Syed Farook ID’d as San Bernardino Shooter

By Hunter Wallace

Syed Farook would have been in the Trump database:

“CORONA, California — Law enforcement officials have identified Syed Farook as one of the suspected shooters who attacked a center for the disabled in San Bernardino, California, according to NBC News. The Daily Beast has learned that the police have just executed a search warrant at a Redlands, California address—an address that belongs to Farook’s family. …”

Muslims are reportedly celebrating on Twitter under the hashtag #America_Burning.

Note: Tashfeen Malik has been identified as the second suspect. She would have also been in the Trump database.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I’d like to know if Syeed Farook was dancing a jig when 9/11 happened.

    Or if he had his feelings hurt.

  2. “Syed Farook is one of three suspected gunmen who attacked a center for the disabled, killing 14 and injuring more on Wednesday.
    CORONA, California — Law enforcement officials have identified Syed Farook as one of the suspected shooters who attacked a center for the disabled in San Bernardino, California, according to NBC News. The Daily Beast has learned that the police have just executed a search warrant at a Redlands, California address—an address that belongs to the Farook family, according to public records.”

    Maybe Syed Farook was justifiably upset at the blatant anti Muslim policies that resulted in Muslims not winning a single medal at the last 40 winter olympics.

  3. “…Maybe Syed Farook was justifiably upset at the blatant anti Muslim policies that resulted in Muslims not winning a single medal at the last 40 winter Olympics…”

    Their Burkas slowed them down. Not fair. All swimmers should be required to wear Burkas.

  4. Y’know it would help our movement to grow even more support if we had a pre-published constitution that banned Islam.

  5. ‘Y’know it would help our movement to grow even more support if we had a pre-published constitution that banned Islam.’

    If memory serves, Mr. Davis, we had that covered, until 1965, when the Immigration Act was changed to accept non-Europeans.

    1965 was a very fateful year for this republick, and the chickens keep coming home to roost.

  6. Yup. When non-Europeans were not accepted into White countries, there was no Islam. A concept that too difficult for cuckservatives and libtards to comprehend. But they have the mental maturity of five year olds.

  7. Clinton, Obama et al jumped on the gun control bandwagon as soon as the event happened…now that it is clearly an ISIS act of Mohammedan terrorism, Americans will be buying more ammo and the Dems have halal egg all over their faces.

  8. Jihadists are most dangerous when they are part of a group.

    White Nationalists are most dangerous when they are socially isolated (Breivik, Dylan Roof etc.)

    Want to prevent terrorism? Encourage White Nationalists to organize, and prevent Muslims from organizing.

  9. Jack, nice joke on the “last 40 Olympics”! Very funny!

    Others: If people think they ought to ban Islam in a Constitution, at least have the courtesy to always use a small c- “constitution”. Banning the practice of Islam is inimical to the First Amendment, so call your documents something else. How about the, “Second (phony) Articles of Confederation”?

    And how could you ban Islam, anyway? Does that include Sufis? How about Baha’i? Sometimes I forget that WeeNies do not want a republic, and often outright have disdain for Christianity. It’s interesting.

  10. This creates a dilemma.

    Do you invite the Muslim at the office to the Christmas Party?

    • I suspect I might think twice about the Xmas party invites. Maybe if it was a “Holiday Party”?

      On the Denise Character. Your brothers are so right. Absolutely. I think all of you should keep pouring it out whenever “she” gives you a poke. Please do not think about it, just keep letting it flow. It’s not like the Bureau, et. al., could possibly link your opinions to your anonymous identities.

      You know, HW, I kinda sorta feel like I have a relationship with you. I vehemently disagree with at least half of your positions, but I respect your willingness to identify yourself. Here I am, this is who I am, this is where I live, and these are my opinions. I respect your not hiding anything. Thus, I really would prefer you not get duped. I can write freely because most of your ODers are not so bright. You & Jack ought to consider what I have said in light of the totality of the facts. Just be careful.

      Everyone else: Dammit! I hate that Denise!! She is so darn rotten and evil. How dare she insult Jews and Zionists. I’m calling you out Denise. What is your deal with Israel? Do you really think the nation has no right to exist? Would it be better to create a Jewish homeland in, I don’t know, Madagascar or Uganda? Does it not say in the Bible that G-d gave that small piece of land to the Jews? Why should your word supersede that of the Lord?

  11. The Constitution was a Dead Letter once it expanded to cover substantial numbers of blacks n browns.

    Blacks and browns should not be able to speak until spoken to. Not should they be able to possess firearms.

  12. The Preamble to the Constitution is still addressed to White men and their Posterity – with a Capital ‘P’.

  13. 2nd shooter is Tasheen Malik, not “Tayyeep Bin Ardogan”.

    On November 24, in an unrelated incident on, Recep Tayyip Erdogan committed an act of pro-ISIS terror over the skies of Syria.

  14. In response to the question of whether the jewish homeland should be Uganda or Madagascar…..actually it was originally planned for Africa. It’s been awhile since I read about Cyrus Scofield and I’ve forgotten some details of the Zionist scheme. A few years ago, I
    learned about what Israel did to us when it murdered many of our sailors on the U.S.S. Liberty. And Lyndon Johnson covered it up so as not to create enmity against our “ally, Israel” I believe, if you google Pastor Carlson from the Midwest, it will lead you to the truth about Scofield and the zionist plots. “Carlson” and “Scofield” should pull all of this up if you are interested. Actually this pastor has an affinity for the Palestinian Arabs and has made many trips to Gaza to minister to them. At one time, I was concerned greatly about the people of Gaza; but as the campaign of cultural genocide against my own people of Dixie grows stronger, I have no time or energy to invest in Mideastern strife. However, to repeat the point of this comment, Israel was not the first choice for the placement of the zionist homeland. And, Cyrus Scofield with his footnotes in the Scofield Reference Bible “adjusted” holy scripture to create the myth of the nation-state of Israel being the chosen “holy land” of God.

  15. Captain John – no. You don’t invite any breed of Nigger anywhere, and you KEEP THEM OUT. Sand Niggers, Bagel Niggers, Nigger Niggers – OUT.

  16. Jean – Bagel Niggers need to go back to their point of origin – right back up their Daddy Satan’s anal tract. They’ll be happy! they love scat and warm places. Humanity will finally thrive, un-corrupted, sans the mayhem wreaked by the biological flesh-eating bacteria biped called “The Jew”.

    Win win!

  17. Waiting for Leftist to denounce Islam with the same gusto that they denounced the Confederate flag

    (Crickets Chirping)

    Nah, all they will say is Not All Muslims are Like That. Of course, any White man with a Confederate flag is automatically a Right wing terrorist.

  18. Lol.

    If the Don did make fun of that gimpy Journalist it does highlight how much we are different from the Muzz.

    Don makes a veiled spazzy hand gesture, Syeed Farook and wife execute mental health bureaucrats, the crippled and mental health professionals.

    I wonder how many victims were scoffing at the Don for his lack of politesse. Right before the Haj ended it all?

    “The Nazi Trump plans to burn the disabled every Tuesday, don’t you know?”

    “All uh Akbar!”

    –Fade to black–

  19. “I respect your willingness to identify yourself. Here I am, this is who I am, this is where I live, and these are my opinions. I respect your not hiding anything.

    Oh, my! Where do I start??? Brad?

    Warspite: Perhaps I should point you to this October 2014 SPLC report on Brad and his hate site, Occidental Dissent:

    You’ll note that past commenters here appear in the article. (Before I forget, here’s an article about Harold Covington who you asked about, notably from his family’s perspective:’s-neo-nazi-activity)

    I’m with you on the Denise fraud, no matter what the pseudonymous proprietor of the site may say.

    Meanwhile, Cap’n Crunch further reveals that his hatred for those who differ from him remains virtually limitless.

    • “Warspite: Perhaps I should point you to this October 2014 SPLC report on Brad and his hate site, Occidental Dissent”

      See, Don here knows who I am.

      As for that particular food fight among WNs, I had nothing to do with it and made light of the situation.

    • BTW, Harold Covington wrote a book about me – it is called Freedom’s Sons – in which I was cast as the President of the United States. I was assassinated by my mistress with a pencil in the Oval Office. We had to cut a deal with Harold to prevent his NVA legions from exterminating any more Jews

  20. And how could you ban Islam, anyway?

    The same way Israel “bans” Muslims from creating a Muslim majority in Israel and, in turn, turning a pro-Jewish patch of land into a very hostile anti-Jewish patch of land. But Jews are special, right?

    You keep mentioning Denise and the possibility of her persona being an agent. That’s completely irrelevant to the fact that you spew anti-White memes every chance you get. Your entity—let’s just call you Agent #2 or as I like to call you, Agent Yentaboy—sure does spend A LOT of time bouncing around in a vacuum of pro-White rhetoric. You just don’t belong here and are diametrically opposed to a majority of the views and ideas being talked about.

    Why are you really here? Pretend like you aren’t Jewish for a moment and be honest for once in your life. What normal, well-adjusted, non-paid, non-provocateur person has as much time to waste as you seem to have when it comes to surrounding yourself with things and people you seem to loathe and hate?

    • Celestial Time,

      Denise is not an FBI agent. She just has some passionate views on the kikenvermin which are totally genuine that gives Warspite heartburn on a daily basis. I sometimes try to imagine what his reaction looks like in the real world. Anyway, it is an ongoing source of amusement.

      • Congratulations on getting an “F”, HW.

        You are just so smart, because you are so white. How could a man about town savant like yourself possibly be duped by a mere woman. Even a white one. Keep spilling your racist guts on paper- it makes Denise giggle. Aren’t women so cute when they giggle, HW?

        I will tell you my reaction, if you really want to know. There are three general categories:

        (1) Admiration for the ease with which “she” draws out you wingnuts to put incredibly damaging things on paper;

        (2) Uneasiness from a civil liberties point of view when “she” goes over the line and plants ideas, or goes too far into what lawyers call “entrapment”;

        (3) Laughing my butt off at you WeeNies for apparently never having gone outside your mobile home parks. You would have to be an absolute idiot to fall for some of “her” stuff. Is your hand up, HW?

        Like I said Denise, one of you could post photos & ID’s and it wouldn’t matter. Besides the room temperature IQ’s, almost none have ever had a decent looking woman who could string sentences together speak with them. Other than when ordering food at a counter, or asking directions in Bugtussle.

    • Celestial, being opposed to white supremacist ideas and rhetoric is only “anti-white” within your very, very narrow scope of ideas. Anyone who refuses to drink your neo Nazi ideologies is called anti-white.

      I find it enormously ironic how your tactics mirror those of, e.g., BLM drones. Anyone who for any reason disagrees is called a racist.

      Yes, you’re right, I’m an agent. I’ve been inserted here in the hope of turning a few of you into being Americans.

      You’re a pretty bright guy. You can read my post on “Denise” and reach your own conclusions. Whether I disagree with your pablum or not, I consider you one of the four or five ODers clearly above average in intelligence. How’s your Yiddish? How’s your knowledge of Jewish liturgy? How’s your understanding of Jewish humor? And C, how’s your knowledge of that granddad of TV multiculturalism, Star Trek?

      Let the fools be fools, but you? Come on!

  21. Idiot Muslims in the US don’t know that “America” is about the only them protecting them right now.

  22. Don // December 3, 2015 at 4:14 pm //
    “Meanwhile, Cap’n Crunch further reveals that his hatred for those who differ from him remains virtually limitless.”

    So what? You anti-Whites hate Pro Whites. You hate anyone that sticks up for White people. Who are you to judge anyone?

    • Richard, you’re not “pro-white”. You’re merely “pro-you”, and “anti-everyone else”. You’re just following people around so you can hold on to some ideology that tosses you a bone. The bone being a possibility you are “genetically” better than others despite all outward signs to the contrary.

      It requires at least some subtlety of thought to discern I certainly don’t agree with Don on all issues. But you couldn’t tie his shoelaces.

  23. Lol.

    That’s an interesting characterization.

    Perhaps I lay it on a little strong.

    1 I’d like to end the second amendment. At least for blacks and browns. That’s a logical compromise with the gun control arguments.

    2 I’m okay with abortion. For blacks n browns. I’d gently dissuade white women bearing white kids from abortion. But on balance instinct and rational behavior means I need not worry so much.

    See I’m open to the status quo! I can compromise.

    It’s the 2nd amendment fundies willing to arm blacks and browns that worry me. It’s the anti-abortion nuts you need to watch.

    • Don:

      See, that’s what I mean. When Denise goes from “kikes” and “niggers” to a “trebuchet” in- how much time (?), could it be any clearer? I mean, come on. A trebuchet! Why not just write out in all caps “I’m a guy and about 10x too smart to be here w/o being paid”?

      The present pack of WeeNies is so hard up for a woman with teeth they will buy anything. HW disappoints me. He has evidenced himself an intellectual toadstool. Too bad, since I gather he’s a young guy with a family. Someday a WN is going to kill 20 kids in a Louisville Mosque’s day care center and it’s going to turn out he was one of HW’s regulars. Then the Feds will just happen to have all of this blog’s comments arranged, categorized, real ID’s & blog owners/operators.

      I guess I shouldn’t care what happens to some of these nimrods, but it’s the civil libertarian in me. I ought to know better.

  24. Don,

    My handle is based on a fictitious Slaveship Captain.

    He’s a villain of sorts.

    Stick with the program.

  25. Ill check this book out, Hunter. Assassinated by your mistress in the oval office.. Slicky Willy.
    I always thought You should write a book on your own sometime in your life. A la Buchanan more than Duke ideally.

  26. We must take in Syrian refugees because…Muh Holocaust.

    The drum beat continues even after the shootings.

    The Democratic National Committee (DNC) renewed its push for Syrian refugees to be admitted to the United States on Thursday morning, less than 24 hours after the San Bernadino shooting. The two main suspects are Muslims, one originally from Pakistan.

    In a statement published Thursday, DNC chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz
    reports on a conference call held Wednesday, in which she and other Democrats bashed Republicans over the refugee issue, which they compared to Jews fleeing Nazi Europe. (snip)

    “We have seen this movie before. In May 1939, the SS St. Louis left Hamburg, Germany carrying more than 900 passengers, nearly all of them Jewish and seeking refuge in the United States. Our country turned them away, and many who were sent back to mainland Europe were killed in the Holocaust. Instead of learning from that mistake – Republican candidates and politicians were eager to repeat it,” she said.

  27. “In a statement published Thursday, DNC chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz
    reports on a conference call held Wednesday, in which she and other Democrats bashed Republicans over the refugee issue, which they compared to Jews fleeing Nazi Europe. (snip)”

    Thanks, please publicize this TRUE FACTS far and wide – the worst, White hating Lib Leftists, who happened to include lots of Lib Leftist Jews lil Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Chicago Sun Times columnist Neil Steinberg are doubling down on this insanity forcing mass Muslim migration, mass Muslim immigration on the USA, Europe, the West and smearing those of us who oppose it as evil NAZIs who supposedly rejected Jewish children fleeing the holocaust.

    It’s OK, actually needs to be done to put up “wanted” posters of Debbie Wasserman and Neil Steinberg suggest they be confined to mental institutions.

  28. Guess who finds a silver lining in all this murder?

    “Donald Trump’s retweeting habits leave something to be desired. His retweets have managed to insult Iowans, pass along bogus statistics that suggest blacks kill whites at an alarming clip and have featured an image of Jeb Bush with a swastika.

    Early Thursday morning, Trump did it again. This time, he retweeted a supporter who pretty clearly appeared to suggest that the shootings in San Bernardino, Calif., on Wednesday — shootings that killed 14 and injured 17 — would help Trump’s “poll numbers.”

    WaPo 12/3/15

    Could this be true? After all, didn’t Ann Coulter say on the night of the Paris attacks, “Donald Trump was elected tonight.”

    I doubt it. There’s too much time for cooler heads to prevail, although none of those heads are likely to be (R)s.

  29. Don,

    On a scale of 1 to 10 how much does that Dildo, your wife inserted in your rectum, hurt?

  30. Even though all the guns in San Bernardino were acquired legally, Obama was on television before Syed Farook’s name had been released calling for “commonsense gun control.”

  31. Again I stress that I and OD are not obsessed with hating Jews or blaming THE JOOZ for all our problems, which now seriously include the problem of a mass Muslim male migration invasion of Europe, Islamic extremists slaughtered our people in French music venues, California disability centers. We would have these same problems with the worst brown/urine Muslims without any Jews – just study French Algeria in the 1950s. And we don’t deserve to be slaughtered by Muslims because of alleged sins of the US regarding Israel, or even bad Neo Con wars. The worst Muslims are rioting and raping our kinsmen the Swedes who have been totally PC pro Arab, Muslim for decades.

    That said, these Lib Leftist, hate White people Jews like Dem party leader Debbie Wasserman are a real pain.

    Why do the support, enable Muslim migration invasions of the USA, the West, why do they deny, enable Muslims slaughtering our people?

    1) They are morons/idiots – lots of non Jewish Lib Leftist morons/idiots

    2) They hate us. Why for historical reasons relating to conflict, persecution real, exaggerated or made up in World War II, the Middle Ages etc

    3) It helps them in their own personal lives. Debbie Wasserman Schultz is head of the DNC – she’s wealthy, connected, has a very good life. Bashing all things Souther, being anti White, anti traditional Christian, promoting all things Black, brown, 3rd world people of color including the worst brown Muslims – it’s been good for Debbie Smith.

    So don’t try to use reason with these types, the Debbie Smiths of our falling country are not swayed by sweet reason. Use power. Make it so that when the Debbie Smiths do or say something murderous and insane supporting the mass Muslim migration invasions of our countries – that has to become BAD for them personally. Learn to use weapons that work. Stockpiling guns doesn’t work with these types. Find things that do work.

    How do successful nationalists in Russia deal with such types as Debbie Wasserman? What would Vladimir Putin and his cossacks do? google Youtube videos of cossacks whipping Pussy Riot and roughing up Lib reporters.

  32. If I were running the background check at the Check Your Gun Privilege Data center and Sayeed Farook name popped on the screen, I’d deny permission and send round a surveillance team.

    Is that the sort of common sense measure that Obama refer to?

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