“The Jews are like other people, only more so”
Folk saying
“World War II and the persecution of the Jews was like other wars, other persecutions, only more so”
Jack Ryan OD
“He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.”
George Orwell, 1984
(The following is intended for the educational, non commercial use of American readers and is protected by the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution guaranteeing free speech. Anyone posting, publishing this essay in other countries that do not have 1st Amendment rights of free speech does so without the consent of this writer or the editors of Occidental Dissent – please obey the laws)
We haven’t written anything new about the Jewish Holocaust in many years. There really hasn’t been anything “new” coming out regarding the alleged gassing of 6 Million Jews – the Holocaust. OD’s successful, young editor Hunter Wallace thinks it’s a waste of time to obsess about this subject – try to re-fight lost wars like World War II. Our people – Southerners, White Americans and various British peoples fought on the Allied side, not the Axis side that is accused of these terrible Holocaust atrocities. With all of our real, pressing problems – why try to jump in to all of this Holocaust stuff which is just other people’s ancient history?
Well, this month something very “new” came out about the Holocaust.
Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu spoke before the World Zionist Conference. Netanyahu made the shockingly new charge that Adolf Hitler and the Nazis didn’t want to exterminate the Jews, but just expel the Jews. Instead it was the Palestinian Arabs’ idea, and the Palestinians are to blame for the most evil atrocity in world history! Referencing a 1941 meeting between Hitler and Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem, President Netanyahu claims to have heard the exact conversation where the Jewish Holocaust was first suggested:
“Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Hitler and said, ‘If you expel them, they’ll all come here (to Palestine).
Netanyahu alleges that Hitler then asked al-Husseini what he should do with the Jews. Mufti supposedly replied: “Burn them.”
OK, that’s a new one – at least to me. Hitler and the Nazis aren’t to blame for the 6 Million Jewish Holocaust – instead it was all the idea of evil Palestinian Arabs back in the day, so current Palestinians living under Israeli occupation are going to have to pay for the terrible sins of Palestinian architects of the Holocaust!
The reaction in Germany and most of the West was to double down and insist that:
“Yes Germans and really all White Western people are indeed to blame for the Holocaust as Germans and Western White people were evil racist, murderers, colonialists responsible for all the oppression and injustices in the world” (Link to German worst ever Chancellor Merkel’s Mea Culpa). And now, Germany and what remains of the White West must pay for the sins of THE HOLOCAUST by opening up our borders and embracing mass migration of tens of millions of 3rd world migrants.
So what’s going on here?
The 6 Million Gassed Jews Holocaust was/is two powerful things:
1) A Soviet, Stalinist, George Orwell 1984 – manipulation of history for current, political & cultural power “He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” George Orwell, 1984
2) A highly ethnocentric fundamentalist religious myth based on real WW II historical events – the Holocaust fits together with other ethnocentric religious myths of the Jewish Old Testament Bible and the intrigues of St. Paul/Saul of Tarsus.
I’ll discuss the Soviet/Orwell’s 1984 side of the Holocaust in comments or another post. But, will just note that the Soviets used torture and brainwashing to get out of favor individuals like the Old Bolsheviks to confess to impossible anti Soviet crimes (Link Stalin’s Show Trials of Old Bolsheviks). Holocaust Revisionist scholars have shown that the confessions of Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Höss were extracted after the use of extreme torture. Hoss signed a confession in English – a language he did not speak or understand.
The power of the 6 Million Holocaust myth is something that science and honest history is powerless to stop for those who have been brainwashed that this is:
It’s the Bible!
Those who question any part of the 6 million Holocaust myth are treated as religious heretics, denounced as Holocaust DENIERS and treated the same way religious heretics were treated in the Middle Ages – driven from respectable society, made outcasts, burnt at the stake etc.
There are many parts of the Old Testament Bible that have beautiful language and ideas – Ecclesiastes. But, other parts of the OT Bible particularly Exodus and Esther are extremely hateful and extremely Jewish ethnocentric. The Old Testament God Jehovah was the tribal God of the Jews and little Egyptian Arab or our children didn’t/shouldn’t sing songs about “what a friend we have in Jehovah”. The Old Testament Jewish tribal God Jehovah brought down plagues on the adversaries/enemies of Israel/the Jews. Check out this scene from the Ten Commandments where God Jehovah brings down a pillar of fire and parts the Red Sea to save the Jews, God’s Chosen People and drowns, slaughters all the Egyptians who were definitely not God’s Chosen People.
Now is this OT Jewish/Judeo Christian religious myth, fair, honest history, backed up by science? If so, why didn’t anyone else write about this incredible event? Why didn’t the Jews have any problems with mud? It’s simply impossible for this to have occurred as an historic event. It’s not meant to be honest history, it’s a religious myth. Lots of other people from Native Americans to the Trojans, Greeks, Romans, Hindus had their/our own religious myths where God/the Gods were on our side. Europe has had 2,000 years of Christian history where so many authentic European spiritual beliefs, historic figures have been incorporated in to Christianity – making Christianity a positive, European religion.
But, there have always, ALWAYS been anti White, anti European forces looking to corrupt Christianity – make it something different, a universalist slave religion as envisioned by St. Paul/Pharisee Saul of Tarsus. The current anti White, Liberation Theology Catholic (in name only) Pope is just the latest of these corruptions. These anti White, universalist corruptions were never preached by Jesus of Nazareth, instead they came in with St. Paul/Jewish Pharisee Saul of Tarsus.
The 6 million Jewish Holocaust is just another/the latest attempt to force alien religious myths on our people.
“This is the reason why it has been so easy for the Jews who dominate our media to turn this simple-minded fairy tale into a religious dogma.*Many Western European American people want to believe in The Holocaust because they want to feel guilty.* To understand this, we need only look back to the time shortly after the forced Judeo Christianization of the White Race. When the bulk of the race was safely “converted” to this alien creed, the church fathers began an educational program to sensitize (or brain wash) their converts into submission to mid- eastern style self-abasement and superstition. For a thousand years, men, women, and children of the White Race have been forced to endure this Judeo christian “guilt therapy”. This “guilt therapy” starts with the ludicrous doctrine of original sin: we are born sinners, evil, corrupt, and there is nothing that we can do about it except to bow down and beg forgiveness to a good (but persecuted and martyred) Jewish god. The flesh is evil! Hate the flesh! Hate yourself! You’re guilty, confess and be saved! In the early days of christianization the hysterical application of this guilt therapy took an awesome toll. Young girls despised their bodies, terrified that normal sex relations were evil, and would condemn them to eternal torment. Men castrated themselves to atone for their “sins”. Men and women wandered across Europe torturing themselves, beating themselves with whips, hating life, and begging for death. It was disgusting and unnatural, but it is a fact that we need to know, because it greatly affects our race today. Here we need to realize one important thing about christianity. The very word Judeo-christian says it all. The origins of christianity are, of course, Jewish. Of quite similar method, and just as Jewish, are communist brainwashing, ADL sensitivity training, and The Holocaust.
The White Race is exceptionally conditioned for Jewish control. It is this guilt-conditioning which has made it so easy to manipulate our race into allowing Jewish domination of our media, professions, government, and courts. It has made it easy for them to manipulate our race into suicidal racial integration, and allowing massive non-white immigration. It has made it easy for them to manipulate our race into accepting, without question, The Holocaust Hoax. The Holocaust is just another symptom of the deadly alien spiritual disease of our race. One does not have to be a professed Judeo christian to suffer from the disease. Those who profess secular humanism (which is really only Judeo christianity without the superstitions) are just as infected, often more so. The origins are all the same – Jewish. Here we might note that there are christians who profess a love of race, understand the Jewish problem, and deny the veracity of The Holocaust. But in giving final authority to the judeo christian bible, a highly interpretable book of questionable (and Jewish) origin, they are courting disaster. These racially aware christians have based their philosophy of life, and their future, on a foundation of sand. History clearly shows that in the long term, christians, no matter how racially conscious, have never succeeded in keeping the influence of the Jews out of their society. We don’t need any empirical data to realize that The Holocaust scam would not have worked on Negroes, Arabs, Asians, so-called Latinos, or even the Jews themselves. Jews might be able to get people of these races to believe it, but they would never be able to get them to care – nor feel guilty about it! In fact, the reactions of people of these races would most likely be to give the Jews a real holocaust in short order! Although some of these races may be christianized, they have only been subject to it for a couple of hundred years, and they certainly didn’t get in on the real hey-day of guilt therapy.”
Jost Turner The Holocaust a Glaring Symptom of a Deadly Disease
This is obviously a contentious subject. Please try to keep comments civil, respect OD comment guidelines and really try to avoid flame wars.
No one is responsible for something that never happened.
(Here we go………..! Cue Jewnius and WarJew the Gay Rabbi)
All that is well and fine, but we also need to avoid regression into this mindset that paganism is our “true” religion, and thus all true white men should attune themselves to their respective pantheons. That’s always just struck me as something so hokey and forced. Right now, attention should be focused outward at the enemy, not inward at our religious beliefs. There’ll be plenty of time for “Nights of the Long Knives” once we get some breathing room.
Was enjoying the article until the part about the “forced Judeo Christianization of the White Race”
Firstly, the term “Judeo Christianization”, in the context of which it is used, is nonsensical. Talmudic Jewry is the spiritual antithesis of Christianity… or, to look at it another way, Christianity is the “final solution” (wink) to Judiasm. Jews recognize this and have always recognized this, which is why Jews and Jewish-backed organizations relentlessly attack Christianity throughout the Western world (the corrupted Christian Zionist movement is another matter, but irrelevant here). When our ancestors accepted Christ there was nothing “Judeo” about it, as all early Church writings make plainly clear (i.e. the Christ-killing Jew was seen as the enemy).
Moreover, though, the characterization that the White race was in any way “forced” into Christianity is simply historically inaccurate. Sure, there were various “barbarian” (white) tribes who were forcibly converted after they were conquered, but they were converted by Romans, people who today we would consider fellow Whites, and there was nothing “forced” about the Christianization of Rome. On the contrary, Christians were reviled and persecuted throughout the 1st and 2nd centuries, yet over time Christ’s message won out, eventually reaching Constantine himself.
And that is what the anti-Christian crowd either doesn’t understand or doesn’t want to admit about Christianity: it’s simply about hope. Hope for life after death. Why wouldn’t it be embraced by our ancestors? Hell, why shouldn’t it be embraced by YOU, Jack Ryan? It’s not like you have any idea what happens after you die or whether the man known as Jesus of Nazareth truly did perform the miracles that he’s been credited with. Fact is, none of us knows what happens when we die, and in the big picture the sneering, smug atheist is just as clueless as the suit-wearing, kool aid-drinking cult member. Nobody knows, and Christianity provides a *possible* answer, an answer that has given many hopeless people some genuine hope. There really is nothing inherently negative or difficult about the religion, and all its supposed faults are simply enemy projections. Depending on which side you listen to, Christianity either condones evil right-wing things like slavery, righteous violence, the “Patriarchy”… or evil left-wing things like socialism, White genocide, “pathological altruism”, etc.
Implying that our ancestors were forced or tricked into accepting Christianity is both an insult to them and a baseless supposition.
Agree with your take on the “holocaust” though. A historical event that has been sensationalized, as anyone who bothers to objectively analyze the facts can plainly see.
“And that is what the anti-Christian crowd either doesn’t understand or doesn’t want to admit about Christianity: it’s simply about hope. Hope for life after death. Why wouldn’t it be embraced by our ancestors? Hell, why shouldn’t it be embraced by YOU, Jack Ryan?”
First, thanks for your comment and I wish you and yours all the best. I am not an anti Christian person and have found many, many ways, groups that have made Christianity work in a healthy, pro European way.
I did quote Jost Turner who is one of my favorite writers, thinkers and a great person – something of a father to me.
My position is not as strong as Jost’s against Judeo Christianity as being always alien. My position is that any church, political party, philosophy, economic or legal system that is White, works White European can be corrupted and turned against us, often with overt and subversive Jewish leadership.
I subscribe to the concept of “Positive Christianity” – taking the gospels of Jesus Christ and removing them from the highly Jewish ethnocentric Old Testament and the lies and intrigues of St. Paul, former Jewish Pharisee Saul of Tarsus. I see no way to make the books of Esther and Exodus work for us. I know Identity Christians try to make the spin that White European people really were the Jews of the Old Testament thus the OT Jewish tribal God Jehovah was really our God – I can’t make that work.
My main point in this article is THE HOLOCAUST has been morphed in to fundamentalist religious myth, a club to bash White European oriented people. We’re supposedly all guilty of this terrible Holocaust sin even though we weren’t even alive during World War II and our grandfathers fought on the Allied side not the Axis side.
It was the same with slavery in the South, Segregation when I was a teenager. My Lib teachers and the media were constantly attacking me and my family’s culture and heritage for some supposed sins in the Confederate South. I had to suffer propaganda re-education watching “Roots” etc. My argument was:
“What’s this got to do with me? I’m a Midwestern White guy, living in the state of Illinois Land of Lincoln, we never had slavery here, plus my ancestors were on the Union side. And plus, I simply didn’t believe all the anti Southern propaganda and thought race relations were better in the South than in Chicago where Blacks lived in terrible slums and went in for welfare and crime – threatening me and my family.
But it was a deliberate guilt trip. Whites in Chicago were being bullied and terrorized by Blacks for the supposed sins of racist Southern people. And it’s the same now with the Holocaust in World War II.
I recommend simply resisting all attempts to put this guilt trip on us and yes there is a very clear corrupted, Judeo Christian original sin component here and fundamentalist Jewish Bible stuff.
The HOLOCAUST IS 100% True same as the Jewish Bible
It’s the Biblical truth – anybody that even thinks any small part of this myth isn’t true is a holocaust denier, a religious heretic. We must BELIEVE!
This stuff is great!
I belong to a group out of ATL, or maybe it’s Chapel Hill, made up of History dilettantes. You need some kind of cred. Either a published article, an MA, something beyond just a BA, but not a PhD.
Anyway, after Netanyahu made his statement I apprised the group how that statement would fuel Holocaust Deniers for 50 years. At least. The interesting part is how no one took me seriously. Since everyone is educated in History, etc., they do not believe there are people who deny the Holocaust. Or if there are such people, it is believed they must be semi-retarded neo-Nazis. It was just inconceivable to this rather large group of people (prob 20% Jewish, I’m guessing) that anyone who could walk and talk at the same time could believe the Holocaust is fictional.
Several members put it about the same, “why not deny the Renaissance?”. Though I tried to explain there appear to be a certain number of people willing to do this, I was generally met by disbelief. And I concede it is rather hard to understand how so much evidence can be ignored by people with at least average intelligence. Being educated people it is very hard for them to understand what the disease of antisemitism can do to an otherwise working brain.
So, you would have cherished the “enlightenment” that solved the
problem of white guilt by teaching that man was born good and needed
no redemption. But, alas the bloody French revolution didn’t help
men to live well and at peace. It’s totally bogus that the Christian belief that we’re born in sin condemns us to live in guilt that we deal with through self-torture. The remedy is to recognize that Jesus Christ took our sins upon himself and was crucified. It
is the Cross and the Blood of Jesus that relieves us of our guilt. Thus, I am a sinner who has been redeemed. I deserve nothing good but am “saved by Grace” I do not support Zionism and am fully aware of the hijacking of Christianity by Cyrus Scofield. One of the worst things the terrorist nation-state of Israel did to us was the attack on the U.S. Liberty that was covered up by Lyndon Johnson. I don’t see myself as “good”. Christ said, “Don’t call me ‘good’ I just see myself as redeemed by the Blood of Jesus. What I have taken issue with is your claim that to believe in Christ makes you guilt-ridden when it sets you free from guilt.
Step away from the bible. Worship all things in this world that help you and hate all things that harm you or seek to harm you.
JA writes:
“What I have taken issue with is your claim that to believe in Christ makes you guilt-ridden when it sets you free from guilt.”
I respond. My position of “Positive Christianity” is to take the gospels of Jesus Christ as separate and distinct from the Gentile hating sections of the Old Testament and the intrigues of St. Paul/Pharisee Saul of Tarsus.
Jesus Christ’s gospel have nothing, absolutely 0% involved with laying guilt trips on White European oriented people. The only contact Christ has with White European gentiles are when the Pharisees got the Romans to arrest him, accused Jesus of being an anti Roman, anti Caesar Jewish Revolutionary. Pontius Pilate interviewed Jesus and found him not to be guilty of this or anything – really the first honest guy Pontius Pilate had found in Jewish Palestine.
Your view of being redeemed by the Blood of Jesus is perfectly good, sound. But, understand others and not just racial Jews are trying to lay huge guilt trips on our White Indo European people, blaming current living White Americans, British, South Africans for the supposed terrible sins of racism, slavery, colonialism and the worst
The month Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu tried a very wild historical revisionist, religious mythology spin.
HIlter and the Germans were supposedly not to blame for killing the jews, they just wanted to deport them. Instead it was evil Palestinian Arabs/Muslims who told Hitler to burn, slaughter all the jews because he didn’t want the Jews to move to Palestine/Israel.
That was a pretty bold, wild revisionist spin – something only the likes of Stalin’s top guys would try. Or read the parts of Orwell’s 1984 where the ruling powers that be change sides in international conflicts and rewrite the history and insist that their country has always been at war with Oceana etc.
Anyway, it looks like Netanyahu has walked back this historical revisionist spin, this religious theological change in the official Holocaust myth. The current official Holocaust myth is that yes the Germans and all White European Gentiles living or dead (except maybe Whites on the Soviet side) are guilty of the sins of the Holocaust and current Whites must be insulted, humiliated, beaten with clubs or even physically replaced by Mexicans and Muslims for the sins of the Holocaust.
Many years ago, I tried to research the Holocaust after getting into an internet argument. I checked out a dozen or so books about the subject. The lesson that I learned from that experience is that I have no interest in the subject. It couldn’t sustain my attention which was drawn away to all my real interests.
For the record, I told Jack that he could write about the Holocaust as long as everyone kept the debate civil and to only edit or delete the flames. Knock yourselves out.
Hunter W writes:
“Many years ago, I tried to research the Holocaust after getting into an internet argument. I checked out a dozen or so books about the subject. The lesson that I learned from that experience is that I have no interest in the subject.”
I respond:
That’s certainly a fair and principled position.
I would just like to add that I encourage you and others who feel this way to recognize that THE HOLOCAUST is used as a club to beat Southern White people and most every other type of White Western people – charge us with being the most evil Racist people in the world, the cancer of history. The Holocaust is definitely being used by German chancellor Merkle to justify Germany opening up its borders to 800,000 plus 3rd world migrants/invaders – mostly young Muslim men of prime raping age. Why do this? Well Germans and other White Western people must somehow “atone” for the sins of the Holocaust.
Don’t let anyone lay this guilt trip on you or your kith and kin.
“THE HOLOCAUST is used as a club to beat Southern White people and most every other type of White Western people”
Yes. The anti-whites use one genocide to justify global genocide of whites.
No one will be allowed to discuss the H intelligently, until the anti-white system comes down. If you ask questions about it in Europe, they send you to jail. Period. The only other people that behave like that in this world, are religious fanatics like the Taliban. So we see that Political Correctness is a Religion.
University is the Church/Mosque
Racist is screeched instead of Heretic/Infidel
Hitler is Satan/Iblis
Auschwitz is Vatican/Mecca
Hate Crime is Heresy/Fatwa
My position upsets a lot of people, but, as Mr,. Griffin has introduced it, I will touch upon it, in brief…
THE HOLOCAUST DID EXIST did exist – as I have, personally, known too many Jews who, either served in the camps, or lost most of their family – either in being machine-gunned, down wholesale, in the Baltick states, or, later on, at the death camps.
Further, I have known too many non-Jewish Europeans who witnessed it – such as two Roman-Catholick Polish girls who came from the village near Ausschwitz.
On the other hand, Jewish culture has drubbed every one else with it’s badge of suffering – to the point where it is not only obscene, it has obscured the enormous suffering undergone by, for example, either the Poles under German occupation, the German civilians under Allied air-strikes, or the Byelorussians under the German partisan reprisals, or East Prussians, who suffered the worst atrocity of all, at the end of, the war.
What happened to East Prussia is a holocaust, too – and, sadly, few, in this country, have the foggiest idea of it.
My position is this : mankind does shitty stuff to each other.
We can learn from this and stop it, but we don’t.
While there is no such thing as equal suffering’, every race and country has suffered terrible things, and, in most cases, perpetrated them, at one time or another.
I once
And, no – The Palestinian Arabs are not to blame that they are the butts of the Western battles for global dominance, and all the things that arise therefrom.
There is something else I have not liked about the preoccupation with the brutal German occupation of the war, and that is that it never translated into other countries and cultures looking into their own complicity in evil.
Uh oh. Looks like Junius has gone rogue on some of the neo-Nazi types. He is, of course, right on both points. The Holocaust did happen, and it shouldn’t be used as a universal sword or shield no matter the inapplicability of the argument. Sometimes the existence of the Holocaust is relevant, but sometimes it’s not in the least bit relevant.
Here are some other facts for some of you to chew on.
Many, in fact a reasonably significant percentage of Jews killed in the Holocaust in Western & Central Europe were Christian. Yep, practicing Christians, sometimes second generation Christians who were nonetheless deemed “Jews” under the Nuremburg Laws. I’ve even visited a “chapel” at one of the Camps.
Most Jews killed in the Holocaust were not murdered by gas chambers. It took a while for the gas chambers to appear. The majority of those murdered were by “conventional” means.
No one has an accurate idea of how many Roma were killed. That culture simply did not have the intellectual ability to write about what happened. It was entirely insular and largely illiterate.
The Holocaust was not widely discussed or dwelt upon in Israel until the Eichmann trial. That opened up the subject to many who asked why their parents or grandparents didn’t tell them. The survivors said surprisingly little because they were ashamed. With the Six-Days War the change was revolutionary. Jews were no longer willing to just be victims subject to the goodwill and kindness of others.
Though the Catholic Church and Pope Moral Pygmy XII did almost nothing to prevent the Holocaust, the subject has died down amongst Jews, and esp in Israel. A few years ago the Vatican more or less confessed it’s sins and since then the primary interest has been in improving relations between Israel & the Vatican, and between Judaism & Roman Catholicism.
Jews are in control in almost every institution in Shards of Western Civilization (Want names?) Their schemes, policies and diktats are nor benefitting any-one but themselves, and a handful of hand picked, assorted racial mau-mauers. White societies and mores are being shredded and obliterated, which will eventually prove disastrous for every-one.
When arguing with various stripes of Cucks, as to why everything is going to Hell in a hand basket, I invariably point out the source of the mayhem, Der ewige Jude. Things are getting so bad and insane, that when I offer examples, various Cucks will agree, and admit the truth of the facts I’ve presented, yet plead that I “…cannot blame ALL Jewsfor what “The Zionists” do”.
The element that I is bitterly amusing for me, about all of this re: the hoax (TM) and Da Slabbery of Dem Ebbil White Southern Debbils (Jews rans the slave trade)is that the White Collective gets blamed ofr EVERYTHING, every single day, for decades.
I’m still awaiting verifiable forensic evidence for proof that the Holohoax occurred.
100 million people were murdered by the Communists many of the killings done by Jewish Bolsheviks. The USA knowingly incinerated cities full of people, that had no military presence. The British started the bombing campaign against civilians. No one cares about these crimes no one was punished for them.
Why do some genocides matter and others not at all? Why are the perpetrators of these genocides, free to force morality on whites?
Let’s discuss the REAL genocide of the 20th Century – 100 million Whites died in the Jew Wars of the 20th Century.
We need to care for our own.
“We need to care for our own.”
True. Whites have done nothing uniquely evil, that non-white groups haven’t also done. Yet whites have done many uniquely good things, for which the non-white world owes us big time. When are we going to collect on that debt?
the FACT that there are laws, in what are alleged White countries, to punish, persecute, and imprison people who even question an alleged historical event CONFIRMS that the alleged event is a total HOAX and a scam. Laws like this are enacted to protect lies. Truth don’t need tyrannical, sociopathic “laws”,
‘100 million people were murdered by the Communists many of the killings done by Jewish Bolsheviks. The USA knowingly incinerated cities full of people, that had no military presence. The British started the bombing campaign against civilians. No one cares about these crimes no one was punished for them.
Why do some genocides matter and others not at all? Why are the perpetrators of these genocides, free to force morality on whites?
I agree with your thoughts, Mr. Bird. Too much selective blame going around.
WWII was a smorgasbord of human horrors.
Let’s discuss the REAL genocide of the 20th Century – 100 million Whites died in the Jew Wars of the 20th Century.
We need to care for our own.’
I do agree with you, Miss Denise, that we ought care for our own, and stop involving them in one global expedition after another.
I remember studying, long ago in college, about the ‘Age of Imperialism’, and how that was a certain period in the late 19th century to the early 20th.
I think the subject a very worthwhile study, though, I can little see the justification for the segregating of it into that late Victorian period.
Richard – I have no idea. We seem to be particularly susceptible to being thoroughly cucked. Are you paying heed to the University of MO racial mau-mauing? It’s DISGRACEFUL and DISGUSTING. The PresiCuck and Chancellcuck slunk away from their posts on mere allegations for a handful of feral Negroes. There is, yet again, NO PROOF whatsoever of who did what. The student body is 83% Whites – yet every-one is groveling before EBT bred Ghetto Foo-bah players?
‘the FACT that there are laws, in what are alleged White countries, to punish, persecute, and imprison people who even question an alleged historical event CONFIRMS that the alleged event is a total HOAX and a scam. Laws like this are enacted to protect lies. Truth don’t need tyrannical, sociopathic “laws”,
UNFORTUNATELY, Miss Denise, there is an eternal blood sport of your ideas vs. mine; and, it seems, one group after another, either political, cultural, national, or race, tries to insist on it’s ideas of reality.
History would tend to suggest that this misbehavior is a compulsion.
‘Whites have done nothing uniquely evil, that non-white groups haven’t also done. Yet whites have done many uniquely good things, for which the non-white world owes us big time. When are we going to collect on that debt?’
Well, Sir – there has been ‘a collection’, as, for example, English Society is much admired in it’s former colonial world – even in Russia, where, in the 19th century, gentleman’s clubs were oft titled, ‘English clubs’ …
Please don’t, Sir, confuse that’ collection’, as it were, with the attempt of the modern socialist Western media to skew things, in order to take over power.
My real concern is the swimming pool at Auschwitz is missing it’s diving board. Is it possible the Germans built the pool and then taunted the Jews with no diving board. The horror.
Junius Daniel // November 11, 2015 at 5:56 pm //
I agree with your thoughts, Mr. Bird. Too much selective blame going around.”
Here’s more food for thought. A Jewish man named Genrikh Yagoda killed 10 million people.
“And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name “Genrikh Yagoda,” the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU’s deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin’s collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system. After Stalin no longer viewed him favorably, Yagoda was demoted and executed, and was replaced as chief hangman in 1936 by Yezhov, the “bloodthirsty dwarf.””
Whites are the only racial group in history that ever ended slavery. No other racial group ever cared enough to end it. Whites also ended starvation in the non-white world, where regular starvation was the norm. We also invented pretty much every modern technology that makes life comfortable.
I would say we are owed big time for the above unique contributions, but all we have gotten in return is jealousy and resentment. A future Whiteland should remember that well.
And with Yagoda, also note the date of his execution was 1936. These are the people the USA and Britain allied with in WW2.
‘“And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name “Genrikh Yagoda,” the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU’s deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin’s collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system. After Stalin no longer viewed him favorably, Yagoda was demoted and executed, and was replaced as chief hangman in 1936 by Yezhov, the “bloodthirsty dwarf.””
Mr. Bird : Miss Denise has remarked that Jews never want to look themselves in the mirror. This I would say is true from them and, as well, for all.
After all, who remembers all the Azherbaijaniis who massacred Armenians?; or all the Turkish commanders who ordered the slaughter of Eastern Europeans?; or the Mongolian commanders who ran a world, more than a millenium ago, very much like the Anglo-American-Israeli alliance does today : pay up, or else!
Who remembers all the Italian commanders of the Imperial roman army?; who burned and slaughtered too many times to recall.
Who can name the Japanese commanders who brutally sackt Nanking, in the 1940s?
Who recalls all the Iroquois Indian annihilators of their neighbours, the Mohicans?
Who recalls the names of the most bloodthirsty Vikings, from all over Scandinavia, who, for centuries, terrorized the English?
Who recalls the names of the English slaughterers, under Edward Longshanks, who committed endless war-crimes against the Welsh?
I could go on and on, Sir. In the end, I am left with the only answer possible : we might not remember, but, you can be damn sure God does, and, as he is the only one with enough wisdom to wield the gavel, he is the right one.
By the way, Mr. Bird : ‘Ghenrik Yagoda’, in Russian, means,’Henry Berry’.
‘And with Yagoda, also note the date of his execution was 1936. These are the people the USA and Britain allied with in WW2.’
Winston Churchill, in 1941, said this…
‘If the devil himself were against our enemy, rest assured I would make a favourable mention of him in the parliament.’
‘“World War II and the persecution of the Jews was like other wars, other persecutions, only more so”
Jack Ryan
A good statement, Mr. Ryan.
Pope John Paul addressed the subject of a retrogressive humanity, during the supposedly ‘advancet 20th century’, in his millenium address.
Humans of all ethnies inflict and are the victims of atrocities. ONLY Jews however, refuse to admit and accept responsibility for the horrors they’ve created, and deflect blame for their crimes on to others, and create a RELIGION out of their fabrications.
The reason some genocides are remembered and others ignored, is people have something to gain from them. Money, influence, real estate. If there is nothing to gain they are swept under the rug.
I should say people with power have something to gain.
Richard Bird wrote:
“Whites are the only racial group in history that ever ended slavery. No other racial group ever cared enough to end it. Whites also ended starvation in the non-white world, where regular starvation was the norm. We also invented pretty much every modern technology that makes life comfortable.
I would say we are owed big time for the above unique contributions, but all we have gotten in return is jealousy and resentment. A future Whiteland should remember that well.”
Slavery is the norm in Human existence; not the exception. Slavery is thriving world wide, as White cease to be. Abolition will fade into oblivion with the memory of our Race. Ozymandias wept
Re: resentment and jealousy from non-Whites? I wish that these reactions were the only benefits we reap for “Tolerating the Other”. We are also slandered, lied about, defamed, looted, attacked, raped, dispossessed and murdered. No good deed, eh?
‘I would say we are owed big time for the above unique contributions.’
Well, Sir – if that is the case, it will be difficult to ferret out ‘Jewish’ contributions from those of other Western ethnicities, as, not only is the Jewish influence in commerce, banking and science something which gave considerable force to the Western Powers, much of the Western ethick is founded on Jewish notions – such as monotheism, and the ability to relate to that one God, one on one – and the notions of sin, repentance, & forgiveness, or the humane slaughtering of animals.
Even the notion of Western individualism finds it’s mother, ironcially in light of the last century, in Judaism’s disbelief in collectivism or collective sin – an exclusive ‘individual’ reckoning with a mysterious yet very personal all powerful God.
Indeed, the very ethicks and etiquette, which my fellow North Carolinians regard as sacrosant for ‘good form’, are derived from Jesus Christ, who was mostly teaching Talmudick Rabbinical Judaism.
I just want to thank everyone who made intelligent posts. Hunter didn’t want me to do this as the subject often results in bad flame wars, endless theological schism and just bad vibes.
I think this went rather well and many understood my point.
Persecution of Jewish people definitely happened in World War II – these were terrible, real events. Other people also suffered in World War II and during Communism, after World War II.
My point is the 6 MILLION HOLOCAUST is based on real events, but has been morphed in to a very distinctly anti White European, White American, White Canadian religious myth – and it is a fundamentalist religious myth as no one is allowed to question any part of the myth – those that do are religious heretics, HOLOCAUST DENIERS, unbelievers and they are persecuted, marginalized as other religious heretics have been persecuted throughout the ages.
This myth gets used for all sorts of nefarious purposes – such as the current crusade to tear down all immigration restrictions in Europe from the tens of millions of 3rd world/Muslim people that want the good things that White German, Western people have – anyone who objects is a NAZI that wants to gas 6 million Jews or others like Muslims, Blacks etc.
We need some religious myths that work for our people. The 6 Million, OT Bible, original sin – no, doesn’t work. It’s against us.
Well, it would appear I was prophetic. A more antichrist, pos self-serving shabbas goyim piece I have never read. Clearly HW, you are traversing a course completely at odds with what OD started out, just a few years ago.
Jack Ryan, words fail me. You say you aren’t as ‘strong’ in your Christophobia as the person you quote, but yet you leave the offensive text in this column. I don’t believe in the Hollow Cause, but I DO believe in Christ as the savior of ‘His People’- the White Race of Adamity, that formed Christendom, and gave the world EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF greatness that it has. You don’t even realize that you cannot fight Talmudism with nothing- you NEED Orthodox Christianity. Thanks be to God Russia is arising as the only nation on earth able and willing to fight the Deicides.
THis piece is just you acting as a shabbas goy, for the perennial Enemy of Adam’s seed.
More and more, I find less and less in OD of value. This is the new nadir on the site.
In the six years this blog has been online, I have never had any interest in the Holocaust. It’s just not something that interests me.
The positive contributions of Jews is a drop in the bucket compared to the innovations of WHITE men.
The damage Jews have done. for centuries, to Humanity, is mind-boggling.
Hunter – I never cared about WWI because I never liked the clothing styles of the 1940’s. I have come to appreciate the design genius of Hugo Boss Pater, however….
Hunter- you cannot turn on TalmudVision, open up a website, or a magazine, or even an incongruous book, or have conversation without being smacked in the face by a citation of the Holohoax. I’ve had Hitler invoked, as the Ultimate Bogeyman, in the WEIRDEST situations – and I generally try to avoid the subject in 3D world. Crikey – I was at a WallyWorld store last night, and a young male clerk was bablbing about the Hoax, to a customer/pal, because he was describing something he saw in a Jewlywood film. The propaganda has saturated and corroded EVERY element of White Civilization. simply put – you can’t get around it, or get away from it – so you HAVE to go through it.
I’m currently reading a good book about a Louisiana fire eater.
Aside from that, I plan to review Trump’s book, a book on race, Michael Hart’s new book on secession, and two Paul Kersey books on Ferguson and NASA. I just got finished reviewing the Prestowitz book on trade and Theroux’s travelogue on the Deep South. That’s just what I have to do on my desk right now in November and December. And Prestowitz has a new book out on Japan.
Do I really want to spend all my time reading and arguing about tales of poor Jews in Eastern Europe in WW2? No, if I was going to write about Europe, there are at least a thousand things that are more interesting to me. I’ve taken graduate level courses in Medieval and Early Modern European history. I have all kinds of books on the Reformation, the Enlightenment, the Crusades and the Roman Empire which I bought but have never finished.
I have two sections in my personal library devoted just to books on Africa and the Caribbean. Right now, I have become interested in learning more about China, Japan, and South Korea and how those countries modernised their economies. Poor Jews are at the very bottom of what catches my interest. It would be more fun to read a large book on the history and geography of Mexico.
Urrgh. “WW TWO”
No, the Final Solution was ultimately decided in the Wansee conference (and in Hitlers mind long before) the Mufti of Jerusalem has nothing to do with it eventhough he was clearly an antisemite. He wouldnt oppose genocide on the Jewish population because he didnt want them to settle in Palestine. Bibi is a numpty.
Netanyahu and the Judeo-Zionists will blame the Palestinians as justification of some brutal act towards them, while the Judeo-Bolsheviks will blame Europeans to justify eliminating that group. Of course, no mention of the Jewish role in Bolshevik Russia’s mass murders in peacetime. Check out this article; He gassed them, gassed them not
Hunter – we all play our part. You are a natural historian. Were the world right – you’d be a young Professor of History at an esteemed University. That’s why I like your blog.
Probably so.
Jeff Traube – bingo.