Thanks, Washington Post

The Washington Post cites my Twitter account

By Hunter Wallace

The Washington Post has picked up the Anthony Hervey story and has even cited my Twitter account in their story.

This is truly an extraordinary story: Anthony Hervey was a black conservative who routinely dressed up as a Confederate soldier, who proudly waved the Confederate Battle Flag, a self-styled “black redneck” who only identified as a proud Southerner, who condemned among other things White guilt, anti-racism, political correctness and the welfare state for destroying his people, and who said he only felt safe in the company of Southern Whites who loved the Confederate Battle Flag, many of them gun toting, proud rednecks or members of so-called “hate groups” such as myself.

Such an individual travels to a pro-Confederate rally in Birmingham, AL, where he is featured as a guest speaker and is welcomed by everyone to great applause, which is an event the SPLC has already classified as a “hate rally” on their “Mapping Hate” map. Having brought water and watermelon for everyone, around two dozen members of a notorious “hate group” are on the scene. At least two of whom also speak to the crowd that day following the black speakers. And the only “hate” on display in Birmingham was directed at Anthony Hervey and his fellow black speakers by small crowd of other irate blacks who viciously denounced them as “Uncle Toms.”

After leaving Birmingham and traveling almost all the way home to Oxford, MS, Anthony Hervey is stalked, chased, harassed and ran off the road – once again, in Mississippi – by a carload of irate, screaming blacks in a silver vehicle who approach their vehicle from both the driver and passenger side. The SUV swerves off the road, rolls, and Hervey is killed in the deadly impact. Pinned in her SUV, a black conservative woman sends out an SOS to other Confederate flag supporters in the area.

Now imagine the reaction from the media if the races and circumstances of this tragedy had been reversed and it were a carload of, say, angry Ku Klux Klan members that pursued a black anti-Confederate speaker and a woman of color from an NAACP rally in Birmingham, the Cradle of the Civil Rights Movement, where Martin Luther King went up against Bull Connor and famously went to jail. Imagine that they caused a fatal car wreck after a high speed chase in Mississippi that killed one of the two speakers. Well, you can bet that it would be international news, “a story about race in America,” and the front page headline would be “Mississippi Burning” all over again.

Meanwhile, in the wake of both Mohammad Abdualzeez’s shooting in Chattanooga and Anthony Hervey’s shocking death in Mississippi, the usually outspoken SPLC, which always has a thing or two to say about “hate crimes,” has mysteriously disappeared faster than the Russian submarine “Red October” beneath the waves.

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Blacks have a tendency to popoff on facebook and twitter worse than the lowest elements of VNN. As soon as the arrests are made and the names go public, I hope people swarm their social media with downloads/screen capping. Were the killers regular readersa and commenters at SPLCs Hate Watch, The Root and/or Coates? Reading Tim Wise? Concerned about white privilege? The world needs to know what ideas were in their heads when the killed that man.

  2. I notice the WaPo bought up his conviction over student loan fraud, and a few trolls to your previous threads about him mentioned that.

    Well, isn’t the order of the day, according to Baraq Obama, Rand Paul, etc., supposed to be overlooking Federal crimes that blacks commit? Because we all know that every black in Federal prison is doing a 20 year bid for just having a little bit of weed.

  3. This reminds me of the movie Mississippi Burning, except that the killers are suspected blacks and the victims are other blacks accused of being “uncle toms”. If the story is true this is the gravest Civil Rights murder and lynch mob attack since the 1964 murders of 3 civil rights workers.

    So many similarities to that case. You have a carload of civil rights activist who were just on their way home from a Southern civil rights rally ambushed by a group of “racist”. This is terrifying example of the new black Klan in Mississippi. Remember Mississippi is also home to the first real case of voter disenfranchisement in the 21st century. The voters that were disenfranchised were white. This preceded the Black Panther voter intimidation case.

    It is also home to the murder of that white girl a few months backs and whose murder is still unsolved.

    There is a need for a civil rights movement in the South, in Mississippi in particular. In the 21st Century black Southerners shouldn’t be getting murdered for waving a Confederate flag or tearing up a NAACP membership card. This recent murder is an extremely disturbing reminder of how far certain racist are able to get away with terrorizing parts of the South.

    You have monuments being defaced, flags being desecrated, people being assaulted for picking up a flag and then being wrongfully arrested, people having stuff thrown at their cars and being shot at, and now people even being murdered. Come on. If there were ever a need for a civil rights movement it is now.

  4. @BGriffin…

    Sir, when I was a boy, I had the feeling The Press was fulfilling it’s role as a third part of the ‘democratick’ estate.

    These days, with very little exception, I have a hard time evading the notion that they are anything but the willing henchmen of a national oppression.

    It is a bad situation.

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