About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Fanatical Muslim terrorists killing people is not something new. We see the atrocities committed by ISIS in Syria and the mideast on a daily basis.

    Centuries of this stuff.

    So what do we do?

    Urgently ship millions of Allahu Akbar shouting animals into western countries.

    What could go wrong?

  2. Multiple shooting. Suicide bombing this is the modus operandi of Mumbai 2008. At least 60 Dead. Hostage situation. The number of terrorist involved is impressive. I cant think of another group than ISIS to be behind this.

  3. And yet the “racists” have been the ones telling everyone all along that this is what you can expect to see when you allow black and brown people to flood your country, especially the black and brown ones who adhere to a radical and primitive religion like Islam.

  4. You wanna see the fate of Europe in a microcosm of news reporting?

    Right now the FOX News website has this terrorist attack as their breaking story. Now juxtapose that brutal reality with the article right below it:

    NAZI GRANDMA’ JAILED German woman sentenced for denying holocaust

    A well-known 87-year-old German Neo-Nazi grandmother has been sentenced to 10 months in prison after being found guilty of denying the Holocaust.

    Hold your breath for a moment and wait for the irony to hit you like a giant tsunami. It will literally take your breath away.

  5. France 9/11… An American band was playing where the Bataclan concert hall carnage took place. 100+ dead there only. This is extremely coordinated.


    Since 2003, the government that claims to represent ‘us’, has been overturning one stable Arab government after another, bombing untold hundreds of thousands of innocent women and children – not to mention all those they have made homeless, through the usurpation of those Arab governments.

    And now, some Arab men have started acting like my NC Confederate forefathers, who, when after they could no longer form an effective army to face the wealthy north, returned home, and burned, lyncht, shot, and chaset out those Yankee carpetbaggers, busybodies,and members of the Union Leagues, until they drove the interlopers out of my state and retook control of their own society.

    Meanwhile, after stirring up this hornet’s nest, our leaders are shipping as many of the hornets over here as possible!

    I am a novelist, and, if I tried to cook up something as looney as this, not a reader would believe it.

    Still, I hate it for all those French families who will have to bear up to this calamity for the rest of their lives, every time the thoughts of their murdered loved one comes back into their minds.

  7. Whites Unite
    ‘Terrorism, rioting and rape in France, England and Sweden – but curiously enough, not in Hungary.’

    Go figure?

    Celestial, you’re post was spot on.

    Merkel and her collaborators should be Ceau?escued.

    Oh, hell, not only those traitors but most of the leadership of the EU as well.

  8. ‘Possible in Germany. This will happen in Germany eventually if the influx is not stopped.’ …

    Too late, Sir – the seeds have already been sown.

  9. ‘France getting another opportunity to celebrate diversity tonight.’

    Great cheek, Ron; though, I would make a slight tweak…

    France getting another opportunity to celebrate diversity tonight – and reap the conseqences of draconian Western Imperialism.’

  10. Let’s not forget Nicolas Sarkozy who often lectured the French people to assimilate with the Muzzies.

    And also François Hollande who championed the cause of the scum rioters in Paris who burned cars daily.

  11. Dreadful.

    I recommend folks read the tell all book

    Battle of the Casbah

    It s written by the French general in charge of counter terrorism in Algiers during the French Algerian war.

    Outside of Vlad the Impaler Count Dracula there has never been a more ruthless White Muslim fighter.

  12. Trump said today in a speech in Iowa early in the day that he would bomb the shit out of Isis.

    Also said he’d let Putin do it for us.

  13. I must admit to liking Anglin’s style.

    ‘I am absolutely shocked by this occurrence. I also feel deep surprise.
    Who could have possibly seen it coming? And who could be responsible?
    The Nazis? Some other group of White racists? Perhaps the Hungarian Border Patrol was involved? They are Nazis.’

    ‘It is simply astounding that shootings such as this would be occurring in current year in a place as diverse and tolerant as France.
    If indeed this is done by Moslems (unlikely, it’s a religion of peace), then the French must seriously take a step back and figure out ways that they can do more for the Moslem people to stop them from shooting things up and setting off bombs.
    A simple part of the solution is to bring in more Moslem immigrants, and to increase welfare payouts.
    We’ll have to wait and see!’

  14. Dylann Roof would have had to attack Charleston at least 16 times to match the current death toll in Paris.

    It is racism and bigotry though to suggest Islam had anything to do with this. We wouldn’t want to stereotype folks named Muhammad.

  15. Has the SPLC reported yet, that the terrorists were waving Confederate flags and were contributors to the Council of Conservative Citizens web site?

  16. “I’m amazed ISIS hasn’t sneaked across the border and blown up a Wal-Mart in Texas yet.”

    Let’s not go there.

  17. my alert status is Defcon 3, Coulter calls it like it is…Muslims. but as usual the trolls are coming out of the woodwork. you know, It be raciss to stop Muslim immigration!

  18. Ann Coulter ?@AnnCoulter 1h1 hour ago
    100% of TV talk is @ fighting ISIS–IN SYRIA. Bomb away, but isn’t there something else we should consider? Like not letting ISIS move here?

    Ann Coulter ?@AnnCoulter 1h1 hour ago
    Can we all agree now? No more Muslim immigration. How is this making life better for us? But the mass immigration machine churns on …

    Ann Coulter ?@AnnCoulter 1h1 hour ago
    Every year, the US imports 100K more Muslims to live here permanently. Rubio says he wants more. Why would anyone support him?

    Ann Coulter ?@AnnCoulter 1h1 hour ago
    Ann Coulter Retweeted Joe Quenneville
    All we need is people rushing to the street with candles and we’ll have these savages on the run!

    Ann Coulter ?@AnnCoulter 2h2 hours ago
    Paris death toll up to 100. U.S. college students need to tell Parisians about real violence from Halloween costumes & “trigger words.”

    Ann Coulter ?@AnnCoulter 2h2 hours ago
    HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? French people ran onto the street with signs that said, ‘Je Suis Charlie’! Why didn’t that stop this?

    Ann Coulter ?@AnnCoulter 2h2 hours ago
    How does one say “DREAMERS” in French?

    Ann Coulter ?@AnnCoulter 2h2 hours ago
    How does one say “Illegal immigration is an act of love” in French?

    Ann Coulter ?@AnnCoulter 2h2 hours ago
    Ann Coulter Retweeted DRUDGE REPORT
    But it would be too expensive to deport them. That’s not an”adult” solution. Ann Coulter added,
    Gunmen shouted ‘Allah Akbar’… http://bit.ly/1iZJfST

  19. Jews brought their ground army into Europe over the summer. Maybe the deep breath before the plunge is over. This looks horrible.

    I reckon the military and police will immediately be deployed to stop Europeans who want to from fighting back. At Rotherham, the few fathers who fought back were arrested.

    All ducking white elites must fucking hang.

  20. It’s long past the point.

    Push the nigs and dune coons into the sea mes amis.

    Then shove the enablers into the ovens.

  21. They used to call Lebanon the Paris of the Middle East, until the left demanded Muslim refugees be let in. Soon we will call Paris the Lebanon of Europe.

    The only hope I have for immediate action is Eastern Europe, as they are not in the grip of the Diversity Psychosis. Break up the EU Eastern Europe. Break it up now, or you will die with it.

  22. I propose that every dead Frenchman or woman should be valued at 10x Foreigns.

    That makes 1000.

  23. Watch them crack down ever harder on whites with new hate speech laws, demands for guns and check points everywhere. At the same time they will say not all Muslims are bad and demand they be protected from racist whites. And the people will go along with all this, because most people can’t think, they are just TVs with legs. Diversity is mass psychosis.

  24. Just thinking out loud.

    If reports are true that the infamojus Jihadi John was killed yesterday could the happenings today be retaliation?

    If so, it tells us how quickly these bastards can organize something.

  25. Takes time to organize something as big as this. There will be new attacks planned for Jihadi John. You can count on it.

  26. Just imagine fellas, this and what is still to come could have easily been avoided, with the application of common sense even a 5 year old is capable of.

    I imagine the few capable of common sense were watching events leading up to WW1 and WW2, thinking the same. Most people can’t think you see and this includes world leaders like Merkel. To me, its a terrifying thought.

  27. Is “Jihadi John” even REAL?

    Yes. Co-ordinated attacks take planning, discipline, and many shekels.

    The Jew Global press is calling for “bombing Syria”

  28. Prob 150+ innocent French people, most likely the majority under 21/22 yrs old, murdered by Muslims. Why? In response to fairly weak French military activity in Syria against ISIS. A radically anti-Shia (& anti-some Sunni) Sunni Muslim group.

    Despite it being a situation w/o Israeli involvement or “Jewish” involvement other than maybe being some of the victims, people here cannot help themselves. There are always 25%-35% of you who no matter what the situation blame the Jews.

    Oldest trick in the book, as it were, and def explains why the “WN” movement will always be a bunch of impotent, fringe looneys. Go get as angry as you want girls. You are the ones who “shoot yourselves in the foot”. Does anyone actually disagree that you are good old fashioned dummies?

    • I feel for you Hunter. Don’t you see that most of them can’t do what you ask? They are too looney tunes about seeing “Jews” everywhere.

      Can you not recognize mush-minds made worse by being fed even more neo-Nazi propaganda?

  29. There would be no Muslims murdering whites in France, if they were not allowed into France. And you support diversity for white countries, but not for Israel, amirite Spite?

    Enjoy your fun while it lasts.

  30. Spite is here to delight in the death of whites and stir up antisemitism against his fellow Jews. Just ignore him, he’s just an Insane Middle Easterner.

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