By Hunter Wallace
Kyle Whitmore at Al.com has published a real howler of an article on the poverty of Alabama’s Black Belt:
“I know a little bit, too, about where Mike Ball is from.
And I know this: If Ball doesn’t want the government’s help in his district, the folks in the Black Belt will take it.
A federal interstate highway like I-565? They’ll take one of those there.
A cultural amenity and tourism draw like the U.S. Space and Rocket Center? Camden would accept that in a heartbeat.
Or the reason that center is there — the Redstone Arsenal? There’s plenty of room for such a military installation in Wilcox County, or Pickens, or Sumter, or Marengo …
And forget the military dollars for a second. Let’s talk about the TVA. By now, Ball’s district would probably have electricity without TVA, but until the Franklin Roosevelt’s much-maligned New Deal set its sights on the Tennessee Valley, it was dark at night as the Black Belt’s soil. Today residents in Ball’s district pay power rates much lower than Alabama Power’s customers elsewhere in the state.
Ball’s district got that from the government, and if it weren’t for government money, Ball’s district would look a lot more like the place where Spruell lives.
The Black Belt has inherited its poverty, where it has been passed from generation to generation since slaves were brought there to work its cotton fields. It might not be our generation’s fault, but we certainly haven’t done much to fix it.
Ball’s district didn’t inherit its prosperity. It got that from the government, and yet Ball whines and cries about government on the radio.
But you know, some people just wallow in being a victim, almost like they enjoy it.
It must be a miserable way to live.”
According to Whitmore’s theory, the Tennessee Valley region of north Alabama owes its prosperity to government, but nothing has been done to “fix” the Black Belt in south Alabama.
Where to start? The Black Belt was the target of the two largest government interventions in the economy in American history: abolition, which replaced slavery with the free labor system, and integration, which outlawed racial discrimination by private businesses, imposed racial equality on public schools, and led directly to black majority rule in many counties. There is no greater example of social engineering by the federal government anywhere in America.
As for interstates, I-65 and I-85 converge in west Montgomery, where 116,000 black people live, which is more than the combined total of all the black people who live elsewhere in the Black Belt. Also, I-85 runs through Macon County, I-65 runs through Lowndes County, and I-59-20 runs through Greene and Sumter County. 155,000 more black people live in Birmingham where even more interstates converge. The black dominated parts of Bimringham, Montgomery and the Black Belt – both urban and rural – are relatively devoid of commercial activity.
Like the Tennessee Valley, the Black Belt is now fully electrified, so that can’t be the difference. Both regions have equal access to the Great Society welfare state. New Deal agricultural programs contributed to the mechanization of agriculture in the Black Belt and by extension to black poverty and unemployment. This also applies to the Midwest though where lots of crops are no longer labor intensive.
The TVA and NASA have certainly contributed to the prosperity of the Tennessee Valley, but abolition and integration undermined the prosperity of the Alabama Black Belt. Both had a similarly devastating impact in the Mississippi Delta and the South Carolina and Georgia Lowcountry. Some government programs have been beneficial whereas others have just been a disaster.
What will it take for Whites to “get it”? En masse? Will it ever happen?
Hunter – the Kikes are REALLY ramping up the Anti White sneering, and rhetoric. This rat-faced Hebe is gloating about taking away an American’s right to own a gun, due to demographics.
Magic thinking from the left, complain about something and call it virtue.
As for whites getting it, well too bad the Right has to tailgate every discussion out of habit I suppose. It would be far easier to disqualify and destroy the authority of the Left than it would be to debate the details of whatever wishful magic thought they spew.
If you hurry and I mean hurry go to Drudge to see the top byline says the phrase “anti-white” about the new movie Star Wars (I predict flop)
To all you white powertards stuck in 1960 or worse 1945 that phrase “anti-white” disqualifies the authority held over our heads, and that is a good thing.
There really IS a ‘belt’ separating the state, lived in by FEDGOV ‘slaves’?
Well, I’ll be a Damn Yankee. (LOL)
RobRoy I simply CANNOT FATHOM the White obsession with “uplifting those poor Darkies”.
Bottom line – I think Negroes are loud, annoying, and BORING. They are BORING.
It’s not really a “belt” anymore.
I’ve seen definitions of the “Black Belt” that drop several counties – Pike, Butler, Montgomery, Crenshaw, Barbour and Russell – while adding other counties at the western end like Pickens and Clarke.
And as PK over at SBPDL would wax: And where is the Black Utopia? The raging technology? New cures for diseases? Cities as beautiful as Paris? Old New York? Culture? Music you can actually stand to listen to? A per capita income like….?
Yeahright….! Now tell me Civil Rights worked…go on! Dare ya!
That will be addressed in my review of “Deep South.”
The Black Belt is a victim of too many negroes. Period.
Very few now.
No one lives there anymore. More and more people, black and White, are moving out of the region. At some point, I think there will be so much cheap property that the Black Belt will be gentrified by new settlers.
It is certainly much safer and would be much easier to do than to take back large central cities. A few thousand people could swing the demographics in lots of counties.
That’s not a bad idea, Hunter. The soil is excellent. Nice old towns stand half empty. The infrastructure is already there, even if it might be a tad creaky. If we concentrated on one or two counties, we could have a real Southern agrarian renaissance going on in short order. Not to mention having our way in local government.
As soon as you fix things up and become prosperous they’ll be back…
I understand the Chinese are doing similar in Detroit. They see a lot of cheap land and they are buying it up.
I don’t mind the blacks.
They have been here my entire life. There are seemingly fewer and fewer of them every year. Outside the cities and small towns, most of them sold the family property and moved away a long time ago.