Cuckservatives: Trump’s Nomination Would “Rip The Heart Out” of the GOP

Michael Gerson, W.’s chief speechwriter who created the “Axis of Evil,” the Iraqi WMD panic, and the phrase “the soft bigotry of low expectations” to defend No Child Left Behind, who has spent twenty years fighting for “social justice” in the Republican Party is worried that Trump would break the GOP into pieces:

“It is this universality that Trump attacks. All of his angry resentment against invading Hispanics and Muslims adds up to a kind of ethno-nationalism — an assertion that the United States is being weakened and adulterated by the other. This is consistent with European, right-wing, anti-immigrant populism. …

Trump, in some ways, is an odd carrier of ethno-nationalist beliefs. He held few of them, as far as I can tell, just four years ago. But as a demagogue, he has followed some of America’s worst instincts wherever they have led, and fed ethnic and religious prejudice in the process. All presidential nominees, to some extent, shape their parties into their own image. Trump would deface the GOP beyond recognition.

Trump is disqualified for the presidency by his erratic temperament, his ignorance about public affairs and his scary sympathy for authoritarianism. But for me, and I suspect for many, the largest problem is that Trump would make the GOP the party of racial and religious exclusion. …

Ultimately, these political matters are quite personal. I have spent 25 years in the company of compassionate conservatives, reform conservatives, Sam’s Club conservatives or whatever they want to call themselves, trying to advance an agenda of social justice in America’s center-right party. We have shared a belief that sound public policy — promoting opportunity, along with the skills and values necessary to grasp it — can improve the lives of our fellow citizens and thus make politics an honorable adventure.

The nomination of Trump would reduce Republican politics — at the presidential level — to an enterprise of squalid prejudice. And many Republicans could not follow, precisely because they are Republicans. By seizing the GOP, Trump would break it to pieces.”

Of course it is the limp-wristed hysterics of penny-loafered cuckservatives like George Will, Rod Dreher, Glenn Beck, and Michael Gerson – all of whom wear the same style of glasses – who are the strongest argument for voting for Trump in the primaries precisely in order to “deface the GOP beyond recognition.”

Note: Gerson explicitly advocates the creation of a third party for establishment cuckservatives to help elect Hillary!

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. It’s weird how their weak beliefs mirror their physical look.

    I guess they have to be that way to get the job.

  2. anon // January 8, 2016 at 8:13 pm //

    “It’s weird how their weak beliefs mirror their physical look.”

    They have low testosterone. Essentially they have become women.

  3. I’m wondering if the cuckservatives are worrying that Trump victory would cause a major realignment of US politics. The Democrats were ostensibly the party of the working class. If anyone has noticed, the Democrats no longer even talk about the working class anymore. They are currently oriented around racial minorities, sexual deviants, and single women. If Donald snatches up the White working class then the Republican Party will officially be the White people’s party and the Democrats will be a party for everyone else. If Donald wins the conservative intellegensia would have no valid case to oppose his policies. This, I believe, is what scares them.

    • As I have studied the history of the American economy, I can’t blame White Northerners for failing to support White Republicans. It is clear that the “Rust Belt,” formerly the great American manufacturing belt that stretched from Massachusetts to Minnesota, was created by protectionism and undone by free-trade.

  4. These people have no idea what they have done to their own country. They have so much money they can insulate themselves from the consequences of their promotion of ghetto culture. They are shocked and appalled that the White people they take for granted don’t support their anti-White agenda, because they fail to understand their own White identity.

  5. Jeff
    ‘ the Democrats no longer even talk about the working class anymore.
    They are currently oriented around racial minorities, sexual deviants, and single women.’


    Trump could get a yuge segment of working class dems, pubs and independents.

    His son was quoted as saying his dad is like a working class guy with a huge balance sheet, or something like that.

    Unlike Romney, he knows there are swarms of disenfranchised Whites who will turn out for him if he plays his cards right.

  6. Check out Texas Gov Abbot’s plan for a constitutional convention. This has potential beyond his 9 proposals to actual nation building.

  7. What heart?

    Why, “Compassionate Conservatism” of course. You know, that euphemism for tolerating your dispossession.

    May the “GOP” burn in hell.

  8. ” I have spent 25 years in the company of compassionate conservatives, reform conservatives, Sam’s Club conservatives or whatever they want to call themselves, trying to advance an agenda of social justice in America’s center-right party”..25 years in which they haven’t done squat to stop this country spiraling down the toilet.

  9. Jeb may end up as a footnote in history, but probably not what his advisers had in mind. More like a Shakespearean play describing the descent of an empire hinging on the king’s ne’er do nothin’ right son.

  10. Marc Bahn
    ‘May the “GOP” burn in hell.’

    If Michael Grahamcuck is representative of GOP thinking let it burn … quickly. I got these quotes from A.A.’s site.

    As Michael Graham of The Federalist writes:

    Unlike many of the Trump fans I hear from, I don’t care that America will become a minority-white country. I care about whether the next generation believes in the American ideas of liberty, opportunity, and equality under the law.

    Another priceless Graham quote:

    For me, conservatism has always been a rejection of identity in favor of ideas: Free speech, free markets, small government, individual opportunity and responsibility, and so forth. I’m a MLK conservative—all “content of character,” no interest in “color of skin.”

  11. “It is this universality that Trump attacks. All of his angry resentment against invading Hispanics and Muslims adds up to a kind of ethno-nationalism — an assertion that the United States is being weakened and adulterated by the other. ”

    Good! Gerson, you ideological faggot, hear me-go to hell. The last forty years have been the NADIR of America’s- and Christendom’s- existence. As someone old enough to remember (barely) before JFK, I LONG- no, I PRAY for a return to isolationism, heteronormativity, exclusionary acts against ‘Others’ and a conformity that is unabashedly patriarchal, Eurocentric, and Jew-free.

    There. That clear enough for you?

  12. “They have so much money they can insulate themselves from the consequences of their promotion of ghetto culture.”- AJ

    I saw the light when I first read this quote, that I still say to people who are stupid enough to believe the Multiculti LIES.

    “The rich can always afford their OWN Apartheid.”

    BTW, have you folks read Ehud’s articles over at Faith and Heritage- his ‘testimony’?
    Astounding. Should be mandatory reading for anyone under the age of 60….

  13. White people yearn for an alpha male to lead, not beta males who whine, pander and capitulate.

  14. This clown must know everything there is to know about low expectations. His parents probably wanted a boy and got this instead. So Bush the Second had this wart on his ass huh? Explains how we wasted a Billion Dollars on African Niggers and spent Billions more on No Animals Left Behind.

    Trump may not be conservative, but who the fuck cares? What have these fuckers ever done worth mentioning? I’m a Fascist. They don’t reach across an aisle. We’re not stewardesses. You can’t talk to Niggers, they don’t even speak English, they speak Ebonehead. I guess they can’t spell gibberish.

    Trump loves America, and America is White. Always has been. Africans may suck here, but they should have died before the Neanderthals did.

  15. What Gerson is trying to say is that a Trump nomination would mean that it’s the end of the Republican Party is that it would be substantially the end of the Republican Party for what it has been since Lincoln with very few interruptions and exceptions, that is, a fusion between egalitarianism and corporatism.

  16. @Afterthought // January 8, 2016 at 11:56 pm //
    Check out Texas Gov Abbot’s plan for a constitutional convention. This has potential beyond his 9 proposals to actual nation building.
    I did:
    If you think things are bad now, a ”con con” would make them ten times worse. What that would do is wad up the Constitution and toss it into the wastebasket.
    Here’s some other things that could be added to a new Constitution:
    Gun Control. Kiss the 2nd Amendment goodbye.
    Licensed media. Kiss this blog goodbye.
    LBGTBBQWTH ”rights” in black-letter law mandated.
    ”Heath care” (including abortion) as a explicit Constitutional right.
    And so on. Out of the frying pan and into the fire? No thanks.

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