By Hunter Wallace
In Baltimore, they wanted all of us “racists” to know that #BlackLivesMatter:
“Jermaine Mitter was among 45 people killed in July, the deadliest month in the city in at least 45 years. July’s total surpassed the 42 homicides in May and tied the previous record monthly homicide count in August 1972, when the city had about 275,000 more residents. …”
Way to make your point, Baltimore.
All this over yet another discredited race hoax.
Note: The SPLC has condemned the C of CC for spreading a “false narrative of a victimized white majority under siege by allegedly violent people of color in the United States.”
“City faced cyberattacks amid chaos and unrest on the streets.” – yeah, kids with their puter are locking things up, they are not happy with all this unrest!
“Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby derailed program to analyze Baltimore homicides” – proving she’s another Angela Davis, and as useless and as Marxist.
It’s like that one scene in Apocalypse Now, the stench of napalm in the breeze, the difference: In Baltimore, the blacks are doing themselves in, and this time, nobody is going to assist.
It’s a classic battlefield tactic: The pullback, except with this one, the other side doesn’t need us, now do they?
Do they?
And notice they’re still running with that discredited “stolen drugs from pharmacies” hobby horse. Even if it had anything to do with Bodymore’s violent May, which it really didn’t, those pills would all be used up by now; therefore, it has zero relevance to its even more violent July.
Crime is back up again. Chicago is on the same path. Detroit has always been. On the other hand, NYC went from 2000 murders every year in the late 80s to just 500 nowadays. The failed War on Drugs is as always for a lot in these homicides. You have to Watch “The Wire” to understand what happens in Bulletmore.