Bill Clinton Drops Truth Bomb on Black Lives Matter

The 1994 crime bill was Bill Clinton’s finest hour and he is clearly bitter about being attacked for signing a successful bill that saved so many black lives:

“Video footage of Hillary Clinton defending the reforms in 1994 has been widely circulated during the campaign by activists in the Black Lives Matter protest movement. In the footage, she calls young people in gangs “super-predators” who need to “be brought to heel.” Hillary Clinton, 68, who also has faced protesters upset by her remarks, said in February she regretted her language.

Bill Clinton, 69, who was president from 1993 to 2001, defended her 1994 remarks, which protesters say were racially insensitive, and suggested the protesters’ anger was misplaced.

“I don’t know how you would characterize the gang leaders who got 13-year-old kids hopped on crack and sent them out on the street to murder other African-American children,” he said, shaking his finger at a heckler as Clinton supporters cheered, according to video of the event. “Maybe you thought they were good citizens. She (Hillary Clinton) didn’t.”

“You are defending the people who kill the lives you say matter,” he told a protester. “Tell the truth.” …”

It is politically incorrect to admit it now, but “mass incarceration” has saved thousands of black lives and made our cities habitable again for all the hipsters who live there now. At the time, the NAACP and the Congressional Black Caucus supported the 1994 crime bill because black neighborhoods were a war zone, even more so than today.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I saw that, and almost passt out, Sir. I said to myself : ‘Is that really President Clinton, or an unlikely imitator?

  2. He’s been trashing Obama, too, for leaving behind an awful legacy and for the dismal state of the world. Is this “scorched earth” before Hilligula is prosecuted?

  3. Conservatives wanted at one time to rule the negro, now they desire to be ruled by the negro, bad ideas all around.
    The alt-right once it gets done playing silly stupid “I’m a more serious conservative intellectual than those cuckservatives” games, then it will be about liberation from the negro and his handlers.
    All those petty names such as racist, fascist, Nazi lose their effectiveness once a consistent message of liberation is spun (I know, Greg Johnson and his crew of killjoy intellectuals are stuck on the stupid of finding the perfect facism to rule them all)
    Gert Wilders is calling for liberation from PC and Islam, when will our genius intellectuals catch up?

  4. Negroids are implacable and insatiable. There ain’t anything that can be said or done to appease them. Ever. End of discussion., period,….

    • Yep, and the bigger problem is whites, in positions of power certainly, are the ones who appease blacks and constantly treat them with kid gloves.

      • The Whites in power have been Shabbos Goys for 200 years plus since Jew Adam Weishaupt and his ILLUMINATI took over Western Europe and the USA. It took decades for the master plan of the ILLUMINATI to unfold, but now it is here

  5. Must be competing for race realist New York Whites. That’s Trump’s base dude.

  6. I am no Clinton fan but Bill did some things right and this was one of them. He also saved Colombia from Communist terrorists and took real heat from the Left for doing so. I would buy him a beer (not Hillary, though).

    • The $40 Billion dollar crime bill was a waste of good money. Let’s not forget that was in 1994 dollars too.

      • Sorry Krafty. You don’t know a thing about Colombia. Without Plan Colombia the Communists would have turned it into another Venezuela by now.

  7. The only time black lives matter is when a White person is accused of taking one.
    BLM isn’t pro-black.
    BLM is anti-White.

  8. Not to be totally off topic, but Lame Cherry has an incredibly intriguing post about Ted Cruz’s father being part of the Cuban wing of the JFK assassination, literally working with Oswald in the early days in Texas before moving to Canada to let things “cool down”.

    And you wondered why Cruz has the unwavering support of the Bushes (was probably meant to be the Hispanic VP of jeb).

  9. The Clintons were better in previous runs than they are now. Hillary is totally pandering to the leftists and illegals, when, previously, she was even reasonable and made comments similar to what she’s reported to making in 94. Now I couldn’t vote for her no matter how much I liked her on taxes.

  10. Black Lives Matter has plenty of candidates running third party. Just look at all the Communist, Marxist, and Socialist candidates running over the years. That includes this Presidential election. All have 1 thing in common. Not White. WPWW !

  11. Pretty sobering to realize that Blacks to not recognize any norm of civilized behavior…even the prohibition against murdering children. Clinton had to apologize for these remarks. Had to apologize for condemning murder.

  12. I am old enough to remember when the Crime Bill was debated, teary eyed Negro Women holding up photographs of their children shot by gangbangers begging the Feds to intervene and stop carjacking and the like. Bill Clinton pledge in 1992 he would pass a tough on crime intiative and he did in 1994 the year i graduated HS and Negroes at the time cheered him. A couple of them, Jesse was one, criticised the bill but most supported it.

    Fast forward 22 long years later. The little Negro bastards who weren’t alive in 1994 or were in the cradles when the crime bill was passed,grew up to believe that the only reason their lives were a mess was the Crime Bill, not because Negroes have an inborn lack of Self Control, which in turn retards their IQ growth and sends them to Prison. Seeking to blame anyone but themselves they lash out at a 22 yr old Crime Bill and the Jews who were the ones stoking this fire on the campuses for 22 long years now all come out and yell YOU SEE THE WHITES DID IT. Negroes of course fall for it because they all love Daddy Jew

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