including lots of White concubine sex slaves. Muslims have always been heavily in to slavery, but it’s different not like the bad old Gone With the Wind type slavery, just, well……

    Muslims are a proud people and who are we to say that our ways are better than theirs?

    When in doubt just follow the lead of the New York Times – I know Rand Paul and his growing army of young idealist staff members and handlers do.

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