The topic has exploded over at The Right Stuff:
“The notion that homosexuality is harmful to the integrity of the family, and therefore the future of the nation, is not really a controversial position within the alt-right. As such, writing an elaborate article on the evils of degeneracy for society would be a redundant exercise in preaching to the choir.
But listening to last week’s episode of the Daily Shoah reminded of something I had reflected about many years ago, but never got the chance to write about. The goys from the Death Panel had a brief conversation about the harm that pro-homosexual culture has done to friendship, and male bonds in general. I think this is something critical that needs to be further explored, since the future of the alt-right may depend on it. …”
The discussion thread has accumulated over 500 comments.
I’m not going to wade into this debate again. I will say this though: to my knowledge, there aren’t any homosexuals involved in Southern Nationalism, so we aren’t constantly rehashing this issue. It is the same way with the perennial debates over women that I have seen for years on the internet. It is a settled issue. Women are welcomed into our ranks and encouraged to find husbands, marry, and have children.
The Alt-Right is a loose coalition that is defined mostly by what it is against, “mainstream” conservatism, not what it is for. Is the Alt-Right for or against homosexuality? If homosexuals are welcome in the Alt-Right, should they be in leadership roles? Should they speak at Alt-Right conferences? What about homophobes? Are homophobes and traditional Christians welcome in the Alt-Right? Should they be in leadership roles? Should they be allowed to attend and speak at Alt-Right conferences?
The heat around these questions reveal it is a far from a settled issue.
While I don’t really have any personal animus toward Donovan, unlike Milo the Dindu Dindler, the dissident right is built around respect and admiration for the natural, moral order. I’m not saying we should be dropping off dead gays in peat bogs, but we should take care to keep them out of the limelight and silent. They certainly should not have the influence which a few currently possess.
I don’t have any animus toward them either.
Milo says a lot of things that I agree with, but he is a vain, flamboyant homosexual. I can’t follow someone who is always crowing about how much black cock he has sucked. He exceeds my tolerance level.
It’s a good thing for most people that Milo is NOT a Racialist. I’ve never understood why some Alt-Right/Racialists believe that any praise for the good qualities he exhibits has to be seen as an endorsement for the qualities many of us feel are wrong and even detrimental. If he speaks Truth and forcefully attacks 90% of what is attacking us, then I see no logical reason for anyone to get in his way or treat him as anything other than a man who just so happens to have chosen a different path in life.
Milo has made it clear that he’s not alt-right, even though he was first known for taking up an alt-right cause, that being GamerGate.
To fight gayism is to fight Mother Nature. Our movement has its roots in biology and thus race deference. Gays are in all countrys,,,, except Iran. There are many tree houses on our side of the river. Milo has his and you have yours. Don’t let Milo in your tree house. Not because of gayism, but do to his lack of couth. Do allow the gay gentleman, with teed suit, that doesn’t advertise, a place at your campfire. Simple, let it go and don’t worry about allies LOS or anyone else.
Hunter as I say I can tolerate them to a point, but the thing is either our movement is made up of MEN OF GOD or it will be destroyed. You cannot expect GOD’S HAND upon you if you tolerate that which he has EXPLICITLY FORBIDDEN not only in GENESIS and LEVITICUS but in ROMANS AND 1 COR as well.
Still wound up in that (((God))) are you?
Any “man” who follows the Jew God is lower than an irrational dog… unworthy of die Herrenrasse.
You have another idea?
Your god is a fucking cunt.
Nice to see Schlomo Goldstein is here. Is Abe Foxman with you Schlomo?
If Race is real, the homosexuality is real. Lots of creative homosexuals with courage that you’d want on your team.
This is why I also stopped spending time reading radixjournal or counter currents.
They have become a parody. The silliest thing I saw was the article by Donovan telling people how to raise their boys to be men.
They criticized the republicans for trying to pitch a large tent and then turn around and do the same.
I think gays can come into the atl right movement but not as conservatives as such. They are part of the larger liberal death cult.
Donovan and Milo should both be shunned. Nationalist movements don’t need the endorsements of degenerate sodomites. They offer nothing of importance.
Also keep in mind: what begins in error ends in error. If we ever are successful in turning things around, we will have a weak foundation if sodomites were a part of the initial steps.
Your mother is a whore.
Edom is as always in all of this. The ALT+RIGHT doesn’t get it. Yes it is alright to be bombastic or to expose the Jewish Illuminati Neo Con Communist Liberal Control Grid, but if you are going to WIN THE WAR you have to have God on your side. He will not side with Perverts and Edom wants to keep them among us to keep us weak. Either we are MEN OF GOD or we are destroyed. Should be just as simple as that.
http://www.lemonparty.org There you go.
Do you know why these homosexuals have influence? Because they had the balls/courage to take responsibility for their own lives and pocketbooks so now they have the freedom to say and do as they please, vs the losers still sucking the tit of their 9-5 job and complying with the politically correct culture they say they abhor…. By the way, if you want to have influence, you don’t out breed other low consciousness cultures, you raise your consciousness, as higher energy dominates lower energy thus personal spiritual development is vital.
The answer is The Closet.
Mainstream conservatism is more libertarian than anything else now, and definitely becoming more gay friendly as they realize that they lost the culture war. So to be the opposite would be traditionalism and nationalism
Open queers should be shunned by the AltRight. The only people that Milo is bringing us are left libertarian gamergoys, which outside of triggering sjws are useless to us in actually promoting more authoritarian ideas
You guys are going to lose if you think shunning homosexuals and not allowing them to participate in your movement is going to strengthen it. Why don’t you cast out Protestants too, since they built and designed the U.S.A. Just stick with the fascist Italians and Spanish Catholics.. i’m sure you’ll perform divinely. lol
Hunter, you’ve been doing great work here lately focusing on things that actually matter. Southern nationalism has a future but like I said on TRS the alt-right will go nowhere as long as they remain obsessed with homos.
These questions are never resolved because the Alt-Right hasn’t fleshed out a positive vision.
That’s the contrast between traditionalism and the alt-right, and why I refuse to embrace the alt-right. We already had/have the answers to life’s questions, we just need a coalition powerful enough to implement it. We aren’t going to build that coalition on the strength of Hitler memes.
The traditional life of Education -> Employment -> Family -> God.
Most of the fuel for the centuries long assault on these values came from the aristocrats and plutocrats screwing over normal folks to the point where they stopped fighting and dying for them. WW1 and the rise of Communism being the classic example, but we even see it on a smaller scale with the “worse is better” phenomena that yielded Trump 2016.
I remember talking to a professor during Bush v Gore quipping that the state had “withered away” as we had no President and things were just dandy. After 9/11 and the Iraq War and the Great Recession things were so bad that people elected a Black Muslim. That’s the scale and speed at which these routs can take place.
One minute you’re saying “fuck the Tsar” the next minute you’re off to the gulag for being a reactionary.
The alt-right hasn’t and in my estimation cannot articulate a way forward. It isn’t interested in renewing Civilization, just having a good time on the way down (that’s a nearly direct quote of Chateau Heartiste about what the pick up artists are all about). We have to reject nihilism, shoddy thinking, epithets, and the unstable and set out a marketable vision for the future in the medium term.
Are there going to be schools in the society we propose? Businesses? Courts? Travel? Taxes? Bills? Traffic jams? Of course, it’s going to be pretty much the society we have now minus the nonsense and the people who promote the nonsense. No ovens, no vigilante justice, no dropping people from firing squads, no aggressive foreign policy, no mass-murder. We will have a normal country that fits into the global diplomatic balance.
The alt-right failed big time when Trump wanted to ban kebab, instead of being Trump’s true friend and cautioning him, the alt-right egged him on. The alt-right isn’t ready for prime time and never will be.
‘The alt-right failed big time when Trump wanted to ban kebab, instead of being Trump’s true friend and cautioning him, the alt-right egged him on.’
Are you saying Trump was wrong on calling for the ban on Muslim immigration?
They have a positive vision, it just happens to be unrealistic fantasy LARPing.
Well you know what they say: he who LARPs last, LARPs loudest.
The ALT RIGHT isn’t a movement it is a group of malcontents and people with pet causes who unite around particular ideas. We must first understand the difference between a movement and a collection of malcontents or contrarians.
The Republican Party in 1860 was a collection of Abolitionists who were better funded than all of them malcontents and Businessmen. They picked Lincoln as a front man because during his life, he had no objections taking money from crooked railroad executives or his slaveholding friends in Kentucky or his slaveholding father-in law. He could also speak to both sides, he could give an Abolition speech to the Abolitonists, a malcontent speech to the malcontents and a Pro-Business Speech to Wall Street.
Wall Street in my opinion got rid of him, because of the power he had accumulated during the war and how they used a Southern Nationalist to do it, will always be beyond me. This is why I always say JWB is neither a hero nor a villian just a man with horrible timing. He was a hero in the sense the South was avenged but a flawed one because by the time it was, it had no way to do anything about it.
The Abolitionists controlled the Party completely after 1865, but by 1872, the malcontents had revolted, calling themselves Liberal Republicans with a bunch of pet issues. By 1877, the Businessmen and the malcontents basically threw the Abolitionists out of the party as Yankee society had finally wised up to them. This was sadly a temporary victory. The Abolitionists, using their control of academia and their secret alliance with Jewry, began to slowly usurp the power structure, although it took a good 80 years to do so.
What the example of 1860-77 proves to us is this. A better funded and organized minority which is the COMMUNIST JEWISH LEFT who can ally themselves with LIBERAL MALCONTENTS at least temporarily will always win UNLESS WE OFFER AN ORGANIZATION JUST AS STRONG TO OUR SIDE. Conservatism failed because it stands for nothing, it is merely contrarian and malcontented. Nazism in Germany and Fascism in Italy stood for something which was how they united the people. We must not fall into the trap of merely being contrarian or malcontents, we must STAND FOR SOMETHING, OFFER A CLEAR SOLUTION TO PROBLEMS AND COMMUNICATE A CLEAR UNCOMPROMISING MESSAGE. Game Set Match
Older folks like myself are disgusted by queers. The younger generation as a whole are fine with it for the most part. Many women (Coulter) genuinely seem to like them. SMH.
The Alt Right as influenced by figures like Richard Spencer and lesser but still popular minds like Ramzpaul can fairly be described as pro-homosexual in my view. I understand that this contributor Millennial Woes who I don’t follow but who many other people do is an open bi-sexual.
These figures and especially Richard Spencer because he is the most important one by far bear some responsibility for this issue never dying out. In turn, by keeping the issue alive instead of firmly advocating for ostracism for open homosexuals wherever they may appear, they contribute to giving our enemies an opening for divide and conquer and fomenting distraction from more important issues.
Tolerating open homosexuals requires affirmatively approving of homosexuality not merely tolerating it.If homosexuals would just keep it to themselves, who would care with so many other dire problems to worry about? When homosexuals take it public, they’re making it an issue and demanding approval in the sense that they are clearly expecting to be treated just like anyone else. When people who identify as alt right argue for tolerating open homosexuals, they are asking people to offer approval and giving it themselves.
I agree. Good post. Nicely written.
Not directly on-topic, maybe, but here:
“After reminding him to ‘take care of poor Lady Hamilton,’ Nelson said, ‘Kiss me, Hardy.’ Beatty recorded that Hardy knelt and kissed Nelson on the cheek. He then stood for a minute or two before kissing him on the forehead.”
That passage comes from the subsection headed “Wounding and death,” in Wikipedia’s article about Horatio Nelson. Footnoted to a 1994 book by English writer Christopher Hibbert, it’s part of the account of Nelson’s end, below deck, after he was shot at the Battle of Trafalgar. Beatty is William Beatty and Hardy is Thomas Hardy, surgeon and captain, respectively, of HMS Victory, which was Nelson’s flagship at the battle.
The passage was brought to my mind, Mr. W., by the Right Stuff article you linked, specifically, the following:
“[T]he culture of tolerance for homosexual behavior is not changing men’s instinctive disdain for it, or their fear of being thought of as effeminate. It’s only accentuating it.
“Thus now many behaviors that used to be perfectly acceptable and which didn’t arouse any ill suspicions, like two male friends embracing each other or saying they “love each other dearly” (as the goys on the Shoah mentioned). Even worse, any all-male gathering now becomes suspect. And thus, we arrive at the state where any deep bonding between males becomes very difficult as a result of these psychological blocks.”
As dramatized in the movie “That Hamilton Woman,” Nelson’s death scene begins at 1:52:29 of the YouTube video linked below. Alexander Korda, who produced and directed the movie, was a commie Jew who’d left Hungary after the overthrow of the brief commie governance there post-WWI. Unsurprisingly, accordingly, “That Hamilton Woman,” released in early 1941, argued the importance of British resistance to a Continental conqueror (Napoleon, as I hardly need say). Similarly, “Fire Over England,” the 1937 movie that Korda co-produced, has to do with England’s sixteenth-century resistance to the Spanish Armada. Those movies, I’ll mention, were the first two of three movies that co-starred Laurence Olivier and Vivien Leigh.
There are TWO KINDS OF HOMOSEXUALS, Butches and Femmes. When the Nazi Party began in Germany in 1919 it had many butch homosexuals in the party that viciously beat up femmes and burned homosexual establishments, yet they too were homosexual. Only after Heinrich Himmler became the de facto leader of much of the Nazi Party’s activities after Rohms murder did the party turned on their own homosexuals and even then, it did allow for exemptions under certain circumstances. Now this idea the Jews have pushed about the Nazis calling them Homosexuals is as ridiculous as calling the Son of God Almighty a Communist,
The truth about Nazi Germany was that Homosexuality was so viciously persecuted that as an open lifestyle to entice and corrupt the Youth it disappeared. Compare that to the 1930s USA where Gay Rights was already taking off in Hollywood and hundreds of Gay Men were in Movies and on Broadway playing stereotypical sissy roles. Cole Porter was married yet so openly Homosexual that everyone in the know knew it.
Although it would take some time for Gay Rights to reach Montgomery Alabama, even in the 1930s there were already Homosexual Bars in Baltimore and New Orleans so it had permeated the Southern Perimiter. An elderly lady now passed lived in Arkansas in the 60s where her son went to College for free, she told me that he complained in the 60s of taking buses in Little Rock because the Homosexuals would try to pick you up. Even by then it was becoming an issue. From 33-45 in Germany it was basically extinct.
Up until the 1970s homosexuality was considered a mental illness.
And that definition of mental illness was only changed, due to intense pressure by sodomite activists and leftist (read Jewish psychologists and psychiatrists -many of whom are sexual perverts themselves.)
End of story.
The Alt-Right is a loose coalition that is defined mostly by what it is against, “mainstream” conservatism
My proposed definition of Alt-Right:
One is Alt-Right if one’s rightist politics are chiefly motivated by some form of anti-egalitarianism, AND one is at least less than comfortable with identifying one’s self with the incumbent categories of rightist politics.
This is my observation of the way the alt-right presents itself, not my wishing for this to be the case. It’s me thinking with my brain, not hoping with my heart. It means that it’s an umbrella term that includes a lot of people and groups that don’t agree or even like each other.
If this is what the alt-right is, then it can include people who are chiefly motivated by opposing the gay agenda, and gays who are chiefly motivated by opposing other forms of the egalitarian agenda.
I cannot believe that the people on this forum are even remotely considering talking about legitimizing sodomites! Any attempt to give them legitimacy, a voice, or access to your young sons, is a genocidal state of mind. Sodomites should all be stoned in public and we need to remove any law that gives them any sort of legitimacy. The time has come to stop being wishy-washy about these things.
If you can be firm about white nationalist constructs, about secession, about denying blacks the states they want for their supposed ‘homeland,’ and finally routing people like Paul Ryan and Hillary Clinton, what in hell’s name are you thinking of about even looking at sodomites with any sort of approbation?
Milo is a mentally ill degenerate whom should be housed in a sanitarium for his own safety and for the general betterment of society.
I don’t pay any attention to what he writes. Sodomites have no place in sane political groups.
He really does appear to mentally ill. His morbid fascination with black men is very strange. He gets a rise out of triggering sjw’s, but I think he just loves the attention. Some gays enjoy attention positive or negative.
What have you contributed besides your cowardly opinion?
We have to remember that the ALT+RIGHT isn’t a movement it is a collection of men and women who all have their own pet causes and hate the NeoCon/ThirdWay/Commie Jewish Liberal power structure now threatening to wipe our race off the planet. JACOB/ISRAEL as represented by Christendom and ESAU/EDOM as represented by this verminous group of people who call themselves by the collective label of Jews have been at war for almost 4000 years. While I won’t get into the whole 10 Tribes thing, it is worth noting that the ANTI-NICENE Fathers referred to the Church as Israel and the Jews as Edom.
When Jacob usurped Esau twice those many years ago in Caanan Land, a war began that has raged at some level ever since. Esau was intermarried with the Hittites, Arabs and others and his grandson was named Amalek for Amalekites. These people were predators, who lived in the desert by murder and theft. The children of Jacob were farmers shepherds and vinedressers, in fact read the Old Testament it is plainly clear the Israelites were not wanderers like the Bedouin, they were landowners and profitable people, like Whites have been for years.
Edom made constant war against Israel and Judah and after both went into captivity Edom seized southern Judah and founded New Edom there, after Old Edom in Southern Jordan was seized during a nasty war with the Nabatean Arabs. When the Judahites or Jews returned from Babylon, they settled in the land vacated by the 10 Tribes such as Galilee and they settled around Jerusalem and Bethlehem but everything to the south was EDOM. Around the year 126 BC the Maccabees conquered all of Judah and forced the Edomites either to flee to the Arabs or convert to Judaism, most converted. The Romans upon their arrival discovered that the Jews were too loyal to the Levite Maccabees and put the Edomites over them, aka the family of Herod the Great who in turn elevated Edomite Nobility over the Jewish People and intermarried with the High Priests family as to give the Edomite control over the Temple. The war wasn’t over yet, in AD 68 the Jewish Zealots in a civil war inside Roman beseiged Jerusalem cut a devils bargain with the Edomites to help them, instead they were double crossed and slaughtered by the Edomites. When Rome won that war in 70 its likely these Edomites after slaughtering many of the Jewish males in Jerusalem took their wives and daughters.
Fast forward to today and what do we see of this group calling themselves JEWS? We see every effort to silence the belief in Almighty YHWH from the earth, by consistent attack on Christianity
The Apostle Paul, who was a Benjamite, he would actually speak to Gentiles who had come to believe in YHWH but hadn’t accepted Christ with respect as he understood, that is impossible to begin to understand Jesus without first understanding there is a GOD. Think about it, if the Jews truly were God’s people, would they not be thankful that some Gentiles respect YHWH even if they did so ignorantly? Of course they would because you have to start somewhere. Yet here is this group, so called JEWS who want to eliminate the very idea and mention of YHWH from the entire earth.
The point is this, it would take someone who is a complete and total hater of GOD not to mention JESUS CHRIST to wish to eliminate all mention or discussion of him by ANYONE, especially by Whites. They are willing to tolerate at least presently the Muslims who worship God in Ignorance, but they’re preparing their move on them as well. The question is who would be so desperate as to not only wish to Eliminate Jesus Christ from Humanity but to eliminate the concept of GOD altogether?
The Apostle Paul tells us, he warned us not to be Godless like Esau in Hebrews. Who are the Godless ones? Adds up don’t it?
On homosexuality, I am against it and I find it repulsive. But I recognize that less-than-perfect people can still contribute to our cause. As for Milo, he is also Jewish and associated with Breitbart which is a semi-mainstream (i.e., Philo-semetic) publication. So, in his case I have greater reservations with him “representing” our movement. DS had a good article on this a while back after Milo came out with an article on Breitbart about the Alt-Right. While semi-mainstream publications like Breitbart, Infowars and Drudge can come out with some good stuff and help our movement because they have a wide readership, we should also be careful that they don’t co-opt our movement and turn it into something else.
White men are ONLY 8% of the world population.
If people of color wanted a final solution to the “white problem” it would be pretty simple.
Kill all the white men and breed the white out of their women…
Obviously the problem of white phaggots in the Alt-Right would be resolved as well…
Your movement is going to fail if its based upon the same stringent control of conditions as SJW’s … People are not black or white. Trying to control how pure or how european or how non degenerate you are is a losing battle that cannot sustain itself. Spiritually speaking all extreme movements fail because they lack integrity and are based upon universal falsehoods. Some of what the Alt Right believes in is valid and does hold some truth. However to be so extreme does not bode well for the Alt Rights longevity. You also cant take credit for your race’s history of success as a way to bolster your low self esteem. If you are white and proud of your culture then stop being a complete pussy and coward, reveal your identity and make a positive impacts on growing and evolving yourself and thus the world…