James Edwards: My Journey

By Hunter Wallace

James Edwards has written a magnum opus on Christianity and ethnonationalism over at Faith and Heritage:

“Back in the 40s and 50s, a minority group thought that they had an excellent way to make society better — they would make people better. In their midst was a man who was educated, charismatic, determined, and very religious; he was a rising star in their movement. They put their plan into action in the areas in which they lived, and had some success, but they also faced serious opposition, even persecution; they were forced out of some places, they were targeted for assassination, and their leader was beaten nearly to death. …”

Russell Moore’s remark over the summer that the cross cannot coexist with the Confederate flag is instructive. No one living during the War Between the States and for well over a century after subscribed to his absurd view that Southern Baptists, a denomination created in a schism over slavery, couldn’t coexist with the Confederacy.

The truth is that no institution, religious or secular, political or apolitical, can continue to coexist with entryists bent on subversion. We’re seeing that truth unfold yet again at the University of Missouri right now. Many of the things which are attributed to inherent flaws in Christianity are really due to handiwork of entryists.

The same people who have infiltrated the churches are active in corporate boardrooms, human resources departments, and faculty lounges. Keep that in mind next time someone bashes Christians in the movement.

About Hunter Wallace 12400 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. James Edwards writes:

    “The same people who have infiltrated the churches are active in corporate boardrooms, human resources departments, and faculty lounges. Keep that in mind next time someone bashes Christians in the movement.”

    I respond:

    I agree. I just think we have to be aware of current situations – if some “Conservative” agribusiness owner/CEO like Tyson Foods Donny Smith is really destroying Southern communities by flooding Middle Tennessee with thousands of Somalian Bantu Muslim low wage workers – we need to call him out as a traitor. If some former patriot, constitutionalist stars like Ron Paul and Rand Paul start taking the side of Black criminal mobs in Ferguson MO and doing photo ops with Al Sharpton we need to call them out and identify them as traitors and work very hard to make their enablers stop enabling them.

    As for the Christian churches – if once solid pro Southern, race realist tax exempt Christian institutions like the top of the Southern Baptist church, the American Catholic Church or the Pope himself embrace Black Ruled American, open borders immigration and Liberation theology cultural marxism – well we just have to call a spade a spade and not let our enemies hide in safety in Christian (in name only) institutions that used to be ours.

    All kinds of institutions used to be ours and are now strongly anti us. The National Democrat party was pro White Southern up until about 1965. So was SEC college football. That’s no longer the case.

    Things change. Sometimes as with Russian, things change for the better.

    Too many old American conservatives simply can not change, they live in the past.

    The Past is history, the future is a mystery, the present is a gift. Let’s live in the present.

  2. Firstly, I want to commend James Edwards for his endeavors in our cause. Thank you.

    Secondly, I agree w Jack Ryan that claiming to be a Christian or Christian organization , or even being the shell of a once Christian organization that remains Christian in little more than name is not good enough. We never see any politicians that do not pander for the Evangelical vote, but they betray us as fast as they can get elected. Our churches are going pro-gay when the Bible couldn’t be more plainly against it. If the SBC wants to elevate the negro above the white for political reasons, then they are as big a whore as the Vatican. There are plenty of other churches I can go to.

    I’m not trying to hijack an ethnic patriotism blog to quote the Bible, but it seems relevant here:

    You will know them by their fruit.


  3. jack ryan
    As for the Christian churches – if once solid pro Southern, race realist tax exempt Christian institutions like the top of the Southern Baptist church, the American Catholic Church or the Pope himself embrace Black Ruled American, open borders immigration and Liberation theology cultural marxism – well we just have to call a spade a spade and not let our enemies hide in safety in Christian (in name only) institutions that used to be ours.’

    A.A. has an article about the Christian churches. Stunning!

    US Christian Churches Back Muslim Invasion

    November 13, 2015

    All of the major Christian churches in America have come out in favor of importing hundreds of thousands of Muslims into the US from the Middle East, even though such a move will speed up the extinction of both European-Americans and Christianity itself. (snip)

  4. Its very simple. If they behave anti-white, they are an enemy. If they act pro white, they are a friend. There are Christians that are anti-white and Christians that are pro white. Treat accordingly.

  5. Sam // November 13, 2015 at 5:04 pm //
    “All of the major Christian churches in America have come out in favor of importing hundreds of thousands of Muslims into the US from the Middle East, even though such a move will speed up the extinction of both European-Americans and Christianity itself. (snip)”

    They do it for the Fed money, because they are Institutions trying keep themselves in business. You have all been warned about institutions. See the Iron Law of Bureaucracy.

    If Pagan groups were mainstream in America, they would be taking government dollars to betray us too. All big institutions turn rotten, given enough time, because certain people always end up running them.

    Again, see the Iron Law of Bureaucracy.

  6. If you offer these churches Federal dollars to do pro white activities, they would all reverse course over night. Guaranteed.

    • Viva James Edwards! It’s too cool because he has both a traditional, gender specific, Anglo first name and a traditional Anglo last name. That’s getting harder to find these days.

  7. Hunter Wallace // November 13, 2015 at 5:25 pm //

    “WN organizations are equally vulnerable to entryism which is why we have been discussing homosexuality for days now.”

    And who is advocating they be let in? Those that want to be the next William F Buckleys, so they can turn WN into a respectable (ineffectual) bu$ine$$ they can comfortably live off. Its the Iron Law again.

  8. Hunter Wallace
    ‘The refugee resettlement industry is subsidized by the federal government. It is a business.’

    So what does that say for all the Christian churches who participate in that industry for filthy lucre?

    There is a word for those people.

  9. I don’t see “entryism” as the biggest problem, I see a lack of wanting to get involved in church politics as the biggest problem, and I’m as guilty of it as anyone else.

    Protestantism isn’t a top down affair like Roman Catholicism with layers of clergy dictating to the people. An infallible Pope at the top.

    Protestantism is bottom up, rank & file movement that started in Northern Europe and has been since the beginning been democratic in nature.

    The problem is you can’t a democratic movement if people won’t get involved in the process. This is the big problem with Protestantism today.

    Most Protestant church decisions are made by church lady type people of both sexes, who although they may mean well, let themselves be manipulated by the popular culture as seen on TV, not by their own common sense and Biblical knowledge.

    Just like in the real world, you have your church cuckservatives who may consider themselves conservatives, but, in reality & practice they are cuckservatives. They are really wounded even when you tell them this even in a nice way.

    Naturally, you feel like a heel when you rebuke, criticize or otherwise wound some otherwise harmless person, who in their own mind is doing the right thing.

    • True. This is one more argument for why we need our new republic/confederation to be explicitly patriarchal. I am not saying that men are infallible, but that we are generally more shrewd at these things than women are. Almost anything works better when men are in charge, even if women are better at some service positions.

  10. Ok, I replied to a few comments above , one at a time, but it’s not showing which ones I was replying to. I’ll try specify in the future, sorry.

  11. I find the trouble with women is not that they aren’t intelligent, but that they overthink things and talk everything to death, one the main things wrong with the U.S. Men eventually get tired of the gabble and say, “Screw it, lets do whatever.”

    • Re Copperhead:
      I wouldn’t say that women tend to overthink things at all. I think they simply revert to emotional reactions rather than critical thinking more readily than men do. I think the honest truth is that men (as a group) are more reasonable and have better critical thinking skills than women (as a group) do. Women (as a group) alternatively have more nurturing and usually make better day care workers, elementary schoolteachers, secretaries, hospitality workers, and nurses (except where greater strength is needed to move or subdue patients). We see quantitatively and empirically that men are generally better at running businesses and investments than women, and to most critical thinkers out there it’s pretty easy to see that men are more cut out to run our national interests than women are. After all, if it weren’t for women voters Romney would have beaten Obama in 2012.

      Critics of Christianity are quick to point out scriptural support for patriarchy in the home (as if it were something evil) but they never point out that patriarchy has been the universal standard for humans for as long as we have been human (and probably long before). There has NEVER been discovered an extant functional society (or savage tribe) that was not patriarchal, and there is ZERO archeological evidence for any such society existing in the past. If it were insignificant whether societies were run by either men or women, then with a large sample of present and past societies we would expect about half of them to be matriarchal, or at least 1/3 matriarchal, 1/3 egalitarian, and 1/3 patriarchal. Given that functional matriarchal/egalitarian societies are not present in the sample at all, the only reasonable conclusion I can draw is that those are probably not compatible with functional society. I do not consider today’s global West to be functional, but rather in a tailspin.

  12. Let’s keep in mind though that the gender gap in voting gets a great deal smaller when only looking at WHITE voters. Also, when looking at only WHITE female voters, usually a majority votes for the Republican candidate even if it isn’t as much as white men do.

    It remains a mystery to me how the overall gender gap is so much larger than just the white gender gap when whites make up most voters. I think it goes to show how loony and crazy most NONWITE females are.

    I think right now we obviously need to focus on the problem with the nonwhite vote. When we get our all white country back, then we should focus on taking the vote from white women.

    Men and women are very different and men were made to do many things that women weren’t and shouldn’t. But I notice that the overall gender gap in voting instead of just the smaller white gap, has been getting used in many online pro white discussions and many times it results in comments about how “white women are traitors” when that isn’t necessarily the case. That hasn’t happened here but it has happened elsewhere.

    Let’s focus on the white gender voting gap in our discussions, then focus on taking the vote from nonwhites, then finally white women and a small percentage of white men too.

    • I suppose it’s easy for frustrated white men to call white women traitors. But I still maintain that even among whites men are more generally fit to run a country than women are. Gender egalitarianism has never existed as a successful model for running a nation anywhere at any time in history or prehistory. The experiment has been tried in the modern West and it has gone poorly. We frustrated men should resist the temptation to talk disparagingly about women, just calmly stand by the truth without backing down.

      I do believe it is good to talk about it now though, since there will be little time to talk about it when we have to implement a new government. I am firmly convinced that NOW is the time to talk about what our constitution should be because when the empire collapses, it will likely come overnight and take many by surprise, with little time to prepare. Also, I think that having an official proposed constitution written ahead of time will facilitate our independence as people can see the vision and support it rather than just being disappointed with the way the empire is going.

  13. Thanks for the response. I didn’t say anywhere above, however that white men shouldn’t be the heads of their societies. I even said that when we become all white again, then we can focus on taking the vote from women. I was just saying that right now our main focus should be the problems with nonwhites. There is a lot of divisiveness between whites that really isn’t warranted and that includes anger between the genders coming from both directions.

  14. I assume everyone here knows Russell Moore is, in effect, paid by Paul Singer. Moore’s role in the context of his activities as a Baptist leader that interest Singer seems to be to activate or deactivate the evangelical masses for Jewish interests in various political and cultural contexts.

    I know a pastor that went to graduate school with Russell Moore. He was a lot more impressed with Moore’s networking ability than his intellectual skills. He also says Moore is a good man who really believes he acts in the best interest of the segment of the Christian community he leads, and in most cases does.

    Because I personally know somebody that runs a Christian institution directly influenced by Moore, there is more I could say about Singer, Moore and the effects of subversion and entryism on the intelligentsia in the evangelical subculture and its brick-and-mortar institutions. But, I don’t feel like writing it out, don’t know if there is any interest anyway and even there was or is, it’s not the best time to bring up the observations I have in mind even though are definitely relevant.

  15. He doesn’t represent me at all. I don’t care for self-appointed leaders. The people in the trenches who have to deal with nonwhites know what is going on. If you don’t have to work, and can get in the media, something is off.

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