Cuckservatives: GOP Now Officially The Party of “White Paranoia”

By Hunter Wallace

There are a few good points mixed in with a lot of garbage in this Matt Taibbi article:

“The decision by huge masses of Republican voters to defy D.C.-thinkfluencer types like George Will and throw in with a carnival act like Trump is no small thing. For the first time in a generation, Republican voters are taking their destiny into their own hands.

In the elaborate con that is American electoral politics, the Republican voter has long been the easiest mark in the game, the biggest dope in the room. Everyone inside the Beltway knows this. The Republican voters themselves are the only ones who never saw it.

Elections are about a lot of things, but at the highest level, they’re about money. The people who sponsor election campaigns, who pay the hundreds of millions of dollars to fund the candidates’ charter jets and TV ads and 25-piece marching bands, those people have concrete needs.

They want tax breaks, federal contracts, regulatory relief, cheap financing, free security for shipping lanes, antitrust waivers and dozens of other things. …

At least on the Democratic side there was that 5-10 percent of industry policy demands that voters occasionally rejected, putting a tiny dent in what otherwise has been a pretty smoothly running oligarchy.

Now that’s over. Trump has pulled all of those previously irrelevant voters completely out of pocket. In a development that has to horrify the donors who run the GOP, the candidate Trump espouses some truly populist policy beliefs, including stern warnings about the dire consequences companies will face under a Trump presidency if they ship American jobs to Mexico and China.

All that energy the party devoted for decades telling middle American voters that protectionism was invented by Satan and Karl Marx during a poker game in Brussels in the mid-1840s, that just disappeared in a puff of smoke. …

Trump supporters have gone next-level, obsessed with gooney-bird fantasies about “white genocide,” a global plan to exterminate white people by sending waves of third-world immigrants across American and European borders to settle and intermarry.

The white-power nerds pushing this stuff don’t like the term RINO (Republican In Name Only) and prefer “cuckservative,” a term that’s a mix of “cuckold” and “conservative.” Cuck is also a porn term that refers to a white guy who gets off on watching his wife take it from (usually) a black man. A cuck is therefore a kind of desexualized race traitor.”

To summarize, Trump is a real threat to the status quo on the corporate-dominated American Right, and that is terrifying to the Left because he is, like, real and stuff. He might actually give Republican voters what they want on the social issues.

We’re seeing it every day in the panic among the cucks at National Review, The Federalist, Redstate, The Week, The Blaze, Commentary, in the George Will, Charles Krauthammer, and Michael Gerson columns. They have spotted a fox in the hen house.

Ordinary conservative voters have left the GOP corral and the cucks are in a panic to round them up before they wander off the farm.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The GOP needs to go. Its brand name is shot. It despises its own voter base and refuses to represent them. In every election they work up the yahoos for votes, then spit on them afterwards. A new party should take its place.

    I’m glad that Trump is using it as a vehicle. Why waste ballot access and all the other benefits it offers a candidate?

  2. Hunter I am torn here. I personally do NOT support Trump because I want to get the Helter Skelter show on already. I am so sick and tired of this crap and if Hillary Clinton will cause the USA to collapse which could only help us, then I would support her, albeit not officially or with my vote.

    Any thoughts?

  3. Taibbi failed to mention that not only are cuckservatives terrified of Trump upsetting the establishment, liberals are also utterly terrified, they personify the establishment more than any other group. As well, leave it to a jew to utterly sexualize the term cuckservative using using the image of a black male to do so.

  4. “Trump supporters have gone next-level, obsessed with gooney-bird fantasies about “white genocide,” a global plan to exterminate white people by sending waves of third-world immigrants across American and European borders to settle and intermarry.”

    Well, that’s pretty much what’s happening right now.
    Again and again: we’re going to need a bigger oven.

  5. These cucks and neocohens have gone hysterical. Or they’re just liars and propagandists. Trump has said nothing about “white genocide,” or about race or anything extremist. Protecting one’s country and economy from invaders is evil???

  6. I agree that we need a new political party, or political movement in the USA. That said, I think that it will have to be “populist” more than “conservative” if it is to secede.

  7. They can’t flood us fast enough to outpace the awakening. In fact, as they panic-flood us, it accelerates the awakening. You can see the resistance patterns across the lands of the Aryans. At this point, they won’t suceed – there will be a sizable and formidable land mass for whites.

  8. PS when Taibbi, an Arab who coined the term “vampire squid” when discussing Goldman Sachs, talks about white genocide; I interpret that as “praising it with faint damns”. What, does anyone think he could broach the subject at all without wrapping it in an Amen Chorus of Cathedral tripe? The Mantra is working: Trump and “cuckservative” are derivative phenomena.

  9. In a video series I once watched, on Jewish history, the narrator said, with respect to the rise of Lutheranism, something like, “for the first time, there was a heresy the Church was unable to stamp out.” History seems to be playing out similarly with the Republicans. They had little trouble dealing with the Buchanan insurgency or the Tea Party; Trumpism looks as if it might be getting away from them.

  10. I’d like to see Trump win, do a good job and be popular, and, if he decides for a 2nd term, go Independent at that point. As Bloomberg did in NYC…

  11. I’m glad to see the cuckservative meme repeated in the media. A lot of great work was done by the guys on TRS and the alt right promoting this meme. The Establishment hates the meme so much because it accurately describes them.

  12. The establishment stands a good chance of being washed away.

    If whites vote as whites the Republican sham is over.

    For some reason the Groids like Trump. Which is perplexing. He’s piling up 25% of the nog vote.

  13. If the groids like Trump it is because they understand what many of us know. Trump espouses policies that are in the interests of Americans and not global corporations or third world invaders.

  14. Reihan Salam: ‘This desire to blur boundaries lies at the heart of the melting-pot ideal, and it is why at least some conservatives, myself included, believe that we ought to embrace a more melting pot–friendly immigration policy. Essentially, this view holds that America’s diverse groups can over time blend into a new “American” ethnicity.’

    Oh, brother!

    I listen to talk shows when driving. I cringe when I hear conservatives say the problem with immigrants, either Latino, Arab, African, Bangladeshi, Hmong or whatever, is that they do not assimilate with us and become Americans.

    Okay, as if this is desirable?

    Meaning of course, that they hope Africans, dot-heads, Aztecs and camel jockeys etc. breed with our sons and daughters, producing mongrels who adopt our customs, fly the murrican flag, revere William F. Cuckley and blend into every nook and cranny from sea to shining sea.

    How sweet.

    Excepting the fact, that over the course of time, all vestiges of Whites, their culture, their genes, will have been eradicated from the face of the earth.

    Well, then those evil rayciss will be gone and the world be a paradise.

    Sure thing.

    A moderator at Castefootbal once wrote that altruistic Whites should have bumper stickers made to show the world their stupidity.

    Sticker: ‘White people working for a better world-even if we’re not in it.’

  15. Re: white victimhood.

    One example which sticks in my craw:

    Chicago planned to hire more firefighters. Zero, or almost zero, negroes passed the test. A lawsuit ensued. A federal judge ordered Chicago to hire 110 negro firefighters. Was that 110 more firefighters than Chicago planned and budgeted to hire? No, it means 110 whites who passed the test won’t become firefighters and 110 negroes who flunked the test will be firefighters. Disgusting.

  16. On one hand I’d like to see just how much Trump could/would do to turn things around, but on the other hand I also think we could much more easily achieve Southern independence if Hilary wins.

  17. Bernie is going to have a coronary over that schmuck Trump and his racist supporters.

    Oy vey! He’s so pissed.

    Sanders takes aim at Trump, accuses him of ‘racism and demagoguery’ on immigration

    MUSCATINE, Iowa — Sen. Bernie Sanders teed off on Donald Trump during a campaign event here Friday focused on Latino issues, accusing the Republican presidential front-runner of “using racism and demagoguery” when discussing immigration policy. (snip)

    “But what certain candidates like Trump are trying to do is to say to Americans, ‘We have problems, do you know who the cause of the problems is? It’s all the immigrants.’” (snip)
    “We can have a debate in this country about immigration reform, and people can have different points of view, but it is absolutely unacceptable for presidential candidates like Donald Trump to be using racism and demagoguery against a group of people,” Sanders said. “This is unacceptable. This is the year 2015, and I would have hoped that in this country we would have gone beyond this type of racism.” (snip)

    “We need legal status for undocumented people in this country,” he said. “We need a path toward citizenship, and I will fight toward that path. … I think the United States government should not be in the business of separating families.”

  18. Let all incarcerated felons out of prison if they have babymommas and little nogs! We can’t be in the business of separating families!

  19. A contest for next summer:

    Name the Cuck who will be the first to endorse the Democrat if Trump wins the nomination.

    (There are precedents for this sort of thing. Peggy Noonan in 2008 over Palin, for one.)

  20. “Ordinary conservative voters have left the GOP corral and the cucks are in a panic to round them up before they wander off the farm.”

    There are quite a few ‘take-aways’ from this column, and the comments.
    1) Yes, the Cucks/Libs are in a tizzy, because: a) they don’t like what Trump is saying, b) they don’t like it that Whites are agreeing with what Trump is saying, c) they FEAR ‘the Saxon awakening’ for all the right reasons (it means their eradication… ‘The last one to go will see the first three go before them: i.e., Illegals, Moslems, Blacks, and J…) and, most humorously of all, is the subconscious undertone d) If it didn’t illuminate our own manipulation of the system, WHY DIDN’T WE THINK OF IT FIRST? Oy vey ist mir!

    2) What all the cucks also don’t get, is that by calling “The Donald” names, they are also INSULTING US. And does ANYONE like it when they are insulted? – Either by calling us names, like ‘stupid’ or ‘nativist’ or ‘racist’ (Oh, that useless term, almost as devoid of meaning as ‘anti-[sic]semite’…. ALMOST.) or by denying what TRUMP/AMERICA stands for? Therefore, they are only BUILDING THE MOMENTUM THEY FEAR. But that is the historical pattern with the Deicides- the ‘Christ-killers’ always, ALWAYS overstep their chutzpah- (thank God) and I cannot wait until the pogroms begin- because payback IS a B*tch. And rightly, deservedly, so.

    3) The TRUMP Train is already gone, and neither the Libs nor the Cucks KNOW IT. Straw polls already have Trump winning over Hitler-y. And that Jezebel, that Bitch from Hell, is under so many indictments, and investigations, she damn well better NOT come out smiling like a rose! The righteous Whites could EASILY take to the streets, and Start a “CONCORD” moment, with the FEDGOV ‘firing the shot heard round the world- AGAIN- that victory would be assured, at ANY RATE.

    4) No matter WHAT happens to Trump (and there are/already have been calls for his asassination; as well as enough Niggers, Fags, or Jumpy Jews to carry it out -let’s NEVER FORGET, or EVER FORGIVE that, should it come to pass.. – that the ‘riots in the Streets’ from the Awakened Saxon, (and his belief that the Second Amendment is there to defend the First- EVEN AGAINST THE OBAMANATION) will again, guarantee the point raised in #3.

    5. The major ‘take-away’ from this, is that Trump believes (as do the Whites in America, who DON’T EFFING CARE WHAT THE LIBTARDS THINK ABOUT THEM ANY MORE- WE WANT OUR COUNTRY BACK!) is that:

    ‘With Jews, you lose; with Blacks, you’re crack; but “With Whites, You’re RIGHT” (in both senses of the word).

    We have nothing to fear, but fear itself. It is the traitors among us- the multiculturalists, the Jeb Spanish-speaking ILLEGALS, and above all, the Christ-killing Jews, who need fear. Deo Gratias.

    (Just to rub salt in the self-inflicted wounds the Left is dealing with…)

  21. In the last paragraph he practically quotes the Mantra verbatim, albeit in a mocking way, which doesn’t matter. Gooney bird anti-Whites are getting the White Genocide message out there, reaching millions more than we could reach.

  22. Notice how they insist on trying to deligitimize “cuckservative” by linking it with the word’s (very recent) association with a genre of pornography, when the ancient meaning is far more a propos? Cuckservatives are literal cuckolds in the sociopolitical arena, men who have lost control of their future and are raising another man’s children. The porn association, with its explicit racial connotation, isn’t completely incorrect, but it doesn’t convert the full scope of their failure.

  23. “For some reason the Groids like Trump. Which is perplexing.”

    Perplexing? What do you think I was predicting, here at Occidental Dissent, three weeks ago, Captain John, when I mentioned WeBeSisters dot com and said that Trump was just getting started? (See “Can Donald Trump Unite the ‘Far Right’?” here at Occidental Dissent.)

    The misfire of the hastily-conjured Mobile rally shook my faith in Trump, but a botch much greater than that would be necessary before I’d doubt him again–even with Ben Carson supposedly in a good position against him at present (as Mr. W., here at Occidental Dissent, hasn’t mentioned). Blacks are always respectful of Massa. The calculations of Barack Obama and Eric Holder notwithstanding, a majority of them, too, I’d bet, prefer the Old America, in which it was just they and the white man.

  24. You’re wrong, Melvin. Compassionate white and Jewish employers will retain simple-minded white workers, on whom they take pity. The quick-moving mulattos and mestizos will be sent back to Latin America and Africa, to resume working on their space programs and particle accelerators.

  25. ÂĄJeb! is so quick to blame “Asians” for the anchor baby phenomenon (What a joke– just ask the border states) that it would appear that some illegal aliens are more equal than others for him. ÂĄJeb! is a Hispanic nationalist, not an advocate for blanket illegal immigration, and I wish that he would be called out on this.

  26. Murray // September 7, 2015 at 4:48 pm //

    “Notice how they insist on trying to deligitimize “cuckservative” by linking it with the word’s (very recent) association with a genre of pornography, when the ancient meaning is far more a propos? ”

    Yes that’s because its effective and they don’t want us to use it. Politics is about imposing terminology. Impose your terminology on the enemy and you win.

  27. In addition to the association with pornography, the mention of black men seeks to associate the term “cuckservative” with racism. Racism– just about the only thing this idiotic place ever talks about. No matter the subject, it always comes down to race. Racism– more serious than murder.

  28. You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.

    Abraham Lincoln

  29. @William H McCarty // September 7, 2015 at 10:26 pm //

    Racism is the new Heresy. Political Correctness is a religion.

  30. Arab Jew what’s the difference? He might be Sephardic. All the Jews print his articles. I don’t hate everything he has written particularly about the banking system. But Jew style he was quick to use the Jewish-black porno reference. The blacks like Trump because they love macho boss men like they do in Africa.

  31. The “Cuckservative” tactic comes from pornography. It means what it means. The tactic is working beautifully – BECAUSE of the visceral reaction it produces. Why the squeamishness? It’s a SAHAMING technique, used on those that should CRINGE and wither when they are called out for their Race Cucking.

  32. The name speaks for itself no need for him to spell it out in Big Black letters but he just couldn’t help himself.

  33. “Cuckservative” also refers to their lack of masculinity, which is plain for all to see. A crying Boehner, a ÂĄJeb! talking about an “act of love” and “mean-spirited” Trump, etc.

  34. @Christine

    My initial reaction to the cuckservative meme was similar. I assumed it would just be used by Jews in the media to salivate over their favorite kind of porn.

    I’m neutral on it at the moment though. Although it makes me cringe personally it does seem to have caught a tide so I’m thinking maybe it is just me out of step as I’m very old-fashioned when it comes to that kind of thing.

  35. @anon
    “Although it makes me cringe personally it does seem to have caught a tide so I’m thinking maybe it is just me out of step as I’m very old-fashioned when it comes to that kind of thing.”

    Try using it on one of them and see how they react as vampires to the Cross. That is all you will need to know.

    The word cuckold goes all the way back to Chaucer. It not only means men who raise the child of another man. It is also what cuckoo birds do. They lay their eggs in the nest of other birds, so they raise the cuckoo’s offspring as their own. If the bird destroys the cuckoo’s eggs, the cuckoo returns and destroys its eggs to. So they are forced to raise the cuckoo’s offspring or else. Doesn’t this describe the behavior of our enemies almost exactly?

  36. How you interpret it says a lot about you. If its about black on white porn, its probably because you watch it. If you are an observer of nature, its about the behavior of certain birds. If you are educated, it could be about Chaucer.

    Cuckolds have been universally mocked by all cultures for centuries. They are life’s losers.

  37. way, way too much is being read into the Donald. He’s not one of us, he neither knows nor cares about our values. What he is: a tool for liquidating the useless, treacherous Republiscam Party. And after that: we neither want nor need any more “political parties”. The fate of White Western Civilization will be decided by hot lead. Not “votes”

    • I know Trump isn’t one of us, but if he can get rid of some of our immigrant problem he will be helping a lot.

      Re “fate of White Western civilizatio decided by hot lead” After looking at a bunch of old Civil War post battle pictures it’s pretty disheartening to admit, but you are probably right. There is still a chance we could escape without a bloodbath though so we should give it all we’ve got to avoid it. But I’ll stock up on ammo anyway.

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