Live Thread: Fifth 2016 Republican Presidential Debate

By Hunter Wallace

CNN is hosting the final Republican presidential debate of 2026 tonight at 7:30 PM CST.

Note: Trump’s lead has grown to 38 percent and 41 percent respectively in the latest ABC/Washington Post and Monmouth national polls. It is his widest lead yet in the race.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Probably the first debate I will watch with interest in years. Tonight matters. Donald Trump needs to get back on track and put this horrible week behind him; as they say, a week is a lifetime in politics.

    Other folks could easily humiliate him if he remains stuck in his rut: Cruz, Paul – who have been tough on terrorism without transgressing written and unwritten rules of American life.

    If Trump tries the bully card, I predict a seven man dog pile in response. People are fed up and want to see gravitas out of him, not a Brooklyn Brawler. And for those tempted to point to primary poll numbers, Trump has hemorrhaged badly in the national polls (50 Clinton to 40 Trump) and for a national party, that must be decisive in the nomination process. Elite opinion is what really drives society, not vote counting.

  2. I think Trump has rebuilt a modern version of the old Archie Bunker/George Wallace crowd. Middle class or working class voters who more or less supported the New Deal, but didn’t like civil rights or busing, or prayer being taken out of the public schools. They supported gun rights and the death penalty. The kind of people who liked Joe McCarthy.

  3. I predict that the non entities in the 2% range will attack Trump while Rubio and Bush go hard on Cruz. Trump just has to swat the fleas buzzing around him like Christie and Kasich.

  4. Afterthought
    ‘Donald Trump needs to get back on track and put this horrible week behind him; as they say, a week is a lifetime in politics.’

    I hope he has a few more -horrible- weeks like this past week. His numbers keep rising.

    ‘Other folks could easily humiliate him if he remains stuck in his rut: Cruz, Paul – who have been tough on terrorism without transgressing written and unwritten rules of American life.’

    Let’s write some new rules that favor whites for a change.

    ‘And for those tempted to point to primary poll numbers, Trump has hemorrhaged badly in the national polls (50 Clinton to 40 Trump) and for a national party, that must be decisive in the nomination process.’

    Hillary out polling anybody shows how retarded this country has become. Eliminate the blacks, browns, asians, and jews from the equation and Trump wins handily.

    Trump’s message is not the problem. We’re getting killed by the racial demographics.

    Weirdo Bruce Jenner could run as a Demorat and get higher numbers than Trump at this point in the election cycle.

  5. Thanks to the donor class and sellout traitors on both sides of the aisle.

    Wave goodbye to your country YT.

    Obama Administration Approves
    3 Million New Immigrant Workers
    in One Year
    Congress to fund ‘100 percent’ of Obama administration’s immigration priorities

    December 15, 2015 3:20 pm

    At least 3 million foreign nationals were granted work permits, work visas, and green cards in 2013, with most being granted to individuals from Mexico, China, and India, according to the most recent data issued by the Congressional Research Service.

  6. Wolf Blitzer (chosen) will moderate the debate tonight. Just great! Dana Bash (chosen) and Hugh Hewitt (wannabe chosen) will interrogate the candidates.

    Warspite should be pleased.

  7. Andrew Rosenthal isn’t happy with Trump:

    “As the 2016 electoral contest slouches toward actual voting, I wonder whether Donald Trump is happy with the results of a campaign that he has built almost entirely on hatred, fear and personal invective. Does he have any remorse over what he’s created, or is it all just part of the show for him? …”

  8. They all want to “fight radi-kool Izlum” – but no one wants to ban Muslims but Trump. Keep it up, Cucks. They’re getting Trump elected.

  9. OMG. The phony war on tewowism is definitely less about serving Israel than about giving these morons something to campaign about while they destroy the damn country.

  10. The Chickenhearted display up there. All making variations on Trump’s initial proposal.


  11. Marc – I am a political/new junkie. I watched Cruz give a speech to some Conservatard outfit this weekend. He said a lot of really sensible, intelligent things…..but as he drew to the end of his talk, it was Israel Israel IZZZZREE-UL!

    Cruz is a factotum of Goldman Sachs.

    The End.

  12. Captain,

    The Zogetariat News Heads were talking about ignoring Trump before this Knish and Gefelte Fish show. They’re doing it. They’re ignoring him .

  13. I canna watch it internet too slow. Judging form the comments.

    All Trump needs to do is point out the vast majority of “Moderate” Muslims are actually fundamentalists, worse and more numerous then “Christian” Fundamentalists. Then ask the question “Where do the radical Islamist’s get there support form?”

    Our new local Dr and dentist are fundamentalist sympathies with ISIS, silly Dr even admitted it to a very credible source…

    Out group the bastards for the traitors they are…

  14. I guess these cucks have never heard of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Dresden, etc. Where was the Geneva Convention then?

  15. Blitzer introduces video of Muslim? worried about Trump being a war criminal advocating killing ISIS’ family members.

    I guess the candidates wanting to carpet bomb the middle east are going to avoid hitting non-combatants.

  16. Denise – I’m continually baffled by people who should know better who still fall for Cruz. They just can’t connect his Jew worship with his being owned.

  17. Absolutely fucking amazing Muslim question.

    War criminals? Wtf?

    “Hey you Crusaders, we are the ones who kidnap and conduct vendetta! Open or Die!”

  18. Marc- things aren’t bad enough yet. I’ve been posting on thise site for years. I began posting about Stormfront a few months after 9/11. That’s how I found out about White Nationalism. I’ve been complaining about what is now called Cuckishness of WN for years. They we are too worried about being “nice”. We are facing an existential threat to or very existence, and we’re are twisted in knots about being polite and well mannered.

    Normie Whites are even more obsessed and confounded by “niceness”.

    Cruz comes across as polite, well spoken – he speaks very well, in manner, inflection, and body language – well-educated, polished, and “high-toned”. He’s “reasonable”. I have lived in major American North Eastern cities, for most of my adult life. Trump’s brash, brusque, go go manner is nothing new to me, and doesn’t rattle me. Have you ever walked around the streets of New York? You’ll get mowed down by the general traffic if you don’t step VERY lively. Most of the country is NOT used to Trump’s NYC pace. Cruz comes across are far “nicer” – and he’s not as swarthy as Rubio. He looks almost white, and sounds very “White”. Trump’s blunt truths about all sorts of things is still skeery. He signals that thins really are as bad as they are.

    Things aren’t bad enough YET.

  19. OK, this is a foreign policy debate? I take it that the ongoing invasion of the United States by foreigners isn’t an aspect of foreign policy, since it’s only been mentioned once.

    Edit: OOPS! Magic Negro just said something sensible.

    Denise – oh yes, I get it. My ex-wife used to bitch at me about niceness being more important than truth.

  20. Finally, after 4 debates previous to this, pool boy is asked about his Gang of 8 immigration policy.

    Gives a lengthy, canned, evasive, non-answer.

  21. The bomb scare in LA…it’s only possible to worry about it because of clock boy, The Jihadliweds and the Bros Tsarnaev et al are among us.

  22. I’m pretty sure Trump is a soft-white-nationalist.

    He’s habitually pointing out Israeli/Jewish double dealing.

    Pretty soon James Baker is gonna endorse him.

  23. I have to admit that a certain someone from Kentucky is making good points. I will not mention the person by name for fear of getting strafed by Jack Ryan.

  24. Marc Bahn
    ‘Hot dog! I love watching Little Ricky and Big Ricky going at each other.’

    Ha ha.

    ‘You got some splaynin to do.’

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