By Hunter Wallace
As we approach December, there is a whiff of desperation in the air:
“The continued radicalization of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign has quickly become a movement centered on the fear and anxiety of foreign or non-white American bodies, and the hate-filled propaganda and lies that sustain it. He is coalescing his own American far-right political party with roots in white supremacy and neo-Nazi movements. He is copying the modus operandi of the resurgent far-right movements that are sweeping across Europe. He is becoming America’s own Le Pen—Marine or Jean-Marie, take your pick. …”
“In “The Plot Against America,” the novelist Philip Roth imagines an alternative history at the dawn of World War II. Charles A. Lindbergh, aviator hero and crypto-fascist, defeats Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1940. Rather than go to war against Nazi Germany, he foments an atmosphere of hatred directed at Jews in the United States.
President Lindbergh’s rule is based on fear. He can violate the Constitution because enough Americans do not mind limiting the freedom of a suspect minority in the name of security. …”
“The Republican establishment is nearing full-blown panic about Donald Trump.
The demise of Trump’s candidacy has been predicted by centrist Republicans and the media alike virtually since the day it began. But there is no empirical evidence at all to suggest it is happening …”
“When billboards featuring the likeness of former President George W. Bush and the words “Miss me yet?” started popping up in 2010, it was understandable that many people initially thought they were an Internet hoax. After all, the Bush years were exhausting. Even for many of us who aren’t fond of Barack Obama’s politics, until recently, the answer to the question of whether we missed the former president was still decidedly “no, we do not miss you.”
Recently, though, I am starting to find a renewed appreciation for 43—and I bet I’m not alone …”
There’s even a “Fringe Establishment” now:
“Instead, the Fringe Establishment is the one doing the harnessing. In 2013, for example, a fierce conservative backlash organized by lobbying groups and right-wing media torpedoed a bipartisan immigration bill, in part with a campaign of misinformation, and sent its Republican champion, Sen. Marco Rubio, scrambling to the right on the issue. …”
Golly! Ugly little Donny, the functionally retarded, compulsively dishonest anti-white bigot, is posting debunked nonsense from some left wing click bait sewer. I’m sure many are aware that anti-white bigots like Donny always lie. Here’s the real story about what’s going on, not Donny’s click bait garbage:
You need to stick to what you know, Donny, which is picking your nose and eating your boogers, and fondling your anatomically correct Obama doll. You’re simply too stupid to fool anyone with your lame gas lighting efforts
That is all.
Nathanel Kapner is not an Orthodox monk. He is a convert to Orthodoxy, but he is NOT a monastic.
His BS comments can all be overturned by Executive Order- as Trump has warned. As well as martial Law. AND WHITE AMERICA IS MORE AND MORE BEHIND HIM. So, stop talking like you are a White Chrisitan, you aren’t. You’re merely a stinking Jew who has seen his error, but has not the ‘commission’ to speak out as an organ of the Church. Kapner, keep your political views to yourself. I’m done with your Jewing our country.
“A number of pastors said that Monday’s meeting was never intended to be an endorsement of Trump and were upset that it was being portrayed as such. ”
The correct word in that sentence above, is IMPASTORS. THEY ARE BLIND GUIDES, LEADING THE BLIND. THEY ARE ALL HERETICS, because filioquist. Just like the modern, godless RCC, whose recent ‘Synod on the Family’ has many trad RC’s up in arms, [ http://whatisupwiththesynod.com ] soo too are there SYNAGOGUES OF SATAN, who would be happier bowing to the CULT of ZIONISM, than bowing the knee to Jesus Christ.
You have Cambria will not Yield on your roster of sites you recommend. Start reading him, and see what the modern ‘Synagogues of Satan’ have become. For Christ’s sake. Literally.
“The whites will be pushed off the face of the earth if they do not forsake satanic niceness and start acting like their Christian forefathers. The false Aslan of Pope Francis and his ilk has poisoned Europe for much too long. It is time to look to the real Aslan, the Aslan of Alfred and of Havelock, the one true God, who did not suffer, die, and on the third day rise from the dead so that men could celebrate satanic cruelty while flying the flag of multicultural, Christian niceness. “He is not a tame lion.” No, He is not, He is the Christ, the God of our racial hearth fire. If we forsake that hearth fire, we forsake charity, mercy, and Him. +”
– https://cambriawillnotyield.wordpress.com/2015/11/28/the-satanic-core-of-the-liberals-niceness/
We may not know what Trump really is, or what he’d do, but I think most of us know what the sensible haircut, empty suit parasites at the Republican establishment will do. And we know what they have done. For example they ran the national debt from 3 trillion when Clinton left to 10 trillion. They started two unwinnable wars, passed the Patriot Act. Helped to ship millions of jobs overseas to take advantage of cheap sweat shop labor. Have done everything they can turn the United States into a third world garbage dump through uncontrolled immigration. Nominated an unstable lunatic, (McCain) to be President. And this is hardly a complete list of their failures.
‘We may not know what Trump really is, or what he’d do, but I think most of us know what the sensible haircut, empty suit parasites at the Republican establishment will do. And we know what they have done. For example they ran the national debt from 3 trillion when Clinton left to 10 trillion. They started two unwinnable wars, passed the Patriot Act. Helped to ship millions of jobs overseas to take advantage of cheap sweat shop labor. Have done everything they can turn the United States into a third world garbage dump through uncontrolled immigration. Nominated an unstable lunatic, (McCain) to be President. And this is hardly a complete list of their failures.’
I agree wholeheartedly with Copperhead’s thoughtful assessment.
I would only add that Senator Cruz’s rhetorick, and, more importantly, his track record, show that he will in not behave as a ‘sensible haircut and empty suit parasite of the Republican establishment.’
I wouldn’t mind hearing what ODs Christians think of this comment if it can be done without dragging any prot v. cath v. ortho or any permutation thereof of theological conflict into it.
My daddy’s grandparents were Jews who came through Castle Garden (the immigration center before Ellis Island.)
My daddy’s daddy’s folks were grocers from the Austro-Hungarian town of Pressburg (today Bratislava in Slovakia) and my daddy’s mama’s daddy, Samuel, was a tailor.
Both sides came here because they were strong hard working people who knew that this country favoured people with attitudes like theirs.
The men workt 7 days a weeks for decades and attained what they had sought – my grandma’s daddy supporting ten children, all of whom went on to non-descript middle-class lives, spread out over the country. My granddaddy’s daddy became a successful grocery distributor for all of the New York/Northeastern New Jersey area.
The wives of both of my Jewish great-granddaddies were observant Jews who, much more religious than their husbands, ran the houses, and, generally, set the moral social tone of the families.
I did not know my Samuel and Hermann though I did know some of their offspring.
The tailor, Samuel, was a hard-bitten man with no sense of humour – never bent or broke a rule in his life, and hated those who did. He was hard working and chintzy. A man of unbending routine.
Hermann was jovial and hard-working, a man with a gift of gab and an eye for a deal. If he was crooked I do not know of it.
One of Samuel’s children was my grandma, Sadie (b. 1892)- though, she preferred to be called Sylvia. Sylvia was an ambitious woman, serious minded, very pretty, with a facile mind that, and, especially for women of the day, was quite educated.
One of Hermann’s son’s Leo (b. 1885) was born a mathematical genius. He also loved horse-racing, and, though he learned the grocery business through and through, by 1910, he did not do it much, because he was a fulltime bookie at the racetrack.
Leo did not have good manners, but, his sunny personality and comfort with all humans (much like Trump) gave him the inside human edge on many events – something he never failed to exploit.
When Leo courted Sylvia, in 1914, he was already becoming quite well-to-do.
They had three sons – my father, b 1916, a second son, b. 1920, and a 3rd son, born 1929.
My daddy followed in his daddy’s footsteps, becoming a sharp-minded businessman and a thoroughbred racehorse owner. My daddy was a very kind, upbeat, even-tempered, and a brilliant person. Like his daddy he had not one drop of religion in him, nor was he a deep person.
The nightmares of his life was when he had to fight Hitler, and was there with the 29th Infantry Division at Omaha Red Beach – where he was witness to his unit (mostly Virginia mountain boys from the Charlottesville area) get slaughtered by German machine gunners, whom the naval guns had not silenced, and the other nightmare being the premature death of his first wife, from cancer.
My daddy was a master bridge and scrabble player – considered a national grand master in the latter.
He died with me playing his favourite songs on the guitar, and clasping the hand of his adopted son at his side, of an overdose, he having a terminal case of cancer.
The second son to Sylvia and Leo was a charming degenerate – alcoholick, homosexual, and utterly disinterested in anything but that, and having a good time.
A shame, because he was gifted with great looks, a talent for making people laugh, and great charisma. He died of liver failure.
The last son of Sylvia and Leo was a complex and moody man. Not a people person, he went on to be a boxer, chess player, get his PHD from Duke, and become known as the foremost scientist, in his field, in the decades leading up to his death of cancer, a few years after the millenium turned.
He did not care for religion, though, he was bullishly jewish, and ready to have a fist fight, at any moment, with those who had a problem with that.
He was like a second daddy to me, and, just as I do my first daddy, I pray for his soul, nearly every day.
I tell you this because if you do not know New York City, or how it has changed, you won’t really appreciate how i will answer that article of yours :
New York City, today, is not what it was, 50 or one hundred years ago.
Still, it does have two things in common – two big things – that people go there to make it big, financially, and that it is a shrunken version, ethnically, of the whole world.
In Manhatten, they like to say : ‘money talks and bullshit walks.’
My Jewish family went there to make money and to live life materially well.
They put a lot of effort into their lives, never felt sorry for themselves, accepted that life, particularly there, was a brutal competeition, and never required any out of family welfare – not that it was there, because, in those days, you either made it, or you were a millstone around your family’s neck.
The central ethos, for the men, in those families, was to be an good earner – what they call ‘a mensch’.
This is what they obsesst on, and, it is, even today, what most New Yorkers obsess on – the battles of finance.
I, however, was raised in The South, and, for me, New York City, has always seemed like Mars – not the least for the fact that money has never been my focus, but, art.
I say this because, if you are not a big city boy, and you go to New York City, you are likely to be in culture shock, as was clearly the case of this commenter, in your link.
These days, and, really, since, at least WWII, New York is ‘a Jewish town’, though, when my great grandparents came, it was not. At that time it was run by WASPS, with more and more Catholicks (such a Mayor LaGuardia) eventually being added to the mix.
New York City, of the 20th century, has always had the attitude of make you money however you can, and don’t let anybody tell you how to live.
Of all the members of my New York Jewish family, only one had any interest in politicks (the scientist) though it was passive.
There were no Zionists, though, Sylvia did send money, monthly, after Israel was establisht, to fund the planting of trees.
Certainly my family DID feel very Jewish, as thart was the ethnick identity.
My scientist uncle felt adversarial with WASPS, because of some unfortunate episodes in his childhood, growing up in Florida.
No one else in my Jewish family had an adversarial attitude towards anybody.
They were Jewish, but, in their minds, people were people, and you deal with them, just you deal with all other things in life – with sanity.
My grandma, Sylvia, did not have a high opinion of modernity – she thinking it cheap, immorale, and insane.
Whenever we watched Walter cronkite together, on the CBS Evening News, it was not unoften that she would get up from her chair, and, as she made a dramatick gesutre with her hands, proclaimed the world, ‘Meshoogah’
Sylvia was the dominant personality of my daddy’s family – ruled it by her iron will. She was dutifully religious, but not overly so. She was a virgin when Leo married her, and, though he kept a lifelong mistress, in addition to her, she never kisst another man.
She was moral to the bone, and she would not approve of you, if she thought you were not.
The general attitude of my daddy’s Jewish family, towards this country was one of deep loyalty and gratitude.
None of them saw themselves as ‘dual citizens’, something I read of so often, as is oft criticized of Jews.
As to the women of New York City – I wold say this : they are not physically as beautiful as those in Denver, Dallas, and Los Angeles, but, of those that are, The Poles and Cubans stand out in my mind as the most lovely.
Generally, the women of New York are the smartest and toughest group in the world, and they stand for little bullshit.
I say this across the board, as regards all ethnicities, there.
As to your commenter, he visitede New york in the cooler weather, and then the women are all bundled up.
In the summertime, the ladies of New York dress provocatively, and, speaking as a Christian man, it is not good for your soul
My view of New York, I cannot give solely as a Christian man, but, from the fact I am a Southerner, and a rural one at that.
I do not enjoy New York City. The air is bad, there are few trees, everything is crowded, there is sin and greed in the air, and, though people can be very very friendly, there is a rat-race atmosphere that is oppressive.
Yes, the cops are oft Irish, and I love those guys.
New York is the greatest place in the world to eat – as you can find very reasonable fare, of practically every world cuisine. It’s an eater’s paradise.
As a Christian, I do not think that big cities are wholesome, and New York particularly so. The obsession with money and power leads people astray.
In all the times I have been there, I cannot say that I felt the presence of Our Lord, as is so easy for me to do so, in the small Tarheel towns that are my home.
I will say this : there are, historically rural Jews – Eastern European Jews who preferred to live in ‘Stetls’ They had attitudes very similar to small town southerners.
The modern Jewish equivalent of that are kibbutzes in Israel – where people are very friendly and focuset on leading morally upright lives and in being good neighbours.
Should Iran ever obtain the means to nuke Jew York city – they’d be doing the world an immense favor.
George the Jew Soros just got banned from Russia! Heil Putin!
‘I contend that this has been planned all along. And not just when the Jews arrived in the city in the 1880s onward. Many of these phenomena have been accurately predicted and warned against in the Bible; indeed the Bible is pretty accurate overall. Jesus probably called them out their plan and that’s why they killed him. First, they set up their capital, then use it as a template for the world. ‘
In conclusion, Lew, I quote this concluding comment from the comment you quoted.
If Jews had some plan for New York City, then, I never heard anyone in my family speak of it, nor heard of them mention anyone who had.
New York was where they went to live. It was their home. Like other ethnicities (those days were completely segregated in the residential areas)they liveed amongst their own kind, though, if they became very successful, they moved out to Long Island, and lived in a multi-cultural paradise of wealth.
Reflecting on this fellow’s commentary, Lew, it is clear what his frame of mind is, and that he is seeing the city as a stranger, without any personal connection to the zillions of individual lives that have played out there.
As to bible ‘predicting’ New York, I don’t think that makes any sense, as, even in the biblical days, yes, particularly in those days, there were cities that made New York look like a girl’s scout camp.
Like the commenter, Lew, I am quick to feel the absence of the Lord, which was why, after my daddy’s death, I left Raleigh, and moved to the Carolina boonies. As I explained to my perplext friends, of numerous ethnicities ” it’s gotten so crazy here, I can no longer hear the voice of God.’
Thank for you writing these comments. I wish I had time to give them the reply they deserve. I don’t. I’ll just say that I’m a Southerner as well. I don’t have any family from the North, but, at the same time, I’ve lived most of my life in places that are in some ways not typical of the rest of the South in that they have very large non-white populations and somewhat different histories and local cultures (New Orleans and Miami).
I have lot of sympathy for the few Christians left in this country that have a traditional bent, even though I’m a secularist and skeptic myself. My distant ancestors have stories that are broadly similar to yours. The basic difference is that instead of Jews from modest backgrounds immigrating from central Europe to New York, my distant ancestors were English, German and Italian men and women immigrating at various points in the 19th century to Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana.
I regret that the state of the world, and, most likely, our age difference, has put us on opposite sides of the cultural divide. However, I think you are, very understandably, romanticizing New York for reasons of personal history. This is OK. I fall into the same mode of thought when I talk about the South. Every person, and every group, including Southerners and Jews, want to see themselves in the best light possible. It can lead to misapprehension and sometimes an unintentional shading of the truth.
The NY that you’re describing does not exist any more on any level. The facts are that NY, yes, is mostly run by Jews, many of whom command national and international influence, does operate as a de facto police state and does have a small white minority population that is disarmed and at the mercy of an aggressive, state-supported non-white majority. NY is the template for the rest of America and the whole west. Today’s immigrants are not coming to work and then sink or swim. They’re coming to rent seek, collect welfare in various forms, bed white women if possible and rape them if necessary and they get away with it.
What the Jewish members of your family did or did not hear about a Jewish plan for NY does not matter, unless they moved in circles that had real power. It’s clear that Jews have been acting their own interests in NY and elsewhere for years, regardless of what you may have heard. My family members didn’t hear anything about Robert E. Lee’s plans to surrender at Appomattox not because he didn’t have them but because they weren’t privy to them. People need to make decisions about the culpability of the Jews on given matter based on observed outcomes not anecdotes. One need not know the details of any plan formal, informal, haphazard or nonexistent. When the big picture is so clear, details like that stop mattering.
This is not said often enough, at least not by me. But my operating assumption is that when people speak about the Jews on these sites, they’re generally referring to actions of the elite Jews of the organized Jewish community not rank-and-file ones, though rank-and-file Jews do hare complicity to the extent they fall in line behind their leaders. Which most do. Very few Jews completely repudiate the negative side of Jewish behavior and culture (ex: Gilad Atzmon). You should read Gilad Atzmon if you can ever find the time.
Dear Lew,
You don’t have time for a reply?
Well, it was a great reply. Thank you.
By the way – my mama’s parents were much like yours : Anglo-Saxe who came straight to the Southland, in the 18th & 19th centuries, and settled over Appalachia, from Georgia (deserted Townes County) all the way up to Virginny. (Galax)
Lew, my wife is a Southron, who has folks from Lou’siana and Alabama – though, not a Tarheel, but she was brought up near Mr. Griffin, on a desolate subsistence farm, with an outhouse, peach and pecan trees, and snakes in the chicken coop. outside o’ Union Springs, in an old Injun hamlet, called ‘Pearote’
‘I regret that the state of the world, and, most likely, our age difference, has put us on opposite sides of the cultural divide. However, I think you are, very understandably, romanticizing New York for reasons of personal history.’
How is it that we are on different sides of the ‘cultural divide’.
Have you become a Yankee liberal?:)
Oh, yes – you are a sceptick, and I am a bible thumper:)
As to romanticizing New York – I am glad that I handled it so gingerly.
I was trying to be nice.
I don’t like the place.
Well, as to ‘shading the truth’ it may be so.
That said, I tired to reveal who my daddy’s folks were, neither to laud, romanticize, nor damn them.
They were interested in material ascension, and achieved it.
They worked hard, and were NOT perfect people. I hope my descriptions conveyed that.
‘What the Jewish members of your family did or did not hear about a Jewish plan for NY does not matter, unless they moved in circles that had real power.’
My daddy’s folks ‘moved’ in pursuit of the dollar.
What I was trying to say is that, I am always reading about fiendish Jews diabolically plotting to lord it over all others.
When it come to people like Soros or Rothschild – yes.
That still leaves out a lot of people, of the tribe, for whom such machinations do not apply.
That was the point of my comment – to speak of a Jewish family, my family, in a personal unstatistical way.
To remove the macrocosmick form the micro, if you will:)))
‘People need to make decisions about the culpability of the Jews on given matter based on observed outcomes not anecdotes. One need not know the details of any plan formal, informal, haphazard or nonexistent. When the big picture is so clear, details like that stop mattering.’
Lew, I agree that people have to approach every group from a macrocosmick point of view, but, individuals must be approacht from the micro…
As a Southerner, I am saddened by the influence Jewish culture is exercising in the world today.
It troubles me more than you, because, not only am I a patriotick southerner, this is the blood running in my veins.
In the end, however, God has placet me here, and in this way, and, as one preacher likes to say :
Our Lord is a supernatural God, and he has sent us on a supernatural mission.’
I have askt my mama why she ran away from the farm, outside of Asheville, went to UNC, believed all the anti-white crap, and then ran away to New York to marry someone completely the opposite of her culture.
She has many answers for that, yet, nothing concise.
‘Very few Jews completely repudiate the negative side of Jewish behavior and culture (ex: Gilad Atzmon). You should read Gilad Atzmon if you can ever find the time.’
I have repudiated it, Sir, many times, in the privacy of my own antebellum home.
It is difficult to do so in publick, because not only does it sound suspect, many leap to strange conclusions.
As to your reading recommendation, it may not be necessary, because my position is rather clear…
I am my wife’s husband, my stepdaughter’s daddy, my friend’s friend, and my neighbour’s neighbour.
I am a follower of Jesus Christ, and a North Carolinian.
I don’t approve of sin and evil doings – by anybody, for any reason – either inside or outside of me; and I don’t think kindly on those who make life bad for my fellow Tarheels, and, by extension, my fellow Southerners.
In our house there are large framed ikons – of Our Lord, Mother Mary, and R.E. Lee & Stonewall Jackson.
Is there something else I need to know?
‘Today’s immigrants are not coming to work and then sink or swim. They’re coming to rent seek, collect welfare in various forms, bed white women if possible and rape them if necessary and they get away with it.’
I’m aware of it, don’t approve of it, and it’s one big reason why I am for Ted Cruz.
Sir, did you read the article Mr. Griffin wrote about Selma, Alabama, in June?
It covers the historick activity and role of Southern Jews quite clearly and objectively.
What he said would neither please anti-semites, nor Jewish apologists.
“I wouldn’t mind hearing what ODs Christians think of this comment if it can be done without dragging any prot v. cath v. ortho or any permutation thereof of theological conflict into it.”
Lew, do you know what Truth is?
How about simple math? What is 1+1?
Two, you say. Only in your ‘White, Patriarchal world.’ That’s how teachers are supposed to teach, via Communist Core standards.
Same now, with ‘religion’. There is truth, and then there is all the rest- some truth intermingled with error, some outright error, some whack-job fringe mindsets, etc.
But only ONE statement (like our common Western consensus of 1+1=2) ONE ‘variant’ on the Faith, can be true. ALL OTHER STATEMENTS have to be false.
So, when you ask a question, and then ‘hedge your bets’ as to whether or not you’d like the answer, you are being like the Communist Core Math teachers… you’d accept ANY answer, as long as it doesn’t ‘offend’ someone.
Which is basically Pontius Pilate’s response… ‘What is Truth?’
Pray for Holy Winter Chan!
What is truth? Ah so. I feel God gave us our minds to use. We don’t need to be ordered about by priests or pastors. Religion should set an example, and help those less fortunate. But, setting a good example is not the same thing as ordering others about and or endlessly passing judgment.
Somewhere in the media I saw Trump being compared to Hitler, you know you’ve hit the big time when you start getting compared to Hitler.
In the trial I think that Pilate may have let on that the Romans eventually intended to tear down the Banking Industr…I mean Temple centered around Jerusalem.
“What is truth?”
Following monologue by Roman baddie redacted…
Walks outside after explaining long term Roman intent.
“These charges should be dismissed, he’s done nothing wrong.”