About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. He cares not one jot about the death of whites, he wants to make his people the center of attention. Middle Easterners are insane narcissists.

  2. Woman claims it’s true. No hoax or old news.

    Caroline Gregory ?@CazTravels 2h2 hours ago
    @CazTravels @BBCBreaking Yes, BBC, there is a fire in the Calais jungle. Hot on my face. Sudanese section decimated

  3. I was mentioning to Ms Captain the other day that the Europeans ought to watch out with that Israel labeling push. The “counter jihad” websites were calling Europeans evil for labeling Jewish products…watch out for what? she said…Ak47s I said.

  4. The Economist magazine recently praised Angela Merkle for encouraging mass immigration into Europe from the Middle East, referring to her as “The indispensable European.”

    The Economist is owned by the Rothschild family.

    “Warspite” doesn’t want you to know facts such as this.

    Hungarian leader Victor Orban recently denounced George Soros for seeking to undermine national sovereignty.

    Never mind that Orban has successfully protected Hungary from ever experiencing terrorism like Paris has. According to “Warspite”, Orban is “shooting himself in the foot”.

    We must only say nice things about the Rothschild family and George Soros.

    ISIS only exists, and Al-Qaeda only has a presence in Iraq, Libya, and Syria, because AIPAC owned US politicians invaded Iraq, bombed Libya, and armed the Syrian rebels. ISIS arose in the vacuum created when Saddam Hussein and Qaddafi were overthrown, and Assad was weakened, by US foreign policy. Don’t notice the influence of Singer, Adelson and Shaban on US foreign policy. That would be “shooting ourselves in the foot”.

    Before the recent Russian deployment to Latakia, Israel was periodically bombing Assad’s forces, indirectly helping ISIS and Al-Qaeda. Don’t notice! That would be “shooting ourselves in the foot”.

    • Middle Easterner? Me? Mid-East Kentucky, I suppose. You’re mostly such a bunch of lamebrains!

      Though I’ve never been to the Levant, I have been to Hungary. A lot over many years, and know far more about it that any of you intellectual truants. I like the country & the people, and understand from where their excessive nationalism derives. Clearly you dingalings do not. I have no criticism with their trying to bar certain immigration any more than I have for Denmark doing the same thing. Btw, it’s Denmark you flat earthers need to focus upon, not Hungary. And I’m certainly no fan of George Soros!

      If you nut jobs would try to drain out from your relatively small brains your weirdo, unnatural hatred of Jews, you might could focus upon and try to analyze what to do about the Islamization of Western Europe. For a number of reasons the actions by Frau Merkel and what occurred yesterday could represent a tipping point. The concept of expulsion of a people from European nations has a rather bad historical taste, whether it be expulsion of Jews or of Germans in 1945/46. But just because of tragic experiences in the past doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be debated. European states can learn from the past and not repeat the worst aspects of past expulsions.

      If some of you posting pissants can try to open your minds to at least the level of average intelligence, maybe you could debate whether European nations finally taking a stand to defend Western Civilization would influence decision-making in the U.S. If you know anything about the intellectual state of American Liberal leadership, you know about the hero-worship of European intellectuals & any trendy European thought. Should European nations take steps to safeguard Western Civilization such as a bar on any immigration other than for political asylum, an actual limit (e.g., 5%) of Muslims, and expulsion of non-citizen Muslims, the effect in the US would be marked. It would represent an existential crisis for American Liberals!

      Certainly, the immigration problem in the US is different than in Europe. Christians (though Catholic) from Latin nations do not represent the terror threat Muslims appear to represent. But I would welcome any impetus to expel all illegal (i.e., criminal) immigrants who are not legitimate asylum situations, as well as some discussion on the effect on American culture and ideals of the nation’s increase in Catholics. Catholics of non-European background. You pinheads seem to avoid the whole Catholic issue.

      Debate on Muslims in the US may be tough, but it still needs to occur. Some of the problems with Islamization in Europe include the refusal to assimilate into the Western, Judeo-Christian tradition, rejection of the Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment traditions, and the numbers problem (high birth rate, huge number of potential immigrants). The number of Muslims in a country like France is now so large the fact you don’t know which of the 100 Muslims are the 10, 20 or (?) 50 willing to blow themselves up in a Starbucks to kill your children is highly problematic. America can deal with that problem now, or be overwhelmed by it. Anyone ever traveling through Heathrow who sees a group of Muslim women in full Burquas should know what I mean.

      The attempts to analogize things to Israeli policy are truly stupid. It’s apple and oranges. Entirely different parts of the world, different histories, different issues, different politics & governments. Israel is officially a Jewish nation, for reasons those amongst you fairly rational know about. We are not an officially Christian or Judeo-Christian nation, though if you look at the beliefs of the Founding Fathers one can certainly spin an argument for an unofficial, Enlightenment-driven, Judeo-Christian nation, with maybe 5%+ Roman Republic and a splash of Athenian democracy. It seems to me that moving away from the melting pot “theory” of immigration & citizenship, in which all peoples ended up filtered through the aforementioned was and is a key error to be identified. We need to say screw this worship of multi-culturalism and return to the policy/theory that built America up into greatness.

      And enough with the over the top, Denise. I get you have a job to do & you’ve got these clowns totally snowed. But sometimes your provocateur act may go too far. Sure, it’s doing the intended by marginalizing most of the easily taken in kooks. But sometimes I wonder if the Bureau is aware enough of each nut case’s identity to stop some extremist action-? Most of these people are not the sharpest knives in the drawer, and some clearly have mental or emotional “deficiencies”. You clearly know what you’re doing & can really be quite funny. But you need to be careful about the quiet ones.

  5. This might be just enough to nudge France over into the National Front.

    It’s good for Le Pen.

    Very bad for Sarkozy and Hollande.

    Also, Obama managed to speak before Hollande. That’s a sickening bit of grandstanding.

  6. Mustafa!


    Are you a terrorist?

    No, of course not.

    Would you sign a document swearing your allegiance to the U.S.?


    Come on in, buddy.

    http://www.prweb.com/releases/2015/11/prweb13074648.htm Friday, November 13, 2015

    New O’Leary Report Poll Released: Vast majority of Americans in favor of requiring immigrants and refugees entering the country to sign document swearing allegiance to the U.S. Constitution and American principles of equality

  7. “New O’Leary Report Poll Released: Vast majority of Americans in favor of requiring immigrants and refugees entering the country to sign document swearing allegiance to the U.S. Constitution and American principles of equality” – those are typically lifeboat type scenarios that attempt to control the choices presented. was just not letting them come here an option? probably not.

  8. WhiteUnite wrote: “ISIS only exists, and Al-Qaeda only has a presence in Iraq, Libya, and Syria, because AIPAC owned US politicians invaded Iraq, bombed Libya, and armed the Syrian rebels. ISIS arose in the vacuum created when Saddam Hussein and Qaddafi were overthrown, and Assad was weakened, by US foreign policy.”

    Sir, your analysis is spot on. Millions of words will be written about this senseless tragedy over the coming weeks. You have captured in one succinct paragraph the root cause of the deadly crisis facing Western Civilization.

  9. And as for this moron, WHITE UNITE, as if his goofball, ball-less name did not tell you enough, he’s a classic neo-Nazi bs liar.

    The Rothschild family DOES NOT own the Economist Magazine. As is DOES NOT, DOES NOT, DOES NOT own that magazine. How can anyone pay any attention to some a**hole who starts off with the “Big Lie”? Anything and everything said thereafter has zero credibility.

    Thank you for demonstrating how you & those like you (not the Hungarian political leadership!) shoot yourselves in your big, fat metaphorical foot. Both of them, actually. The majority of what you opine could be brilliant, but you poison any chance for credibility or influence by starting out with a classic, neo-Nazi “Big Lie”.

    And I bet the truth is that you just cannot help yourself. Thus, you illustrate the basis for your eternal residence in Fringe-ville, along with hollow earthers, reptilian shape-shifter fans, Illuminati cuckoos, and Scientologists. Did I forget the UFO crowd? So sorry.

    I will show there are no hard feelings by inviting you to our next meeting of the Zionist World Control Board at the Denver Airport.

  10. tl;dr Go write a book, that no one will ever read.

    Go type Nazi somewhere else. Your tricks are out of date.

  11. Spite is just here to type Nazi and Hitler. That’s his entire assignment here. The rest is just boring filler. They must be really out of date on the settlements. People are making fun of your scare words now. They are 70 years out of date.

    • If you decline to read what I wrote, do not comment. I did not write about Nazis. You must be a politician or something similarly slimy. And that babe in the video, etc., keep dreaming!

      Read, think, comment. You can do it.

    • I am not going to stoop to insulting your inability to formulate a responsive position. You did the best any gym teacher could hope for.

  12. When Warspittle writes, I scan past. Nem Ertem. (I don’t understand- in Hungarian)

    He’s an antichrist operative, sent to insult and deflect criticism of the Christ-killers, of whom he is one.
    France has now closed her borders, and Hollande (possibly for about an hour) says ‘this is an act of war.’

    OH, I hope so. Line up every god-damned Moslem and Reign of Terror them. Bring back the guillotine.
    Restores France for the frogs. Europe for the Europeans. Beat your plowshares into swords, as it were.

    • Anti-christ? Christ-killers? Very early 1950’ish of you! Very Pius XII-like.

      Have you considered the number of Christians (i.e., Protestants) who believe the Catholic Church to be the incarnation of the antichrist, versus the number of Christians who adhere to a belief the Jews are marked forever as “Christ-killers”?

      Anyway, no West European nation is going to start executing Muslims. Get real. There is certainly danger of violence against Muslims because of the killings, and I suspect the political fallout will be enormous. Right-wing, anti-immigrant and nativist parties may benefit to the point of really influencing political decision-making. But I think ultimately those parties may be hurt by the inability to make common cause with the Left.

      For example, in the Netherlands anti-immigrant politics is two pronged. It consists of right wing nativists, but there are also anti-immigrant feelings from the Left. Problematically, maybe, the Left recognizes the goal of Muslim groups is to destroy Liberal Democracy. Too many Muslims oppose things like freedom of speech, freedom of religion, etc. More & more Dutch have come to understand this danger. I wish liberals in America would be as observant to this threat.

      We may see if some of these Right wing parties can actually govern. It’s not going to be acceptable to Parisians to live in a police state, constantly on guard against an attack.

    • I was remiss in failing to note that all major political parties in France & the rest of Europe will now be pushed to the ideological Right.

  13. I note on the Gateway Pundit that Jim Hoft is pushing the idea that the Theater was attacked because it was owned by Jews.

    What Theater isn’t?

    I digress. Ordinary descendents of the Grognards might take the law into their own hands now. There is no downside to slaughtering Africans and Middle Easterners in France. maybe the OAS ought to reactivate

  14. Fr John,

    As with any Jew Warpsite is only interested in twisting this event into something that’s good for the Jews.

    Manipulating French opinion to be pro Israeli is the only aim.

    • Another kooky kaptin krack! Manipulate to be pro-Israel? Expelling or limiting Muslims has nothing to do with Israel. In fact, Israel &’the Zionists you cuckoos see behind every tree and rock have nothing to do with the ISIS attacks. The problem arises out of internal Muslim religious conflicts.

      It is clear you and your genius pals are having a real existential crisis because of a Muslim terrorist attack not derivative of anything regarding Israel or “the Jews”. It presents a real challenge to your weirdo world view, and so far you have not made any headway surmounting that challenge. That sort of makes you a one-track mind loser, does it not?

      As promised, I will see what I can do to get the Jews involved at the next Zionist World Control meeting after Thanksgiving at the Denver Airport. You know, next to the murals. I am on a subcommittee dealing with Jewish control of all precious metals, so I think I can help you out.

      Btw: I’m sure an intellect like yourself is familiar with the quasi-secret Talmudic instructions for each Hebrew male to be given two talents of precious metal when they reach the age of 13. Depending on the market, it can be a mix of gold, silver, platinum or palladium shipped (these days) directly from the Denver Airport. Of course, you already know this stuff.

  15. From the Wikipedia article on The Economist magazine:

    “Both Exor, the Agnelli holding company, and Rothschild banking family of England have a sizeable share interest in the company, and are represented on the Board of Directors.”

  16. What occurred, yesterday in Paris, is not about race – not about Nazis and Jews.

    It’s about two policies : The West making a war on Arabia, for decades now, while maintaining open borders.

    When the western governments change these policies, this problem will immediately shrink like a spider on a hot tin stove.

    Until then, the problem will go on…

  17. …the west is not at war with Arabia. That’s just governments hijacked by NeoCohens. I’m not sure that the Arabs really object to this Semiticization of European and American policy as it offers the possibility of their own expansion and later control of Europe.

    The presence of these Arabs and Africans in Europe is the problem.

  18. “Very Pius XII-like”? Right after the War this Pope was praised by leaders of the Jewish community for his quiet methods of smuggling many Jews out of Europe during the War. A decade or so later he was being slandered as “Hitler’s Pope”.

    Warspite, I’m trying to read your comments objectively and not dismiss them out of hand. You lose your credibility with me with an anti-Pius XII statement like that. I’m lead to believe that you are really nothing more than a trouble making troll.

  19. Within a week Hollande will have armed troops guarding Synagogues and he’ll be dragging FN supporters out their beds in midnight raids.

    The Muslims in France will be under protection from cordons of white French troops.

    Practically guaranteed.

  20. Hey, White Unite, you’re an idiot. So they have a decent share in ownership. That could be 10%, it could be 25%. So what you moron? You said it was owned by [Jews]. You were wrong. In fact, the majority interest when aggregated is… Christian!

    You are a liar, and a piece of garbage. You do not know what you are talking about and are very happy to spread your falsehoods until they are challenged. And when proven wrong what do you do? Do you act like a man (or woman) and take personal responsibility for what you did? Nope, you try and move the goal posts to make yourself correct. How much of the remainder of what you “know” about Jews is false, you worthless piece of excrement?

    That said, have a nice day, fella.

  21. The mayor of Cologne was stabbed in the neck by a pissed off German.

    I expect that the cuckolded French deputies, mayors and cabinet will be under lockdown. If they reply to this killing with sentiments of compassion and outreach to Muslims and other Semites they will almost certainly be targeted by pissed off Frenchmen. The hebdo editors practically deserved what they got. The concert goers and restaurant customers did not.

    Hollande and the Socialists ought to be impeached and overthrown, Sarkozy and his followers imprisoned.

    France can do a lot better than this.

  22. Hollande’s response to the massacre of white French by blacks and browns will be to ban FN and arrest them all.

    The cocksuckers like Warpsite will be quietly cheering it on.

    • Hmmm. Is it my imagination or have your collective brains failed to come up with a single, even semi-realistic manner to address the problems in Europe? That’s right, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, etc., are not going to start killing off their Muslim populations. Uh, you do realize that, don’t you…?

      As a Caucasian (i.e. White) American who appreciates and honors the tradition of Liberal Democracy (“Liberal” here does not mean “liberal” as in American leftish thought), I have recognized and pointed out the danger posed by Muslims & Islam to the entire Enlightenment & post-Enlightenment tradition. You nut jobs fixate on color & oddball pseudo science. The true focus should be ideological. The fact that you can almost always plug in color has blinded all of you to the real danger of Islam.

      Instead of spending your hours on countless, repetitive nonsense about the maybe 20m Jews in the world, you should have used your 3 cylinder brains on the 800m to 1 billion Muslims around the globe. You could have easily kept up on the latest conspiracy theories about Jews (since the same ones just recirculate) while putting some focus on the dangers of Islam.

      I’ve read hundreds of your postings. There are endless quotes, ideas and arcana about Jews and that immense (size of NJ, about the same pop.) nation of Israel. But as to Islam and Islamic nations, etc., almost nothing coherent. That is rather pathetic.

      I guess that even amongst the tin foil hat crowd, people are “always fighting the last war”.

  23. White are slaughtered by the biological weapons OF the JEW, and the Rat Faced Kike Demon JEW shows up to call us names, and whine about how we are too stupid to understand what’s happening blah blah blah.

    How totally JEW.

    • See, that’s what I mean. No way you’re following Bureau guidelines! Knock it off, S.A.

      Kaptin Nada, you breached the rules on language & Hunter will now toss you out.

  24. I think I know their rhetoric tends to be both scatological and hysterical.

    I think I know that the ones who claim to be “on our side” spend all their effort distracting attention from, making excuses for, or denying the existence of elite Jewish hostility to European Christian peoples in general, and old-stock White Protestant Americans in particular.

    But “Warspite” is too over-the-top. He is too much of a caricature. He may very well be a virulent anti-Semite, hoping we will mistake him for a Jew, using this tragedy to whip up an anti-Semitic frenzy in the minds of readers. Shame on you, sir.

    • Listen up White Noise. You are a proven liar. In addition, you compound what you could have said was an unintentional error by the sin of Pride. Your hubris is so great that you just cannot admit an error.

      I understand the error is rather substantial in nature, and likely leads to a falling row of dominoes- your prior inaccurate statements. Face it, you’ve never really checked on the factual bases of your arguments or positions. You just count on preaching to the choir covering your mental sloppiness.

      The shame here is that you would rather perpetuate a known lie than just admit a mistake. Of course, it could be that you checked the facts beforehand and figured you would purposely misrepresent them. Who would be around to identify your lie, right?

      Tsk, tsk. You have no credibility and are just making things worse for yourself. As Denise would say: White Noise, get thee to a nunnery! Ha, lol, fazool! Get lost and peddle your lies and bad character elsewhere. You have been exposed, and stand naked, in disgrace, before your landsmen.

  25. He should publish his true identity.

    He’s the white Jew! Come to save YT by operating an Electronic Sanhedrin.

    • Denise, with all the Bureau’s assets I really don’t think your getting my email address, etc., is super impressive. I guess it’s better than the M.I.B. knock on my door!

      I do not really appreciate the message, but, yes, I do appreciate your position. I may disagree with the use of resources, but you guys know more about this than an average citizen.

      Henceforth, I will either play along or say nothing.

  26. Re: Obammy’s injection of 50 Special Opps – Putin’s Flying Fighting Russ have decimated the Kikenvermin Nation Wrecking Opps, in Syria. The 50 Mercs are being sent in to Syria to mop op the Jihadi Mercs aka “ISIS” grunts. The ISIS mercs are fleeing, since they are mercs. Should they fall into Syrian/Russian hands – they will very likely squeal as to who their real paymasters are.

    This is thee only explanation that adds up.

  27. I was informed, some time ago, that if Jews succeed in genociding actual authentic Whites, then they get to be “White”.

    Jews are not and can not ever ever ever be White.

  28. Secretary of ZOGSTATE Jew Kerry is on TalmudVision right now – kvetching and kvelling about Syria Syria Syria. Gee whix – the Hebes NEVER give up, do they?

    The ruh-row moments are coming thick and fast.

    Paris citizens are slaughtered, in obviously co-ordinated attacks, and Big Hebery IMMEDIATELY begins babbling about Syria.

    So very Jew.

    • Kerry is Jewish! Lol! That’s probably Big Lie enough for the marks to believe.

      You think Kerry’s wife knows? More importantly, you think his parents know?

  29. Hunter – expulsion is THE obvious answer. So simple. Not easy – but simple.

    NO ONE is talking about this, excepting we Groundlings.

    ALL the Machers and their Shabby Goy are blabbering about Syria. And – oh – because waaaayyycism against de Mod-werate Muzwims, who are Just Here to Make a Better Life.

  30. Oh – 1 of the FauxNew Commmentors – a gen-yoo-wine White Male – was screeching about how “we (Westerners) are committing Cultural suicide” this AM. I’m sure he’ll be canned sometime today.

  31. I sincerely apologize for misleading the readers of Occidental Dissent.

    The Rothschilds are not the only people responsible for the recent content of The Economist.

    The holding company Exor is the other large % owner of The Economist. Consequently, the Chairman and CEO of Exor, John Elkann, is also responsible for the recent content of The Economist.

    From Elkann’s Wikipedia biography:

    “Born in New York City, John Elkann is the first son of Alain Elkann, a journalist and writer of French Jewish and Italian Jewish background”

    • You are such an idiot Noise. Now you’re cherry picking facts leaving out anyone with a possible interest that is gentile. You are truly a sub-moronic, pathetic dullard who couldn’t argue his way out of a paper bag.

      But you keep fighting that last war, brainless. You’re such a fine example of “White” character.

      Get lost & come back when you finish your AA in Education.

  32. Expulsion is probably the only way to go now.

    I can’t see any other end game, except the extermination of the white remnant in France.

    No one on the street level in Europe will lift a finger to help the brown and black population.

    Otoh the USAF might replay their war against Serbia on the first Western European state to take decisions.

  33. It’ll be interesting to see how many nationalists in France will stand up and suggest the idea of a mass expulsion. This isn’t a bunch of snotty magazine editors getting their desserts this is a rather massive and unavoidable example of the danger posed by a multicultural multiracial state. It’s basically final proof.

    I’m also interested in how Hollande will spin this into a way to suppress nationalism.

    This event is likely to be as much a catalyst as Buford’s Massacre for the Overmountainmen who showed up to avenge themselves on Major Ferguson’s Rifles.

  34. An obvious part of the solution in Europe is mass deportation and dismantling multiculturalism.

    In Europe, 87-year-old White women are being arrested and thrown in jail for daring to question the narratives of historical events. Do White people even stand up and smash the faces of the people pushing these draconian laws that seem to target Whites? Nope. Dirty, violent Muslims wreak havoc by raping, assaulting and murdering in record numbers, but somehow the kosher media still skews reality to make everyone believe that what we have to be on the lookout for are White people with the insensitive perspectives and offensive words coming out of their mouths. Even if they are coming from the mouths of harmless, 87-year-old women.

    Do you actually believe White people have what it takes to enforce very draconian laws of their own in order to counteract the depraved lunacy of the Cult of MultiCulty? Sure, they can close borders, but are they willing to go one, two, even three steps further than that?

    People that will change history in this kind of fucked up world are the ones that are the loudest and the ones that refuse to back down. If White Europeans don’t Embrace Race and cement everything they do according to that philosophy, all the tough talk will fade and things will continue just like they have been. Look at 9/11 for example. If anything was going to close borders and completely eradicate Muslims from our lands, don’t you think it would have been that?

    Every single one of us is going to have to answer the very serious and personal question about how far we are willing to go to restore our White Lands. If you hesitate for even one second answering that question, then you just aren’t ready to deal with the problem of Muslims and most other non-Whites in White Lands.

    Here’s an idea of what my answer would be:

    • Hatred of Jews is so entwined in your DNA that you really have a problem with normal reasoning.

      I cannot go through the Socratic method with you, but I will point out your inability to separate entirely unrelated matters.

      The anti-Holocaust denial sort of laws were put into effect by people who saw & lived through the events of the Holocaust. Gentiles of conscience who were so shocked at what had occurred they reacted by making it a crime to deny that such horrific events occurred.

      You may disagree with the laws, but need to understand the above. You also need to understand only the US has a First Amendment. The Civil Legal traditions of the Continent are very different from the Common Law, not to mention differences with American jurisprudence.

      Next, what is it that abhors you about this 87 yr old woman? Are you disturbed about her free speech rights? If so, your sympathy needs to be adjusted to legal systems without our First Amendment. Think of it as needing to use a different language for the analysis. If you don’t know the language, you cannot do an analysis. Or cannot do a correct analysis.

      Finally, from what I can discern the “principle” behind the concern about the woman is not “free speech”. The principle held by most people here is the Holocaust did not occur. Since the Holocaust is a fraud, the crowd reasons, the woman is being punished for telling the truth. The motivations of people here is not a belief in First Amendment principles that are so much a part of Natural Law it must be universally imposed. The motives are hatred of Jews.

      The above leads to the end of the journey. You actually justify the fears of those who saw the Holocaust and put the laws into effect by, despite an enormous amount of evidence (it must burn some of the lemmings how much additional evidence became available from E. European archives!) most of the people on this cite behave in the manner so many feared in 1945/46, even though most observers thought future denial impossible.

      I hate to put you on the train to Fringe Nut Street in Loserville, but what can I do? If the matter occurred in the US the woman would be protected by the First Amendment. You can see plenty of proof of that in lemming postings! But the matter is not in the US, and you need to do some additional work before reaching a conclusion.

  35. She’s some Portuguese mystery meat btw. That Teresa Heinz Kerry…

    Her family owned plantations in Mozambique before she married into the cannery food family.

  36. The bombing attacks on Serbia, seen in the context of American policy toward nationalism and the rights of Muslims in Europe, were a stark warning to Europeans who might be willing to expell Muslims.

  37. Warspite
    ‘Kerry is Jewish! Lol! That’s probably Big Lie enough for the marks to believe.’

    Wiki: His father was raised Catholic (John’s paternal grandparents were Austro-Hungarian Jewish immigrants who converted to Catholicism) and his mother was Episcopalian.

    • OK Sambo, what’s your point? Oh, I get it. You think the Nuremburg Laws apply in the US.

      You might want to speak with an attorney about that “idea” of yours.

  38. 9/11 you say?

    I genuinely think that Americans BELEIVE in the multiracial multi faith concept. Blacks briefly found they were patriots too…shit like that. The President also suppressed any bigotry and racial angle on this and turned the rhetoric into democratic crusade.

    I don’t think that the French state can pull off this again.

    I expect that Petain and others will be reassessed as heroes now. France is a faded has been. At least in 2001 the US could kick anyone around.

    What can the French do to retaliate? Fight a cloak and dagger intel war? That’s about it…at least on the government level. On the street? They can infact kill in pogroms. I doubt they will, but there is always hope.

    • Petain was a senile fascist traitor, who betrayed the French Republic and the U.K. The Nazi bootlicker should have been executed.

      These are the sorts of people the WN movement is prepared to idolize? Yeah, I bet Lee really would have admired Vichy France.

  39. Why are you asking whites about the existence of “moderate” Muslims?

    You are an appalling stink.

  40. Germans are FINALLY doing what needs to be done. The cops are SO disgusted that they are backing off enforcing ZOG’s White Genocide diktats.

    The French? Dunno.

  41. Hunter and Fellow Aryans,

    Marco Rubio, TowelBoy of the FAG KIKE Singer, in on FauzJoozNooz, babbling about how “We have to attack ISIS in Syria. Tape and show humiliating defeats..”

    He blathering about stages attacks of “ISIS (IsraeliMerc” fighters”.

    Wow. I wonder how fast this “footage” will appear on TalmudVision outlets?

    Oh -also Something Putin. Putin Filling Vacuum. (Perhaps of he’s confusing Putin’s actions with his own duties, vis a vis all those Singer Shekels.)

    “Sunnis MUST fight to defeat the Radical ISIS elements Blah BLAH IZZREAL!!!!!

    Comedy gelte!

    Trump’s gonna win.

  42. Truth never needs laws to enforce it, it only needs to be released. Lies, however, require the assistance of law. Were they honest, they would WELCOME a questioning attitude towards it, understanding that their own arguments would only be strengthened by it. This is NOT the case here.

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