Breaking News: Black Confederates Chased, Ran Off The Road, Car Rolled In Mississippi, Anthony Hervey Dead

RIP, Anthony Hervey

By Hunter Wallace

This is shocking:


It has been confirmed that Anthony Hervey died in the car wreck.

When I was in Oxford, MS last August, I personally witnessed the vitriol that was directed largely toward Anthony Hervey, who has been physically attacked for his beliefs in the past. I also saw part of the exchange between an irate group of local blacks and HK Edgerton in Birmingham yesterday. I mentioned that in my article earlier. I never thought it would go to the level of stalking someone after they left the event, running them off the road in another state, maybe even killing them.

The Jackson Clarion Ledger has picked up the story:

“A man who has been considered an Oxford fixture for at least the last two decades died in a car accident following a flag rally on Sunday, officials said.

Lafayette County Coroner Rocky Kennedy confirmed that a man killed in a rollover car crash near Oxford was Anthony Hervey, who has been an outspoken member of the Oxford community. in favor of the Confederate flag, for as long as most people can remember. …

An account given by the passenger makes the accident seem rather suspicious.

The MacAlester News-Capital is reporting that a woman named Arlene Barnham had given Hervey a ride to the rally in Birmingham, Alabama. On their way back to Oxford, they were involved in an accident.

Reportedly, Hervey was driving and feared they were being chased. Hervey told Barnham he noticed a silver car speeding to catch up to them, and then it swerved into their passenger side.

Barnham told the News-Capital even when Hervey sped up to get away, the car continued to pursue them. At some point, that’s what she said caused the crash.”

The leftwing likes to wag their finger at us about “hate.” What do you call this?

Note: In the videos below, Anthony Hervey talks about the hate and violence that has been directed at him in the past.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. When racial solidarity is your greatest asset then those in-group members who undermine it are serious threats.

  2. I’m not shocked at all. The “coexist” crowd has nurtured the next Bolshevik / Hatian / Jacobin bloodletting with all of their anti-white hatred.

  3. I shouldn’t be surprised in light of everything that I have written about Birminghood. We thought it was so unsafe that we decided to eat lunch in Pelham in Shelby County.

  4. So that’s what America has become, huh? Fail to tow the party line, get run of the road and killed.

  5. As someone was saying at SF, when a black pointed a gun at a homeowner for flying the Confederate flag: This is not a game this is a prelude to war. Be careful out there.

  6. Communism, no, comrades, but a piss-poor clone of the dead USSR….without question. A new name is in order: Union of North American Socialist States. (UNASS). And far more fitting, yes.

  7. I can’t believe Anthony Hervey is dead. He helped so many of us become unrecontructed. He, HK and the rest have helped clear the marxist fog from countless Southerners on our way back to embracing our people and land. We need massive events to honor him and all of the black men who love their home and side with us as they did during and before the War. He died for the Land that he loved and should be honored far and wide by every corner of Dixie.

  8. It should be obvious by now, that black folks are pawns in the hands of our enemies. They only care about their welfare insofar as they remain viable as political weapons.

    On a side note;
    On Huffpo and other blogs, even an article about pecan pie, brings forth calls for genocide from Yankees, now. It seems, after 150 years, they still believe our land is their personal property.

  9. This is sad, even worse is I didn’t know this happened until now. Where was the ‘Media’ coverage for this man’s violent death at the hands of someone who disagreed with him. We have the right in the United States to think & speak freely. He was excerising his rights as a United States Citizen!
    God Bless his family & may he now sit at the Lord’s knee.

  10. The blood of Anthony Hervey is now on the hands of Benedict Arnold Bentley, Nicky Spineless Haley, the wimp SC legislature, and the national socialist media! All of this would have never taken place had the two so-called governors stood their ground and told the media to go fly a kite. They have set race relations back 50 years by their cowardly spineless attacks on Confederate heritage, and set the stage for more division and more injuries and deaths! You are now a saint, Anthony and your efforts to tell the truth will not be forgotten!

  11. RIP we will continue to carry the fight, i am so sorry i never had the Honor to meet you, my prayers go with your wife and family

  12. RebBill blames…

    “The national socialist media! ”

    I rĂ©pond, uhhhhhh – I hardly think the likes of CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, MSNBC’s Rachiel Madcow Maddow (the Dyke Kyke), or the Jew York Times, WaPost are White racialist National Socialist.

    It’s one thing to have “passion”, another to get carried away and go off the deep end.


  13. Jay is right – a memorial event for Mr. Hervey, complete with Confederate flags, must be thrown.

    And a few can carry, under their flags – black lives matter:)))

  14. Good riddance traitor to your race, now you can be a hero and martyr to these ignorant white people on this site; lamenting the loss of their right to view a flag that clearly represents and denotes slavery, racism and white supremacy! America is better off without an ignorant, race-hating, uncle-tom like Anthony Harvey……NEXT?

  15. Good riddance traitor to your race, now you can be a hero and martyr to these ignorant white people on this site; lamenting the loss of their right to view a flag that clearly represents and denotes slavery, racism and white supremacy! America is better off without an ignorant, race-hating, uncle-tom like Anthony Harvey……NEXT?

  16. If no perps are caught, we might could assume they’re probably white SJWs. The ones in St. Louis were simply sent back to Chicago and New York. Not charged with inciting riots, like the should’ve been.

  17. I called Wal Mart and was on hold for 5 min. but I waited. I spoke with a woman telling her about the rally. I told her that I had heard was Mart had given big money to Al Sharpton and that he in turn soupported the Black Panthers. I told her that racist people were attacking the Southerners Black and White alike. I told her about Arlene Barnum and Anthony Harvey. I told her that they were run off the road and he was dead and she was hurt. I told her they were black. Her voice changed and she seemed to become concerned. I told her if this is true that was Mart is funding hate groups against us the Black and White South that I was calling for a boycott. She said she would get it to the very top. I told her I wanted a response back from the very top. She said I would not get one but that they would put out a response on the media. Call Wal Mart and push the number to make a store complaint at 1- 800- 925-6278. Full their phone lines full with complaints and tell them we know giving moneys to racist hate groups who want to kill us in the South. Be nice but be abide that we will find the truth And we will boycott.

  18. What has happened to America? We have got to stop killing each other this is so stupid. The way it’s going now no one has to attack the usa .We are doing a good enough job of it ourselves .We need to be united again.

  19. A monument should be erected of him

    This is a civil rights death. And the new intolerant Klan is coming from the far left.

  20. Our prayers are with his family. Please,. memorial to him ,buy out the book Why I wave the Confederate Flag; Written by a Black Man.

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