SJWs vs. The Black Vote

As we move into South Carolina, we will soon get the answer to one of the most interesting questions of the 2016 presidential campaign: will the blacks #FeelTheBern or will the black vote sink the SJWs and the “political revolution”:

“CONCORD, N.H. — Hillary Clinton’s got until South Carolina to prove this is all a fluke. Bernie Sanders has until the end of March to prove it’s not.

If Sanders is truly going to become a Barack Obama-style Clinton-slayer of 2016, he knows he’s going to need to start racking up Obama-level support among non-white voters, and quickly, because the Democratic primary is about to come down to race.

The Sanders campaign understands this, which is why the first campaign stop after his blowout victory in New Hampshire is a breakfast meeting Wednesday with the Rev. Al Sharpton in Harlem’s iconic Sylvia’s restaurant.

Sanders, who represents the overwhelmingly white state of Vermont in the Senate, has yet to prove he has the ability to win minority voters — a critical component of the Democratic Party coalition. He’s said he’s confident non-white voters would come to him once they heard his message — and aides consistently repeat that claim – but his close defeat in Iowa and landslide win New Hampshire, two states that are just as white as Vermont, haven’t answered any of the questions.

The next two early states to vote, Nevada and South Carolina, have much larger Latino and African American populations, which means he no longer has the luxury of appealing to his base of white liberals. …”


I agree with Rush Limbaugh:

“I mean, it’s almost the exact demographic. We go through all this. I mean, Hillary was humiliated yesterday. What is it, a 22-point loss? She lost virtually every group. Trump, on his side, won every demographic. It’s uncanny. Every demographic group Trump wins, and wins big, and Hillary lost practically every demographic group. Bernie Sanders today went to Sylvia’s in Harlem to have breakfast with Al Sharpton. Bernie knows that he’s out of this race once we get to South Carolina.

The Clinton machine is gonna kick in. The New Hampshire population doesn’t in any way mirror what the Democrats and Republicans are gonna find in South Carolina, and Bernie knows this. That’s why his first stop was Al Sharpton. Bernie’s only hope is to promise reparations. It’s the only way he has a chance of wresting the black vote away from Hillary Clinton. That’s what makes this kind of comical. I mean, to look at the leftist establishment media, they’re in panic. …”

This might explain why Ta-Nehisi Coates has thrown his support behind Sanders. Even if reparations for slavery were to become an issue though, it would never get past Congress.

About Hunter Wallace 12412 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


    • The entire war on poverty is reparations, as is affirmative action: people who never had slaves are paying people who never were slaves reparations for slavery already.

      How many trillions has this cost whites to date?

  1. The polls do not favor Bernie in South Carolina, one solid defeat, and he is finished. The typical democrat is amazingly conformist, and will not buck the party apparatus. New Hampshire is an outlier.

    Trump ended up besting his poll numbers in New Hampshire, I look to him to get close to 40% in SC as the race consolidates. He needs to consistently act presidential and reassure. The jews may never let go of their hatred, but average folks have a short memory and a forgiving nature. November is 9 months away, which is an eternity to the American psyche.

  2. They almost admit to their alieness in our midst every now and again and you see it on their faces.

    “Im not supposed to be around whites really, I belong with my Impi/Schul. But I just can’t help myself…”

  3. The Bern has a lot of states where he will do well, now I hope for our sakes blacks break well enough to hand Broomhilda the win in the Super Tuesday shebang. But then the rest of the SWPL/SJW areas trounce their choice in subsequent primaries. Because then it comes down to super delegates which is a kind way of saying a closed cigar smoke filled room choosing one or another and someone is going to be mad.
    Contra the Oxycontin Kid Rush Limbaugh the left is not the singular force of nature (them libruls) that is only battled by listening to him then voting for whom he recommends, the left is a clown show held together with the promise of loot.

  4. I love this cartoon, Sir.

    Isn’t it time we stop using the term, ‘SJW’ … as that seems a bit too innocuous. Why don’t you dip into that ‘hateful’ noodle of yours, and come up with another deliciously evocative slander?

    The South thanks you, in advance…

  5. Sir, just as I am grateful to Mr. Trump for blowing up the facade of the Republican establishment, I am grateful for Mr. Sanders doing that to the ‘Democratick’ Party.

  6. We already saw what a pushover Bernie is when the BLM crew took over his stage.

    You see it again in the picture above, where Sharpton appears to be the Master and Bernie is the little orphan begging for just one more. Like that’s what America really wants for our next President, a needy child beholden to every special interest group out there.

    Bernie isn’t in this to win, he’s in this to try to make Hillary look electable.

  7. Bernie courts Latinos.

    SURPRISE! Bernie Sanders’ Latino Spokeswoman IS AN ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT

    ‘Erika Andiola was in the news this week because she said Bernie will stop the deportation of illegals.

    Sanders Will Stop Deportations, Says His ‘Proud Undocumented’ Press Secretary

    ERIKA ANDIOLA, HISPANIC PRESS SECRETARY, BERNIE 2016: Arriving to the presidency, he’s not only going to focus on immigration reform in Congress. He’s going to focus on stopping deportations, stopping the raids.’

    • Sam

      “Bernie courts Latinos.

      SURPRISE! Bernie Sanders’ Latino Spokeswoman IS AN ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT”

      Sorry if what I post seems counterintuitive, but this looks like a promising development to me.

      BLM is pretty much in the tank for Hillary who has probably promised them reparations and special protected status (comparable to the Chosen). Sanders probably realizes this but hires a BLMember for a campaign job and meets with Sharpton to keep blactivists from actively campaigning against him and the implied “All Lives Matter” coming from his One Size Fits All brand of socialism.

      In the meantime, he openly courts the Hispanics. Mind you this Non-White or should I say Non-Black group comprise the blactivists’ biggest rival for Gibsmedat. This Non-Black group has no problem engaging in an open and hostile competition with Blacks, because, as an “historically oppressed” victim group, they have no fear or being accused of racism.

      I saw an interview on Fox with a young White male Sanders supporter and he said he “feels the Bern” because Sanders programs seem designed to benefit EVERYBODY. He was choosing his words carefully, but it has not escaped the attention of the young Millennials that any socialism imposed on the country has been that is paid by one group (young-middle aged working Whites) not for their benefit but to benefit another group (Dream Act, etc).

      I suspect that Sanders is trying to get around Sharpton and the other blactivists by building a Non-Black leftist coalition comprised of Whites, Asians and HIspanics. Because, let’s face it, there’s no love lost between Blacks and any of these other Non-Black groups.

      If he’s doing what I suspect he is, then there is a reason why Hillary and the old feminist warhorses are so desperately trying to play the Woman Card to win young female support. Even now, that is failing dismally. I think even young White women are sick and tired of the BLM and their antics.

  8. I am becoming a firm beleiver in reparations; blacks owe uncountable billions for decades of violent crime, BLM, BRA, and for generally degrading our culture.

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