Cuckservatives: GOP In Panic Over Trump

By Hunter Wallace

As we approach December, there is a whiff of desperation in the air:

“The continued radicalization of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign has quickly become a movement centered on the fear and anxiety of foreign or non-white American bodies, and the hate-filled propaganda and lies that sustain it. He is coalescing his own American far-right political party with roots in white supremacy and neo-Nazi movements. He is copying the modus operandi of the resurgent far-right movements that are sweeping across Europe. He is becoming America’s own Le Pen—Marine or Jean-Marie, take your pick. …”

In the NY Times:

“In “The Plot Against America,” the novelist Philip Roth imagines an alternative history at the dawn of World War II. Charles A. Lindbergh, aviator hero and crypto-fascist, defeats Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1940. Rather than go to war against Nazi Germany, he foments an atmosphere of hatred directed at Jews in the United States.

President Lindbergh’s rule is based on fear. He can violate the Constitution because enough Americans do not mind limiting the freedom of a suspect minority in the name of security. …”

The Hill reports:

“The Republican establishment is nearing full-blown panic about Donald Trump.

The demise of Trump’s candidacy has been predicted by centrist Republicans and the media alike virtually since the day it began. But there is no empirical evidence at all to suggest it is happening …”

Matt Lewis is pining for W.:

“When billboards featuring the likeness of former President George W. Bush and the words “Miss me yet?” started popping up in 2010, it was understandable that many people initially thought they were an Internet hoax. After all, the Bush years were exhausting. Even for many of us who aren’t fond of Barack Obama’s politics, until recently, the answer to the question of whether we missed the former president was still decidedly “no, we do not miss you.”

Recently, though, I am starting to find a renewed appreciation for 43—and I bet I’m not alone …”

There’s even a “Fringe Establishment” now:

“Instead, the Fringe Establishment is the one doing the harnessing. In 2013, for example, a fierce conservative backlash organized by lobbying groups and right-wing media torpedoed a bipartisan immigration bill, in part with a campaign of misinformation, and sent its Republican champion, Sen. Marco Rubio, scrambling to the right on the issue. …”

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I recall reading Roth’s vomit back in the liberal days.

    It did occur to me at that time that The Plot Against America should I have simply been called “Plot Against the Jews”.

    How can Americans ever Plot against themselves as described? All they are doing is massacring Jews. Like the Germans. The Germans were not plotting against themselves in that book.

  2. Trump 2016, Marine Le Pen 2017? That would probably be a better Relationship than Dubya/Chiraq then.

    When does Mutti Merkel leaves office?

  3. The GOP is concerned because their cronies in big business loot the government unchecked when they have one of their own in office.

  4. Sir – anyone who rejects the leftist paradigm is immediately classified as a gutless, paranoick & uneducated hater.

  5. I think Trump will ultimately be another great white hope that runs out of steam and fades into obscurity. I do not consider myself a National Socialist but I do have to say this-if the Greater German Reich had won World War II do you think for an instance Europe would be in danger of turning into Eurabia with Liberal Democracy so paralyzed with fear of being called racist or Nazi it is quite prepared to let all of Europe by assimilated out of existence rather than be stuck with the dreaded Nazi label.

  6. ‘Roth’s genetic paranoia and hatred of Whites, in this particular tome, confirmed that Jews are NOT Americans.’

    With respect, M’am … no.

    What it does confirm is that Roth, himself, is not American.

    Nor is anyone like him, nor anyone with any sort of ‘dual-citizenship’ – or private international corporate loyalties competing with or exceeding their love of their neighbours’ welfare in their own respective states.

  7. Although, with the government that considers itself ‘American’ having abandoned so much of it’s own constitution the argument over who and what is ‘American’ can seem rather obtuse … fanciful, even.

  8. Yet, in light of the government’s gradual abandonment of ‘The American idea’, there still remain other aspects of citizenship intact.

    In my case, that is being North Carolinian and a rural Southron.

    Both of those things are like grace – they are above the actions, either sinful or otherwise, of men, or any individual man, and, hence, will follow one from the cradle to the tomb.

  9. We already covered this, Don – that those extremely enthusasitck about Trump’s candidacy are seeing what they wish to see about him, and ignoring the rest.

    That said, his unvarnisht words are a tonick to any true Southern man’s soul.

  10. ‘Nuff said then, hunh, Junius? So, riddle me this: Why do the WhiNies find Trump so attractive? Is it the way he weasels after being called on another bigoted appeal? Or maybe the racist dogwhistles? Surely, Southroners can’t be so easily snagged by the ultimate carpetbagger.

  11. ”Nuff said then, huh, Junius?’

    Interesting – something about that wording makes me think you are either a Red Sox fan, or from the area, originally:)

  12. Don
    ‘Naturally, casual denigration is an appealing quality to WhiNers.’

    You should have heard my rant after Thanksgiving dinner with dozens of relatives attending.

    Trump is Dale Carnegie compared to me.

    I just do not care anymore if some folks are offended.

    To hell with the antis, mudsharks and cucks who listened.

    I’m totally fed up with those bastids and their enablers.

  13. Sam: So am I to take it that you’re good with Trump’s denigration of a disabled person that’s on tape for everyone to see, only that you’d have been capable of being nastier?


  14. Don – I don’t care that White Man Trump made fun of that nasty Jew gimp “reporter”. Considering that absolute EVIL Jews have wreaked on millions of Whites – a few “mean” comments are the least of what’s deserved.

  15. ‘You should have heard my rant after Thanksgiving dinner with dozens of relatives attending.’

    Sorry I misst that, Sam, and, in particular, the reactions of your relatives.

    I hope a Confederate flag was flying somewhere on the property…

  16. The first lines of Jacob’s link was this …

    ‘All the perpetrators of the mass murder in Paris who have been identified are European nationals from France and Belgium.

    Still the effort to link the attacks to Syrian refugees has continued.’


    Send them back to Arabia, as well.

  17. Arabs were not overjoyed about 9/11.

    Blacks were not overjoyed at OJ beating the rap.

    And George Zimmerman was White.

    Fick off Don.

  18. Don
    ‘Sam: So am I to take it that you’re good with Trump’s denigration of a disabled person that’s on tape for everyone to see, only that you’d have been capable of being nastier?’

    Actually, I didn’t make mention of disabled people at the TG dinner, but I don’t give a rat’s behind about the reporter/journalist who tried to derail the Trump Express.

    And why should jerks be accorded respect because of physical infirmities?

    Screw em. Enemies are enemies.

    That dwarf maggot, Robert Reich, should be thrown down the well, head first.

    Whether 6′-3″ tall or only 3′-6″ off the ground and hunch backed. Why should it matter?

    This country and Europe is filled with classy, cucks, who do not object to niggers effing their daughters and mosques despoiling their historical lands.

    They will however, have a fit if a White man says anything politically incorrect or insensitive.

    Bah, humbug!

  19. I think the other side is starting to get past denial, but they’re not totally past it. When they truly get past it, and start category five chimping out, we’ll know it, it will be obvious. Probably January will be the month we need trucks and trucks full of popcorn, because it will be after the new year and a whole month until Iowa.

    As of now, they’re not really chimping out yet.

  20. I’d like to see the Trump movement set down some guidelines.

    End immigration, not just illegal immigration, immigration period, shut the door like they did in the 1920’s. Deport everybody not born in the United States or a naturalized citizen. If they won’t stay deported, set up tent city prisons and jail them, put Sheriff Joe in charge.

    End the work visa racket too, while you’re at it.

    Nobody from a Muslim country should be allowed to come to the United States for any reason, not for travel, not school, nothing.

    I’d like to see the U.S. Supreme Court abolished as well, but keep it simple to start.

  21. Does the comment section have a new jewish commentator? “Don”. Or is this warspite going by another name.

    Looks like they/he are going with the “insult”(WhiNers) tactic.

    Hunter, your website seems to be on someone’s radar.

  22. @copperhead – From the 1920s till 1965, we did have “trickle” immigration – not the mass immigration that we had before the 1920s and since 1965. Remember Einstein and Von Braun.

    We would still have immigrant visas for geniuses and for spouses/children of American citizens.

    We would still have non-immigrants coming as tourists, business people, students etc. but we should monitor their exits. Even little countries such as Peru and Ghana make sure that visitors leave on time or get an extension or land up in jail. It is possible in this digital age where credit cards are used for purchases. Visitors would be required to use credit cards, not cash.

    We should ban Muslims from anywhere in the world, not just from Muslim countries. And we should definitely not ban Christians from Muslim countries.

    Regarding immigration, there yet another idea that I have recommended on other forums. It is the idea of reciprocal, one-for-one immigration. On the surface, this is totally non-racialist. We would negotiate a certain number of immigrant visas with each nation depending on how many Americans wish to migrate to those nations. Preferably, one for one. This would allow Americans to settle in, say, Australia and the UK. How many Americans want to live in Iran? Maybe a few (say 10) Shiite converts a year. We could allow 10 Iranians to immigrate to the US annually, not the tens of thousands that we do currently. This would be better than the idea of an immigration moratorium, and would allow whites to settle freely in each others’ nations (more or less, no scheme is perfect). Instead of importing mestizo Guatemalans and Hondurans, we would be letting in the almost-white Costa Ricans because Americans do buy retirement homes in sunny, almost-white Costa Rica.

  23. Roger Noah,”…Regarding immigration, there yet another idea that I have recommended on other forums. It is the idea of reciprocal, one-for-one immigration…”

    That is a really fantastic idea. Very creative. I can not commend you enough for such brilliance.

    I hate to say it but I’m coming around to those that say Trump is just another Jew dark horse. He’s just so over the top it reminds me of the boy lover pedo running the Nazi party. I understood his being a little over the top at the start to push controversy and get publicity but it just seems a little much. I personally don’t care who he insults but his manner of doing so seems forced. I hope I’m wrong. There’s still a possibility that he thinks much like many of us here and is defensively acting the fool. The Khrushchev strategy. Khrushchev survived while many others didn’t.

  24. Okay, Sam. I’ll give you that you’re capable of being nastier than Trump & proud of it.

    Steve-waa/Denise: ‘Fraid that your Jewdar is getting the wrong reading on me, although I will confess to having communicated a number of times with Mark Potok, the result of which was a lengthy piece in the SPLC Intelligence Report. There’s much more that I’m sure you’d find interesting but enough for now. Just drop the New Jew stuff; it’s only your prejudice at work

  25. Despite my reservations about Trump he’s certainly smoking out the crypto anti-Whites, aka cuckservatives, as well as the more obvious ones.

    If nothing else it’s entertaining and a hopeful sign for our future.

  26. Well posted, Lew. Mr. Dobbs is spot on!

    Now, I have a short video for you; a Yankee who would be very welcome in this house…

  27. Yikes! Did the site go dark or did the Neanderthals prevail with HW? Who’s to know with all the generalized parinoia exhibited here.

    Happy holiday, all.

  28. Barbra Streisand – that hideous screeching yenta – recently announced that she would choke if Trump is elected.


  29. It’s sad that Dobbs is ultimately a cuck himself, or at best on the cusp of cuck/non-cuck. He won’t use the word white. So he’s not a Buchanan or a Coulter. He’s still right about many things that I’m glad he is saying, and there are 1000x more cucky commentators out there than him.

  30. Golly! The Trumpster is taking a hit on the endorsements trail this morning:

    GOP frontrunner Donald Trump hastily canceled a press conference that was to be held on Monday at Trump Tower — originally billed as an endorsement event with more than a hundred African-American pastors from all over the country. The event was supposed to show Trump’s extensive reach in the evangelical community but instead resulted in spotlighting the deep division that exists among the religious faithful over Trump’s candidacy. A number of pastors said that Monday’s meeting was never intended to be an endorsement of Trump and were upset that it was being portrayed as such. Pastor Darrell Scott, a pastor from the New Spirit Revival Center in Cleveland, organized the meeting and took responsibility for what he deemed a “miscommunication.”

    Maybe he should try the disabled, Mexicans, Syrians, Jews and reporters next for some love.

  31. ‘t’s sad that Dobbs is ultimately a cuck himself, or at best on the cusp of cuck/non-cuck. He won’t use the word white. So he’s not a Buchanan or a Coulter. He’s still right about many things that I’m glad he is saying, and there are 1000x more cucky commentators out there than him.’

    I agree with you, Lew, and, I think, it was very brave of Mr. Dobbs to say it – considering the intolerance in which he must daily travail.

  32. “Steve – “Don” is apparently some SPLC Hebe lurker” – Denise

    Funny. I merely thought it was Warspittle trolling twice….

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