About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Warspite, I might be in Middle TN next weekend. Maybe we could meet for a beer. I’m sure you’ll see/I’ll see neither of us has devil horns in our heads.

    I recommend not hanging out in the comments section here – there’s just not much positive happening here.

    I get abused and I’m the #2 writer, pro Southern, pro White, race realist, aware of real adversaries, enemies including some Jewish people – it doesn’t matter.

    Comment sections of race realist, immigration restrictionist blogs always become nasty, bad places to hang out. Our best blogs, podcasts do not have unmoderated comment sections.

    What do you say? Meet for a beer in Middle TN?

    I had a good time at 2014 Amren Conference outside of Nashville – met some very nice Jewish folks and we shared war stories from New York City late 80s.

    Take care.

  2. “Maybe we could meet for a beer.”

    “What do you say? Meet for a beer in Middle TN?”

    Observe, my fellow whites, the weakling: talking like a man who doesn’t know how to approach a woman and thus affects casualness when he addresses her. “Meet for a beer?” “Maybe we could meet for a beer.”

    You’ve already lost, Jack.

  3. Jack Ryan
    ‘Comment sections of race realist, immigration restrictionist blogs always become nasty, bad places to hang out. Our best blogs, podcasts do not have unmoderated comment sections.’

    Actually, the comment section here is quite benign comparatively speaking.

    I enjoy the back and forth. Everyone not being on the same page is what makes it interesting and informative.

    I think it would be even better if you stopped editing and deleting so many posts that you don’t agree with.

  4. Ligthen up JB.

    Only extreme Cultural Marxists, no fun bitch feminists, humorless 8th century Islamists get all bent out of shape over free White men having a beer.

    Come on!

  5. “Only extreme Cultural Marxists, no fun bitch feminists, humorless 8th century Islamists get all bent out of shape over free White men having a beer.”

    That might be true, Jack; but as you and all the persons reading this are aware, it has nothing to do with what I said.

    • John, Captain, what is with you? Sam, too. You say you want back & forth and here I am offering a diff perspective. Do you think “Jew”, “the Jew”, “Kike”, etc. is consistent with desiring a back and forth?

      I concede Jack and Celestial and some others are different than you in some ideas, but not as different as my ideas. And I’m a non-liberal, entirely secular Jew. More of a Skeptic. I may reject almost all of the aforementioned guy’s ideas, but I don’t reject every idea. I’ve admitted changing my mind on something and conceding they were 100% right about something.

      Surely, no one who got past 8th grade can believe the Holocaust was a hoax, or there is some weird worldwide Zionist plot. You’d have to be a moron. But do Jews give too much $$ to Demz, too much in politics altogether? Damn right. Were Jews leaders in the neo con movement? Affirmative. Do Jews continually delude themselves into voting for liberal Demz & do Jews support positions for Israel they never would in the US? Yep & yep. But Israel is not the result of making up a Holocaust to guilt Europeans into establishing a Jewish homeland, and Israel has the right to defend itself just like any other nation,

      Point is, one Denise sock puppet/troll hag is enough. Let’s go for a useful back & forth & comments based on reasonably courteous and intelligent opinions.

    • Denise, do you really think I’d waste my time with you? Even if you are a reasonably attractive woman there is no way you could handle me. I’ve been around types like you (based on your talk) before, and I don’t have the patience for the whining & begging.

      I don’t know, maybe if I was drunk. But I’d be really, really sorry afterwards. Plus, if I was that drunk I’d likely have passed out already.

      Sorry hun, but if it did happen, bring the oven mitts.

  6. LOL; anyone who believes there was a “holocaust” defined as the Germans consciously planning and then killing 6,000,000 Jews with gas chambers must have shit for brains or no interest in the truth. It’s almost 2016. The facts exposing that hoax are widely available.

  7. Warspite
    ‘John, Captain, what is with you? Sam, too. You say you want back & forth and here I am offering a diff perspective.’ Do you think “Jew”, “the Jew”, “Kike”, etc. is consistent with desiring a back and forth?

    You write something, we respond. No one has banned, censored or dissuaded you, correct?

    So, you’re offended at being called a jew? Understandable. As if that would deter you from commenting.

    ‘And I’m a non-liberal, entirely secular Jew.’

    You have argued that jews are a religion not a race. So, how can you claim to be a jew if you are secular, not religious?

    You also wrote that you were a Karaite.

    Karaites are a religious jew sect. ???

    Just more balderdash aptly described as SKR.

    Surely, no one who got past 8th grade can believe the Holocaust was a hoax’or there is some weird worldwide Zionist plot. You’d have to be a moron.’

    I’m sure David Cole got past the 8th grade and is definitely not a moron. His investigative documentary of Auschwitz was an eye-opener. Shot so many holes in the official Holocaust narrative that it was renamed – Holey-hoax.

    Yidden hate Cole because he is a kippa wearing jew. Ha!

    ‘Point is, one Denise sock puppet/troll hag is enough.’ Let’s go for a useful back & forth & comments based on reasonably courteous and intelligent opinions.’

    Denise is neither a troll or hag. People associated with this forum know her personally. She is feisty for sure, but ya gotta love her for the ‘oven mitts’ comments alone.

  8. Lew
    ‘LOL; anyone who believes there was a “holocaust” defined as the Germans consciously planning and then killing 6,000,000 Jews with gas chambers must have shit for brains or no interest in the truth. It’s almost 2016. The facts exposing that hoax are widely available.’

    The David Cole documentary produced in the early 90’s had totally debunked the 6,000,000 million figure.

    Since that time it has been reduced so many times by historians that it is now merely a fraction of the bogus figures presented as factual.

  9. Sam – I have Daily Shoah oven mitts. “Just Pop ’em In”! Great fun. My EvilRacistNazi Kommeraden Haughty Blonde and I bake “Le Happy Merchant” cookies – but sometime we forget to take the cookies out – and they burn…………….

    We needs to send pics to the NAZIS at TRS.

    • It’s very difficult to speak to something on this level. The older one gets, the farther from memory of a junior high school intellect.

      To the extent so-called “Holocaust Deniers” have ever been willing to go before any sort of neutral arbiter, none of these “experts” have been able to convince anyone of some hoax or inaccuracy connected with the Holocaust. Probably the best example is the libel action brought by David Irving some years back in the UK. I’m sure you geniuses are familiar with the facts as well as why Irving filed the action against a professor at Emory University (Atlanta, Ga.) in Britain.

      I’ve read the professor’s book, Richard Evans’ book, and the Court’s decision. I think the book by Evans would be of most interest to you folks. Evans was asked by the defendant to be her principal expert witness. They were unacquainted though Evans is certainly a well-known academic.

      What is interesting about Evans’ book is that he started where you would like. Ground zero of did this occur? What was the evidence for, what evidence exists against the Holocaust. Starting from that point Evans writes of his experience. I could say that believing the Holocaust never occurred is little different than stating the Constitutional Convention, the Thirty Years War, the Magna Carta- you pick it, never happened/was a hoax. Go, read and learn. If you are then content to rely on the one or two cranks versus the 10,000 academics or writers, etc., on the other side, what can one say?

      I have listened and read theories, etc., of the cranks, antisemites, et. al., and can discern obvious, stupid errors and agendas. But, I have read or listened. You Einsteins, oops, you Descartes buy Evans book and read it. He’s not Jewish and I don’t even get the impression he was the least bit sensitive to Jewish issues before his involvement with the Irving case. Reading about his discovery and reaction to your whacko theories will no doubt change your very open minds. Or maybe he is really Jewish and the entire British legal system is controlled by Jews! In fact, maybe the entire Common Law is a Zionist plot!!

      I was having a discussion with one of my kids this evening about the early Church, the Third Jewish Revolt, and early Rabbinic Judaism. Going over and discussing events as they actually occurred versus popular conception is always interesting. Especially since this son is far stronger than I am when it comes to Theology.

      Anyway, When I realize there are people like you who deny that about 5.7m people classified as “Jews” were murdered between 1939-1945, most between ’41-’45, despite what any rational person considers incontrovertible evidence, there is probably some nihilist argument to be made that nothing ever happened, because nothing can ever really be proven as true. As long as there is some part of a process beyond an individual’s understanding he or she can say they do not believe it. It never happened as described. It’s impossible.

      Though I believe you are unintelligent and warped by irrational beliefs and hate, who knows? I’m sure you could defend your positions before a class at Yale, Stanford or Michigan. Sure you could. You’d just pull up a YouTube video, or quote from a self-published book. Maybe a non-peer reviewed journal?

  10. Oh jewspite is a tough rat! He’s not afraid. That’s why he’s trolling this site, either in Tel Aviv or Brooklyn. What threat are Whites now? They have that really bright Kenyan running the World now. Sure they’re arming the bureaucrats at the EPA, and the Billionaires are building bunkers overseas, but it has nothing to do with the Economy collapsing due to the incompetence of them or the cheap peon labor.

  11. There’s a good piece today over at Heartiste about one Bryan Caplan (of course), another of the Spectre/Kahane ilk who are eager to destroy Western nations with their Multikulti biological weapons.

    Once the Western countries are all failed 3rd World hellholes where will they go who will admit them and not massacre them?

  12. Was reading a review of a book on how to fight SJW. The author said the way to do it is to not only fight SJW, but to also attack those that are not SJW but tolerate them. Very interesting I thought.

  13. William H McCarty // October 16, 2015 at 1:34 am //

    “There’s a good piece today over at Heartiste about one Bryan Caplan (of course), another of the Spectre/Kahane ilk who are eager to destroy Western nations with their Multikulti biological weapons.”

    No one in the comments points out what Kevin McDonald has stated so simply. They are for massive immigration to white countries, not because they care about anti-racism or equality, but because it makes them feel safer. Isn’t that wonderful?

  14. When I consider whites’ present problems, which should be the chief concern of those of us who regularly comment here, at Occidental Dissent, I can only hope we’d agree that the Holocaust, whatever might have been its details, was too little, too late.

  15. I don’t care if it happened or not. What I do know is its being used to justify a great evil, that is being done to whites globally and that is all that matters.

  16. John B- I only wish the Nazis had done what they’ve been accused of. They were way too kind, gentle, and Liberal. Compassion is for losers.

  17. Warspite
    ‘To the extent so-called “Holocaust Deniers” have ever been willing to go before any sort of neutral arbiter, none of these “experts” have been able to convince anyone of some hoax or inaccuracy connected with the Holocaust.’

    Before a neutral arbiter? Like someone from Yale or Stanford?

    Most revisionists were neutral or believed in the hoax before being educated on the subject.

    Historians have written well documented books and produced videos replete with facts disproving ‘hoax’ fabrications. Many of them have been thrown into prison for their efforts to educate the public.

    I have never heard of anyone being tried and convicted of Magna Carta denial. Nor have writers been fired from positions and lost incomes from questioning whether or not the Congressional Convention occurred.

    Why is that? Would a genius (your word) such as yourself have a clue?

    There are videos on Youtube proving beyond a doubt the impossibility of millions of jews being cremated.

    This is not debatable. Flat earthers are more credibile than Hoaxers.

    Not a shred of forensic evidence that jews were gassed to death then burned.


    ‘I’m sure you could defend your positions before a class at Yale, Stanford or Michigan. Sure you could.’

    Does it matter if I personally could or not? There are many capable men and women who can.

    By the way, don’t kid yourself, Perry Mason. Your chutzpah dwarfs your powers of persuasion.

    I’d love to see the subject debated on a major broadcast outlet with experts arrayed on both sides. The nation and world could weigh the evidence or lack of and form conclusions.

    What are the odds jews would allow that to happen?

    About 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 – 1.

    Hell, man, some brave souls have been arrested and jailed for speaking to small crowds in back rooms of restaurants and hotels.

    ‘Anyway, When I realize there are people like you who deny that about 5.7m people classified as “Jews” were murdered between 1939-1945, most between ’41-’45’

    Good grief! Did you not watch Cole’s video? Those numbers have been discredited by many since then (even jews) and have been reduced repeatedly over the years. Only a yutz would keep parroting them.

    • Yours is a sad statement on the stupidity of the below average American. It’s a bit frightening to consider that every time I go in a 7-11 the person working behind the counter, working for an Indian or Pakistani immigrant, has such inanities going through their semi-retarded minds.

      From the stupid premise that the entire British justice system is controlled by 300,000 British Jews, to the belief the Holocaust could not have occurred because the Jews “wouldn’t allow it”, it is nearly inconceivable a human brain could articulate such evil nonsense. In addition to refuse the challenge of reading a real, actual book.

      Right now I am more concerned about why the Pierre does not have the right coffee sweetener on the table.than your “ideas”. Because, you see, I now know the Crusades never actually happened. The Muslims would never have permitted it. Or a back up, the Jews would never have permitted it. Of course, I can substitute in most historical events since about 1200-1400 BC.

      Honestly, people like you are just plain stupid. Sometimes a person is saddled with an IQ of 90-95, and they just have very simple abilities when it comes to reasoning and analysis. Nevertheless, while it would be convenient to say your sins are not your fault, they are. Though not bright you still have free will. You’ve rejected logic, history, Christianity, the Enlightenment, etc., all on your own.

  18. What must worry the Spites of this world is that most whites are grumbling about immigration again. This tends to freak out the Jewish leadership. They know it’s a precursor to pogroms and vicious civil disturbances that could be aimed at them. Probably will eventually be aimed at them by the majority (whatever remains of that at the moment) and someone like Trump is a harbinger of that population correction.

    Calling people Nazis isn’t going to stop the inevitable killing.

  19. The comments threatening killing do not reflect the views and opinions of Occidental Dissent or it s writers.

    THe thread subject was the First Democrat debate, not Holocaust Revisionism – serious hobby horse riding.


    • The killing thing is rather strange, and clearly beyond what most anyone here would get into. It is a disturbing example of how simple minded individuals can be manipulated into heinous acts.

      Jack (& Denise) on my travels. Within the next year I should be traveling somewhere within haling distance of you. Let me look for sure, because I’m pretty sure I’ll be making it into the Midwest. My impression from one of your postings is you are in the upper Midwest, and I’m thinking I’ll be in Madison, Ann Arbor (I hope), maybe South Bend. I’m not sure about Chicago, though I was there twice last year re something @ Univ of Chicago. Maybe I will get to Evanston, but that’s iffy. Not to over-arouse Denise, but things will firm up pretty soon.

  20. Warspite Occidental Dissent has comment guidelines, which are solid, fair.

    We have rules against personal flame wars, threatening violence also riding hobby horses. Others have violated these comment guidelines, but now so have you. The subject of this thread is not the the Jewish holocaust in World War II.

    Jewish people have a bad reputation of being argumentative of not listening to other points of view. Ours is a pro Southern, pro White, race realist point of view. It does not have to be anti Jewish, anti Israel – we look at Israel/Palestine as basically a place where our people can t go, except as tourists and that s only in lulls in the never ending Arab Israeli conflict – that conflict is spilling over in to places like France which should be one of our safe White places. Please do not violate OD s comment guidelines , sure others are at fault but I m sort of the teacher here working to get the students to stop arguing and fighting. I recommend that you not hang out in OD comment section. Please continue to read OD posts and pass them on if you think they are particularly good.

  21. Warspite – K

    Best of luck, try to promote simple, positive things where you are. The USA outside of certain bad places is still a good place.

  22. Captain John – so-called pogroms are simply a healthy organism protecting itself from an infection, or disease.

    The big problem with removing cancer is that you have to be really vigilant and thorough. You have to get it ALL.

    • Denise, you’re such a put on. I guess you can move some of the pawns in here around, but it’s blatantly obvious you’re not what you put forward. I recall this movie, “The Man in the Glass Booth”, I think that was the name. I’m thinking of the scene where the only witness they can locate to defend the accused testifies as to why he is sure the defendant is not who he asserts himself to be.

      It’s obvious Celestial and Jack are either on to you, or understand how you need to be handled. Celestial is particularly on point in being aggressive in cutting your strings. He knows…

  23. Yes, I read it, Denise; I’m glad you linked it. It’s all there, even the sterile, Jew nomenclature: “Pacific Council on International Policy.” (Compare, say, “Social Security,” or the U.S. government’s “General Services Administration,” two of countless examples.) I suppose I shouldn’t have been surprised by the “Sesame Street” connection.

    Did I miss something, or did Bolton decline to name the Jew? He goes so far as to present at face value a Noam Chomsky passage–to wit:

    “See, capitalism is not fundamentally racist – it can exploit racism for its purposes, but racism isn’t built into it. Capitalism basically wants people to be interchangeable cogs, and differences among them, such as on the basis of race, usually are not functional. I mean, they may be functional for a period, like if you want a super exploited workforce or something, but those situations are kind of anomalous. Over the long term, you can expect capitalism to be anti-racist — just because it’s anti-human. And race is in fact a human characteristic — there’s no reason why it should be a negative characteristic, but it is a human characteristic. So therefore identifications based on race interfere with the basic ideal that people should be available just as consumers and producers, interchangeable cogs who will purchase all the junk that’s produced — that’s their ultimate function, and any other properties they might have are kind of irrelevant, and usually a nuisance.”

    That’s SKR, simultaneously true and false. Yes, the corporate goyim are usefully non-racist, meaning indifferent to the existence of their own breed; but the globalization they help advance is racism itself, meaning the dissolution of everything non-Jewish.

  24. If Webb Can’t Focus Democrats On White Working Class, Nobody Can


    Just as the Spirit of Rome supposedly would appear in their dreams to quit doomed Emperors, so the exact moment when the historic link between the Democratic Party and the American working class snapped can be pinpointed (10:15 PM Tuesday) in the CNN debate:

    JUAN CARLOS LOPEZ: Senator Webb, do you support the undocumented[sic] immigrants getting Obamacare?

    WEBB: I wouldn’t have a problem with that.

    The CNN Democratic debate transcript, annotated,

    VDARE.com immediately tweeted:

    Virginia Dare
    #JimWebb has no problem with illegals getting ObamaCare. He’s over. #DemDebate

    But the redoubtable Ann Coulter, who had been cheering Webb on, beat us by seconds:

    Ann Coulter ? @AnnCoulter
    Okay, Webb just lost my vote. He “wouldn’t have a problem” with illegals getting free health care. GO TRUMP, GO!
    9:17 PM – 13 Oct 2015

  25. Pretty sad that it takes someone like Jack Ryan to try to initiate some kind of productive interaction that goes beyond the repetitive world of Internet activism and mediocrity. No matter what I think about some of his methods and views, at least the guy is trying a little lateral thinking in his approach.

  26. “No matter what I think about some of his methods and views, at least the guy is trying a little lateral thinking in his approach.”

    You’re grossly mistaken, Celestial.

  27. Sam – right you are. Webb has Yellow Fever. And he’s totally cucked.

    Shrillary is practically fellating every Mestizo that will allow her/it near them.

    TRUMP 2016 2020 2024………clone him!

  28. Denise
    ‘Sam – right you are. Webb has Yellow Fever. And he’s totally cucked.’

    Yeah, he’s an odd duck in some ways. Or should I say cuck?

    I’ve noticed that many men who date or marry chinkettes are flabby, stubby, socially awkward unattractive nerd types who make good money.

    Slant eyed chicks can smell the money a mile away. Easy marks for them.

  29. John Bonaccorsi
    ‘The rule is simple, and I’m not the one who stated it. If you let a Jew engage you, you lose. Nothing a Jew says is said in good faith. Anything he says is said merely to draw you into conversation with him. If he draws you in–i.e., if you respond–he wins.’

    That sums it up quite well.

    I realize my dialogue with Warspit is an exercise in futility. However, it affords me the opportunity to expand the intellectual horizons of the readership.

    Warsnipe mentioned historian David Irving. Irving was persecuted, arrested and eventually jailed for writing and lecturing about WW2. He did not agree with portions of the official Kosherized narrative and as expected paid with his pound of flesh.

    If looking for something to do this Friday evening. Take a look at this video. The first 17 minutes alone is highly instructive.

    Don’t believe for a second it can’t happen here.

    Freedom of speech will be renamed – Hate Speech.

    Whether we speak of Yids, Negroes, Muzzies, Mexicans or Southern flags.

    David Irving – Smear Campaigns to Stifle Truth in History

    • How are you doing with that Richard Evans book?

      I read several of Irving’s books before he sued an Emory professor for libel. That’s right, he sued. He sued her in the UK even though she lived in Atlanta. I guess he didn’t count on that Zionist controlled British legal system.

      Irving was a very talented writer. Not an academic, but so what? He was incredibly stupid to bring a lawsuit that put his “research” on trial. Then he doubled down after losing by revealing himself to be the neo-Nazi he always denied. I know, those Jews made him do it!

      As for rules, maybe a no whacko conspiracy theory rule would be in order. The least you could do is engage in some actual research on matters so you don’t sound so stupid. Start with Evans’ book on his research. Where do you think he goes wrong? I know enough about the subject to identify crucial errors in your various Holocaust denial theories. Take your knowledge and apply it to Evans’ book.

      I’ve been to Wansee twice. Was that all just a made up story? What’s the standard Jew-hater line? And has it ever occurred to any of you Holocaust deniers you can hate Jews as much as you do yet still deal with history in an accurate manner?

      I notice some of the antisemitism here arises from good old fashioned jealousy and envy. Without naming anyone, I can absolutely assure you there are plenty of Jews w/o money, with lousy educations, and devoid of interest in higher culture. There are even people of Jewish descent who became- hell, are, big time antisemites. Nor should you be galled by the fact plenty of Jews can kick your butt.

      Have you thought about taking up the cause of Tibet, Brittany, the Uighars, Kurds, etc., etc. Each would open a new world to hate. Consider what you could do with the French alone!

  30. If you want discussion with others you could probably find communists, Chinese, blacks, Muslims, and others to participate here who will agree with you the (stated) 20% of the time. They might not grade your posts, employ fake politeness, try to get you banned, or insert supremacist jabs.

  31. Some of them already make a distinction between free speech and hate speech. I read a piece by a (take-a-wild-guess) from Australia who did just that. “The truth is no defense” for “hate speech.” They never heard of John Peter Zenger. They want you in jail.

    • I’ll help out your image Willy. Look up Wilhelm Reich. Every American should know what happened to his books courtesy the US, and where Reich was living when he passed away.

      Of course, Denise could fill you in.

  32. “They might not grade your posts, employ fake politeness, try to get you banned, or insert supremacist jabs.”

    Perfect, William.

  33. Yes, William – that is perfect.

    I know I write…uh….shal we say “vivacious? things – but I don’t hate other people of other Races. I hate those who cause my Race harm, and alas, this includes a LOT of Whites. I have found that one can have honest discussion with members of other Races. and there are generally no problems.

  34. My God, this thing just won’t leave, will it? You do seem to be the draw, Denise. I guess wifey’s been inattentive.

    • I do have to make one request. A serious one.

      As offensive as the Holocaust denial drivel, the classification of all Blacks as criminals, branding East Asian women money chasing harlots, implying all Hispanics are illegal immigrants, etc., etc., may be, they are all relatively harmless kookism. The posting about “inevitable killing” was beyond inappropriate. So inappropriate and potentially dangerous it needs to be addressed.

      My wife discovered I posted here and figured out enough to be concerned. It is hard to argue with her when one of you posts about “inevitable killings” and only Jack says something. And while I appreciate his writing to disown the posting, it’s not really strong enough. Or at least not strong enough when not a single person other than Jack writes about such a stupid and disturbing rant.

      If you want an echo chamber it’s your call. I’ve learned enough here to make it a worthwhile stop. And I’m not calling for a vote, since this is hardly a democracy. But if only Jack & Celestial are responsible and American enough to tell off someone who speaks of and looks forward to the “inevitable killing” of Jews I don’t want to be here.

      It would say very little for any of you to support or look the other way regarding such rhetoric. I now understand how ideas such as Holocaust denial is a gateway to an anti-Christian belief system, but I can’t believe there are enough people here that have lapsed from Grace that only two individuals still have an understanding of right and wrong consistent with post-Enlightenment, Western ethics.

  35. Warspite
    ‘How are you doing with that Richard Evans book?’

    How are you doing with the Cole documentary?

    ‘I notice some of the antisemitism here arises from good old fashioned jealousy and envy.’

    Right out of the jew handbook.

    Thrown out of every frickin country in the world going back thousands of years all because of jealousy. We nevah did nutink wrongh, says Shlomo.

    ‘And has it ever occurred to any of you Holocaust deniers you can hate Jews as much as you do yet still deal with history in an accurate manner?’

    Yiddish comedy act. Do you work the Catskills?

    ‘I can absolutely assure you there are plenty of Jews w/o money, with lousy educations, and devoid of interest in higher culture.’

    Yeah, so??

    Irving’s chance of a fair trial in a libel suit against a jewess was less than zero. Come on, man. The entire jew world with everything at stake was in her corner.

    I read transcripts of court testimony on gas chambers and crematoria.

    He demolished the so-called expert opposing him.

    Absolutely holocausted him.

    I’m thinking I should post it for laughs.

    If Brad would allow a thread somewhere in the future to discuss these matters I would bring attention to the many heroic revisionists such as Mr. Faurisson.

    Dr. Robert Faurisson

    At least 10 times physically assaulted by Holocaust Enforcers; on several occasions nearly killed. Jaws broken. Teeth knocked out. Hospitalized for weeks. Persecuted mercilessly in endless legal battles.

    Background and contribution:

    Known as the “Dean of the world-wide Revisionist movement” and principal teacher of Ernst Zündel, Dr. Faurisson first discovered the technical and architectural drawings of the Auschwitz morgues, the crematories and other installations. He was also the first to insist that only a U.S. gas chamber expert could unravel the technical impossibility of the Auschwitz homicidal gassing story – as falsely told to the public for over half a century. Zündel mentor, advisor and trial witness in the 1984 preliminary hearings and in the 1985 and 1988 Great Holocaust Trials. Slated as expert witness for the 1991 Munich trial of Ernst Zündel. (The prosecution dropped the Anne Frank Diary part of the charge in mid-trial after they learned that Dr. Faurisson was going to testify to that point.)

    • I am familiar with every single “scholar” you mention. I’ve read every single one since running across Arthur Butz’s work when I was in Grad School. Some yrs later I made a point of attending part of a conference put on (at least partially) by an entity named the Institute for Historical Review. Thus, I bet I’m more familiar than you with the theories you espouse in a rather half-a**ed manner.

      You parrot conclusions to the extent you understand them, but the reasoning and analysis escapes you. You are merely one of those fools who says, “ah-ha! The door turned clockwise, not counter-clockwise. There was no Holocaust!” If you want to be the big man, the brilliant Jew-slayer you see yourself as, you need to come with some game. Right now you have none. Just a pathetic, sniveling neo-Nazi ready to pass out a few pamphlets for your bosses.

      The good news (no, not that Good News. That one you lost track some years ago) is you can change the above. Read Richard Evans’ book, then tell me the errors. They might exist. We can have a civil chat about your opinion(s). Is any of this objectionable? If so, please elaborate.

  36. “And has it ever occurred to any of you Holocaust deniers you can hate Jews as much as you do yet still deal with history in an accurate manner?”

    Fuck you, yid. You’ll be entitled to ask such a question when it occurs to the Jews to accord non-Jews dignity, to deal with non-Jews respectfully, to interact with non-Jews nonmanipulatively. Your thousands of years of obnoxious history notwithstanding, you could start to do that tomorrow.

    • Good argument, John. You are obviously a skilled debater in the Lincoln-Douglas procedures. Am I right? And I’m thinking maybe, Stanford? Amherst? No, no, you’re a Swarthmore man, yes?

      The smartest person I ever met was Christian. The dumbest person I’ve been around was gentile. The wealthiest person I’ve come across in my travels was a Christian, and the homeless man I walked by an hour ago was also Christian. Ditto as to creativity, good, evil, interesting or dull. You have free will and live in America, you can be any type of person you want. The shackles of ignorance you choose to wear can be broken whenever you choose.

  37. Warkike
    ‘If you want to be the big man, the brilliant Jew-slayer you see yourself as, you need to come with some game. Right now you have none. Just a pathetic, sniveling neo-Nazi ready to pass out a few pamphlets for your bosses.’

    Same obfuscating shit, different day.

    “You are merely one of those fools who says, “ah-ha! The door turned clockwise, not counter-clockwise. There was no Holocaust!”

    Door turned clockwise not counter-clockwise. WTF?

    Who talks about doors turning clockwise? Retard! Another learned jew who doesn’t know the difference between a hammer or planer or anything dealing with construction and building principles yet has the gall to school us.

    The location of a latch or lock on a door is another thing entirely. Not trivial at all. Windows, doors, locks etc. A fool wouldn’t comprehend the ramifications. Muh Holocaust.


    Q&A D.Cole:

    (15) The gas chamber at concentration camp Mauthausen (in Austria) has no locks on the doors, and no holes or fittings where locks may once have been. The doors can be opened from inside or outside. How could human beings have been gassed in this room?

    (27) Gas chamber 1 has two doors, both of which open INTO the gas chamber room. How can a homicidal gas chamber have two doors which open IN? Wouldn’t the bodies be pressed up against the doors, as described numerous times by eyewitnesses?

    (28) The main door into the gas chamber 1 has no locks. It can be opened from either the inside or the outside. There are no holes or fittings where a lock might have been. What stopped the inmates from opening this door?

    (29) Gas chamber 1 has a plate glass window in it. There are no holes or fittings around the window where bars or any other kind of cover might once have been. Since the plaster around the window is covered with blue stains, we know that it is the plaster that existed during the time Zyklon B gas was used in this room. If there WERE bars or any other type of cover attached to this window, why are there no traces? What would have stopped the inmates from trying to climb out the window, or breaking the window and causing a gas leak?

    (33) The doors to chambers 2,3 and 4 are built to latch from the outside AND the inside. The latches can be opened from either side. Does this suggest that the rooms were used for something other than killing people?

    (34) Getting back to the issue of hemispherical grids covering the peepholes, it is said that the point of these grids was to prevent the inmates from breaking the glass of the peepholes and causing a gas leak. Yet the hemispherical grids attached to the peepholes on the doors of chambers 2, 3 and 4 are attached on the OUTSIDE of the doors. These grids wouldn’t prevent someone INSIDE the room from breaking the glass…but they WOULD prevent someone OUTSIDE the room from doing so. Why are the grids not on the inside? Does this contradict with the statements by Pressac and the eyewitnesses regarding the need for grids in a homicidal gas chamber?

    (38) To sum up the Majdanek gas chamber issue: If we take Pressac’s comments and then factor in the doors that don’t lock, the doors that open INTO the gas chamber, the doors with latches that can be manipulated from both the outside AND the inside, the window in gas chamber 1, the room inside gas chamber 1, the lack of any Zyklon B induction hole in gas chamber 3, the lack of any Zyklon B traces in gas chamber 2 (which DOES have a “Zyklon B induction hole”), the heavy blue stains on the OUTSIDE of the building, and the location of the building, at the bottom of a hill, at the opposite end of the camp from the crematorium, is it reasonable to suggest that these rooms were delousing chambers?

  38. Warspite
    ‘I now understand how ideas such as Holocaust denial is a gateway to an anti-Christian belief system,’

    I have to give this guy props. He is putting on a clinic. Uses every arrow in his quiver.

    ‘And I’m not calling for a vote, since this is hardly a democracy. But if only Jack & Celestial are responsible and American enough to tell off someone who speaks of and looks forward to the “inevitable killing” of Jews I don’t want to be here.’

    I’m in tears. Not from crying.

  39. Well, I guess White Nationalists have taken that phrase, “slave religion”–or “slave morality,” anyway–from Friedrich Nietzsche, Denise. That’s a polite way of saying they’re parroting him.

    Now that you’ve put me the question, I realize that that subject is just about always in the back of my mind: What to make of Christianity? At this point, as I said to you recently, my identification with it is like John Derbyshire’s stated identification with the Anglicanism in which he was raised: “sentimental and tribal,” or whatever were the two adjectives I recently heard him use, in one of his Radio Derbs. More than a decade ago now, it was my duty to read, at a funeral, a passage from one of St. Paul’s letters. In looking it over, in my preparation for the funeral, I was struck that it made no sense. Even that phrase–“Saint,” i.e., Sanctus, Paul–seems almost pitiable to me now. The early Christians seem to me poor souls, who were trying to distinguish themselves in a civilization to whose learning and professional skills they hadn’t been able to find an approach. In an attempt to make themselves more than they were, they appropriated these Roman words–“sanctus,” “religio,” whatever else–and gave them a pseudo-meaning known only to them, the members of the little club. Paul himself–Saul of Tarsus–just seems like a yid trouble-maker, giving himself that phony new name, like “Trotsky.” Maybe you know the Acts of the Apostles episode in which he disrupts the business of the guy who’s selling souvenirs at–is it the Temple of Diana? At Ephesus? I think so. Anyway–the souvenir seller and he get into a tiff, from which Paul-Saul is essentially rescued–by being arrested–by a Roman soldier or constable or something. When he (Paul) is subsequently brought before a magistrate, he announces that he’s a Roman citizen; and suddenly the constable is in trouble, for having manhandled him or whatever. The first time I read that–after I myself had read Nietzsche, I’m pretty sure–I just wanted to jump into the book and smack him (Paul). The nerve of you, you fucking yid, causing this trouble and then not even having the decency to announce your citizenship, to the soldier, at the scene of the fracas.

    Well–that’s kind of a meandering answer for the moment, Denise. Even when I was well grown, into my thirties, I was often moved by some solemn remark or another that would come from a Catholic priest, at Mass. Nowadays, every utterance by a priest, including the Bishop of Rome, seems to me babble.

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