Bernie Sanders: White People Don’t Know What It Is Like To Be Poor

I didn’t catch the Democratic Debate last night, but I heard about the Bernie Sanders gaffe that will go down alongside his blinkered comments on “All Lives Matter” on the epitaph of his campaign:

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Don Wassall: A majority of the poor people in the U.S. are White. At least that was long the case; it may not be now given the rapid decline in the White population engineered by Democrats and Republicans.

    No one cares about poor Whites. White liberals despise “flyover country,” especially poor and “backward” Whites. Remember: Under cultural communism Whites can only have negative characteristics and deserve everything that’s coming to them, they can never be shown any sympathy or empathy.

    • Cucks have the same contemptuous attitude toward poor Whites, aka working class, “under educated” Whites. Cucks despise and fear Trump because of his appeal to them.

  2. Yeah, Bernie Sanders doesn’t t cause that much murder and mayhem in an all White place like Burlington Vermont.

    If he s calling off the police in places like Chicago , Baltimore and Ferguson Mo and championing the causes of the likes Of BlackLiesmatter the Bloods, the gangsters Disciples – yeah, he the worst of the 1960s Jew Communists.

  3. Sailer had a post today that shows that there’s a r=-0.87 (essentially perfect) correlation between a state’s % black population and the % vote for Sanders in its Democrat primary or caucus. Needless to say, Bernie’s supporters (I’d say “white supporters,” but that would be redundant), aren’t taking what Bernie said last night kindly.

    • I wish that were true. I’m afraid most of Bernie’s supporters have been so thoroughly brainwashed with anti-White nonsense since birth that they fully buy in to the concept of “institutional racism” as the blanket explanation for failures of non-Whites. The anti-White, liberal leftist that makes up the bulk of Bernie’s support is not our friend.

      • Yes because they know Bernie’s talking about some other white people, not them.

        What I’m going to watch is what happens to the Bernie people when they figure out that the Democratic presidential contest is impenetrable because blacks vote as a block and its hopeless to try to talk to them or make a case to them.

  4. First they said “Black lives matter”. OK, I agree with that slogan – although I suspect George Soros secretly doesn’t.
    Then they said it was unacceptable to say “All lives matter”.
    Now Bernie Sanders is breaking new ground in political correctness – we must explicitly announce that “White lives don’t matter”.
    You see, White people can’t be poor. Food just magically materializes in our bellies. This explains the manner in which Kaganovich distributed rations in 1930s Ukraine.
    Bernie also thinks the Republican debates prove we need “better mental health system”.
    Jewish Bolshevik demands political dissidents be institutionalized and psychoanalyzed? What else is new.
    When the pressure is on, Bernie Sanders lives down to every negative stereotype about left-wing Jews.
    Aren’t you ashamed for praising him in so many OD posts?

    • We/I didn’t t exactly praise Sanders – more like recognizant him as an effective lock pol in an all White mostly working class White area like Burlington Vermont. Lot s of forms of socialism work OK in all White societies like the Amish, Sweden in the 1970s.

      When the population is Black Haiti, Black Zimbabwe, Black West side of Chicago or some Blacklivesmatter intimidated unive sixty then yeah, Be nice Sanders reverts to all things degenerate Jew Communist.

  5. Clinton went on a long rant about how whites don’t know the trials and tribulations of blacks at the hands of whites. She and Bernie both chose to live in places that are less than 2% black, in other words, so few blacks that they aren’t a “black community.” Put Bernie or Hillary in a car after dark in Irvington, NJ please. With no GPS to figure out where they are going. If they make it out unscathed, it will age them 10 years.

    • When Hillary lived in Little Rock, she didn’t have to live near them either. You get out in the country or in small towns, and it’s mostly harmless old folks. Uncle Remus and Aunt Esther church lady types. That’s who she dealt/deals with. They’re also the ones most likely to vote. The young ones usually head for Dallas, Houston, Nola, Atlanta, etc., where their TNB is more rewarding, or to prison. In either case, she’s not dealing with them and they’re not voting anyway.

  6. Everyone here will whine about him dissing poor whites but the real travesty is that he is pushing the racist blood-libel that black people are economically oppressed in this country, The reality is that they live as sponges off of white people and if they were left on their own, even with the gift of a modern infrastructure, even with financial aid, their society would collapse to the standard of Haiti or the Congo within a few years. Imagine what Detroit would be like without white tax dollars and infrastructure. It would be worse than Mogadishu at its worst. This myth of black economic oppression directly leads to mass murder and assaults of innocent whites in the streets, and underpins the whole anti-white agenda. and going forth and contradicting it is one of the most important things you can do on the net.

    • On the show “Rehab Addict” it is mostly about rehabbing in Detroit and all the people except for the floor sander are white. Even the mansion rehabbers are SWPLs, it is white, white and more white. If Detroit were really comprised of the cast of that show in exponential numbers Detroit would be white utopia.

      • I always worry about Robin and her crew on that show, for their safety and the safety of the nice white people who will buy her beautifully restored homes.

  7. I can’t imagine a greater condemnation of the American political system than the fact that a candidate for the presidency can even be asked “do black lives matter or do all lives matter?”.

    I also have difficulty seeing how, especially if the Republican Party self destructs over Trump, the fragile Democratic coalition can hold together much longer when they continue to put blacks on a pedestal. Who the hell wants to be in the black party? We live in interesting times.

    • BLM is just another anti-White scam. In truth, the only time black lives matter is when a White person is accused of taking one.

  8. Go to a high traffic left wing site that tries to include all the disparate groups under the Democratic party crime organization, a good chunk of their energies are spent healing the rifts between groups.
    Of course since conservatism is nothing but a scam conservatives never and I mean never look for weaknesses on the other side.
    True story, one day some big deal over some useless issue popped up and I wanted to see what the official left’s reaction would be so I clicked on Daily Kos. I forgot the issue when I seen the top discussion was “Corrective rape in South Africa.” It started out fine with the Kos Womyn reciting their dogmas till one black man posted and called them, yes you guessed right “RACIST” and literally from there hundreds of posts by upset and mentally deranged and emotionally fragile “womyn” literally crying, hundreds mind you.
    A lot of weakness over there on the Left, and when the conservative scam is put to the shallow grave we will go find that weakness and exploit that weakness and it will be glorious.

    • Jesus GOD. “Corrective rape”? I won’t post what NEED to be DONE, on this subject, due to guideline restrictions.

  9. The funny thing is Bernie can pander all he wants to blacks but Hillary has already bought their vote. All he is doing is pissing off potential White voters who, after 50 plus years of “civil rights”, are sick and tired of being preached to about “Institutional Racism”.

  10. Bernie is acting like such a republican, from despising his own voter base, to the MLK worship, to having it all fall flat on its face with non-white voters.

  11. Wow, what a great complement for the White race! It shows that western civilization ( read white mans world ) is superior to all others.

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