By Hunter Wallace
1.) After watching the 1 and 1/2 hour Loser Debate and the 3 hour main event, the biggest takeaway is that this debate was a slog compared to the last one. It made no sense to have four candidates in the Loser Debate and 11 on the main stage.
2.) IMO, ¡Jeb! was by far the biggest loser of the evening. Trump alphaed him several times. He demanded Trump apologize to his wife. Trump’s response: no.
3.) Trump looked gassed or “low energy” this time around, but so did everyone watching at home after THREE HOURS.
4.) Ben Carson, the real cure for insomnia, practically went to sleep on stage. He is playing the magic negro who will heal America’s racial divide. That was Obama’s act in 2008.
5.) Rick Santorum shined in the Loser Debate and was the only other candidate who caught my eye.
6.) Ted Cruz had a good answer on judges, but I have never been able to get past his evangelical demeanor which always reminds me of the character Steve Newlin from HBO’s True Blood.
7.) Once again, the media consensus is that Fiorina and Rubio won the debate because both gave the most polished answers. Sitting at home, I didn’t care about their polished answers though because both are for amnesty which is why I would never consider voting for them.
8.) Trump’s bluster and lack of substance is beginning to get on my nerves, but not enough at this point to change my view of the race.
9.) There was a subdebate about who could cuck the hardest for Israel to impress Sheldon Adelson who was reportedly in the audience. Ann Coulter’s Twitter feed was the highlight of the evening.
10.) Trump didn’t make any fatal mistakes. He didn’t help or hurt himself last night … just bored us trying to play nice.
11.) I thought Cuckabee had a great moment on religious liberty.
12.) Rand Paul tried to channel his father, but it is too late now. Can’t go back, Rand.
13.) After an initial outburst against Trump, Scott Walker disappeared.
The problem with y’all and white people in general is that you are not radical enough to do real battle with our enemies. All of you undoubtedly supported both Pauls as you now support Donny. But this time you are backing a ‘winner.’ Don’t worry nothing can stop Trump except a bullet which I feel is a distinct possibility if not probability. Only desperation causes you to support such a man and you are pretty fucking desperate. Admit it. Me too for a tiny bit but I bailed once I learned of his position on our flag.
Have you no honor? If you are not willing to be more radical than your enemies you will never win.
IMO, Trump’s comments on the Confederate flag was just a dodge, not unlike his initial remarks on refugees, which he quickly walked back under pressure. I don’t think he has any serious, heartfelt position on the issue.
Yeah, I think he’ll be co-opted or assassinated before the third primary. His mild nationalist sentiment is too much for the hysterical American electorate.
I agree about Coulter being too artful.
She didn’t say: ” these candidates are all puppets of the Jews, that’s why they mention Israel all the time.”
The effect on the Jewish press was very illustrative though.
I agree with Jim, I don’t like Donald Trump the only thing Trump can do for us is to destroy the Republican Party. The Democrats are obviously the Party of Jewish Communists and Subhumans. We need the Republican Party DESTROYED as this will open the door to the collapse. BRING IT ON
Geez- Sam – the image from that video, above, of Fiorino?
That’s PURE Kike. TX has LOADS of Cryptos. Lyndon Johnson was one.
Coulter is no Cuck. She’s dog-whistling. Do you seriously think she doesn’t know what she’s doing? She knows she has to “pay the Jew” if she wants to be published or get on TV. Did you watch her recent interview with darling boychick Bennie Shapiro? She did pay obesciance to his High Hebe-ishness, and mouth “nice” genuflexive de rigeur platitudes about Jews – but I sensed a barely controlled instinctive desire, just simmering beneath the surface, to oven him, and any Hebes in reach. I think she’s simply had enough.
do you think she doesn’t know about US? I was on her feed that night. So were my fellow Evil Racist Bigots. Some of our Teets were quoted in the plethora of Hebe Outrage Itz Annuder Shoahco$t articles, that appeared immediately, like toadstools after a heavy dank rain. Coulter never acknowledged the Wayciss posts – but she never blocked any of us. She could have done that. But she dint.
LOADS of journalists and writers READ OUR STUFF. Including Jews. I used to say that Michael Savage got at least half of his material on Stormfront. FYI – he Kiked Out over Coulter.
It’s an opening salvo. The Ice, cracking. That Wrath of the Anglo Saxon Moment, and all. It’s going to be a long, HARD slog. The Kikenvermin, and all their Orcs, are not going away quietly. We are fighting for our very existence. But we do it, or perish.
It would be pretty to think so Denise. It would be nice it would be paradise. But I think she wants to live than be a martyr to the cause. Boychik is the spelling haven’t heard that one in awhile. Good post.
There’s the reality of Jewish power and the pretense.
Taking the pretense at face value is sometimes a useful tactic and in that context what she said wasn’t anti-Jewish at all; it’s just a comment saying “why waste so much time pandering to such a small percentage of the Repub vote?” It’s no different to what all the Jewish commentators would say if for example Bush was campaigning for black votes in Baltimore.
Sometimes I think people self regulate because they know the reality. One of Alinksy’s rules was make the other side live up to their own rules – if you act naive their pretense of weakness can be used. That’s one tactic.
Obviously the pretense is not the reality and making fun of the reality on twitter is another tactic – certainly a very entertaining one 🙂
As to Coulter, she was making a perfectly reasonable comment – under the rules of the false reality. It might have been the sort of comment people usually self-censor to avoid the consequences of Jewish supremacism so I think you’d have to guess either alcohol was involved or she’s playing undercoverlover.
Hard to say.
Either way it was good for us because of the (literally) insane over reaction from the usual suspects so I personally wouldn’t want to call her names. She did a good job even if was a tipsy accident.
Also not only did they spazz out but lots of people saw them take the original comment, twist it out of context and then use the twisted version to start calling her Hitler – all in real time. Very funny and they only have themselves to blame.
“I used to say that Michael Savage got at least half of his material on Stormfront. FYI – he Kiked Out over Coulter.”
Something else for you youngsters to keep in mind. While you are above the standard fare when it comes to IQ, your essence is nothing more than words.
As I reflect back on my career as an activist, a true activist, i.e., physically confronting the enemy in public over and over and over again, y’all are nothing but words without any deeds. Granted I was arrested four (4) times for my trouble but still that is the stuff of leading. The media ignored me like the plague. And I’m not recommending that you go down the path I went even if you had that kind of courage because it would probably turn out the same way for you too. But still, you would think in a country as large as ours that there were more brave and courageous White Men than just me. It’s funny and tragically hilarious.
MI Spooks gratuitously insisted upon strict legality from the start and I say gratuitously because strict legality is in my essence and it wasn’t necessary to emphasize that with me. What I didn’t understand in the beginning is how corrupt the police, prosecutors and judges are. I had to learn that the hard way.
What we need as White People is someone, a leader, with my courage but smarter in knowing how corrupt the police, prosecutors and judges are and mount . . . It’s hard to complete the thought because I wouldn’t do it again but you can’t tell that to a real leader.
Question: Where are our White Leaders?
Probably not here or anywhere else on the Internet as you banter with one another like girls.
Repeat, where are our White Leaders especially those with real jobs and real families?
Deeds not words.
Only a Jew can say Jew and only Blacks can say nigger. Ann’s outburst we’ve reached peak pandering to hostile minorities seeks political power. Trumps platform populous sentiment 80% national socialist exposing the GOP a false front.
Jim —
Activism takes place in the nursery, not on the battlefield. The Jews know that.
Said all along that Trump is likely to get assassinated and he hardly has done anything to piss people off. It is the danger of what he can arouse in white popular sentiment. Bureaucratic Mediocrity must rule whether it is jewish power or any other and populism threatens it. Trump is interesting to watch for the minor take-down he has done in his show of contempt for the media.
Who in America has run as a Pro-White Anti-Zionist candidate?
Banned at Stormfront and VNN but recalling endless threads about everything under the sun except white leadership. I can’t recall one thread that ever discussed who our white leaders are and more importantly who they should be. No model or prototype.
One response here as to white leadership, i.e., have children. I heard that from the start too. Being childless I’m ambivalent about this advocacy. Hitler was childless, Ja? Regardless, being childless has long been a criticism from child producing nonleaders.
Ultimately, the White Brood must have leaders to follow and yet not one White Man in sight. I find that odd. I understand most wouldn’t dare to lead but you would think a very very very tiny few would. And yet, nothing, zero, zilch. That’s unacceptable. You can have all the children you want and it will mean nothing for our survival if the White family cannot come together around leaders to form a new government.
Three (3) Pro White Anti-Zionist congressional campaigns. And nothing from no one else no where else. Why is that? It’s pathetic. The time is now for White Men to step up and start running for public office as Pro-White Anti-Zionist candidates.
Until then I’m crowing as to being the bravest Rebel in the country and the only Rebel in the country. Have your children, raise them and protect them but don’t pretend that is a solution to our political enemies because it’s not. White leaders and a white team are essential.
Maybe there are no White leaders because there are no White followers.
Not having followers is an excellent excuse for not leading but that’s all it is, an excuse. Clearly, not having followers is adequate opposition to prevent every White man breathing now to NOT try and lead.
Real leaders don’t hold their wet finger up in the air to see which way the wind is blowing. Instead, they go against the grain. And White People don’t have one man, count ’em, not one man to even try. Pathetic. We deserve exactly what we are getting.
No, I have a lot of experience in this area.
I can definitively say there are no White leaders because there are no White followers. Generally speaking, the White followers don’t donate, don’t join organizations, don’t participate in demonstrations, don’t do anything really but complain on the internet.
That’s why nothing we or anyone else does can ever gain traction. Anyone who says “follow me” knows they are sticking their necks out for a group of people who have no interest whatsoever in being led anywhere. They all calculate that it is safer to hide in anonymity on the internet because “I will lose my job” or “I will be labeled a racist.”
From what exactly are leaders supposed to arise? The vast majority of WNs are too afraid to talk to their next door neighbor. Why would anyone want to be a leader? There’s no money in it. If anything is true, you will end up spending your own money and putting your own livelihood at risk. There’s nothing to be gained in social status even among all the people on the internet who are supposed on your side.
So, you have no money, no social status to be gained, no one even willing to follow you should you do anything. Why should anyone bother? The only people who do are motivated by pure altruism or a sense of honor.
More and more excuses.
The missing link are White leaders.
The White race in America is currently comprised of nothing but followers. There’s no shortage of followers. We have no White leaders, not one. That’s the problem.
The missing link is White followers.
Again, there is no structure in place to cultivate leaders. There’s no money, but a massive financial opportunity cost for anyone who considers the position. There’s no organization. There are only a handful of activists.
No leader has the resources to accomplish anything because of lack of followers. And there are no followers because every individual assesses the risk and draws the conclusion that it is “safer” to post anonymous comments on the internet.
There is no chicken and egg question here. There are hordes of followers and they are following the only circus in town.
Leaders don’t need resources. They only need raw courage and tenacity.
Moreover, mine would have been the last confirmation of reality. Hardly a true test of the hypothesis. Let’s have 1,000 courageous White men mount 1,000 Pro-White Anti-Zionist campaigns for public office. Or 100 or 10 or 1. But alas there is not one courageous White man in the entire country. Odd. Strange.
Then and only then can valid assertions be made about lack of followers.
Jim, there are leaders, activists fighting a resistance at the state and local level. My take is that everything higher than US Congress is out of reach.
Local sherifs in Tennessee are now looking to follow the success of Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
The emphasis is on aggressive, invading Muslims – I like that. Nice to see religion actually working for our side for a change.
Anyone other than a Pro-White Anti-Zionist leader is not what we need. Quasi, kind-a-sorta don’t cut it. Nor does activist. We must have strictly legal candidates for public office.
Raw and Real Pro-White Anti-Zionist candidates. Period.
Jim that’s just not true.
We have some decent leaders. Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions is excellent. Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Arizona very, very good. I suggest you get to know Senator Session’s Congressional staff, maybe there are some young stars in the making.
But, whatever you do – don’t waste any time on some White Nationalist savior on a White horse running for President, winning and then SAVING AMERICA. That doesn’t happen.
I missed the news about Jeff Sessions being a Pro-White Anti-Zionist senator. Do you have a link?
Ditto for Arpaio.
What doesn’t happen is that we have no genuine White Leaders. That’s absolutely not happening.
Pro-White Anti-Zionist leaders. Period.
As to which office to seek? All of them. We have no shortage of White People. Instead, we lack white leaders. We don’t even have one leader. We don’t even have one Pro-White Anti-Zionist candidate for public office.
Hunter Wallace // September 20, 2015 at 2:42 pm //
“Maybe there are no White leaders because there are no White followers.”
Leaders just follow a crowd from the front. So you are right there is nothing to lead at this point.
Leaders don’t follow the crowd. Leaders say, “Follow me.”
But how would you know otherwise because no one is saying “follow me.”
Not one White Man in the entire country. Odd. Strange.
Follow me only works in the case of online anonymous trolling because there is no risk involved. Again, the problem is followers, not leaders. Nothing can grow due to the unwillingness of followers to participate.
Heard all that before. You aren’t talking to an anonymous Internet person. Rather you are talking to the only brave White man in the nation. All the criticism and opposition to genuine White leadership and here of all places. Odd and strange.
I’ve done my part. Lots of others haven’t done theirs.
Jeff Sessions has been a solid leader on immigration, amnesty, opposing the cultural marxist Fed Hate Crime laws. Jeff Sessions is the one that turned Scott Walker in to being pro American worker, against flooding the country with low wage, non White immigrants.
You’re just not paying attention to mainstream politics. I really suggest you get off the 24/7 American WN internet world where all is doom and gloom.
Support local White culture, support local White sports. With the exception of “College” football, basketball, NBA, NFL most sports are very White. Whites dominate boxing now. The Rugby world cup is coming up – exception of some Samoans and New Zealand Maori, Rugby is all White – google where Rugy World cup is being featured in your area, you’ll meet lots of interesting White ex pats, watch the White women go wild when the New Zealand does the Maori war dance. Life is not all gloom and doom. Our situation is like those of the outnumbered Whites in Lord Of the Rings, there is hope.
Local and Internet. Heard it all before. It’s no excuse for not having Pro-White Anti-Zionist leaders running as candidates for public office.
Endless excuses and still not one White Leader in sight, not one.
BTW, my three (3) Pro-White Anti-Zionist campaigns were all LOCAL and public, i.e., on the road, in the streets with the people.
And I’m anything but doom and gloom. I’m advocating a real solution unlike you who insists upon support of non-racial office holders and ‘culture.’ There is hope if only we had White leaders. There is no hope without White leaders. None. It’s fantasy to think otherwise.
Jim Giles // September 20, 2015 at 2:05 am //
“Who in America has run as a Pro-White Anti-Zionist candidate?”
There was a man running with the repeater “With Jews you lose”. He got probably 3 votes.
Heard it all before. ‘Throwing away your vote,’ etc., ad infinitum, ad nauseum.
Not exactly a Pro-White Anti-Zionist platform either.
The Internet is a good thing. Leadership is a good thing.
We just don’t have ONE White Leader who is courageous. Odd. Strange.
The internet is why the movement has the shape it does. Like I said, when there is no risk involved, there are plenty of leaders and followers. Internet trolling is thriving.
Take heart though, Alex Linder, Tom Metzger and MI Spooks agree with you.
I guess they think it will come down to something other than an electoral solution.
I don’t think so. Our survival like it or not will always depend upon the ballot box, voting and WHITE LEADERS.
I asked how many White leaders there are in this country and no one replied. Answer: Zero (0). And you say there are no white followers? I say there are no white leaders. The latter is manifestly true while the former is not.
Not exactly.
There are a small number of people who join organizations, donate, vote, show up at demonstrations. The vast majority of people who are exposed to our ideas though are content with venting on the internet. That’s why nothing can ever catch fire.
If there were followers, the leaders would easily rise through their ranks. No cause whatsoever can grow if its own advocates are willing to submit to being marginalized.
I’m in NJ. I’ve being hassle by the police and the local paper just for saying things. If I were to put a swastika flag on my front yard,I’de be surrounded by swat police.
Hunter I look at it this way. Joe Six Pack, at least in the South and in other areas as well is more awake than ever, thanks to Nikki Haley and this other antiwhite craziness. I think of it like sewing seeds, we just keep sewing the seeds eventually something will grow somewhere.
I think timing is important too. I think 10 years ago some things we talk about now most people would’ve looked at you as if you had a horn growing out of your forehead but now they know. What has to happen now is for our people to capture local offices, then state offices then governorships. As the Confederacy never surrendered it is De Jure still in existence. All that has to happen is for new state governments to be formed and a provisional Confederate government to be formed until voting could staff it permanently.
An Independent Confederacy will cause the rest of the USA to break like a China Glass.
As for where I am, thanks to Nikki Haley I am seeing Confederate stuff more and more. I think the backlash is here. Somehow we need to move it beyond backlash to full offense to a movement then to freedom.
The strength of the Jews is constructed at every moment of every day, in virtually every individual Jew. The stance of the average Jew toward existence is strikingly different from that of the average white. The average Jew, for instance, would never use a dismissive phrase such as “fancy intellectual jargon,” which you yourself used here just the other day, Jim. He or she knows that intellect is all. The average Jew doesn’t think life is a football game. He or she leaves football games to drunken whites, who boast about having thrown up on the sidewalk post-game, in celebration of victory–or defeat, or whatever. The average Jew, Billy Ray, would never write what you just wrote:
“I think of it like sewing seeds, we just keep sewing the seeds eventually something will grow somewhere.”
He or she would never write that, because he or she would know the word is “sow,” not “sew.” When he or she sees that error at a website like Occidental Dissent, he or she quietly notes that whites still pose no serious threat–and he or she maintains his or her watch.
Do you think I’m wrong about this, Mr. Wallace? Let’s see how long it takes before abusive replies to what I’ve just typed start appearing here. “Faggot!” “Fuck you!” No ability to pause–to consider, to listen, to say, “Hmm–maybe that’s right.” That’s whites; that’s weakness.
If you insist on thinking of the racial contest as a football game, well, then, let’s put it this way: Whites seem to think they can simply walk onto the field on game day and win victory–without having cultivated the strengths, the skills with which victory is won. Jews know that game day is every moment of every day. Every moment of every day they’re avoiding the attitudes that conduce to defeat. The cultivating of any such attitude is avoided at every moment of their rearing of their children.
I just came from my local grocery store, Kroger, in Richland.
I’m rethinking my position. LOL! Seriously, I’m laughing out loud.
More later, I’ve got some cows to milk. One quick thought though. Jews will always be nothing more than intellect. They are intellectually our betters. But we are physically their betters with some intellect to work with. Not as much as theirs but their game, their trump card is not omnipotent.
As for “fancy intellectual jargon,” I don’t think that’s the best way to communicate. I prefer simple and direct. It’s more honest.
I hope I didn’t misspell any words. If I did, fuck you! Just kidding. I hate grammatical errors too. Having spoken with Lord Monckton I don’t feel the lesser man. I just speak with an accent different from his.
Still Team White is in the locker room and no White leaders in sight. Odd. Strange.
Mais mon ami Monsieur Bonaccorsi, your reply does not address the need for White leadership. It simply distracts albeit avec élégance.
The U.S. Army Infantry School disagrees with you and so do I.
Show Pro Whites how it is done Jim. Run for office with a pro white anti-zionist stance. You have nothing to lose by trying.
I guess I look at things a little differently. Hunter’s point about there not being enough “followers” is very true. Jim’s insinuation about the lack of followers being nothing but an excuse for the pathetic void of actual leadership is also very true.
There are no leaders because there is practically nothing to lead. Many of those that have anointed themselves as leaders are nothing more than a study in mediocrity and various chemical imbalances and neurological disorders. I haven’t seen one guy I would take a bullet for, trust with my life, or even trust to lend them more than $20. The Internet and virtual world is full of big, badass pro-Whites who do some amazing, heroic and miraculous things. The real world, not so much. There’s just no foundation and not much to lead for anyone willing to step up and try and lead something.
There aren’t enough followers because those that have initiated things in the real world have failed to set up a thriving support system for the other people out there that might need nothing more than slight encouragement and a helping hand to become practical, real-world activists instead of virtual activists. I could write a small book about this specific point.
Then again, a true leader works with what he has and would be willing to take a small army of men to war if that’s all he had. Improvise, Adapt, Overcome… Real leaders and real warriors find a way. Or they die trying. He ALWAYS makes the people around him better. If you haven’t seen anyone step up and just make shit happen when the odds are stacked against him, then you just haven’t seen any real leaders expose themselves.
Has anyone ever tried to actively find, develop and nurture talent? Leadership, whether a single leader or group of leaders, is only one part of the equation. Everything doesn’t just magically fall into place the second you think you have a “leader” to thrust into the spotlight.
Excellent. Bravo!
As long as we keep growing our numbers we are moving in the right direction. Perhaps I’ve got a little more simple optimism than most, but I think that in time leaders will manifest themselves in various capacities. Hunter Wallace has taken a small but very important leadership role by starting and maintaining OD. Dr. Hill has risen to the call by forming and leading LOS. Some people are just the leader type and some are not. Some people are more cut out for blogging and some are more cut out for public speaking. I’ve never me William Flowers, but I’ve seen several videos of him speaking and he looks like he could be a natural for the part. I hope he keeps practicing with smaller engagements today because he will likely be speaking to larger crowds in the future. Political leaders will come LAST. Politics always follows organic movements. We may long for a president to fix everything after getting elected in 2016, but it ain’t gonna happen that way. We need to keep growing our movement with activism, and if that activism is 99% online for now, then so be it. We look forward to increasing our street presence, but for everything there is a season. Once you have the crowd, the leaders and followers will sort themselves out in various specialties.
Practice! You said it! Dead on and there’s no need to wait. The political campaigns can and should begin now. Good practice.
I’ve posted a similar comment on another thread, but I’ll post it again here.
Why do we, especially us Southerners not organize a “Dixie party” to compete in state elections. It should be *explicitly* and *unapologetically* pro-white, pro-Christian, pro-gun rights, and pro-secession for best chances of success imho. Parties are expected to write a party platform so that would be the ideal opportunity to lay it down.
If Hillary or any other democrat wins in 2016, we will get a windfall of support for secession.
We don’t need to worry one whit over presidential elections or senate elections in other states since our goal is secession. This actually gives us a huge advantage because repubs and democrats both want to take the whole country and will have to spread their finances out to get as many prez and Congressional seats as possible, while we focus all our efforts on state governors and state senate and rep seats. That’s all it takes to get a secession–governor and majority in state congress! Right? And with enough majority in state congress, you can override a governor veto in most states. Right? It might be low hanging fruit, but I don’t see any real advantage to winning mayor and sheriff seats since they don’t vote on whether we secede or not.
The party will probably have the best chances of success if it starts and is headquartered in the Deep South where it can get the most nurturing during its infancy.
Another option would be to go Tea party style and infiltrate as a faction within the republican party. This would help get around the 2 party spoiler effect, but I doubt it will be that big of a hurdle if we focus on our core and forget about places like Vermont, NY and California.
I imagine a party platform that calls for a cooperative secession where state A passes a bill to secede pending the cooperative secession of states B,C,D,E,F, etc. Once enough states pass the bill it will trigger a secession of several states, perhaps most of the country if some Western, Midwestern states want to join us.
Short answer: The Internet is the greenhouse for germinating milestones.
Long answer:
Yes, we need to get it off the Net and onto the streets and into politics, but it starts on the Net, just like historical movements started in whatever media was available at the time. Internet activism is a fabulous thing, just not sufficient in and of itself. It will eventually spread beyond the Net. The Net is a major gamechanger that give us an outlet that the PC police can’t control. If we had to rely on Fox News, we’d be hopeless, but thanks to the Net we don’t need them. Why do you think these countries ban social media?
I have to remind you all that the SJW are an entirely internet movement. I can’t think one public protest they have ever done. Gays don’t march they hold carnivals, yet they control the USA (I have come to the conclusion the Cold War reignited, because gays aren’t allowed to propagandize children in Russia.)
Face it fellows, marching around the streets with flags is so 1930s. 4th Generation Warfare is what the enemy uses and for the most part its anonymous.
I think the gay pride parades were incredibly effective. Look at how thinks have changed over a 30 year period. Gays went from a joke to the homocracy we now live under. Same goes for civil wrongs marches back in the day. We need to organize Confederate pride parades and/or marches to be held over and over, growing with each march/parade.
I personally think pride parades are the best option because it is themed as a celebration rather than a protest. A celebratory theme will naturally attract more people and be easier to year over year.
I see that there have been some Confederate flag “pride rides” and this one claims to be a “first annual” pride ride.
It’s bound to be faster and easier to get a bunch of patriots to show up with a car/truck and a flag that to organize an all out parade, like with floats, throwing candy to kids, associated propaganda like fliers or ad booklets, advertised well in advance, mascots in stick costumes, music, horse, the works. But I think the parade will invoke a stronger effect in people than just a pride ride with one truck after another sporting the flag. And definitely get some smart video coverage (like having a couple of official hosts, or creating a highlights montage) and post it on youtube. I bet a parade like this would grow year over year. In fact, it need not be a single annual event. There could be several parades of this nature across the South, with each one occurring annually. Better think of “soft” ways to make it exclusively white or we’ll end up over time giving in more and more to nonwhites showing up.
Ok, that’s dreaming big, but I do think that festive is more effective than protest if you want to grow a pro-white movement.
Jim Giles // September 20, 2015 at 10:54 pm //
Follow me only works in the case of online anonymous trolling because there is no risk involved. Again, the problem is followers, not leaders. Nothing can grow due to the unwillingness of followers to participate.
‘The U.S. Army Infantry School disagrees with you and so do I.
They’ve never had to run for election. Like I implied you sound like every other WN. Lots of good advice and no action.
“They’ve never had to run for election. Like I implied you sound like every other WN. Lots of good advice and no action.”
You are fucking retarded.
Attention to the use of accent marks. Now, that’s what I like to see in a white man, Jim. (No joke.)
I am beginning to wonder if the same rules of engagement as in years past is going to still be in play now. Radical Southern Nationalists began planning Secession at some level in the late 1820’s and the groups coalesced around Nullification in 1833.
Although the Secession issue was considered DEAD after Nullification because General Jackson said anyone who attempted it would be lynched by him personally and most the milktoast Southern Politicians bowed to Jackson, what Southern Nationalists then did was use Fraternal Organizations to organize. The Order of the Lone Star, formed in Texas in 1834 to foment the Revolution was one group that after the Mexican War became one of the first Southern Nationalist Paramilitary Groups. Many other lesser groups were organized as well and many filibuster trips were taken during this period gaining them real combat experience.
Following the Mexican War, General John Quitman of Mississippi among others became one of the most powerful men in the South. Later he joined forces with Virginia-Born George Bickley’s Cincinnati Ohio based Knights of the Golden Circle. These groups and others like them helped to push the moderates and conservatives out of office replacing them with Southern Revolutionaries.
The point to the above is this, the movement toward the Confederacy was done both by Statesmen and Thugs who got things done, you need BOTH in a revolution. It took a much longer period of time because of the lack of radio communication and slow transportation. Now compare the Confederate to the Nazi Movement. The Nazi Movement was able to rise much more quickly because of the speed of communication and the situations facing Germany from 1918-32.
Since World War Two, it seems as if the story has been defense. The Real Ku Klux Klan was seized by the IRS in 1944 and every group since has been largely localized. As there was no longer one overarching Klan Organization after 1944, the Klan lost its ability to be Offensive and became largely Defensive. Robert Shelton in AL and Sam Bowers in MS did amazing things they were great heroes but they were warriors, they were not political leaders.
Oval Faubus and Ross Barnett were just down-home Southern Governors, they had no real appeal outside their own states nor did they think big. Their appeal was minimal.
George Wallace thought NATIONAL which was why he became so popular even outside of Alabama. The problem with Wallace was he was a WW2 Veteran and Patriotic American, he hadn’t quite gotten to the Southern Nationalist Viewpoint. He could get up to the Rubicon put his toes in the water but he wouldn’t cross it.
George Lincoln Rockwell I believe was the best White Leader of that 1945-1970 era mostly because he was both offensive and defensive and as an adman knew how to sell an image. Unfortunately the Nazi Image was hard for many men in 1960 being WW2 Vets to swallow but he did great things.
Fast forward to now. I think we are at the phase where the next revolution will be largely a leaderless resistence, but it will at some point lead to the rise of leaders. What has to happen now is complete collapse ie Charlie Manson’s Helter Skelter, whatever you wish to call it. I DO NOT BELIEVE A LEADER WILL RISE UP until our fat is literally in the fire.
The Founders of the Confederacy had a Nationalist Movement with defined goals and their own supply of money coming from their plantations.They also built from a national structure that possessed both a POLITICAL and a MILITARY side of things. They also had the secret organizations to do dirty deeds when they needed done.
The Nazis also had a Nationalist Movement with defined goals but would likely have never come to power without the Great Depression plunging Germany into 70% unemployment.
Now we have us. The crisis moment has not been reached yet, although we are close. The South had major compounding crisis points, Denmark Vessey, Nat Turner, Nullification, Texas, Mexican War, Compromise of 1850, Kansas-Nebraska Act, Panic of 1857, Dred Scott, John Brown etc.
The Nazis had one major crisis that allowed them power, the Great Depression.
Right now as long as everyone can go to work and come home every night secure in the knowledge their wife likely hasn’t been raped or killed while they were pulling 8-10, we have not reached AN OBVIOUS crisis point. The Crisis Point will only be reached when Banks are closed, every city is in flames and a state of emergency has been declared. The sad part of this is, while all of us in the know realize we have passed a million crisis points just since the Los Angeles Riots in 92, until Joe Six Pack sees Suzy Homemaker raped and dead in front of him and his job is gone, banks are looted and the stores are all burned, he won’t see the NEED FOR ACTION.
George Lincoln Rockwell.
Finally, a list begins. That’s one. Who else?
Re the comments above: White people in the u.s. live under occupation. They are not uncomfortable enough to follow or to lead. The jews and their gentile satraps gave them enough trinkets to love their slavery. They don’t want to change things anymore than blacks in the south wanted to be “free.” “The Jews have superior intellect” mentioned above. Only in certain ways. They have an obdurate intellect. They cannot be moved. It is their enduring feature. They knew not to race mix but then tricked whites in doing so. They know always that the gentile is the enemy. They are cognizant of the enemy at all times. They never forget this. They shape shift in and out of the land of the enemy. They know how to hide, they know when to pounce. In a certain period of history this was known to the gentile. The churches particularly in the byzantine empire kept the jew out of finance, education, everything. They didn’t take the jews money. A long running empire beseiged by turks and arabs for over a thousand years it perdured. Western Europe took money from the Jew. It was all over. They were the slaves and we are their heirs. Best we can do is to know it. That’s the best we have got. The rest of the white people here are too stupid too dumb. Their intellects are fine, but their instincts are completely shot.
Christine actually the Jews do race-mix quite a bit, but you must understand the way Jews reckon Jewish Identity. Reform and Conservatives say it takes ONE Jewish parent to make a Jewish child, Orthodox says Jewish Mother. Thus a Jew can have children with anyone, the result is always a Jew.
You would be amazed at how many famous Negroes married Jewish Girls of course the media put them out as White. Taye Diggs was one married Idina Menzel, shes the one who sings the song to Frozen, his children are Jews. Jewish girls are known for whoring with Negroes so much, Jewish male comedians all make jokes about it, it was even a punch line in Adam Sandlers Dont Mess With The Zohan where the old nasty Jewish woman describes all the men shes been with.
at Billy Ray Jenkins. Okay, but they keep the tribe intact. They don’t outbreed and become part of another group ordinarily or often enough for them to assimilate into another group. As whites do to blacks or to browns. Wrong?
Jim Giles // September 21, 2015 at 12:49 am //
“You are fucking retarded.”
You couldn’t deal with the point I made, so you insulted me instead. Good one Jim! lol
I use my real name, always have. You haven’t been paying attention. No one has been more public than me as a Pro-White Anti-Zionist candidate multiple times. I called you retarded because you didn’t know this and after I provided a link documenting my 3 congressional campaigns.
Agree with Jeff. Leaders have to have something to lead. William Flowers is good and needs to be in there pitching, when there is a crowd to get in front of.
Its just like surfing. You have to be ready for the waves when they roll in. But who makes those waves? That’s where 4th generation warfare comes in.
Okay Jim, I didn’t see that. I was looking at the Army link.
The thing is Christine is Jews assimilate those they breed with, not the other way around. A Jew and a Negro, the child is a Negro Jew so on and so forth, the offspring of a Jew is always a Jew.
Whites can only reproduce with ourselves this is our genetic limitation. Our genetics are so specialized we only can reproduce with our own.
If this is true then the Jews are done for. Once they are niggerized they will lose any IQ advantage they may have had.
We can help by showing Afro-Jew couples in Internet memes the way they do us with afro-white every time you turn on the TV.
Jeff Davis the South does not need to secede, it just merely needs to kick the occupation governments out. The Confederacy is still a legal entity, the present state governments since 4/9/65 are completely illegal. I do NOT know how you would go about creating dual governments and such but maybe Hunter does.
http://csagov.org/ ANYONE KNOW THESE GUYS?
Interesting, but check out # 8 on their citizenship affirmation page. I’d past it here, but I can’t get it to copy.
I also don’t buy the statement that the CSA is still intact, and I doubt many other people will. We need to secede from scratch. Sorry.
They won through meme warfare. That’s why there are/were few followers and why their control is both so strong and potentially so weak.
Admittedly they had/have the advantage of Pearl Harboring the media first which is/was a major advantage but their memes are all lies which is a major disadvantage.
It may be too late but it seems people now have at least realised how to fight back.
That was what I meant @BRJ so there is agreement.
Jim Giles, I strongly strongly recommend you get away from on line White nationalism, Alt Right, race realism, even immigration restrictionism 24/7.
Get off line and back in to the real world, join groups, activities that are implicitly White.
You used to do American Football – do something similar that is very White.
The Rugby World Cup is on now – find someplace that is showing it, get a bar to show it. You’ll meet great White ex pats from UK, Europe, Australians.
Do something not politically that you can make some $s at. You’re very talented. There are no $ in open 24/7 White Nationalism.
I see that Knoxville TN has a minor league hockey team. Hockey is 99% White. Plus it has lots of action and some violence – go promote it, White women like the action, like the violence. Between periods here in Chicago the Chicago Black Hawks have sexy women from the stand shoot a hockey puck from mid ice. the crowd loves it.
All of the positive vibes you/we rarely get when we get together a crowd of White nationalists, you’ll get that vibe at White hockey games. And White Americans love to do cross over, recruit White sports stars, White coaches to enter politics.
Bears Coach Mike Dika almost decided to run against unknown Barack Obama in Illinois when Barack ran for ILLinois US Senator. Instead, stupid race denying Conservatives here ran Black Conservative talk show host Alan Keyes. He got crushed.
Jeff Davis, the legal theory goes that as the Confederacy never officially surrendered, it is legally still a nation. I am not sure all of the ins and outs of the entire legal theory about the Confederacy legally still being in existence, but if this is true then if new state governments were formed declaring the present ones illegal, it would simply be the matter of nominating representatives and senators to the provisional Congress until elections could be held.
Again I am not sure about the legal ins and outs about this.
Somehow I don’t think this argument gets us any closer to Independence. Electing a shadow gov to someday step up, sure. But declaring the old Confederacy inntact and the occupation illegal–doesn’t matter if it is true;it’s still not going to work. We will achieve independence when we are more powerful than they are and an undeniable voting block of our people see inpedendence as desireable.
@Jeff Davis
“But declaring the old Confederacy inntact and the occupation illegal–doesn’t matter if it is true;it’s still not going to work.”
They have similar in Texas and when they attempted to pass a fake law, the government overreacted and raided them. So the authorities are clearly very afraid of such things. The question is, why are they so afraid?
The bottom line is that no matter what the pretense, might makes right. Always has, always will.
People have resisted might before, until the mighty’s foot soldiers lost the will to fight.