By Hunter Wallace
Syed Farook would have been in the Trump database:
“CORONA, California — Law enforcement officials have identified Syed Farook as one of the suspected shooters who attacked a center for the disabled in San Bernardino, California, according to NBC News. The Daily Beast has learned that the police have just executed a search warrant at a Redlands, California address—an address that belongs to Farook’s family. …”
Muslims are reportedly celebrating on Twitter under the hashtag #America_Burning.
Note: Tashfeen Malik has been identified as the second suspect. She would have also been in the Trump database.
Why don’t you leave the white moaners alone? Not afraid? That’s my guess.
Messianic Jew.
Like a Jewish Christian Zionist.
Warspite // December 3, 2015 at 11:43 pm //
“Sam, I thought Denise booked your faggot ass off to Bangkok? In my day it was Manila, but I’m sure you’ll pull in some cash. Esp given your bareback thing”
This is why Open Borders for Israel is needed. At OBI they are fighting Bigotry one Jew at a time.
Thank you, Sir.
I wonder what these two sons of Shem discussed?
Oh, I see. Warspite is here to save us from ourselves. As we all sit around stewing in our lowly, lower middle class abodes, drinking PBR, reminiscing about the good ol’ days at community college, and polishing our Nazi regalia(or whatever it is uneducated and undereducated racists are supposed to be doing), he croons us with the soothing sounds of yid folklore and slyly inspires us with pugnacious remedial banter, assuring us that we just don’t have to be this way. No, there is another way, and he wants to help us get there. He’s willing to spend a lot of time here to do just that. Why does he do this if he has very, very little in common with the people here? Because some of us are worth saving, he assures us. Even if it’s just to be sacrificial lambs for his perverted fantasy of an anti-White, multiracial utopia, some of us truly are worth saving.
Contrary to what we’ve all heard about the much-maligned cavernous void of emotion where true altruism and selflessness are found in normal humans, this Jewish guy defies all odds and isn’t like the millions before him. He doesn’t do things out of sheer spite and self-serving reasons. No, sir! He’s genuine and he cares about us. We’re chosen by The Chosen. What an honor! He’s willing to give us so much of himself and we’ve given him so very little. I feel somewhat ashamed and partially responsible for the misunderstanding.
Hmmmm…. No, I’m not buying that. I think you should try again. Start with, “I’m a self-important, obnoxious and meddlesome Yentaboy……..”
That’s a beginning that might be worthy of reading till its end and a possible read that can be done with a little less skepticism.
Believe as you like, Celestial. I’m not asking for money, followers or conversions. You have free will and can make your own decisions. I may think you a nutty racist, but you don’t strike me as a follower. It’s just a shame someone who can write so well wastes his time with these (mostly) bozos.
I read the article on the SPLC linked to by Don. It’s more than a little embarrassing. Also, and this should please you, it makes me look foolish & gullible. This Hunter W. character is just some pseudonym. Not very courageous at all. Right out of the Bolshevik handbook, in fact. Is this just an example of the far right & far left circling around to meet and become virtually indistinguishable? Probably an over glorification.
There’s this joke that Denise could tell better than I reflective of Jews having to argue with each other over everything. Remind me to write it down for you over the weekend. It came to mind when reading about the internecine WeeNie Wars.
Everyone including Don here knows my real name. For the record, I will just note that neither of you are posting under your real names or using a real photo like I am.
Brad: You never corrected my clearly expressed belief. I bet lawyers would argue “intent” on your part to mislead me. Why would I post under my real name, it’s not my Blog. And don’t you think as the operator of the Blog and with your knowledge of certain WeeNees being, “unstable”, you would anywhere from discourage to ban anyone from using their real name?
I doubt your respect for the tradition, but Common Law principles weigh against your virtue. It gets worse when you cross the Atlantic. I’m thinking your positions might hold up in, e.g., a corrupt Francophone nation in Africa.
What is the deal amongst WeeNies with personal responsibility?!?
“They seem to think the wrong persons are living here.” Decades ago–early 1980s, I think–someone said that to me in Los Angeles, when I asked what he thought of the Middle Easterners who were becoming visible out there, behind convenience-store counters, etc. Although I don’t remember how that subject came up in the conversation he and I were having, I’m pretty sure I put the question evenly: “What do you think of them?” Whenever one of these attacks takes place in Europe or the U.S., I recall that amused reply: They seem to think the wrong persons are living here.
Although I tend to agree with you, Captain John, that the problem is ethno-racial, I’ll mention that a friend of mine recently told me of a Middle Eastern cigar store he’d visited, in Los Angeles, with a Jewish friend of his, who’d recommended they go to it. My friend, who is of Moslem ancestry himself and has had professional reasons for spending time in a number of Moslem countries, said he knew the instant he walked into the shop that the proprietors were Christian, not Moslem. As he put it, Moslems–among non-Moslems, I think he meant–have a kind of hostility they can’t mask.
West LA is like Tehran.
Although the Persians there are sometimes Jewish.
Maybe like the Tehran you ran your scams in back in the glory days of the shah?
PS The Jew who’d suggested the visit to the cigar store had apparently had no idea whether the proprietors were Christian or Moslem. As soon as my friend got the non-Moslem vibe, he told the Jew he thought the proprietors, there behind the counter, were Christian. Inquiry confirmed that.
Btw does anyone have any Regalia they want to offload?
“West LA is like Tehran.”
The cigar-store owners were Arab, I think–maybe Syrian, Lebanese.
I’m amazed, literally amazed that Warspite wasn’t shot by Syred Farook and his binty wife. The profile is a close match.
Ricky, Ricky, Ricky. You do it again. The only reason I am taken seriously is you. Your lack of knowledge and, to be kind, intellectual laziness create a virtual blank canvas to paint upon. Celestial doesn’t care for me. Regardless, he gets my kudos for being able to express his opinions in a forceful and clear manner. As I have said, he’s a more forceful writer than me.
Ditto Jack. He likes me a little more, but would still rather not have me as a neighbor. He writes well and understands the fundamentals of researching subjects before one spouts off. I often think he’s wrong, or his authority suspect, but he’s not just making things up out of whole cloth.
Brad clearly is interested in boring economics & economic history. He either knows what he’s talking about some of the time or is putting on a great show. Bradley’s problems pop up whenever he runs up against anything WN in ideology. He needs to stick to studying the effect of canals in 1800-1830 New Jersey, etc.
And at least the Captain brings a sense of humor. What do you bring?
Right, then. Seems that my work here might be done.
For today.
Wait, so you have no problem with Warspew’s anti-homosexual tirade? I thought you were about finding “hate” under every bed?
Why anyone takes sick these anti-White morons seriously, I do not understand.
I m definitely taking the side of the mutdered martyred Jewish American guy who dissed the mudslime nut cases over 9-11
In lots of cases the NY Post is right
I m sure some 8th century jihadist is pissed with me over one of my cartoons
Tough $&””
This is one of them
Warspite is obvious but what gave me away?
The Muzzie got into a fight with a Zhid, and that’s what set him off? HAHAHAHA!!! Classic!
Who is “Don? Mark the Ewok Potok or good old Heidi?
Speaking of Mark and Heidi, I see that Jon Carroll took the SPLC for a ride on the Dothan story.
Who is this Heidi that so obsesses posts? Such a gentile name & all.
No Whites were killed in Sand Bernadino, right? I haven’t had a chance to check out the victim list yet.
Captain John – the Luftwaffe. shot down Howard? Excellent! That’s a little gem of knowledge that I will add to me Jewel Cabinet of Fascinating Facts! Thanks!
Celestial – I wear Hugo Boss clothing.
Only a smallish giveaway Denise. A small percentage of WeeNies understand that one.
Oh? Checking that out! Neat-o!
Warspite is terrified of those he calls “WeeNees”. What does that make him?
Terrified? Hardly. But I’d definitely be concerned about one of you wingnuts being a neighbor or co-worker.
I was chatting about the WeeNie kookery with Don when I gave him the Super Secret Zionist-Illuminati Ring (and handy whistle) I bought for him in Denver. I suggested y’all might well be an immigration related problem. Using our secret underground labs in the Negev, a gene has been isolated that tends males from certain genetic backgrounds to be tin foil hatters. It’s actually been called the “Tin Fool Hat Looney Gene”, or just Looney Gene for short.
Using this information our Associates in Mumbai are mapping out both the present location and country of origin for those with the Looney Gene. It’s a big job, but they have an ability to throw lots of bodies at a problem. I expect results from Dr. Noonien Singh will be announced next year in the NY Times (like I had to tell you where!). I know what you’re thinking. Yep, a Sikh. You WN folks pissed them off.
Also, and I really shouldn’t tell you this, the results will only be in the print version of the NY Times. Some PhD from Berkeley, Professor T. Soran did a study showing that in 2012-2014 not a single WeeNie purchased a print version of the Times.
And Richard, Sam x 2, all of you, do not think for even a moment we don’t have a sample of your DNA. You’ve been to a doctor, dentist, hospital, etc. in the past 15 years? If so, we have your DNA sample. I personally had to help set up a few guys in Eastern Kentucky. Oh, and one in Paducah. Being Jewish & from Ky. I was “drafted” kicking & screaming into the project. One Special Forces smart ass even mentioned a quiet pill. Ha ha.
And guys, ain’t no five star hotels in Richmond, Ky! Holiday Inn Express time. Ditto Paducah as I recall.
Wallspew is frightened of WeeNies lol
Wallspew is frightened of WeeNies! So there really is someone more pathetic than ¡Jeb! lol
And yet you still come here even though you have very little in common with most people here—practically nothing in common really—and have a MUCH greater chance of being killed or injured or negatively affected in your daily life somehow by blacks, Leftist and Muslim wingnuts than you do by the kind of people you find on a pro-White website like this.
Has there been a rash of Nazi carjackings and home invasions in your city?
Have you seen local police canvassing your neighborhoods looking for the Nazis that just shot up a party?
Is your property value going down because the Nazis moved in?
Can’t shop at your local shopping centers because Nazis are out in force looking for opportunities to rob you?
Seen any local news stories about Nazi flash mobs?
Do your kids get harassed at school or in their neighborhood by the local Nazi gangs?
So maligned, so uneducated, so socially awkward, so tiny a fraction of the population and lacking of any real-world clout are these “WeeNies” that you spend all this time hanging out here. How many do you physically come across in your daily life, Yentaboy? None, right? Yet here you are.
That is what we call agenda. You have a specific agenda, but you just aren’t being honest.
Warspite claims to live in Atlanta where about 100 percent of murderers are black.
100%. No kidding! Every once in a while some ex kills their spouse, but you’re correct.
I’m not from ATL originally, but (yikes!) 40 yrs ago it was about split to majority white. White pols could still get elected city-wide. The last real such election like that was Sydney Marcus-Maynard Jackson I. However, demographics do allow some areas to have local reps on the City commission, etc.
It’s really not fair for me to assert brilliant analysis since I moved outside the City limits after about 20 yrs of being in Atlanta (though I was away for several years of post-grad work in Nashville & Durham). You will not get me to deny why. Kids, schools, education. Once you have a family ATL is strictly for high income whites who can send their kids to $20k/yr and up private schools. And the middle class blacks in ATL don’t send their kids to the public schools either.
It wasn’t crime that drove me out, it was having kids. I cannot dispute that outside of one or two elementary schools, the schools are essentially 100% black, lousy, and as the kids get older dangerous. I do not engage in social experimentation with my kids. I’m an adult & can make certain choices. My duty and responsibility re my children has been to protect them.
Though I’m G-d knows no liberal, nor a Dem, I’m sure you can tear the above apart.
A few years ago, I ran the 2011 to 2012 violent crime numbers for Atlanta:
“In Atlanta, African-Americans are 54 percent of the population, but are responsible for 100 percent of homicide, 95 percent of rape, 94 percent of robbery, 84 percent of aggravated assault, and 93 percent of burglary.”
Even I was shocked that blacks accounted for 100 percent of homicide arrests.
Is it really down to 54%? Darn, see what happens when you move outside the city proper! I thought it was still over 60%.
I am not in a position to question your numbers. The violent/serious crime rate in the white areas of Atlanta proper has been low during my 40 yrs for some interesting reasons. As the white middle class largely fled Atlanta it reached a point where whites only hung on in a very affluent area, an affluent area, and the Gay section of town. Each section had few to no apartment complexes of any size, or a housing project (there are a few small sized Section 8, which can be reasonably lucrative to own). Rising rents forced out any sleazy bars in the gay neighborhood, cutting off likeky the greatest potential source of crime. With a white population that at one point fell below 35%, there were very few opportunities for serious white on white OR white on black crime. The latter references the thankful decline and basic disappearance of the sort of “Klan violence” fantasized about by non-Southerners.
By the mid 80’s a “Klan rally” might consist of 12 rednecks from the entire swath of N. Georgia surrounded by twice that number of police, twice again that number of media, and hundreds of counter-protesters. In a perverse way an alleged Klan-rally became better for black causes than racist interests. That is, it presented an incredible fund raising opportunity. Though it might hurt the feelings of some on this Blog, at least in Georgia a Klan rally became a better fund raising backdrop than neo Nazis get togethers.
He could help everyone tremendously if he also would show us a map of the Nazi parts of town that he would recommend others to avoid in their travels around Atlanta. Hell, show us a map somewhere in North America where you “just don’t want to drive through(especially at night) or, god forbid, stop at a store” in a Nazi or pro-White part of town. List a ZIP code that is majority “Nazi” or majority White where the majority of violent crimes are committed by those Whites and comparable to the violence coming from black or brown majority ZIP codes. I’m challenging you, Yentaboy.
Anyone with even a small amount of intelligence, common sense and integrity can look at the Grand Canyon-like gaps of logic in Warspite’s convoluted mess of arguments and come to a reasonable conclusion that he goes through all of this trouble because he hates White people. It’s as simple as that. It has nothing to do with rationality, facts or reason, and everything to do with creating a fantasy world where White people are eternal aggressors and people like him are the eternal victims.
HW: Warspite has got you there. I watched as he complimented your bravery in posting under your own name. You responded on the thread but made no mention of your real name. While I normally couldn’t be bothered, when you didn’t correct Warspite’s misimpression I, knowing the general nature of character amongst the regulars here, felt it incumbent to bring Warspite into the loop.
“Familiarity.” Really? How so? I don’t live in AL. We’ve never met. I don’t operate a website.
Warspite: I’m going to guess that the Heidi being referred to is Heidi Beirich, the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Intelligence Project Director: https://www.splcenter.org/about/staff/heidi-beirich CT seems to have a question about neo-Nazis. Allow me; There have been no successful neo-Nazi “neighborhoods” or compounds in the decades that you idiots have repeatedly tried to set one one up. Those that were set up, if but temporarily, were threatening in their very nature and unwelcome in each community where they tried to get going. Arrests have been made of radicalized, neo-Nazi terrorists. So, and no surprise here, I agree with Warspite – living next to such scum can only go bad.
Everyone here including you knows my real name. Unlike you, I’m not making any effort to conceal my identity. I have kept using this pseudonym only because I established this blog with it.
Is Heidi still at the SPLC? I noticed a job opening there which suggested someone else was taking over the Hatewatch.
Thank you, Don. You helped drive home my point. Spooky Nazis and violent pro-White streets and communities just aren’t things that any sane and reasonable person would be worrying about in 2015. Any notion that some communities might be secretly harboring pro-White attitudes is negated by the fact that they just aren’t causing any major violence or destroying those communities. If they were, we’d sure hear about it in this very anti-White world. Ain’t that right, Don? That is what you just told us.
Just like Yentaboy, Don is here to remind us of the endemic hatred for Whites many people have within their psyche. For some of them, it’s in their DNA. For others, it’s simply a matter of conditioning. What are the odds that Yentaboy and Doppelganger Don spend any time whatsoever attacking the black and brown hordes causing most of the chaos we find in America and the rest of the Western world?
Hordes, Celestial? You think that might be hyperbole? The black people I’ve known have been, I admit, all middle class or better. They seemed to have some of your same concerns about safety, crime, education, etc. At some level people are all just people. Oh, unless you go the Eugenics route.
Thank you, CT. You’re a good example of the confusion that rages in the neo-Nazi movement. You idiots really think that normal Americans don’t include in their calculations the impact that Nazis have had on millions of their neighbors elsewhere. Hell, when one of your compatriots last attacked Jews he only killed the non-Jews. Call that an integral part of the idiot factor of neo-Nazism. You epitomize it.
What neo-Nazi movement, Don? Aside from a few fringe personalities who have obvious mental health issues and/or severe personality disorders, where is all of this “Nazi” death and chaos being inflicted on society? Point to it. Name it. It simply doesn’t exist at even a fraction of a fraction to the degree that violence and chaos exist within the black and brown populations.
I want the name of the “Nazi” street or community where your average American would come out robbed, raped and/or murdered. You have an entire country, so certainly a braniac like you can throw out some statistical evidence.
The anti-White sickness within you people is deep and ingrained into every fiber of your being.
Celestial, Don is once again correct. There is a remarkable willingness on the part of WeeNiers to praise or go very, very light on the Fuhrer. Do you not know your own colleagues? In doing so they are showing themselves boobs, but again, you must know this about your colleagues.
Why can’t you guys latch onto admiration of Mannerheim, or such? I guess qualities such as leadership, humanity, the willingness to walk away from power to support a republic are all WeeNee no-no’s? That likeky also explains the WN ambivalence to rejection of Washington. Our first president, that it.
Hordes: a large group of people
Why would that be hyperbole? Should I have used a more PC nomenclature of youth or teen?
Of course there are black people who are concerned about violence and the declining viability of their neighborhoods. Obviously not enough of them to make any big differences in most black majority communities and cities. But what does that have to do with any points I’ve made?
You make your points based on some weirdo eugenics, not cultural or historical characteristics. I have a real concern about the present and future of the English-speaking peoples (to borrow a Churchillian term). At its core this is Western European, white & Christian. But it is not genetic. In America (though maybe not Britain?) Slav, Jew, Basque, Laplander, Hungarian, etc., etc., become as much a part of this group as those of English or Scottish origin. At least such is the case in those of us with rational thought processes.
Further, other groups, Asians, Blacks, Arabs, any first generation immigrant group, etc., are not the “genetic” enemy of the English-Speaking people’s culture. The idiocy of Multiculturalism was made possible by whites, and is maintained by the pusillanimity of whites. None of this involves hordes or genetic predispositions. Instead of playing cherry picking games like how many Jews can we maybe find in 1918 Petrograd, or toss off periodic Big Lies, the few WeeNies who are literate and above average in intelligence ought to crack open a book or two. Because in case you didn’t know, there are some real mental deficients who consider themselves your colleagues in belief.
It makes him a homosexual.
I freely admit that Hitler exclusively appears to have killed Whites.
Although in not cases the war was brought to him. He also had the support of Fascist Frenchies, Spaniards, Italians, Norse, Swedes, Finns, Hungarians, Slovaks, Croats etc etc.
He didn’t kill many Africans, Asians, jews etc…
Not to mention the support of your grandparents & such at German-American Bund rallies. You must be very proud.
I suspect Captain, people such as yourself like to deny the deaths of any Jews via the Holocaust because of your guilt in knowing just how your family members behaved before WWII. Most people would react by showing their revulsion at Nazism & Fascism, but there are some like you who try and justify those actions.
In one of your few thoughtful moments have you ever considered the irony in jerks like you spending so much time and effort denying facts of which your Nazi heroes were so proud? Other than a few psychotics (and there were not as many as you think), few in the Nazi hierarchy denied the Holocaust. They attributed it to Himmler and SS fanatics, but they never denied almost six million Jews were deliberately targeted and murdered. Shoot, at the very top Hitler put it in his last official written statement as his greatest accomplishment.
Sometimes I wonder what could possibly happen to an American to create such a despicable lying sack of crap. Morally you’re no different than the genetic attributes you ascribe to “blacks and browns”.
I really, really want you to think on this one, you collective geniuses all. Ready? Here it is: I’m starting to think International Jewry and its Associates need to implement the same Final Solution for WeeNies as the Nazis used against the Jews. Got that? Think about it… think about it, hmmm. A real WeeNer teaser.
Neo Nazi movement?
Where do I sign up?
You are reflexively liberal. you bleed it out your pores.
If so, I suppose I’ve been left out of the loop again. What’s your interest, HW? Thinking of jumping ship?
I have to admit that I’ve considered you to be a potential turncoat. Think of the money you could be making. It’d be a helluva lot more than you ever made on a James Edwards gig. Is that the book that you’re writing, per chance?
1.) No, I am writing a book about the Southern economy. Hence, all the recent posts here about that subject.
2.) No, I heard about it because I live in Montgomery and because we noticed the recent drop off in activity at the Hatewatch.
Imagine for a moment Naziton.
Something like Tivoli in NY, Zuma Beach California, Santa Fe NM…
Who wouldn’t want it?
Nothing like a good old neighborhood rumor to get the juices flowing, eh, HW.
Maybe it had something to do with the new platform. You know how that can be. You still seem to have a few kinks here yourself.
That’s true. I never got around to fixing the new WordPress theme.
Celestial Time // December 4, 2015 at 6:06 pm //
All they do is create money making scams and chase White people around.
What can you do with morons like that? You can’t reason with a moron, because they are a moron! On top of that, these low IQ morally superior anti-White crusaders now say, they are frightened of little weenies!
You have to laugh at the absurdity of these people. They lost any right to be taken seriously a long time ago.
Richard, you are annoying me. I spun a dreidel between you & Sam (and another, plus a neutral fall) and you lost. No Chanakuh gelt for you! LOL!!
You will be visited by a gentleman, actually it could be a woman, born in Sri Lanka & damn unhappy about his or her family having to emigrate to Toronto. And please, do me a favor and laughingly tell the person you thought it was still called Ceylon. It will be so, motivational.
Ha! Ha! Happy traveling down the (literal) road to perdition.
Please don’t insult me by making fun of this. You and your colleagues are very, very much aware of Jewish power, right? You and your colleagues KNOW this will happen, right? Do not insult your colleagues’ core beliefs. Especially as almost your final legacy. This will be routine for International Jewry, right?
To paraphrase an SBD pilot at Coral Sea, scratch one flat head!
CT: And yet they are taken seriously while nut jobs like yourself have few followers. Go figure.
Who’s taken seriously? What context are we talking about here?
War and all of the death and destruction it causes is taken seriously. A home invasion and gang rape of your wife and daughter is taken seriously. Child pornography is taken seriously. A bullet to the back of the head is taken seriously. A fully erect gang of roid-raging homosexuals in assless chaps ready to act out their fantasies directly on Warspite’s anus could be out there somewhere—ya just never know. That doesn’t mean any of it automatically falls into the realm of rational, logical or even factual. Wasn’t Bill Cosby taken seriously by a lot of people? Wasn’t Bernie Madoff taken seriously by a lot of really smart and educated people? People can be fooled I guess. It’s really amazing how many people can be conditioned to not see and hear things that are directly in front of them, and even believe that things exist that simply do not. That’s what the media does, and the multibillion dollar industry of Marketing and Advertising is built on this very concept.
But I’m not sure what you were talking about, so you’re going to have to string together a few sentences to make sure we’re on the same page. I don’t think something can be “taken seriously” until you’ve given it context.
Warspite still can’t give a rational and logical answer to the question of why he is here. He’s diametrically opposed in just about every way to the idea of pro-White autonomy and pro-White views, but has claimed before that he doesn’t have a problem with the notion of a pro-White homeland.
He is adamant about the fact that pro-Whites have virtually no significant real-world presence, but he spends a great deal of time critiquing things that he can’t relate to and debating with people who are supposedly insignificant and powerless to affect any real change.
He claims the “idiocy of Multiculturalism” was birthed and propagated by whites(Jewry obviously gets a pass from Yentaboy), but then writes disparagingly about the nature of “WeeNies” to exclude others who certainly don’t fit within the parameters of their own cultural identity. I guess you’re a passive idiot for attaching yourself to the disease of Multiculturalism, and an aggressive and active idiot for being the complete opposite and trying to get as far away from Multiculturalism as possible. Anything to blame White people, I guess.
This is like a really, really bad anti-White soap opera. Hebe Central could have at least sent over a better actor. We ended up with the equivalent of the anti-White Sybil. The bitch is all over the place. I don’t think anyone with a decent IQ and at least a dash of common sense can take him seriously; but you kind of just keep watching to see what he’ll write next.
Celestial, do you really want an answer? I mean really? You’re obviously too smart to go with my explanation to date (looking to see the state of the art kook theories on Holocaust denial). You think you & your colleagues really want the truth?
For the record, I wanted to write that Warspite’s act is like a trainwreck, but I didn’t want the mention of a train to send him into hyper convulsions and have him start yapping about about the Holocau$t. We all know how much he likes to talk about the Holocau$t.
Great response to the Holocaust stuff, Celestial. Better watch out. If you start thinking too much your skirt will fly up and maybe, just maybe, briefly expose a rational area. Stick with your party line. March. Don’t think dammitt, march!
You show all the tactical genius of the British at The Somme.
Oh, believe me when I tell you I’m a Truth Nazi. I hate liars, manipulators and cheats. I love honesty. I really fucking love it! But I’m not sure who are my colleagues. I know you just about as much as anyone posting here. Wait… wouldn’t that make you my colleague as well?
I have no idea what that means. I dropped out in 6th grade so I could attend the Himmler School of Pastry and Baked Goods. I’m not too good with history and all that other kind of learning, but I can make a soufflé that will knock your kippah off. But I won’t tell you what the secret ingredient is no matter how much you twist my arm.
‘Warspite still can’t give a rational and logical answer to the question of why he is here.’
It may be that Warpsite’s soul is having an allergick response : you know, like when the body craves the very thing it ought not eat?
Deep down, I think, he is trying to come to grips with how it is that y’all think and feel like y’all do.
Reading the exchanges y’all have with him, it is kind of like watching a late night episode where Stephen Colbert has on the ghosts of a turn of the century Klavern in their robes – a bit incongruous, though, at times, illuminating, with a touch of The Jerry Springer Show to it.
It may just be that something deep inside him is utterly horrified at being the object of such dislike, which he feels that, on an individual basis, he has not earned.
And yet, Warspite has a certain bravery, for, instead of running away from what piques him, as most do, he confronts it, plays with it, fences with it, gauges it, contemplates it, threatens it, rationalizes it, and, in general, is like a moth to the flame.
I think one day he will make his peace with all of this and then y’all won’t hear very much from him.
Hey Junius, and we do know who you are. Guess what? You know all that Jewish and Zionist world domination you assert is the Gospel truth? You’re right. Guess what else? You’re about to feel the hard foot of International Jewry be stuck up your rectum.
Yes, indeedy. Time to roast a few WeeNiers on the fire. There’s a certain ironical symmetry to that, don’t you agree? It may not be tomorrow, or the today thereafter, but it will be someday very soon. On the bright side, it’s not like getting affairs in order is too big a deal. Whatever Red Man you have left over goes to your wife, which should about cover it.
Sorry Denises. The sewing discord stuff by the Bureau is too cute & inefficient. Wipe out the WeeNer bacillus & get on to the important stuff! This includes the email on Brad & his economics. Actually, you folks might have a point there. Who is going to read it, who is going to lie and say they understand it? Maybe using the grad student at Chicago to polish it up isn’t a half bad thought. Just make sure he or she is Jewish! LOL!! Hey, bill the Board, maybe?
For some reason, a scene from a movie popped into my head when I saw this.
So Warspite is like that dog from Christmas Vacation?
“Eddie: He’s cute, ain’t he? Only problem is, he’s got a little bit of Mississippi leg hound in him. If the mood catches him right, he’ll grab your leg and just go to town. You don’t want him around if you’re wearing short pants if you know what I mean. A word of warning though: If he does lay into you, it’s best to just let him finish.”
Since you WeeNeers are too smart for me, I’ll come clean on the story.
I was actually discussing the situation with someone at the Denver meeting. A guest at one of the meals was an actor with whom I was not familiar, Simon Baker. Actually, I knew nothing about his TV show which he good naturedly and very graciously told me was on 7 years (!). I did promise him I would purchase all 7 yrs from Amazon, which I have. Though only watching two seasons so far I must say it’s really good. I texted him my kudos, and also asked about one of his comely co-stars.
But I digress. After getting over my embarrassment I was telling Simon about this “volunteer” gig at WeeNie central. I likened it to a Soviet Punishment Battalion in WWII. Why is it Australians tend to have such a good sense of humor? Far moreso than Canucks despite the mutual appreciation of beer. I speculated to Simon I’m being punished for correcting factual errors in a report of sorts issues a year ago by the son of some Uzbekistan Jewish bigwig. When will I learn about C. Asian Jews!
Simon was a really nice guy and even told me a story about working with Meryl Streep on some movie I missed. What was really funny was when he just finished the story he realized I had been with Meryl for over 5 yrs! We had a laugh about that since I quite agreed with the point of his story. I actually just texted him on Tuesday about my being down under in early February.
Why am I here? I think it’s a 4 month punishment detail & waste of time. Nevertheless I’m told my report is needed.
One day, the ramblings of certain bipedal bacteria, currently infesting this site, will be used as the source material for an important, and indeed classic and heralded monograph on the inherent genetic psychosis of a species once known as “Jews”.
Thanks for the tell, Denises!