By Hunter Wallace
Here’s the latest round of media coverage of our thoughts on the Trump campaign:
“Brad Griffin, publisher of the white nationalist blog Occidental Dissent, is among Trump’s skeptics. “Do we honestly believe that he’s going to block all the Muslims and deport all the illegals?” he said. “I think he’s doing a lot of this just to signal to people that he’s on their side.”
Griffin said that he was most enthusiastic about Trump’s candidacy this summer, but that his fervor has cooled since seeing details of the businessman’s tax and trade policies, which hew more closely to mainstream Republican positions than he had hoped.
Griffin said his white nationalist circles remain divided. “There are people who are really excited about Trump and are true believers and there are people who believe Trump is just a politician. He’s brought attention to a lot of our issues, but those were our issues 20 years ago.”
Note: Quite honestly, I am not paying close attention to the campaign anymore. I’m focused on doing research for an upcoming book.
I would make sure they know, whoever they are, that you are a graduate of the “Southern Ivy League”, and many, if not most of your readers are graduates of colleges South of the Mason-Dixon Line.
Hello you lying whores!
Write about Federal Judge Susan Dlott, and her VILE Nation Wrecking Jew spouse Stanley Chesley, who allegedly own the biggest house in Cincinnati, and just received a WELL DESERVED BEATING by their beloved Dark Pets.
Dlott is the judge who is pretty much single-handedly responsible for preventing profiling of Darling Dindus, by the po po. Young, energetic Vibrants found their way to the very posh, remote neighborhood of these 2 Nation Wreckers Supreme. The Ruling Elite fancy themselves as immune to the results of their social engineering/White dispossession and demonization – but they are not.
And neither are YOU.
Has Ryan become a Muslim?
What’s the topic of your book and when will iit be available for purchase? Who’s your publisher?
1.) The South’s economy.
2.) Hopefully, late 2016.
3.) Haven’t thought that far ahead yet.
I’ve done an enormous amount of research here over the years, but I have never used it to write a book. Cushman’s book has convinced me that I ought to give it a shot.
Trump, wins either way. Truly we have reached peak jew in the USA. From there the rest of the western world.
The Trumperking has done well indeed, no longer do they ignore us, they bring us more support by ridiculing us.
The strategy lacking comprehension of the enemy is amazing.
When I see President Obama accuse Donald Trump of being ‘unconstitutional’, I worry that, if I don’t get to the bathroom, then I am going to vomit all over the table.
I would say more, but, I think Miss Denise, in her top line above, conveyed it perfectly….
Trump is trolling the media.
Mr Junius,
If you are in 3D world as you are on this site, your fellow Tar Heels will protect you and shield you from The Something Wicked That Is This Way Coming. Please extend the same courtesy to your fellow Southerners. I believe you are NOT a Nation Wrecking Jew, and you mean what you say. .
The obscene Anti White Lying Whore Press-mongers do NOT know what’s coming – and they deserve EVERYTHING they are going to get. I will rejoice when they ALL get Dlotted and Chesleyed.
He is the Mega-Troll.
At some point he will walk off and laugh. Probably into the sunset.
Hey Lying WHORES,
Write about little Logan Tipton.
Know that I HATE you.
The obscene Anti White Lying Whore Press-mongers do NOT know what’s coming – and they deserve EVERYTHING they are going to get. I will rejoice when they ALL get Dlotted and Chesleyed.
I seem to recall, m’am, one or two got it when they covered the Fergistan Uprising. But, depending on how much Commie Weed they smoke, they’ll spin such as they always do, about how these are “nothing but deprived kids”, etc, etc, and etc. The little aholes will get off with probation and prolly become rappers.
Oh, and a special howdy to those communists over at Huff-N-Puff. How’s that Marxist weed working for ya?
@Denise: “… what’s coming …” Let’s peek into the future:
Goner – I can feel a shred of sympathy for creatures like Krantz. She never had a chance. She had no basis of comparison, and no direct experience with real live genuine Ferals, until she was transformed by Diversity.
Thelying whores of the Lugenpresse do know better; they wouldn’t survive in 3D land if they did not. Their willful cognitive dissonance WILL catch up with them though, simply by sheer probability. Reporters have been attacked already. As America becomes more Vibrant, everywhere, there will be no place left to hide out.
The Dlott/Chesley case is a bit different. Their palace is far away from the Dindu Madding Crowd. The were sought out, and the Dindus had to expend a lot of energy to attack their home. I can’t confirm blood status on Dlott, but she is a classic Do Gooder female TOOL, cosseted and pampered and promoted about her weight by her long line of Kosher patrons. I’lldig up a link to the 911 recording, but she was freaked OUT, she specifically cited the Race of her attackers, and she DEMANDED that the NationalGuard be sent out. Ordinary police would not suffice; she probably knew, in her Vibrant Moment of Truth, that the Po Po’s she SCREWED over may decide to stop for coffee and donuts before they showed up to try to prevent the Oppressed Yoof from kicking her 79 year old husband to death.
The hubby? If you want to see yet another face of an honest to Beelzebub Nation Wrecking Jew – look up Stanley Chesley. He’s a law-yuh, an his entire career is one long case study in “Why Jews get expelled from EVERY place they infest”. His near demise at the hands and feet of a troika of EBT-bred, resentful, swaggering, muh-dikking, Black Lies Spatter Poster Boyz could not have happened to a more deserving subject. But he didn’t die.
These Hood Rats will face serious time. As if they care.
Here’s the Politico story:
@Mr. Griffin…
Sir, I have found your links to David Carlton’s article on God’s creation & support of ethno-nationalism, as demonstrated by his word, exceedingly helpful in confronting a few Christian nihilists, in Wednesday night bible class.
Thank you a ton!
@Miss Denise…
‘Mr Junius,
If you are in 3D world as you are on this site, your fellow Tar Heels will protect you and shield you from The Something Wicked That Is This Way Coming. Please extend the same courtesy to your fellow Southerners. I believe you are NOT a Nation Wrecking Jew, and you mean what you say. .
The obscene Anti White Lying Whore Press-mongers do NOT know what’s coming – and they deserve EVERYTHING they are going to get. I will rejoice when they ALL get Dlotted and Chesleyed.
M’am I thank you for acknowledging that my country is North Carolina.
I often pray, M’am, over dinner, that Our Lord liberate my family and my neighbours from the diabolical tyranny that has beset our land.
Miss Denise : at the turn of the millenia I began to eschew the mainstream media, because I believed it to be Lucifer’s lair.
I simply cannot countenance them, which is why my news is composed of what is here, at Michael Cushman’s site, the Michael Savage, Alex Jones, & Rush Limbaugh shows, the Drudge Report & Russian TV.
None of these sources are perfect, nor do I agree with much of what is said, though, at least, they all try to address the truth, instead of working to bury it.
Happy Holidays! Keep giving ’em hell!
@Denise: “… blood status on Dlott …”
Dlot is the Yiddish word for “chisel”.
The time has come in my view. I vote ban Warspite. At this point, his comments have become nothing but noise. He has become, in effect, a more eloquent version of spelunker with nothing to offer but intended disruption. Noise is noise whether eloquently stated or not.
As you know, I have gone out of my way to give him a chance. All he had to do was to cut out the flaming and argue substance with the other commentators. Junius, for example, is always civil and never creates any disruption here.
I will put it to a vote.
Goner – I am not surprised, and Dlott sounds like a Jew, in her panicked phone call (it’s the inflections), but I don’t want to call out blood status unless I have verification. Seeing her visage, however changes all that. Whatta yenta!
I say get rid of him. I’m tired of scrolling past his comments.
Mr. Junius,
Things are getting so bad now that even the MSM is reporting on Dindu Doings. It’s still all Whitey’s Fault though. All of the Vibrants are merely innocent victims of Waycism.
The Jew Agitator? Oh noes! Let It stay! It adds such marvelous, homespun, cozy insight, into simply everything – and is such a joy to deal with!
Now – for real – INTO THE OVEN!!!!!!
I support Trump and think that he is well positioned to win the Republican primary. However, I am concerned with his chances to win the presidential election. A candidate must get 270 electoral votes to win. Romney fell short at only 206 electoral votes. Assuming Trump wins all of the states that went to Romney, he would need to pick up the rest from states that Bush won in 2004 but went to Obama in the last election. Here is the list of those states and the number of electoral votes:
Nevada – 6
Colorado – 9
New Mexico – 5
Iowa – 6
Ohio – 18
Virginia – 13
Florida – 29
It seems that Trump would find the extra votes among working class and blue collar whites that have voted for Democrats in the past or don’t normally vote. He might also pick up some black voters and/or blacks that voted in the last election won’t vote in this one. Given that, maybe Trump could also win Pennsylvania with its 21 electoral votes since working class whites are one of the largest demographics there. Do you think Trump can actually win or has mass immigration so transformed the electorate that it is impossible now?
Couldn’t agree more, but down here in South Carolina, too many of these little (REDACTED) get off light and you think MY blood boils?? Prison? Yes, you are correct, to many of these punks, it’s a badge of honor, a sign you are a real (REDACTED).
And yes, that she shat all over herself! Oh, the irony! Proof, eh? What goes round comes round?
But, I meant what I said about too many of them will still cry the commie party line to their very deaths, so sad, but idiots are like that.
You keep raising hell, girl! We need more like ya!
Thanks Denise. I second your notions.
HW, your book sounds boring; who wants to read an economic book about the South? Economic books are tedious, especially parachial ones. I was hoping for a White Nationalist work. That’s what we need. Buchanan has already said all that needs to be said in protectionism and the total bankruptcy of lazy fairies economics.
HW, I would concur with FB. Economics can be reduced to one simple point, with two ‘heads’ (like Hydra) Disbar Jews from it, and don’t engage in Usury/Fractional Reserve Banking.
All else (as the talmudics say) is ‘commentary.’