The Donald on John McCain

Trump: John McCain cares more about Iraq's border than Arizona's.

=By Hunter Wallace

This story is currently all the rage in the mainstream media: Donald Trump has written a response in USA Today that is worth reading:

“The reality is that John McCain the politician has made America less safe, sent our brave soldiers into wrong-headed foreign adventures, covered up for President Obama with the VA scandal and has spent most of his time in the Senate pushing amnesty. He would rather protect the Iraqi border than Arizona’s. He even voted for the Iran Nuclear Review Act of 2015, which allows Obama, who McCain lost to in a record defeat, to push his dangerous Iran nuclear agreement through the Senate without a supermajority of votes.

A number of my competitors for the Republican nomination have no business running for president. I do not need to be lectured by any of them. Many are failed politicians or people who would be unable to succeed in the private sector. Some, however, I have great respect for.”

The political class seems to believe that making cutting remarks about John McCain (his brat is outraged about it) is the silver bullet that is going to sink Donald Trump’s political campaign. We doubt it.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Good comment.

    We should support political candidates for all offices who present positive, sensible positions.

    If the Trump campaign can build some organization to compete and win other offices like county board chairman, sheriff’s like Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Arizona – all good.

    Don’t fall down in to putting all your hopes and dreams in a White savior on a White horse running and winning the office of President.

  2. An incredibly accurate and courageous quote by Mr. Trump!!!!!!!!!!!

    I voted in the 2000 NC primary for Mr. McCain, but, have since realized that, though he is a man of honour, the policies for which he advocates are so scalawagged as to be untenable.

    Nothing more apropos could be said : Mr. McCain wants to spend our blood and treasure policing every other border but our own.

    He is, just like liberals, anti-constitutional – a moment by moment personal construct.

  3. though he is a man of honour . . .Mr. McCain wants to spend our blood and treasure policing every other border but our own. . . a moment by moment personal construct.

    Then how the hell is he a”man of honor?” Because he was a POW? People have got to let that G.I. Joe stuff go, it’s just another thing the system uses to manipulate you. That nation is gone. McCain’s a lying, treasonous little scumbag who’s selling his own people, country, and civilization out to those who wish to exterminate them.

  4. McCain served his country but he’s a fuck up. There’s been consistent rumors that he’s the one responsible for the 1967 USS Forrestal fire that destroyed an aircraft carrier. It’s said that McCain was screwing around and did a “wet” start as a joke. A wet start is when your starting the aircraft you dump a lot of fuel in the combustion chamber. When it starts there’s a big bang like backfiring in a car from excess fuel. The story is McCain does wet start and it ignites a rocket on a plane behind him. Rocket fires, lights fuel, bombs, big explosions and fires. I was in the military and I think they show this fire to everyone because there were a lot of mistakes made trying to put the fire out. Whether he did this or not McCain has consistently screwed the country over. I don’t think he was a traitor in Vietnam even if he did talk as we all have our breaking points. No one can continuously withstand torture or at least normal people can’t and I like most everyone else here are not Superman.

  5. Trump is the only GOP presidential hopeful who knows that back peddling, back stabbing and apologizing are non winning strategies.

  6. Clever folk like Trump for many reasons, among which…he is not a Republicrat.

    Republicrat? Term my poli-sci teacher coined ages ago, when he said you could throw them all into a sack, shake and spill them out and not tell any difference whatsoever. They all take lobby gibs, oil company gibs, military contract gibs, I mean, JTFC! There is NO difference any longer.

    Except you-know-who; he wants to be remembered as was Stalin….

  7. Arizonan here. The general public seems to have forgotten, or, to be ignorant of, just how how big the Keating 5 scandal was. McCain was one of the eponymous “five”. The savings and loan meltdown was national in scope and brought long term changes in US finance. While it was widely reported that some people lost everything, *everyone* in America lost trust where it had been taken for granted ( this was a bigger deal in the ’80s than today ). The Savings and Loans of the time were still associated with George Bailey’s from “It’s a Wonderful Life”. Their sudden collapse and the revelation of their unsound fundamentals came as a shock. Arizonans called for McCain’s head over his being bribed by the industry, yet somehow he slipped the noose. Friends, family, and associates who lived in Arizona during those days still bring up the topic regularly.

    It seems odd to focus on McCain’s reputed breaking under pressure when the Keating 5 scandal is at hand. Even McCain’s abandoning of his first wife (who never abandoned him) makes a clearer target than his stint in the POW camps.

    In any case, I sincerly hope McCain retires or is retired from politics. Whatever works should be used, but frequently bringing up Keating 5 when McCain is mentioned might be a start.

  8. It s a waste to try to fight McCain’s Viet Nam war record – total waste.

    McCain isn’t even in the pres race, why re open old wounds?

    Crap like this is how the Neo Conservatives, Christian Zionists, military Industrialists “any war is a good war” excepting fighting Mexican invaders side – it’s how they win get old patriots to rally round the military vets etc.

  9. Considering the amount of support he has provided ISIS and other radical Islamists over the years I’m more apt to call McCain a traitor than a hero. And that is not even counting his treason over the border and amnesty.

  10. Did Trump actually put his name to that? That is amazing! I respect a man who tells the truth.

    “The reality is that John McCain the politician has made America less safe – True

    sent our brave soldiers into wrong-headed foreign adventures – True

    covered up for President Obama with the VA scandal – True

    and has spent most of his time in the Senate pushing amnesty – True

    He would rather protect the Iraqi border than Arizona’s. – True

    He even voted for the Iran Nuclear Review Act of 2015 – True

    which allows Obama, who McCain lost to in a record defeat – False (nowhere near the record LBJ v Goldwater)

    to push his dangerous Iran nuclear agreement – False (not dangerous to Americans, Israel maybe, but even that is a huge stretch)

    through the Senate without a supermajority of votes. – True

    A number of my competitors for the Republican nomination have no business running for president. – True

    I do not need to be lectured by any of them. – True

    Many are failed politicians or people who would be unable to succeed in the private sector. – True

    Some, however, I have great respect for.” – True

    I have a little concern for some of the false statements, but overall that’s pretty damn good for a contender for the Presidency. Is McCain loved? Not by me; I despise the man and consider him an enemy.

  11. For those that might want to help unseat McCain: Current Arizona State Senator Kelli Ward will be running against McCain in the upcoming primaries. Her campaign site is here:

    …here is a article on her candidacy:

    …here is an introduction:

    A little money now could help unseat a *major* serial supporter of amnesty.

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