Cosmo Setepenra: Blacks Are “Superior To Whites” Because of Melanin

Cosmo Setepenra will go down in history as the “We wuz kangs” mass shooter:

“Baton Rouge cop killer Gavin Eugene Long wrote a self-help trilogy targeted at black people, titled “The Cosmo Way: A W(H)olistic Guide for the Total Transformation of Melanated People,” in which he claimed that black people are genetically superior to white people …

However recently, after 400 years of attempting to degrade the Black race, studies about Melanin are forcing Western Science to face the sobering reality that Black people are not just physically more adept, but now also are considered likely superior to whites in cognitive abilities and intellectual capacity.”

“If you are Pro-Melanin, know that you are distinguished from all other beings upon this planet. You have been endowed with the spiritual responsibility to be an upright example for all others and to lead in an upright fashion; for you have been given abundant spiritual powers,” Long goes on to write.

Long also claims in the same chapter that “Although the evidence is clear that highly Melanated individuals are naturally more gifted on a genetic level, presently the cards are still stacked against Blacks in terms of equal education, unprejudiced opportunities, our own economic base, cultural genocide, and spiritual genocide, and other methods which hinder Black advancement.”

He had a bunch of videos on YouTube of his spiritual quest in Africa, including several videos at the pyramids in Egypt, but YouTube deleted his channel this morning.

About Hunter Wallace 12400 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. They blame all their problems on us but will not stay away from us. Wherever we go to get away from them they follow and make demands from us. Kinda reminds you of another group that claims to be superior to us, persecuted by us, but won’t leave us alone. Seems these “kings” can’t get by without us.

    • The Negro wouldn’t be among us without that other group namely the Edomite Devils who call themselves JEWS. Christendom is the Kingdom of Israel, a Christian is the seed of Jacob. These people are impostors and it sickens me how many fellow Israelites will attribute their own heritage to these vile snakes and call them the CHOSEN PEOPLE. Yes chosen of SATAN.

      Esau means to exterminate every last child of Jacob, that means you white man

  2. That is the same thing my third grade Jew teacher, Ms Katz told me. I didn’t by it then and I ain’t buying it now.

    • Hell, at a top university I was “taught” that black Egyptians (“Kemet”) had commercial glider flights, built the extant pyramids (whites built inferior ones which collapsed), and established every science and philosophy. They even said that presidents Hamilton (haha), Eisenhower and a few others were black but we’re not told because of racism. (So how were they elected if there was racism was a question that never came up.)

      When you have NO achievements at all it is necessary to invent some.

      • Negro studies was invented by TWO JEWS Franz Boas at Columbia and his understudy Melville Jean Herschovitz.

        The Tribe At Work. Where is Adolf Hitler when we need him?

  3. A lot of blacks seriously think the Pharaohs were “bruthas” Why can’t the Egyptians have been, well Egyptians. Two blacks at work were outraged at some “Egypt” movie that flopped earlier in the year because it didn’t cast the Egyptians as “brothas” I’d be willing to bet the source of this widespread belief in the black community comes down to the 1991 Michael Jackson music video with Eddie Murphy making a cameo as Pharaoh.

    • “Why can’t the Egyptians have been, well Egyptians.”

      That makes sense to me. Of course the Egyptian civilization was long lived and conquered several times leading to the speculation that multiple peoples could have been considered Egyptian. However, there is a Semitic people living in Egypt named the Copts whose language is related to the language of the ancient Egyptians. They are the logical choice for the group that can claim the mantle of being their descendants.

  4. “However recently, after 400 years of attempting to degrade the Black race, studies about Melanin are forcing Western Science to face the sobering reality that Black people are not just physically more adept, but now also are considered likely superior to whites in cognitive abilities and intellectual capacity.”

    Yes, blacks have demonstrated their cognitive and intellectual superiority. LOL! These are the most deluded effing simpletons on the planet.

    • Everybody knows it but most won’t say it because of the Ruling Ideology (more pernicious and divorced from reality than even Soviet communism).

  5. Long also claims in the same chapter that “Although the evidence is clear that highly Melanated individuals are naturally more gifted on a genetic level, presently the cards are still stacked against Blacks in terms of equal education, unprejudiced opportunities, our own economic base, cultural genocide, and spiritual genocide, and other methods which hinder Black advancement.”

    How can the stupid oppress and repress the intelligent?

      • Actually the Negroes aren’t doing anything to the Whites in South Africa that entire show is organized and funded by their Jewish overlords. Remove the Jew and South Africa’s Negro government would collapse so fast, it would amaze us all.

  6. Aint it strange?

    Blacks so often attack and kill other blacks in Detroit, Baltimore, Haiti, Africa, and etc.

    But we don’t hear blacks complaining.

    Instead, blacks bitch and how about infinitely lower white-on-black violence(usually by cops who dealing with out-of-control Negroes).

    Why are blacks so blase and accepting of black-on-black mayhem but so angry about rare white-on-black violence?

    Why are blacks less bothered by the mayhem in the black community than with relatively low levels of trouble that blacks face in the whiter communities?

    In the black community, a negro might be jumped on by a 100 negroes.

    In the white community, a negro might occasionally be stopped by a cop.

    I think it’s due to the Law of Normality. When blacks are with other blacks and they are all howling and acting crazy and killing one another, it’s natural and normal in the way that blacks are. So, even though the result is a mess, blacks figure it’s just the normal way of the world. Things get bad, but it’s the black way. Back to black normality. As terrible as it is, normal feels normal. Blacks are savage and too many blacks means savagery all around. Any Negro can understand and accept that.

    No sense yelling ‘black lives matter’ in a negro world where negroes don’t care about killing negroes. That is just the norm. Blacks with their warrior-hunter thug genes feel more at home in a world where everything be flipping.

    But when blacks come in contact with white world, they feel disoriented. Unlike blacks, whites cooperate together in organized and civilized way to create order and civilization. This makes for a better kind of life and environment, for whites and for negroes in it.

    So, in a way, negroes should be happy and grateful. But in some corner of the negro soul, it just doesn’t feel right. What feels natural and normal for whites and asians — to act orderly and maintain order — isn’t natural and normal for blacks. Blacks find themselves in a world that their kind simply could create and maintain if left to their own devices.

    So on some subconscious level, blacks feel offended by civilization and order that don’t seem natural to them. Chaos and savagery are the natural things to Negroes.

    If we take race out of the equation, we can see the same dynamics among whites.

    Suppose there is some low-IQ vulgar ‘white trash’.

    Suppose he feels at home with other dumb ‘white trash’ into moonshine, banjo, and hillbilly trashy stuff. His world may be pretty lowdown and tawdry, but all seems normal in it. He feels at home.

    Now, suppose you put him in a nicer fancier environment where he can have better food and housing. So, he is materially better off. But everything about this fancier environment feels strange and weird to his core ‘white trash’ soul. He doesn’t feel at home in it, and his gut feeling says that his kind could never create and maintain such an environment.

    So, even though he can have a nicer life in this fancy community than in hicksville, he feels more anger in the former than in the latter.

    Even when things are bad, feeling of normality is more comforting.

    Even when things are good, feeling of abnormality gets on one’s nerves.

    Also, in a negro world, when negroes holler and wanna fight, everyone acts the same way. It’s like a common and agreed-upon gorillian ritual.

    But in a white community, crazy negro behavior is looked upon with suspicion and distaste by whites who don’t want to go along with the craziness. So, even though there is more peace, blacks feel out-of-it, thus abnormal and insulted.

    So, paradoxically, if whites reacted to blacks like blacks do — by hollering, walloping, acting nasty and hysterical and shit — , blacks might feel more at home in America.

    Consider when BLM thugs entered the Duke library to disrupt events.

    If blacks acted like that in a black community, other blacks would tell them to shut up and there would be a massive chimpout fight. It’d be ugly but it would feel like home.

    But when blacks act like that in a white setting, whites look at blacks like they are acting crazy and abnormal, and this aggravates blacks even more.

  7. Scott Baio should run for a congressional seat. He’s a pretty good speaker.

  8. Everyone knows this is a bunch of crap, even Cosmo. He knows he’s inferior to us. That’s why he hates us but covets everything about us and everything we’ve created.

  9. Whites never listen to blacks, white liberals never listen to blacks in any form whatsoever, white liberals merely apply a template which allows them to virtue signal. Kang Boy could talk for hours to a white libtard and the white libtard if asked to repeat what Kang Boy just said would quote Martin Luther King, because white liberals are the biggest bunch of know nothings in the world.
    True story while serving in the Marines we had this mullato, a smart one in our section, and this guy would drone on and on about “racism” and none of my section mates could tell you what mulluto man had just said, because whites never listen to blacks.

    • Do whites of any stripe really need to listen? Every time MSM features a speaking black we already know what the bottom line is: Whitey is evil, whitey owes me, whitey better give me what I want or else.

      • Maybe, but I think even when a black person actually has something to say of interest to a party that is actually interested in the common topic whites still tune them out.
        I would bet that even sports broadcasting has the same results, white jocktard listens for hours and at the end of it all would not remember much of what the black broadcaster said.
        Maybe its the victim cult status, victims are just not interesting or something, I don’t know.

  10. Another white cop shot and paralyzed while oppressing a poor, innocent brother:

    Note: Taylor was on probation for a weapons violation in St. Louis. He also had been on probation for a stolen vehicle in Oklahoma, and was picked up on a gun charge in California, drawing a prison term for being a felon in possession of a firearm. He was paroled in March 2015.

    This the reality. The system bends over backwards to keep people out of jail because jail is expensive and the politicians would rather spend that money bribing the public.

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