Live Thread: Fifth 2016 Republican Presidential Debate

By Hunter Wallace

CNN is hosting the final Republican presidential debate of 2026 tonight at 7:30 PM CST.

Note: Trump’s lead has grown to 38 percent and 41 percent respectively in the latest ABC/Washington Post and Monmouth national polls. It is his widest lead yet in the race.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Here is what was planned.

    Rubio and Cruz snuff each other, Trump rants and wilts. Then Bush strides in on a White Destrier.

    Here is what has happened.

    Cruz and Rubio have snuffed each other and Bush has disappeared up his own backside.

    Trump is just standing there shrugging.

  2. Ann Coulter
    Rubio and Cruz are right about each other. Both supported path to citizenship, Cruz wanted huge increase in legal immigration.

    Ann Coulter
    RNC let in Trump hecklers!!!!!

    Ann Coulter
    That’s Reince Pribus booing.

    Ann Coulter ?
    Audience so stacked with RNC toadies!!!!! I’m surrounded by America’s enemies!

    Ann Coulter
    audience so stacked with open borders crowd!!!

  3. Reagan is like Neutral on a stick shift…the Republican invoking him just sorta rolls backward or forward depending on the gradient. if it’s in a car wash the car is on autopilot brain rinse.

  4. I’m not the most objective debate viewer, but I think Trump did well.

    That little spat with Yeb was nothing out of the ordinary.

    His gestures towards Cruz mended fences.

    Pool boy won’t get a bump.

    Senor Bushcuck is tanking.

    The rest of the cast is treading water at best.

  5. I can’t believe the Dead elephants let CCCPNN do the debate. The GOPe need to take a Malaysian Airline home. This is CCCPNN.

  6. OK, so much for the debate. Now the part we’ve all been waiting to see – the MSM commentary.

    No tomatoes, please.

    Let’s see now:

    Cruz – Phony as a Jew’s credit card.
    Rubio – Obnoxious head waiter in training.
    Bush – Somebody’s bitch.
    Paul – Not bad but no leader.
    Carson – Good one minute, disastrous the next.
    Fiorina – A joke.
    Christie – Dead weight (actually a tape recording machine)
    Kasich – A bitch’s bitch.
    Trump – The new Emperor (elections will be cancelled as no longer necessary).

  7. Really, Bush is so incredibly sickening. When he’s trying to drive some idiotic point home the neck veins start to bulge, he starts bobbing his head as if to say to the audience “nod, damn ya”. He ought to volunteer to serve his brother’s term in a nice homeyized penitentiary.

  8. A solid performance for Trump who is letting the total ban on Muslim visas disappear down the memory hole. Is there an active Trump+Cruz alliance? He said he got to know him well, and Cruz doesn’t attack him like he should.

    Trump stands alone on immigration: wall + deportation.

    He is on more shaky ground on foreign policy, but who else praises Putin or calls out Saudi Arabia? What more could I reasonably ask for?

    He even had the guts to point out that Bush flew family friend bin Ladens out of the country on 9/11. Trump went on Alex Jones. Does he believe / know that 9/11 was an inside job?

    Trump was more disciplined, and if he keeps that up, he will have a better chance navigating the shoals ahead – convention, general election, electoral college, presidency.

    While he has an uphill battle ahead of him vs Clinton, black swans can help him, such as an economic downturn, war, and terrorism, or a simple stumble by Clinton. We can help him as well; by that I mean whites. The call to unity in the face of white genocide. In my circles, 100% of the people turned on Trump this week. 100%. (White professionals).

    Trump needs to build trust and give the lie to the solidifying impression that he is a loose cannon who is not Presidential. No matter the point he wishes to make, it is secondary to the optics.

    PS Rand Paul is really solid except for immigration. I think he truly believes that white behavior is just a choice anyone can make, rather than genetic.

  9. @ Afterthought

    Please expound on “turned on Trump”. For or against?

    How many are in your circles? A hundred? A dozen? Three or four?

  10. One last hint about terrorism.

    Generally speaking the Muslim terrorist carries out an attack knowing that the family is going to receive cash and honor if he’s a martyr.

    Obviously we should be cutting up the families of these organized gangs. The Jihadis are often interested in making their loved ones comfortable in exchange for suicide missions.

    What would be wrong with punishing the financial beneficiary of the attack?

  11. On this idea that Trump doesn’t come across as “presidential”, I think that’s part of his popularity. More people than ever are aware of how the actors have been, well, acting, for decades. The other side of that “acting presidential” coin is ingenuousness and people see it. Some are shocked by it, not recalling it and thus thinking it strange. Most lick it up with a spoon. Of course that’s over the head of purposeful losing GOPe.

  12. Bernie Sanders ?@BernieSanders 4h4 hours ago
    Repeat after me: We must combat anti-Muslim bigotry and all forms of discrimination in our country and in our world.

    Bernie Sanders ?@BernieSanders 3h3 hours ago
    What’s reckless is turning our backs on the refugees who are fleeing Syria and Afghanistan.

    Bernie Sanders ?@BernieSanders 3h3 hours ago
    Let’s stop the racism. Let’s stop the xenophobia. Let’s stop Trump:

    Bernie Sanders ?@BernieSanders 2h2 hours ago
    Fifth #GOPDebate is over. Like the first, not one word about income inequality, climate change, or racial justice. The Rs are out of touch.

  13. what a poor excuse for WN’s most OccDiss commenters are. Trump – even if he’s for real, which given his past history and current associates is most unlikely – will almost certainly not get the Republiscam nomination (the Cucks will, if necessary, steal it back at the convention) and if, by some miracle, he does get it, Mrs. Clinton will defeat him easily in the election; she’s up 6 points over Trump now and, once the Republiscam donors, country clubbers, Chamber of Commerce Crowd, and neo-con Cucks go over to her that lead will double. WE CANNOT VOTE OUR WAY OUT OF THE OPEN-BORDERS JUDEO-GLOBALIST DEATH-TRAP. There are, however, other means

  14. They’re making the same, or similar promises they made when I was a kid, thirty five years ago. Same Mexican invasion, which they’ll never stop, and IS, instead of the Soviets. Trump sounds good. But he’ll never be allowed on the ballot. He’s an outsider with no Social/Political currency whatsoever.


    That’s true, Haxo–but it doesn’t mean Trump won’t become President.

    We can’t shoot our way out of it either, if that’s what you’re somehow thinking. As I said at another website recently, this is a war of memes and rhetoric, not of muscle. The Jew comes to it well prepared. His rhetoric does not rely, for instance, on trite dysphemism like “Republiscam.” The time when you yourself might have prepared for this war was your school days, when you could have concentrated on mastering, just for starters, grammar and punctuation. You’re no use to us now.

  16. Haxo: Candidates and elections have value outside of winning. Just as they can be damaging if they win or lose.

    Marc Bahn: dozens that I interact with politically, and as I have been a vocal Trump supporter I got to take the “heat” for some of his utterances, and I have outlined those differences, to add now – his call to assassinate Snowden and also target families. (ISIS is a Saudi catspaw, why not just go after them?)

    CptJohn: Yes, it is surprising the ease to which these wannabe statesmen make stupid and frightening statements. No one will be snarking about if shit hits the fan: human nature leaves much to be desired.

  17. This truly has to be change from the bottom up. So, I guess we need to ask what these boys are going to do for European-American males.

  18. Off topic maybe, but how did David Miliband get a job resettling Syrian refugees in the United States while working for the extremist NGO International Rescue Committee (IRC)?

  19. As I said at another website recently, this is a war of memes and rhetoric, not of muscle.

    It’s both. Without the threat of retribution and retaliation, all of the rhetoric and carefully crafted propaganda is rendered impotent in the face of pure naked aggression. Facts, statistics, poetic rhetoric, reason and logic can only be shaped into a weapon(or we can say used as leverage) if those that are being hit with it have the capacity and desire to be swayed by it. People that are comfortable and blissful in their ignorance rarely put themselves into uncomfortable situations without a push or shove. Violence, at varying capacities and degrees, has usually been the impetus for change in almost all social revolutions and revolutionary thinking.

    Bullies don’t stop being bullies because they all of a sudden are hit with a rational and well-thought-out grammatical masterpiece of a thesis on how their violence and intimidation are harming other people and society as a whole. They stop when someone punches them in the face and splits their head wide open. Violence will always Trump nonviolence when logic and reason are removed from the equation. What White America is up against are entities that understand this concept and have no qualms about using it to their advantage.

    They call us racist, and we ignore it or embrace the label and run straight to it. What do they do now? They continue their attacks and try to get me fired or protest and threaten my business. They protest in the streets. They threaten my people with violence. They harass and physically assault me and my family when they have the opportunity. And the media helps them along by distorting the facts in order to paint a picture of the evil “Nazis” who are threatening America. They never stop until I atone for my supposed sins and grovel at their feet.

    We call them anti-White and present facts and statistics to show that there is much truth in that label. They either ignore it or deflect the truth so that they can keep attacking Whites. What do we do now? We keep calling them anti-Whites and building websites to show how civil, scholarly and intellectual we can be. We come up with catchy screen names so that we can stand behind our views with pride and show the anti-Whites just how serious we are. We report on the daily black-on-White crime trends that most people will pay attention to today just as much as they did 10 years ago when we were reporting on the same trends. We show them another batch of researched statistics that they will just conveniently ignore, again. We’ll complain about censorship in the media, only to be censored from saying it in the media, again. We’ll throw precious and priceless time and energy propping up “Republicans” who will again, once elected, immediately become just another cog in the anti-White shell game we call the American Government. Don’t fret White America, because we have an annual conference coming up. It’s gonna be a doozy, and from what I’ve heard this little shindig is going to be the best one yet. You must, however, remember to wear a jacket and tie, because saving White America from the anti-White hordes is serious business.

    From a pro-White perspective, Trump is nothing more than a stopgap. Personally, I’m fine with that at this time. But he’s a very dangerous stopgap if pro-White people put too much faith in his rhetoric, and very counterproductive if they spend too much time, energy and money supporting him. Trump would NOT be on that stage if he presented any real opposition to the Globalist agenda. Violence is inevitable, not because pro-Whites desire violence and have no factual and rational foundation to stand upon, but because anti-Whites have absolutely no desire to allow facts, reason and logic to be used as a foundation for the building of society.

  20. Isn’t violence inevitable because it is effectively inevitable?

    Tautology I know, but still. It’s a natural force.

  21. “Cruz and Rubio have snuffed each other and Bush has disappeared up his own backside.
    Trump is just standing there shrugging.”

    I am laughing so hard, I can’t read the screen for the giggles!

  22. “Reagan is like Neutral on a stick shift…the Republican invoking him just sorta rolls backward or forward depending on the gradient. if it’s in a car wash the car is on autopilot brain rinse.”

    LOL. Is that the car wash definition of Alzheimer’s? (sorry, Ronny)

  23. “Cruz – Phony as a Jew’s credit card.
    Rubio – Obnoxious head waiter in training.
    Bush – Somebody’s bitch.
    Paul – Not bad but no leader.
    Carson – Good one minute, disastrous the next.
    Fiorina – A joke.
    Christie – Dead weight (actually a tape recording machine)
    Kasich – A bitch’s bitch.
    Trump – The new Emperor (elections will be cancelled as no longer necessary).”

    LOLOL. You guys are TOOO funny.

  24. Bernie (OY!) Commie Sanders: Fifth #GOPDebate is over. Like the first, not one word about income inequality, climate change, or racial justice. The Rs are out of touch.

    Bernie, bubbele. Fuhgedaboudit, already. WE. DON’T. CARE. about ANY of those things. We have no desire to enact Jewish Marxist Bolshevik income redistribution schemes, while your co-ethnics continue at Rothschilds, Chase, etc. to make BILLIONS.!topic/soc.culture.jewish/so8V559qBDQ

    Climate Change- the climate changes. Now, of course, if your cronies weren’t doing all this HAARP crap, we might actually be able to see that GOD is covenantally cursing the US for allowing people like you to live, but meh….

    Racial Justice? After 150 years of Abolitionist eschatology, after sixty years of LBJew’s “Great Society” after O’bummer and Holder’s racially-motivated hatefests, THEY ALL HAVE TO GO…. IS ‘racial justice’ for what we WHITES have suffered under your ministrations.

    Republican/Trumpenklasse, out of touch? Oh, no. WE HAVE OUR HAND ON THE WHEEL, and we’re NOT letting go- EVER AGAIN.

    Never forgive, never forget, I believe you folks say?

  25. Denise,

    I’ve followed UK politics for some years. So, I’m familiar with the two brothers (David and Edward), as well as, their father (Ralph). I was just wondering who got David that particular job and why?

  26. New national poll:

    Among registered voters:
    Clinton 50 Trump 44
    Same poll a month ago
    Clinton 46 Trump 43

    Things of note: A six point gap doesn’t mean as much with few undecideds, say 44 to 38, because you van compete for the undecideds and win. When a candidate has already reached 50, it is bad news. Unless the dynamic of the race changes, it’s pretty much over.

    Among whites: 53-39 Trump
    Among non-whites: 74-22 Clinton

    I invite commentary on this.

    Amongst people 18 to 29: 70 to 25 Clinton.

    Is this ominous?

    All respondents were asked if the thought of Trump as president made them comfortable or anxious. A whopping 69% said it made them anxious, a staggering 49% said it made them VERY anxious. Trump has to address this comprehensively or forfeit the election.

  27. There is no downside here me Afterthought.

    You appear to think we are Republicans here.

    Clinton is a pretty excellent nation wrecker. Less likely to start ww3 (there would be a general revolt in the military) and she’s going to fray the social fabric to the point of total failure.

  28. President Cruz, Bush, Rubio make me more anxious on so many levels than the known quantity of Clinton.

    What will most likely happen on her watch is that white women will be told to shut up about Dindu-rape. That’s probably the inflection Wiemar Republic moment.

    Also, Have you listened to this shrike speak? I’m not sure too many people have listened to her hag like voice lately.

  29. “I invite commentary on this.”

    Okay: it’s meaningless. Trump is always calculating, thinking many moves ahead.


    It’s starting to settle into these thick skulls that Trump ain’t the problem. It’s his voters.

    See this dunecoon Durka Durka about Trump’s impending victory in the primary. He’s invoking Hitler and calling the crowds that gather to hear Trump speak “ignorant”. Run for the hills Ali. Run!

    It’s over.

  31. “Nothing changes until the European male stands up for himself!”

    Ah–the ineffectual exclamation point. A standard element of the non-arsenal of white rhetoric.

  32. My guess is that Trump will go after the disaffected black vote.

    Countentance linked to this, it’s basically about niggers getting hustled out of hotel and agricultural labor.

    Well, all Trump needs to do is chuck a grenade into the unholy alliance of black and Hispanic political alliance. Clinton will not be able to do shot about it. A heavily depressed black turnout, either through demoralization or “walking around money” and she won’t win Pennsylvania or Ohio.

    After the rioting in 2014 and 2015 I predicted that the GOP and Dems would quickly flood the blacks with Mexicans and Asians. For some reason Trump has decided to stop this or at least exploit the potential disaffection of the blacks. not that they will vote for him, but rather refuse to back Clinton. That will upset a number of states.

  33. CptJohn, trump winning can be a great boon for our cause, especially if he triggers partitionist desires on the other side. He would choke the cucks out of the party and make it a more reliable vehicle for the imperiled white populace.

    Hilary is the type to get us into trouble militarily as with Libya and Syria. She gets her marching orders from New World Order Jews. It is likely she will go for Amnesty, and this time, I don’t think Congress could stop it as they intend to just send an illegal tsunami and create facts on the ground.

    To me there is a downside, because while whites will emerge victorious, American whites may not. I’d rather avoid a reprisal of South Africa or Rhodesia here.

  34. This war, Celestial, I repeat, is one of memes and rhetoric, not of muscle. Your five paragraphs of argument to the contrary are null.

    “Violence, at varying capacities and degrees, has usually been the impetus for change in almost all social revolutions and revolutionary thinking.”

    Meaningless. The Royal Navy that abolished the slave trade was the same one that had built the slave empire of the British Caribbean. There was no change of muscle, only of rhetoric–of purpose.

    “They never stop until I atone for my supposed sins and grovel at their feet.”

    And yet–a comparatively small number of white men once had them in thrall, worldwide. What has changed? It isn’t muscle.

    “We call them anti-White and present facts and statistics to show that there is much truth in that label.”

    Yes, you engage in ineffective rhetoric–whining, to be specific.

    “From a pro-White perspective, Trump is nothing more than a stopgap.”

    What he is remains to be seen.

    “Violence is inevitable ….”

    You don’t know what is inevitable any more than I do.

  35. The thing about all these national polls is that they show that all the other candidates beat Hillary. I don’t really trust that, if she can win against Trump, she should be able to beat these others as well.

  36. “I invite commentary on this. Amongst people 18 to 29: 70 to 25 Clinton. Is this ominous?”


    All that matters is the ground shifting. The rest will follow naturally.

  37. Interesting Coulter column on all the ISIS talk during the debate. Makes several good points.


    ‘After the San Bernardino terrorist attack, committed by Muslim immigrants—which followed the 1993 World Trade Center terrorist attack committed by Muslim immigrants; the 9/11 terrorist attacks committed by Muslim immigrants; the Fort Hood terrorist attack committed by a Muslim immigrant; the Boston Marathon terrorist attack committed by Muslim immigrants, and on and on—Trump suggested a temporary pause on Muslim immigration.

    The other candidates responded by attacking him viciously. Now, the eunuchs are duking it out over who has the most aggressive approach to … fighting ISIS!

    Asked why he called Trump’s proposal “unhinged,” Jeb! explained: “Well, first of all, we need to destroy ISIS in the caliphate.”

    Marco Rubio said: “The problem is we had an attack in San Bernardino,” adding that “what’s important to do is we must deal frontally with this threat of radical Islamists, especially from ISIS.”

    Ted Cruz said: “We need a president who understands the first obligation of the commander in chief is to keep America safe. If I am elected president … we will utterly destroy ISIS.” [Transcript]

    Why are Republicans talking about starting a war in Syria to stop Muslim immigrants from killing Americans in America? Is it our job to straighten out Syria? Can’t our government just stop bringing the terrorists here? If Rubio thinks he knows how to govern Syria, he’s free to run for president there. (Except he’d have to stop talking about his dad the bartender because Muslims don’t drink.)

    Republicans love pointing out that all the gun restrictions proposed by Democrats after every mass shooting would have done absolutely nothing to stop that particular mass shooting.

    But the GOP’s demand that we take out ISIS would also have done nothing to prevent the San Bernardino attack. As we know from Jim Comey, the director of the FBI: Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik were planning a terrorist attack against Americans before ISIS existed.

    It’s as if there’s a law of toughness conservation: The weaker a candidate is on protecting our borders, the more aggressively he talks about bombing foreign countries, a move known as “the Lindsey Graham.” (snip)

  38. And yet–a comparatively small number of white men once had them in thrall, worldwide. What has changed? It isn’t muscle.

    Once had? You mean like ‘in a galaxy far, far away’ kind of once had?

    It most certainly was muscle and the threat of violence that changed everything. Rhetoric only goes so far when you have people either unable or unwilling to be convinced by that rhetoric. Rhetoric gets you to the tipping point. Once you’re there, it usually takes violence or the threat of violence to get you past that point.

    How were blacks finally pushed into White schools and society when the propaganda to integrate them wasn’t working? By gunpoint and the heavy hand of The LAW that would punish you if you resisted.

    How have many politicians and representatives been forced to give credence to the idiocy of Black Lives Matter, even though their anti-White memes and rhetoric is something only retarded people couldn’t see right through? By riots and protests in the streets.

    Have you noticed all of the government and university officials being fired or resigning because of the various black protests that have happened over the last couple of years? You actually think that happened simply because of cute little memes and rhetoric? Again, the rhetoric only got those people to the tipping point. The protests and threats of violence is what pushed it all over the edge.

    What happens when memes and rhetoric stop working, John? More passive-aggressive memes and rhetoric that will continue to be ignored? That’d be the predictable thing to do, I guess.

    What he is remains to be seen.

    You truly are an idiot if you haven’t already seen what Trump is. It’s not like the guy has been hiding under a rock. He’s way too egotistical, narcissistic and self-absorbed to do that. For decades he’s been happily plugged in to the very system he’s now claiming is such poison to America. The fact that he’s a legitimate candidate in politics, and being passed off as The Great White Hope for some naive pro-Whites, just goes to show how deathly sick America is right now. Most of his rhetoric is simply political leverage. I’d wager a small fortune that he is sincere about maybe only half the stuff he claims to have a firm position on. Yes, still better than everyone else. But then again, that’s like saying I’d rather have AIDS than Smallpox. Well, sure, I guess that would be a victory.

    You don’t know what is inevitable any more than I do.

    Yes, John, you’ve figured out that Internet memes and circle-jerking rhetoric are the keys to breaking the stranglehold the anti-Whites have in media, academia, corporate America, the financial world and the malignant cancer we call government. Any day now it’s gonna bust wide open, right John?

    But when you’ve thrown out your best memes and exhausted every ounce of rhetoric your narrow mind can muster, and then people turn to you and say, “Ya know, John, I just don’t give a fuck about your memes and rhetoric,” what do you do then? You’ve had plenty of time to think about this, John. For decades, your memes and rhetoric have been ignored and/or rendered moot by the hordes of anti-White willing to go beyond simple memes and rhetoric.

    The irony here is that you begin by talking about how “This war” will be won. A war which is very real and very physical in its attacks on Whites. But a War that you think you can win by pretending to be some great semantical warrior whose only weapons are lame memes and unoriginal, regurgitated rhetoric.

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