About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. With NH, SC, FL etc. all solidly Trump, his triumph in Iowa will be the official death knell of neocohenservatism.

      • Sir,
        I keep seeing polls that suggest evangelicals, such as I, have gone over to Trump.

        It will be interesting to see if that’s truly true, because, if there is one place where Mr. Trump seems out of place, it is in church.

        As Mr. Robertson says : Cruz trusts The Lord and Cruz trusts Madison, which is why I trust him’.

        That sounds like the evangelicals that live around me, all over the rural Tarheel boonies.

        • I’m about as evangelical as they come, but I boarded the T. train after the revelation that a Harvard educated atty. made a paperwork error regarding his loans. Not buying that. Luke 16:10 “If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities. Plus after alienating every Senator not sure he could get anything done in Washington.

        • Do your neighbors you describe here still go for ex Baptist minister Mike the Huckster Huckabee and lisping Lindsey Graham?

          • No, they support Cruz, Trump, and Carson – in that order, I do believe.

            I’ve never met any Tarheels who liket Lindsay Graham,

            Huckabee uset to have some support, but, he is on the periphery nowadays.

          • That’s good. I’m sure most of your neighbors are good solid folks.

            M’thinks most of them have a hard time understanding the various intrigues, scams associated with the Lugenpress – Lying press, conservatives who aren’t really quite conservatives they are “Neo Conservatives” and these new/neo Conservatives insists that the USA must welcome hundreds of millions of diseased, 3rd world people including the worst Muslim extremists from Yemen and somehow this is all “conservative” NOT!

            For these regular, good solid folks who are confused and don’t know what to do – please get them following our own OD Hunter Wallace. He’s a solid Southern guy, knows the score.

            I’m afraid I might scare off too many of your neighbors.

            Stay strong brother.

          • Thank you for your kind words and encouragements, mr. Ellis. it’s very kind of you. Hospitality, generosity, and noblesse are all too rare on the net.

            You distinguish yourself thereby.

            As to the ‘lugenpresse’, it is a difficult obstacle to surmount for all of us, but, unlike when I was young, not insurmountable – because of blogs like this.

            As to ‘scaring your neighbours’, I scare plenty of mine. Too Confederate I am. Oh, well…:)

            Still, I do my best, every day, to suggest, explain, or hint at Southron Nationalism every day. It’s like planting a seed. Nothing comes quick, but, over time, some growth can be seen.

            Good night to you and yours.

          • Sir, after watching the news and listening to analysis, I have come away with the impression that Iowan republicans are big tent of differing interests, but, with rural christian evangelicals the most powerful.

            They seem to be, up there, disturbed about many non-financial things, too, like we are, down here in the Old North State : the mass genocide of babies and the marketing of their body parts – open borders – gay marriage – the islamicization of Western Civilization – the protection of our 2nd amendment rights – the degenerate filth of Hollywood – the wholesale violation of privacy – the cradle to grave welfare state (it’s toxick effect on society) – and a lack of any effective and principled opposition to the burgeoning socialists in this country.

            Sir, I hear this stuff in the Tarheel boonies- all the time – and, I do b’lieve, plenty of Iowa republicans are feeling this, too.

      • But I think you might know what’s gonna happen regardless of any results, especially if they are positive for Trump.

        If they can’t directly oppose and convert, their goal is to subvert. If they can’t subvert, their goal is to divert and pervert.

        Just like the Tea Party crap, I predicted a hijack and sat back and watched it unfold piece by piece. Next thing ya know, Glenn Beck is a mouthpiece for a movement that started out directly opposing clowns like Glenn Beck.

    • Nah….

      This snake always loses a few heads and then grows new ones – One hundred years ago this snake had variations of 3 heads:

      Bolshevism, Communism, various forms of anarchy, international socialism, abstract art, atheism with a distinct anti White Christian them (not going after religious Muslims or Asian budhists

      International Finance, anything goes capitalism with distinct anti White, anti private White farmers


      Neo Conservatism was just a new related snake head that came about in the late 1960s, 1970s, 80s as the Liberal Left Black masses turned against Israel and some Jewish private interest, things like the Crown Heights anti Jewish riots.

      So if Neo Conservatism goes down a bit, they’re will be something to replace it, Democrat National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman is already repackaging a version of Neo Liberalism – promoting all things Black, 3rd world people of color, Hispanic, gay, Lesbian and also MUSLIMS, Muslims are a big part of the Neo Liberal team in the USA, but more so in the United Kingdom and Western Europe, just works to keep this Muslim part of the team not focusing much or at all on Palestine, instead it’s all about anti Muslim racism in England, Germany, Sweden and in Red State USA.

      Yep, that’s the latest snake head, it’s still the same snake.

      • Mr. Ellis is right. This election will be no Armageddon for no one. Those who lose will simply ‘remanifest’ in different form, not so far down the road.

        • I beg to disagree.

          I will freely acknowledge that I have received goodness and genuine kindness from Muslims, Jews, Negroes and Mestizos.

          Most Muslims are not terrorists, but almost all terrorists are Muslim.

          Most Jews are not traitors, but most traitors (the most active ans virulent ones) are Jews.

          Most Negroes and Mestizos are not thugs and gangbangers and assorted perps, but most thugs and gangbangers and assorted perps are Negroes and Mestizos.

          • Yes, Mr. Noah –

            Individualism and the accordance of their various integrities, always take precedence over politicks, philosophy, race, religion, and or whatever for me.

            My daughter’s fiancee is a National Socialist, yet, he and I get along famously. He is such a fine fellow, that he is the answer to his mother and my prayers for our daughter.

      • Of course they’ll try but they’ll have two major hurdles I doubt they’ll be able to overcome. They no longer have a monopoly on media information and the number of people who are on to them can only increase – rapidly. The cat’s out of the bag.

        Some evangies are even catching on. The rest are dying out.

  2. Opinion Savvy has a suspicious new poll, Trump 20%, Cruz 19%, Rubio 19%.
    I’ve seen stories claiming a blizzard may suppress the turnout in conservative south west Iowa.
    The establishment heavily favors Rubio, and VDARE ran a story recently about Vote Watch, a group that monitors the Iowa Republican establishment and their history of rigging the caucuses against candidates seen as “too conservative”, from Buchanan to Bachman to Santorum.
    Watch for a rigged caucus and a “surprise” upset win for Rubio.

  3. If Trump can win in Iowa it seems to me that he can win anywhere and will have the nomination. The question remains whether the Republican establishment will sabotage their own candidate.

    • Oh they’ll definitely try. But they’re the ones thinking in past tense now. They’ll be thinking of doing a Goldwater again while, this time, the people are demanding the dismantling of ‘great society’ crap.

  4. Sir…

    To me, if Trump wins the Iowa caucuses, it will be a triumph for autocratick centrist nationalism.

    If Cruz wins, it will be a triumph for conservatism, to be practiced with a proper constitutional nationalism.

    If Rubio wins, it will be a triumph for what you call, ‘neocohenservatism’ – business as usual…

    • Of course Junius the Jew //// wants Cruz. Cruz is as bad or worse than Marco the Sephard Pool Boi of the Hebe fags.
      Trump 2016! Heil mein Trumpenfuhrer!

      • Dear Miss Denise – don’t I know it’s my Jewish blood; and, apparently, it has gotten into all the other millions, maybe soon tens of millions, of fellow citizens who want someone truly conservative.

        Long Live Dixie & Ted Cruz in 2016 – a society free of tyrants and autocrats, who make it up as they go along…

        The best to you up in snowy Rochester.

        • Ted Cruz is owned and operated but the Uber Tyrants – your blood Tribe.. The Constitution is not a suicide pact, and the “conservatives” are Nation Wrecking devils.
          Why don’t you all bugger off to IsraHell?

          • Dear Miss Denise,

            Surely you know how much I respect your acumen, articulative powers, and firey plain-spoken ways.

            But, in this case, I must respectfully disagree. Ted Cruz is supported by many, of every ethnick persuasion, and many have his ear, but, he is owned by none other than his conscience.

            M’am, I have no interest in Israel. My philosophical outlook and entire life conviction is as a unapolgetick Christian Tarheel Confederate.

            As to being ‘Jewish’, I only call myself that at this site, and the former SNN, because I know most there would regard anyone with any Jewish ancestors, as ‘Jewish’. Thus, I put that right out in front, so no one will feel trickt.

            M’am,I believe that the two great documents, Holy Scripture, and the Constitution are, largely,what has made my country, North Carolina, great.

            The Constitution has been largely ignored for most of the 20th century – extremely so, for the past 25 years.

            That is NOT conservatism, by any definition.

            Call it what you will, M’am, but, I call what has happened treachery, progressivism, folly, misanthropy, sin, injustice, liberalism, rape – but, NOT conservatism, for that calls for Constitutionalism, and, therein, are all the mandates to own our own currency, to maintain our borders shut, to levy tariffs on imports, to protect the working man, etc, etc, et al.

            No, M’am – ’tis NOT conservatism which has failed, but, fake conservatism, heavily tainted with ‘enlightenment liberalism’ – socialism.

    • The problem with conservatism, at this point, is that – who’d want to conserve the trajectory we’ve been on for decades now?

      Better nationalism, of any stripe.

      • That’s just it, Mr. Bahn : the trajectory we’ve been on, for a quarter of a century + has not been a ‘conservative trajectory’. As a Southern evangelical conservative, and, apparently, like you, I very much would like to annihilate this ‘trajectory’.

        And, while I respect your view, not any nationalism is okay to me. I do not want socialism of any stripe.

        I like freedom, capitalism, free speech, state’s rights, and the constitutionalism it takes to bring about that.

        • The point is that survival – make no mistake, that’s what’s at stake now – is the thing that matters most. The things you list are fine in a civilized society that isn’t threatened with elimination. But we’re in a war for survival. That takes something much more radical than conservatism, which by its very definition, is anti-radical.

          • I agree with you that survival IS at stake.

            The only way qualitative way to survive is by The Constitution, which, if enforcet, will close the border, and protect American business interests.

            We don’t need new laws, we need a president and congress who will enforce the basic premises of what is there.

          • The Constitution ceased to have all but symbolic value in 1861. Lip service it gets but, well, don’t expect a president or a federal judge to respect it, as we’ve seen endlessly.

            Fact is, the United States has been a tragic mistake and a lesson in how not to govern. Republics and democracies eat their own. Toss it and return to Christian monarchy. Remember “king of kings”? Nothing in the bible about president of presidents.

          • ‘The Constitution ceased to have all but symbolic value in 1861.’

            True. We’re approaching the point where only an extra-Constitutional solution will work. In this regard, the Second American Revolution will mimic the First.

          • I respect your courageous thinking, Mr. Bahn, but, I do not see North Carolina as a failure, but, as an ongoing and imperfect success story. My journies to the 3rd World and to Europe, even, have made that abundantly clear to me.

            As to ‘monarchies’, we have that in North Carolina – our state oligarchy is, and always has been, a kind of free-market constitutional monarchy, so, there is not a need to change the semanticks.

            I do agree with you, however, that respect for The Constitution has taken some very hard blows, the greatest of which was the waging of war, by the Washington government on it’s own.

            That said, I have lived long enough to have witnesst both presidents and judges respecting the Constitution. In fact, it is done often in many quarters.

            As you may know, because I agree with your basick premise of Constitutional neglect, I am a Southern secessionist; but, as the overwhelming majority of my fellow Southerners are totally disinterested in that, at this time, I am obliged to participate in the system they choose – the modern Yankee Federalist one.

            And, in that case, I believe that a Ted Cruz presidency would be the nearest thing to marching down Pennsylvania Avenua and planting a Confederate flag over the White House.

            In fact, it just may be that Senator Cruz achieves what our beloved R.E. Lee, God rest his soul, could not – take Washington.

  5. Watershed day.

    Look for signs of Trump faltering though. He might get spooked by events.

    Hopefully he’s been planning this for decades.

  6. The fall out from this will be brutal.

    The Neocons will start killing if they sense their power slipping.

    It’s good to enjoy the day of Nationalism in Triumph for once.

  7. If Trump actually gets the nomination, I was wondering who he could run with as Vice President. I couldn’t come up with anybody much except Jeff Sessions, and Sheriff Joe from Arizona. The Washington Republican party is so incredibly toxic. It’s clear that the empty suits he’s running against would not acceptable. They would have to a Christian and nobody colored of any kind, for the movement to get behind them.

  8. I’m watching coverage on one of the networks and there’s Frank Luntz picking a raised hand girl out of the group. Says she just switched from Trump to ……. Rubio. LMFAO!! Uh, no. Dat don’t happen.

  9. Comment at BB
    ‘On the way home listening to Eric Erickson…. He absolutely can not stand Trump. Erickson is simply a whining hypocrite. I had to go radio silent.’

  10. Awwww man! Twitter banned me! Now I can’t check up on The Donald as easily. I’ll just have to use one of the 9 other accounts I have.

    Do you think it was something I said? Am I that offensive? Go ahead, be honest.

  11. Mixed-sex marriage, classic specimen, St. Francis of Assisi School, West Des Moines, Iowa, 1 February 2016 …

  12. If Trump loses in Iowa it is not a big deal. He was not supposed to be a player considering the cucktians there. He is expected to win big in New Hampshire and So.Carolina. in the coming weeks.

    I heard Buchanan on the radio and he said Cruz has a very established ground game in Iowa and Pastors are asking their sheep to vote for the anointed one.

    It is what it is. Don’t sweat it.

    • Over New Hampshire, Sam, I think you will be right. South Carolina will be another matter.

      The Sandpipers have been trimmed by another alien, Nikki Haley, and they will have second thoughts about voting for another alien, a Yankee – not to mention the powerful evangelical vote, that will be in Cruz’s corner.

  13. Don’t know how accurate this is. Post at Free Republic.

    ‘A lot of Iowans are slow on the uptake.
    They aint very concerned about illegal immigration either.
    Only 13% said illegal immigration was a concern to them.
    91% white will do that.’

    • Yes, it’s always that way.

      95% Whites in Vermont go for PC Liberal Left nonsense – Nelson Mandela and Obama – uniting all the races in the world in the brotherhood of man.

      91% Whites in Iowa – God fearing, Judeo Christians who will save THE WORLD by spreading the gospel of JESUS and American exceptionalism, anybody can be a good American if they accept Jesus, own guns and honor the US Constitution…


      well the only good news is that Rand Paul got shut down, didn’t he?
      Please tell me the Libertarian loons aren’t invigorated.

  14. Weird, from ANN COULTER: CNN’s John King just explained that Donald J. Trump is winning the most heavily Evangelical areas of the state! GO CHRISTIANS!

  15. FR: But here’s the good news.

    Iowa isn’t a ‘winner take all’ state.

    With 60% in, both Cruz and Trump have 5 delegates.

    So it doesn’t matter if either one of them win by a few points. It’s the delegate count that matters.

    They’re tied.

    And Yeb! gets none!

  16. It’s a close race. However I think the people have already sent a message. The base are fed up with establishment candidates like Bush. Already a victory for the right wing and the results aren’t up yet. WPWW !

  17. Looks like Rubio is right on Trump’s heels. The do gooder Evangelicals tipped the scale for Cruz. Amazingly stupid people.

    • Beyond stupid. They keep picking losers, over and over again.

      Fortunately, they are only a blip on the radar screen.

    • All they care about in 87% White Iowa, is Jeebuz and ethanol subsidies. If CRuz or Joobio gets the nomination – I’m voting for Shrillary.

    • Agreed.

      It’s long since past time we got firm and fair with these Evangelical idiots who do next to nothing about mass Muslim migrant rapists in Christiandom, haven’t heard so much as a peep from them about Hollywood sadistic porn #*$&# in what 30 years.

      Jesus will personally beat the #*$*@ arses out of these cowardly Judeo X’tian Evangelical loons when he comes back the second time.

  18. “And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear you, when ye depart thence, shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them.”

  19. My thanks to Iowa Yankees – my fellow rural conservatives who, believing in the design of the Founding Fathers – Jesus Chryst, The Constitution, & capitalism, lookt at the candidates and knew there was only one man who embodied that.

    My sincere sympathies to all y’all Trumpsters.

    Don’t grieve too much. Trump will smash Cruz in New Hampshire – and from there, the battle will go on.

    Big question mark ; Rubio.

    The establishment has found their guy. Neocohenservatism may have been given a premature burial, along with Jebediah Bush’s campaign.

  20. According to my math, 60% of GOP voted for non-White candidates. So much for White/ethnonationalism taking root within the GOP.

  21. It may not be very sporting but I’m calling foul on this ‘caucus’. Not based on a Cruz win but based on this out of nowhere Rubio ‘surge’. I don’t believe it happened.

    • I don’t think so, Mr. Bahn – Rubio campaigned like the devil and has the establishment behind him. I’m actually a little surprised he did not get 2nd place.

    • i agree. over 50% for a couple of swarthy anchor babies?

      this is total bullshit. are Iowans that sheltered?

      have they not watched Sicario?

      • They don’t have a lot of exposure to niggers and Mexicans, add to that the whole Evangelical thing and the result is a truly delusional mindset. One would think a White state would feel more comfortable with a candidate who resembles them, or is at least from the same nation.

  22. I heard Trump on the Hannity show this evening before the results came in.

    He said win, lose, or draw he thanks the people in Iowa who supported him. Seemed quiet, subdued, tired. Probably knew it was a tough hurdle. Doesn’t matter. Not a winner take all and he’s on the way to New Hampshire where he should do very well.

  23. a party largely made up from white voters vote over 50% for a couple of Spanish/mestizo?


    the GOP really is insane.

  24. After thinking about it : it looks like Rubio will be the odds on favourite.


    Because he is a brilliant orator, has the establishment behind him, and Trump & Cruz will divide the anti-establishment vote.

      • Miss Denise : A President Rubio would be, to me, like President Jeb Bush – a nightmare unfolding.

        Still, I told you like I see it, not like I want it.

        Have a good night.

    • And the big money donors are feeding him money like it’s going out of style.

      Hardly an orator. Slippery, smooth, yes.

      • Sam,

        You may not find him an inspiring orator, but, if I may, I think many do. But, yes – you are right ; he is very slick, and slick wins. Just look at Obama and Clinton (William J.)

  25. Ever watch that Twilight Zone episode where that kid terrorizes everyone he does not like and sends them into the cornfields?

    i’d like to do that to the whole dang cucked up state.

  26. the Neo-cons are almost impossible to beat.

    This swarthy little greaser will bomb iran and he will start a war with Russia.

  27. Trump is up now.

    He’s giving a nice concession speech.

    however, i think that Iowans are very sheltered people. they’ve practically guaranteed a hispanic invasion just like the Syrian invasion in Europe.

    Can these fools not see that America will turn into Brazil under this pressure of demographic attack?

    • It’s that bad Judeo X’tian influence – JEEEESUS wants to love all the poor, brown people.

      The Romans should have thrown all these idiots to the lions when they had the chance.

      Just kidding.

  28. Trump should not have dissed the last Republican debate. He should have made his point at the debate with a bit of calm humility. His big mouth and his egotism got him finally.

    • these voters have no clue what is haplening to metro areas and the coastal areas.


    • Nah, don’t agree. Those idiots were listening to Mark Levin and Glenn CUCK Beck, no matter what Trump did they were going with the Pastor’s “annointed” son, Ted.

  29. The dichotomy displayed here between those that could possibly support Cruz and those that would never support him reflects the split on the alternate right between those that believe that the US can still be saved and those who don’t. In previous elections I would have been excited about the possibility of a Cruz nomination. Now I know better and Trump is the only candidate I can vote for since his election will have a wrecking ball effect on the nation.

      • looks like the Northwest Front is the only viable thing long term.

        How cocooned are Iowans?

        • I think I’ve encountered them a little bit, here and there, Denise. It’s strange: As much as I’d like to throttle them, after what happened tonight, in Iowa, I just can’t really hate them. I feel as if they’re my people, slowly being washed away, from time and space. The odd thing is that some of them might think of me as some kind of papist danger, an alien of some kind, but I myself love them. I think I want more for them than they want for themselves.

          • I want to be rid of them. They have the same subset of data as we do – and they are they type wot’s destroying us. I’m weary of them.

          • I understand, Denise; I do. An hour or two ago, I was thinking how amazed I was that Trump didn’t get 98% of the white vote, in iowa. He says he’ll build a wall, to stop illegal migration across our border with Mexico, and he says he won’t let another Moslem into the country. What else does one have to know?

  30. That whole freakin’ region from Iowa through Minnesota and Wisconsin is filled with dumb ass cucks. It really is amazing. They’d rather die than be called racists. Coexist stickers everywhere.

    I hear it from family. Trump is too mean to Megyn Kelly, Rosie O’Fat ass, we’re a nation of immigrants. They just want to come to have a better life. Not all muslims are terrorists. I know a nice one. Bla, bla, bla.

    And mudsharks everywhere.

    Crime in Milwaukee has increased 83% from last year. Carjackings and car thefts soaring. Police are commanded not to chase. Yet we have sympathy for the bastards.

    Ben is such a good man, wish he would be president. That would bring us all together.

    One of my in laws sends money to Hait regularly and she has a negro kid pen pal in Africa. I really hate em.

    Not kidding!

      • Sweden and Germany learned nothing. Pro Immigration Parties have approx 80-90% votes. In France after terror attack, FN lost even in Calais where is world famous Jungle and daily attack,s to lorry drivers.

    • I get frustrated with the negro charity obsession some people close to me have. (As it is we pay form most of the community around here – before charity) In fact, we are having a continuing brush fire, at my wife’s Freewill Baptist church, over whether to integrate.

      It seems like the whole Southern Baptist convention has gotten it into their heads that Lucifer is being served by letting blacks worship with blacks and whites with whites.

      Sam, I have to pray away my vexation over it, daily, because some people I really love and respect, are in favour of turning every corner of the woods into MLK boulevard.

  31. The Iowa evangelicals voted as a bloc for Cruz. Trump could not have been born again since he said he’s never asked God to forgive him. To be a Christian you need to recognize that you are a sinner and invite Jesus Christ into your life. Cruz has done that, not Trump.

    • Cruz is Goldman Sachs’ property. And the more I think bout this Original Sin poison, the more I REJECT it.

      • I believe in inherited, hereditary evil traits but not in original sin. The purpose of salvation is to overcome hereditary evil and personal sin.

      • Every politician who accepts contributions is a whore. Trump (and perhaps Sanders) are the only exceptions.

          • Sanders is sincere in his folly – I’ll give him that, He has the genuineness of a Hebrew prophet of yore.

            The rest (e,g. Rubio) are lying con men who could sell their mothers and their wives for half a shekel. Hillary is literally (not metaphorically) the greatest whore of them all.

  32. I predict Rubio will be the Republican candidate. Trump will bow out since running as an independent will help Sanders.

    • As others have mentioned – if he is the candidate I am voting for Clinton. At least she would continue to polarize the nation as Obama has done for the past seven years.

      Rubio does have a good shot at it though, he will receive a windfall of Jewish funds following his performance this evening.

    • I agree that Rubio is becoming the odds on favourite. Trump and Cruz will split the anti-establishment vote, while Rubio will pick up the majority of the votes of those who will soon leave the race.

  33. ‘Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said he was “honored” with his second place finish in the Iowa caucuses and vowed that he will win the nomination and beat “whoever the hell” the Democrats nominate in a speech in Iowa on Monday night.

    Trump said, “[O]n June 16th, when we started this journey, there were 17 candidates. I was told by everybody, ‘Do not go to Iowa. You could never finish even in the top ten.’ And I said, ‘But I have friends in Iowa. I know a lot of people in Iowa. I think they’ll really like me. Let’s give it a shot.’ They said, ‘Don’t do it.’ I said, ‘I have to do it.’ And, we finished second, and I want to tell you something, I’m just honored, I’m really honored.”

    Trump then congratulated all the other candidates, mentioning Iowa’s winner Texas Senator Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)97%

    and former Arkansas Mike Huckabee, who suspended his campaign, by name.

    After thanking his staff and family, Trump stated, “We have a poll, we’re 28 points ahead, okay? New Hampshire. We love New Hampshire. We love South Carolina. And we’re leaving tonight, and tomorrow afternoon, we’ll be in New Hampshire, and that’ll be something special. It’s going to be a great week, and we’re going to be up here next week. And I think we’re going to be proclaiming victory, I hope.” He added, “I don’t know who’s going to win between Bernie and Hillary. I don’t know what’s going to happen with Hillary, she’s got other problems, maybe bigger than the problems she’s got, in terms of nominations, but we’ve had so many different indications, and polls that we beat her, and we beat her easily. And we will go on to get the Republican nomination, and we will go on to easily beat Hillary, or Bernie, or whoever the hell they throw up there.”

    Trump concluded, “Iowa, we love you. We thank you. You’re special. We will be back many, many times. In fact, I think I might come here and buy a farm, I love it.”


    • He is the most beautiful man, I absolutely adore him. And yes, we won’t give up hope, he can still kick major ass in the coming weeks. But damn IOWA, how you could vote for that Cuban sleaze and greasy Rubio when you had the chance to vote for Trump, I will NEVER understand.

  34. Trump did very well, considering how little he put into Iowa, compared to Cruz. Further, Trump is not an Iowa kind of guy.

  35. White Americans being stupid – nothing new there.

    If folks are looking for some good news – Mike the Huckster Huckabee – ex Baptist minister , Christian Zionist, Neo Conservative prostitute, in the pocket of Tyson Foods that just LOOOOOOOVES cheap Hispanic illegal alien labor. The Huckster dropped out. That’s good news


    Any word on Rand Paul?

  36. All things considered I guess Trump did pretty well considering it is Iowa for goodness sake.

    I think it’s a three way split in delegates, not bad at all.

    Next week he blows the doors off Rafael.

    Pool boy will be tougher to beat. He’s got a line of shysterbergers throwing more cash at him than a pole dancer in a sleazy downtown club.

    The National Review cucks gotta be flipping cartwheels tonight.

    Erickson and Beck. Geez, I don’t even want to guess.

      • We’re facing rough brutal times.

        Hey DenisetheCelt – how’s your dating scene going? Can we assist?

        Got many/any husband prospects – as we really could use some of them.

        Just give us the word, we’ve got old fashioned mountain folks with shot guns ready willing and able – let’s close the deal.

        Yep, all this political talking ain’t doing us much/any good.

        As Elvis P once said:

        A Little Less Conversation a Little More Action Please:

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