About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. A vast sea of white people with the cameras panning to every black and brown in the hall…or Trump Makes America White Again?

  2. I said it over at DS. I’ll say it here, but (for some reason) it will probably not be appreciated as much at OD.

    “While we watch the charade known as American Politics, let us hope that Donald Trump can steer the ship of state, as he steers the REPUBLITARDS toward sanity.

    But let us NEVER FORGET this one fact- the words that Cam spoke last week, are- or should be- our creed from this moment forward.

    “The ‘conservative’ Thomist, Frederick Wilhelmsen, once wrote that the West had nothing to do with race. Really? If the West has nothing to do with race, then why was the cultural entity called the West created by white people? And why have the non-whites never created a Christian culture? So let me disagree and state that the Christian West has everything to do with race. It is St. Thomas Aquinas who has nothing to do with the West. In a similar vein, the ‘conservative’ Francis Canavan, while professing an admiration for Burke, tells us that Burke was right about Jacobin democracy but wrong to condemn all democracies.

    Once again I must disagree. Where is the ‘good’ democracy? It was Burke’s contention that a nation could thrive under a monarchial, aristocratic system as in pre-Jacobin France, or it could thrive under a monarchial, aristocratic, democratic system as in Great Britain. But no nation could exist as a pure democracy, because a democracy was the most tyrannical government imaginable, where a few tyrants ruled in the name of an aggregate herd called ‘the people.’ Christian utopians such as Wilhelmsen and Canavan are more dangerous than their secular counterparts, because they deceive the merely virtuous by convincing them that Christianity consists of supporting the right abstractions, such as racial equality and democratic principles.”

    Salvation WILL NOT – indeed, CANNOT come from ‘the People’ in a Democracy.
    It must come from a KINGDOM.

    And you cannot have a kingdom, unless you have a king.
    Never forget that.

    Christus Rex.

    • The Calvinists started the Revolution in England and King George III blamed them for doing it in the USA as well. No King but Jesus SOUNDS GOOD but humans need earthly control as well.

      Thomas Jefferson was another idiot egging this idea on that all monarchies must be replaced by Democratic Republics and he even embraced the Priest Killing Nun Raping French. Jefferson was no friend of Whites or Christianity. James Madison also foolishly lavished support upon the French who were turning Cathedrals into whorehouses and stables. Goodness words cannot describe how much I dislike these people

  3. From the Tupelo thread I would gather that the political street theater that was planned by the Left is now being reworked into a nothing burger or maybe on to some low key nothingness by one or more of the other pressure groups, such as “Pence hates homos” or something equally vapid but safe for network TV.
    Just a guess stemming from my belief that this is all astro turf even if they over stimulate a few of their vantards.

      • You missed it James an I wish Hunter hadn’t deleted them. We had some nutcase on here posting how he is going to lead an army to exterminate all whites in Texas. You shouldve seen this clown

        • Wouldn’t be the first time. It happened a few times in the 1830s and up through the 1850s.

          • I challenged the lunatic on another board, he claimed he was organizing the Mexicans to kill all Anglos in Texas and that his organization was bringing in 5000 illegals a day. I am telling you my friend, these Psychopaths are out here. He followed me over here I wish Hunter had copied some of this idiots rantings because its true rubber room lunacy

    • My God–I’d thought those illustrations, in the video, were the work of a parodist. Apparently not: http://imgur.com/a/VZHJm

      In latter editions, it seems, the attackers are not golliwogs but evil gnomes (gnomes being, I guess, a group unshielded by liberals).

        • Some persons can read the signs, some can’t …

          “When he was nineteen, still residing in Indiana, he made his first trip upon a flatboat to New Orleans. He was a hired hand merely, and he and a son of the owner, without other assistance, made the trip. The nature of part of the ‘cargo-load,’ as it was called, made it necessary for them to linger and trade along the sugar-coast; and one night they were attacked by seven negroes with intent to kill and rob them. They were hurt some in the mêlée, but succeeded in driving the negroes from the boat, and then ‘cut cable,’ ‘weighed anchor,’ and left.”

          (See end of second paragraph of A. Lincoln autobiography, June 1860, at http://www.abrahamlincolnonline.org/lincoln/speeches/autobiog.htm

  4. The LugenJudenpresse is TRASHING Trump and Pence in every conceivable way. Meanwhile, the demented Ustache Kasich burbled and babbled to the Negroes ALWAYS AGGRAVATING People Niggerfest. I wished they would have cooked and eaten him.

      • I can imagine how all the trumpenfaggots ie secret sodomites, lesbians and felons congregated
        here would sobbing from their genitals when the day comes Hillary
        crushes trump. Till then enjoy your orgy…..

        • Honestly I ain’t worried about it, war is coming either way and neither can stop the tide of history

        • Hey Jew boy with that yamaka on your head

          You pale faced Jew boy I wish you were dead . . .

    • John Kasich refused to place Cleveland under Martial Law to help the police. He is an arse

  5. Cleveland has three strikes against it, first it was founded by Connecticut Leftists, second the area has one of the largest Jewish populations in the USA and third a very large Negro population. Mix these elements and we have a proverbial recipie for disaster.

    Now throw in one contributing component and that is the sodomite loving Governor John Kasich hasn’t put the entire town under Martial Law and a Midnight curfew, which it should have been starting at Midnight Monday-Midnight Saturday because he thinks that would be CRUEL. Goodness I hate this guy and I cant even say how much.

  6. I’m watching the RNC. They just had a Rabbi do the invocation. Odd to have a prayer that doesn’t end with ” in Jesus’ name we ask it.”

    • Yes they did that to show the Jews they are good obedient slaves. Any nation who EXPECTS YHWH’s blessings and REFUSES to honor and obey his son JESUS CHRIST, YHWH will instead send an infinite number of curses.

  7. Who knows, the “riots” may well fail to materialize. This last months negritude may have taken some of the steam and vented it elsewhere. Also the anarchist types may see the hardcore Police/Secret Service presence as a fight they’d rather not pick and instead look for softer targets like in San Jose.

  8. It seems now Helter Skelter just took place in Germany with an Axe attack on a train with 20 people hurt. Religion of Axe Murderer not yet mentioned.

  9. It’s utterly boring, and perhaps that’s a welcome change of pace.

    Trump’s grandiose vision of an entertaining convention failed to materialize.

      • I’m enjoying the look on Gwen Ifill’s ugly face, Mari Laison is also making a pooh face. It’s marvelous! David Brooks is jewing it up. Lol.

    • I don’t think we are watching the same convention. I am finding it intriguing. It is not the usual trite, scripted event.

    • Tom Cotton ran on a promise to crush Amnesty and eliminate Obama Care. Instead as soon as he was elected he worked night and day to get us in a war with Iran. The man has presidential aspirations. You will see! They are grooming him.

    • Yes–and why didn’t they just close the night after beautiful she had spoken? Now we have to listen to this idiotic general, Flynn, with his locker-room banalities about WAR, WAR, WAR. “War is about winning,” or whatever other nonsense just came out of his mouth.

      Here’s the rule, white man, if you care about your race’s future: If the only thing you know how to discuss is war, SHUT THE FUCK UP.

  10. From the little bit of this first convention night that I watched, I got an impression identical to one voiced by a woman–maybe Hispanic–who was on the CNN panel that was commenting on the night’s events: Trump has done nothing here, via this convention, to broaden his appeal.

    Really–the whole thing strikes me as a big bust; and Melania’s speech–which was the one thing that might have redeemed the night–has now crumbled to meaninglessness, because of the plagiarism that was very soon noticed.

    I think Trump’s finished.

      • It’s not a good thing but as a person not unfamiliar with these things, most writing is plagiarized via editors, ghostwriters etc.

        Very cynical of the journalists but to be expected. These journo’s actually think Michelle is more attractive than Melania.

        • Three or four of the sentences in the Melania speech are practically word-for-word copies of the Michelle speech, Captain John. It’s as if Melania’s speech had been assembled by the kind of person who’d buy a term paper. I don’t know how it happened, but I hold D. Trump responsible for it.

          • Jazzhands! There is probably a specialist script writer for First Lady wannabes.

          • Yes, there probably is, Captain John–and if you want to win an election, you avoid using it.

          • Perhaps. Otoh, I believe it was a (((Hurwitz))) who wrote Michelle’s speech.

            So there’s your question’s (((answer)))

            I find it rather funny. Keep comparing the Slovene to the Gorilla.

          • I shouldn’t have thought it possible; but last night, Captain John, the Slovene managed to make herself look like nothing, in comparison to, as you say, the Gorilla. I’m at a loss to see why you think that funny.

          • Is that supposed to be news, Captain John? Is that supposed to be something one knows only if one has been around such creatures? Apparently, Melania is so lacking in brains that she didn’t even marry a man who would protect her, by having brains enough himself to make sure her convention speech would succeed.

          • I watched the imediately aftermath of the speech. They were pissed off Woodruff, Ifill, Brooks, Shields etc that she didn’t dish some embarrassing stuff on Trump as a husband and a a man. So the lunatics went into overdrive . Some Jewy writer will be shoved out a helicopter. So what?

          • You mean a Trump helicopter? Like the one that crashed a quarter-century ago and thus brought about the death of three Trump executives and sent Trump into bankruptcy? Evidently, he picks speechwriters the same way he picks mechanics.

          • Lol. It was a Slovene imitating a nog imitating a white housewife. Shades of Downey Jr in Tropic Thunder.

          • Could it be Republican operatives on the Trump staff are doing all they can to derail his candidacy so fellow globalist Hillary and get elected and the wars to make the world safe for Zionism can continue?

          • I’m sorry but it was boilerplate.

            “My word is my bond” or “I mean what I say” are truisms. Millions of white people said these things before Michelle.

        • Because that N.Y. Times story is behind a paywall, Mr. W., I can’t read the details of the 2008 plagiarism charge, against Obama; but last night, as I was reading the details of the Melania story, I read what I just described, below, to Captain John: Three or four sentences that are practically word-for-word matches. It’s pathetic. The woman, Melania, comes halfway around the world to make a life for herself, takes her step, after decades, to the fore of the world stage–and falls flat on her face. As the poet hath said: Sad!

          • Hillary accused Obama of plagiarizing his speeches several times in 2008 to capture the news cycle. As for the plagiarism charge against Melania, it struck me as nothing but the usual blather the First Lady always says.

          • It struck me as plagiarism, as that would have been defined in my years in undergraduate, graduate, and law school, not to mention the years in which I worked as a writer.

          • Interestingly the NYT walked it back from Plagiarism. “Similar” was the word. Also they noted that Biden lifted an ENTIRE speech from Neil Kinnock and that Obama plagiarized Deval Patrick’s thesis and text in a speech about the importance of WORDS.

            It’s going nowhere Bonnie.

          • And did not the great MLK plagiarize whole sections of his doctoral dissertation? Even his famous “I have a Dream” speech?

          • It is amusing that all of these liberals are so upset about Melania’s speech writers lifting a couple of lines (probably sabotage). Let’s see them have some real courage and criticize Martin Luther King for a lifetime of plagiarism.

          • Yeah–that’s why Biden didn’t become President. What do you mean it’s “going nowhere”? You mean Melania won’t be sued for copyright infringement? Yes, that’s probably true. It also won’t go away. The point was to make a splash, to bring the campaign excitingly before the public. It’s the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT moment for the would-be First Lady–and it was a botch.

          • I’m not sure where you are going either. Biden is VP.

            Melania is just eye candy. She’s adorable.

          • What do you mean you don’t know where I’m going? You know damn well where I’m going, Captain John. “Biden is VP.” Yes, a quarter-century after he plagiaristically boasted, in the manner of a bumpkin, that he was his family’s first member to attend college, he’s the eunuch serving under the black nationalist who’s ruling us. Eye candy? This was her speech as would-be First Lady. She was supposed to do more than confirm the liberal view that D. Trump is an intellectual nullity.

          • First Lady is not a real thing.

            By means let the press rip into Melania as much as possible. A 110 lb babe.

            That’s going to do it!

  11. Really–to flesh out what I said in my previous comment–what a bust: I FOUGHT IN IRAQ; BENGHAZI; HILLARY BAD; COPS GOOD; ETC. ETC. ETC.

    Really–Trump has spent the last year creating a new discourse; and then, when, at last, convention time rolls around, the Republicans simply can’t get with the program. It’s just the same old stuff with which they’ve been losing since 2008. They have no imagination–and really, neither does Trump, as the Melania speech-fiasco has finally put beyond dispute. The choice of Pence the other day, for VP, signaled it: Trump had simply been unable to budge these yokels an inch. Some large portion of them made a point of not getting on board with him right into the first day’s convention proceedings.

    To my mind, the tweet below, from the other day, after the announcement of Pence as VP, says it all. It’s from Amanda Carpenter, the Cruz enthusiast who’s running a one-woman anti-Trump crusade. As the tweet reveals, the one good thing Carpenter sees about the Trump campaign is Pence’s reference to his son in the Marines. The Jews are cultivating their own children to win Nobel Prizes and to prosper, and the only thing in which these conservative whites take pride is the possibility that their children will be blown to pieces in combat.

    I give up: Teutons have turned out to be the morons the Romans thought they were.

    PS Have any of the speakers yet held forth on the abortion issue, on the “sanctity of life”? Let’s hope they’ll go full force down that dead end, too, just in case there are any women whose vote Trump hasn’t yet lost. What a clown show …

  12. Really–to flesh out what I said in my previous comment–what a bust: I FOUGHT IN IRAQ; BENGHAZI; HILLARY BAD; COPS GOOD; ETC. ETC. ETC.

    Really–Trump has spent the last year creating a new discourse; and then, when, at last, convention time rolls around, the Republicans simply can’t get with the program. It’s just the same old stuff with which they’ve been losing since 2008. They have no imagination–and really, neither does Trump, as the Melania speech-fiasco has finally put beyond dispute. The choice of Pence the other day, for VP, signaled it: Trump had simply been unable to budge these yokels an inch. Some large portion of them made a point of not getting on board with him right into the first day’s convention proceedings.

    To my mind, the tweets below, from the other day, after the announcement of Pence as VP, say it all. They’re from Amanda Carpenter, the Cruz enthusiast who’s running a one-woman anti-Trump crusade. As the tweets reveal, the one good thing Carpenter sees about the Trump campaign is Pence’s reference to his son in the Marines. The Jews are cultivating their own children to win Nobel Prizes and to prosper, and the only thing in which these conservative whites take pride is the possibility that their children will be blown to pieces in combat.

    I give up: Teutons have turned out to be the morons the Romans thought they were.

    PS Have any of the speakers yet held forth on the abortion issue, on the “sanctity of life”? Let’s hope they’ll go full force down that dead end, too, just in case there are any women whose vote Trump hasn’t yet lost. What a clown show …

  13. A pathetic couple of weeks for Trump, culminating with last night’s tepid show and with many indicators now coming to the forefront he has sold us out in a favor of a goofy GOP campaign. J_Bonaccorsi is right on target. He’s just scratching the surface.

    No mention of the Wall and a Muslim ban on national security and law and order night but plenty of focus on Benghazi? Come on. We see where this is going, and it’s sad.

    If I don’t hear loud and clear “we are going to build all wall and Mexico is going to pay for it” in Trump’s speech, and without a lot of pathetic PC caveats and moderating, I’m bailing out of this hobby. I’m not going to torment myself for three months watching Trump run a GOP campaign. Better to start learning a language or something.

    • A few points:

      1.) I didn’t catch any of the convention last night. I was at the beach in Florida, but on the way back home I saw the cucks raving on Twitter about the Melania and Guiliani speeches and giving both positive reviews. It seemed very out of character for them.

      2.) In the past few weeks, Trump has given a series of detailed policy speeches on immigration, trade, foreign policy, and terrorism. This is a welcome change from his bloviating on the stump.

      3.) The NBC/Survey Monkey tracking poll out this morning has Hillary with a 1 point lead over Trump. The last few weeks have been disastrous for Hillary, not Trump.


      4.) In the last few weeks, Orlando, BREXIT, Dallas, Baton Rouge, Nice and Turkey have all broken against Hillary. When I was at the beach yesterday, an axe wielding jihadist refugee attacked a dozen or so people on a train in Germany.

      5.) Just within the last week, I have seen Trump talk about building the wall at his rallies. As for the Muslim ban, he changed it to “a ban on countries with a history of supporting terrorism,” which shuts down immigration from pretty much the entire Muslim world and then some. I believe it also shuts down immigration from much of Latin America.

      6.) I didn’t see his speech at the convention, but by all accounts General Flynn gave a disastrous speech. Lots of Alt-Right types were pushing for that guy to be the VP pick.

      7.) Finally, when it comes to Mike Pence, I didn’t get the chance to respond to Richard Spencer’s podcast because of the Baton Rouge police shooting which overwhelmed the news cycle.

      Spencer and other Alt-Right types are sore because Pence is a Christian and appeals to social conservatives. He was a big disappointment to the pro-homosexuality, pro-gay marriage, pro-eugenics, pro-abortion crowd. It just goes to show that they would rather keep on signaling – as they were doing long before Trump came along – than win the election.

      • How about the “Why-don’t-we-just-try-shutting-the-fuck-up-for-a-few-election-cycles-about-gay-marriage-and-abortion crowd”? That was the crowd Trump had a chance of pulling to the ballots in November. Gone with the wind.

        • Please.

          Trump doesn’t have a chance at winning either the Left Coast or the Northeastern states. A good poll out for Trump this morning shows Hillary with only a 12 point lead in New York. Last time I checked, she has had a similar lead in New Jersey,

          New York and New Jersey have the demographics of Florida except that the Whites there – like their counterparts in California – are Yankees and there even more Jews. Anyone who says that Trump has a better chance of winning New York, New Jersey, California or Massachusetts than Iowa, Wisconsin, Ohio or Wisconsin doesn’t know what they are talking about.

          BTW, virtually all the people who care the most about signaling how they are pro-abortion or pro-gay marriage are voting for Hillary. Come November, the only group that rivals blacks in their support for Hillary will be atheists and homosexuals. Virtually all atheist homosexuals – except for the Alt-Right crowd – will vote for Hillary in November.

          • Where’ve you been for the last fucking year? I wasn’t just now suggesting Trump would win the whole of the liberal vote. As I’m pretty sure I said here, at this very blog, early in his campaign success, he’d changed the game, from a search for a right-wing 50% to a search for a 50% scooped right out of the electorate’s middle, with the committed 25% on both the left and right wings eschewed. That’s all gone now. It’s now just another Republican chase for the right-wing 50% that never materializes.

          • It wasn’t thematically Birchian but he looked like a base commander in Brize Norton with an ichy nuclear trigger finger.

          • I thought his speech was lackluster and his shaky voice made him appear weak. Perhaps he was sick. In any case it was the biggest disappointment of the night. I’m glad he is not the vice presidential pick, though Pence isn’t that great himself.

          • I haven’t seen any evidence of that.

            Trump won a bunch of states in the primaries he had zero chance of winning in the general election. This was obvious to everyone who noticed that Trump’s vote total in many of these states was less than that of Bernie Sanders. At the same time, Trump lost to Ted Cruz in many states where he got more voters than Hillary or Bernie.

            It doesn’t matter if Trump loses votes in states he has zero chance of winning which will give him zero electoral votes. The general election map isn’t going to look like the primary map and Trump’s team understands this.

          • Fine–maybe you’re right, Mr. W. I really don’t know anything about electoral politics. If Trump yet succeeds, great; but his having made such a botch of such an important campaign moment–convention opening night–augurs failure.

          • They welcome to attack Melania if they so choose. Reminds me of the wonderful film Malena with that lovely Italian Belucci girl.

          • Did tank you designed have four gears for reverse and one for forward if the Aussies got behind you?

            Panicky stuff!

          • I’m afraid I know nothing about tank design–but I can tell when an instruction manual’s been written by an idiot.

      • Your points 7 & 8 are why I put quotes around “alt-right” and do not put myself in that crowd.

    • What did you make of the 3 speakers who talked about how their family members were killed by illegal immigrants? Other Republican nominees would never have had the fortitude to let them talk. It was a strong signal that Trump will continue to make immigration a priority in the campaign. Trump is the most pro-nationalist and populist Presidential candidate in modern times.

      • Maybe you’re right. Maybe that did take fortitude on Trump’s part–but it’s not enough.

    • Better still, buy a few AR15s and a few cases of ammo & magazines and do some training at a range with some Veterans.
      Hell is coming to Breakfast.

  14. Bone of contention, if I were you, I’d shut up for a day or two , or read DS. At least there, they are viewing this convention seriously.

    • “Bone of contention,” “Moochelle.” Keep up the juvenile derision, you losers. It makes you real popular with each other.

  15. I wouldn’t rule out there are forces in the Trump camp working to sabotage him. This is a dirty fight with high stakes. I hope we find out who wrote that speech and also who hired that person. The first day was a let down anyway. At this point, the Trump camp looks incompetent, that poor woman Melania looks foolish after doing a great job, and the entire message of the first day has been buried under this plagiarism crap.

    • There were many great moments but unfortunately the media will focus on the plagiarism. I don’t see how it could be anything other than sabotage on the part of the speech writer.

      • It’ll just remind female voters who are attractive about the old boyfriend who obligingly wrote the paper in the English, Geography, History, Criminology etc class that made her eyes roll in bordom so that she had to be “rescued”…

          • Really? Wasn’t an accusation. Most (mostly female) people will have at some point have someone collaborate or write a paper without due credit.

  16. The speeches at the beginning of this first night were excellent. The remarks by the heroes of Benghazi and the mother of the fallen presented a strong condemnation of Clinton. The remarks by the family members of the victims of illegal immigrants were moving and were a strong signal that Trump will continue to make immigration a central theme of his campaign, as well as the speech by Senator Sessions. The speech by Sheriff Clark made a strong case against the BLM movement and for law and order. Giullani’s speech called out radical Islam and mocked Obama and Clinton for their incompetence.

    Melania’s speech was trite and now unfortunately controversial. General Flynn and Senator Ernst talked a long time without actually saying anything meaningful. The convention needs to be more like the earlier and less like the latter.

    • I personally like the fact that Mrs Trump is a pretty model who doesn t have any political views of her own

      She looks and sounds great

      • That’s absolutely right: she looks and sound great. The only thing she had to do was avoid doing something COMPLETELY STUPID. She didn’t.

        • They were gearing up to say she delivered no “vulnerable” info about Trump.

          The plagiarism assault is probably a result of having not much else.

          • The plagiarism assault is a result of the plagiarism. If a Hillary supporter were trying to wriggle out from under such a thing the way you are, the mockery here, at Occidental Dissent, would be high.

          • Not really. Plagiarism isn’t on my radar except for academics and journalists themselves. Certainly not for wife of…

        • No one cares, except malicious kosher pundits. Melania herself was the Message. We’ll have a beautiful, elegant, First LADY, with poise, and THANK YOU GOD – taste.
          Melania IS the message.

  17. Reports top Manafort deputy handled Melania’s speech. Per CNN:

    Sources familiar with the campaign’s handling of Melania Trump’s speech identify top Manafort deputy Rick Gates as the person inside the campaign who oversaw the entire speech process for Melania Trump.

  18. Evidently–as if things were not bad enough–there was no dress rehearsal of Trump’s dramatic entrance, to introduce Melania. Had there been one, an alert director would have told Trump to avoid shaking his clutched hands, upon his arriving center stage. In silhouette, it looks like what any Jewish wag will have no trouble turning into a masturbation meme.

    • John, you are usually a well reasoned, calm poster. I think today you are unduly agitated over nothing of significance. Probably in a couple of days you’ll feel better.

      • I agree he’s been triggered by something. Maybe he was willing dupe for some tart in college and didn’t get his treat in exchange?

        Seriously what attractive woman hasn’t had a college boyfriend write her paper for her?

        Infact this incident humanizes her.

        Nice legs but dim.

      • Obviously, Sam, I think it significant. What was one of the things that excited us here, at Occidental Dissent, about Trump? One of them was the way he, in the Republican debates, seemed to be the only candidate who wasn’t talking about war, war, war. After last night: That’s gone. That was part of his whole bit, wasn’t it? Wasn’t he the one who’d flipped the script, the one who’d made Clinton and Obama look like the war-lovers, while he, a different kind of Republican, would bring this fifteen years of non-stop war to an end? You think it’s insignificant that he was unable to budge the Republicans one inch on that? If Ted Cruz had won the primary, how would last night’s program have been different from what was presented? It wouldn’t have been different at all, except that, well, Heidi Cruz might not have plagiarized Michelle Obama.

        I’m reminded of an occasion, decades ago, when an elder straightened me out. While I was in the process of shopping for a car, I mentioned to the said elder that I’d dealt somewhat flippantly with a salesman at one dealership, where I’d been unable to strike a deal for the make of car in which I was interested. “How many dealerships that sell that car do you think there are in your area?” that wise elder said to me.

        The same could be said to Trump: How many convention opening nights do you think there are in a presidential campaign? How many do you think you get an opportunity to make a mess of? The great showman, Donald Trump–and this is what we get. Do you honestly think, Sam, that even a single potential vote was brought over to Trump by that Flynn speech, which was the night’s CONCLUSION, right after the botched Melania speech? “Yeah–war, war, war. Bomb, bomb, bomb. After fifteen years of Middle East carnage, along with all the Moslem terrorist attacks, here and in Europe, I like the sound of that.” I suspect that a grand total of zero television viewers reacted that way to Flynn’s speech.

        Decades ago, when I was doing some lighting and set design for a small theater company, I saw the light-board operator miss a cue by just a few seconds. What had been an applause-getting moment was thus destroyed. It lay there, as nothing.

        Trump, last night, was like me, in my dealing with that car dealership, or like me as the person who should have drilled that light-board operator more carefully.

        Half a century ago, an elder straightened me out in another situation, in which I was hoping the Phillies would win the National League pennant. When I remarked to the said elder that the Phillies could still do it, that all they had to do was win every one of their remaining ten games or whatever it was, he said, soberly, “If they were good enough to win every one of those ten games, they wouldn’t be in the position in which they had to win them.” That, as I suggested below, in one of the comments I directed to Mr. W., our host here, at Occidental Dissent, is how I now feel about Trump: If he has botched his convention’s opening night, why on Earth would I expect him to do everything right over the following several months and thus win the election?

        • I was very angry about the WAR WAR IRAN IRAN stuff too. But Melania is a sideshow.

        • ‘Do you honestly think, Sam, that even a single potential vote was brought over to Trump by that Flynn speech, which was the night’s CONCLUSION, right after the botched Melania speech? “Yeah–war, war, war. Bomb, bomb, bomb. After fifteen years of Middle East carnage, along with all the Moslem terrorist attacks, here and in Europe, I like the sound of that.” I suspect that a grand total of zero television viewers reacted that way to Flynn’s speech.’

          John, I didn’t see Flynn’s speech. In fact, I didn’t watch any of the convention other than a few clips on Youtube.

          It’s all a show.

          If Flynn was speaking of going after ISIS I don’t think it would be perceived negatively by most people because of the terrorist attacks.

          Personally, if they turned the entire mid east into glass it wouldn’t bother me in the least. Now, if the plan is to bomb some areas then bring more refugees into our lands that would be terrible.

          • Well, yes, it’s a show, Sam. You’re right. I myself pay so little attention to these things that half the time I don’t know what is being talked about here by all of you, meaning Mr. W., our host, and you, my fellow commenters. When the primary season began, I was unfamiliar with:

            Ted Cruz
            Ben Carson
            John Kasich
            Marco Rubio

            –and who else was there? Oh, right, Chris Christie, Jeb Bush, Lindsey Graham. I’d heard of them, although I just now had to go to Wikipedia to check the spelling of “Lindsey” and “Christie” and am unsure I could have told you Jeb Bush was governor of Florida. (Was he? Or was that in the past?) Graham’s a Senator, from one of the Carolinas. Anti-liberals, of the sort whose company I enjoy here, at Occidental Dissent, dislike him quite a bit, I gather, but you will never hear me disparaging a gentlemanly figure with a Southern accent.

            Trump–I’d heard of Trump.

            You can see even in some of my comments here today that I don’t really know electoral dynamics. Mr. W., who must constantly set me straight re such things, just posted something about someone named Vilsack. Who’s that?

            Yes–turn the Middle East to glass? That would be excellent. In fact, I remember saying, years ago, to a liberal friend of mine, “Give me one reason we shouldn’t drop an atomic bomb on Baghdad. Moral reasons will be regarded, by me, no more seriously than astrological ones.” Unfortunately, as you know, there’s little reason to think any war undertaken by the conservatives would result in anything but increased disorder, including, as you suggest, an increase in refugee flows to white territory. That’s why I wanted Trump.

            My sense, as expressed in my passage you quoted above, is that Flynn’s bellicosity is unlikely to have won for Trump any undecided voters. Everything by which Trump captured the imagination of a vast portion of the electorate has almost to be buried, hidden away, in this convention, while the Republicans continue their losing ways.

  19. The Rockefeller Bush Republicans Nei Con Christian Zionists have not showed their power their hatred of Trymp us do far

    But now they just did

    Looks like we re about to completely lose Fox News!

    Murdoch children just fired Roger Ailes!

    It s a completely contrived sexual harassment smear

    Once again Trump hater Meagan Kelly is the smiling bitch with the dagger in our guy s back

    I should have seen this one coming

    • According to a headline at Drudge, she claims Ailes harrased her 10 years ago.

      Perhaps, perhaps not.

      In this video she praises him, calling Ailes her mentor.

  20. Urban gentry Libs wanted safer cities. So, they supported increased policing.

    But the very same Libs, posing as ‘progressives’, made lots of pro-black noises about ‘police brutality’ to cover up their own pro-law-and-order policies.

    Proggy elites are the biggest hypocrites. They want the cake and eat it too.

    They want more police and tougher measures against blacks, but they also want to seem pro-black and against ‘white privilege’.

    Look at the two white shitters that came to prominence in the 90s. In fiction, there is CucQentin Tarantino and in non-fiction there is CucKen Burns. Both are successful white boys who live in affluence and privilege and surely appreciate cops who protect their tony privilege and property. But part of white proggy privilege is to virtue-signal about how much they care about Negroes, how much they worship Negro cool.

    So, even as CucKen Burns lives in luxury, he gives us UNSTOPPABLE BLACKNESS. And just as Tarantino wallows in his millions and privilege, he gives us DJANGRO KILLS HONKEYS.

    Liberal Privilege is Evilege.


  21. Listening to Ruby I can see the Republicans have also bought into the multiracial concept of America and spouts the Neo-Conservative klaxon call for a war with Iran even as he talks about how the invasion of Iraq created chaos and empowered Al Qaeda and ISIS.Can he not see the blaring contradiction?

    • It’s horrible.

      This is the vibe I’m getting: they barely were able to put ANY convention together, much less a good one.

      Trump does not have his organization under control.

      Whether this traditional Republican boilerplate is good or bad for the final outcome: getting Trump elected, is not clear to me. It may rally the rank-and-file; it may distance independents. Who knows.

      The scuzzy convention speaks to the lack of ground game – Trump is not a General, not a Commander. He follows the Rumsfeld “cheaper is better” doctrine, and that is a road to ruin.

      • Looking at the comments on NYT and other sites the Melania incident is dominant. However 50% of commenters see it as a “tempest in a teacup” or a “non issue” or just generally entertaining. Most women being honest with themselves will fondly remember the time they were saved by a boy who wrote their paper for them. Surely most of the speech writers get into that job because they don’t mind the lack of credit and have previously played fast n loose with proper credit anyway…so it is very funny to watch…what will all those original comedians make of it?
        As they steal each other’s act wholesale.

        • It is a non-issue. The media is desperate to get ANYBODY to pay attention to this snoozefest.

          Plagiarism won’t do it either.

          The traditional convention may be a thing of the past.

      • I think you were watching the wrong speeches. The heroes of Benghazi, Senator Jeff Sessions, Sheriff Clarke, and the family members of those murdered by illegals were all very compelling.

    • Yeah. Keep playing her and Michelle Obama side by side and what do you think the subconscious effect on the electorate is going to be?

          • They are saying very different things. YOU are the only person that cares about that nonsense. I want to talk about Melania’s flawless hair, make-up, and that wonderful White dress! Dazzlng! The shoes were…..just….perfect…….perfect…..I’m so…..happy…..just…..perfect…

          • During the primary, Denise, I posted here, at Occidental Dissent, a number of photographs whose value lay either partly or entirely in their having captured Melania’s beauty. Although I didn’t notice the shoes she wore last night, I have gazed upon that dress, that coif, and that makeup several times today. As for the plagiarism, no, Michelle Obama and she weren’t saying “very different things”; and if you see no value in my dwelling on that terrible error on Trump’s part, well, then you would be for him a poor adviser.

          • Yes–and always draped so sensually, with those portions to the fore of her shoulders and toward her breasts.

          • Triggering Jews, Blacks and Lesbots to attack a fine figure of a white woman doesn’t hurt Trump’s appeal to young white women.

        • Insightful, as usual, Denise–but that’s why Trump should have realized there was no room for error. When he brought her onto that stage, she should have been bulletproof.

          • You don’t understand the power of beauty and FASHION. Out goes the Kartrashians, and the Ghettorillas. EVERY designer in the world will make de riguer snarky comments, about those Nazi Trumps- and then tear each other’s throats out to dress the Trump women. Especially Empress Melania. No Normie woman will be able to remember a WORD about her speech. The hair, the make-up, that marvelous spotless white dress, and the dead-perfect SHOES….SHOES SHOES SHOES – that is what MATTERS.
            She will be a trend-setter, and there will be assassinations committed, in the world of Haute Couture, to win the glory of creating her Inaugural Ball Gown.

          • I’ve effectively addressed this point of yours in my reply to another of your posts, below, Denise.

          • Thanks, Denise. That scene was mentioned in a review I read when that movie was released, but this is the first I’ve seen it.

            Maybe you’ll be interested to know that a woman a few years younger than I am has told me, with amusement, that she has pointed out another of that movie’s moments to her daughters. It’s the moment in which, I gather, Meryl Streep, upon arriving at her office, in the morning, tosses her coat onto a chair or something and says “Hang it” to Anne Hathaway, who is there for her first day’s work as Streep’s assistant. While in college, in the latter 1970s, the woman of whom I’m speaking spent a semester, I think, as an intern in the office of a female interior designer of some prominence in Philadelphia. The first day of her internship, as she has explained to her daughters, began exactly that way: the designer arrived, threw her coat onto a chair, and said, “Hang it.”

  22. I’m seeing reports that Hillary might counter Mike Pence by picking Tom Vilsack as her VP. If this is true, it will signal that both campaigns expect the race to come down to cucked Midwestern Whites.

    • She must truly believe the bullshit about racial equality: blacks won’t show up for two whites. Bernie types wont show up for “moderates”. She’s dissing the Coalition of the Ascendant.

      I may be wrong but people are getting de-cucked at an alarming rate. Finger to the wind types see that Bush spent 35 million dollars a delegate for his 3 delegates. The Age of Cuck is over.

  23. Christie’s speech sounded like it was written by Bill Kristol or Charles Krauthammer. I really don’t understand why Trump is pushing these worn out tropes. What a disappointment.

    • He’s acquiescing, for “party unity,” i.e., to make sure he doesn’t have to run a one-man campaign. It’s as I just said to Sam below: In this convention, everything by which Trump captured the imagination of a large portion of the electorate must be hidden away–let’s say “downplayed”–while he lets the Republicans carry on with their usual nonsense. If he pulls this off, i.e., wins the election, his will have been history’s most remarkable exhibition of political finesse.

    • Am watching CNN, via the link at the Daily Stormer. Anderson Cooper and a few of the other persons on the panel were just discussing, with some mystification, the apparent fact that the convention crowd was clearing out early. I’m tempted to say that our first-night impression, Lew, that the convention is a mess, is holding up.

    • A few reasons:

      1.) Over 50% of Republicans voted for someone else.

      2.) Of the 47% of Republicans who voted for Trump, probably half of those voted for him as their second or third choice.

      3.) Of the roughly 25% of Republicans who voted for Trump as their first choice, most of them believe this neocon shit about Israel and Iran.

      It is an amazing thing Trump won the primary. We shouldn’t lose sight of the fact that ordinary, nationalistic, populist inclined Republican voters are still a minority faction with the party. The Alt-Right is a minority within that minority.

      • True enough, but you don’t win a general by appealing to the confused GOP base and placating establishment cucks, and undercutting your own message at the same time. Trump had a wide open field to make up those votes by running to the middle on trade, jobs, wages, the environment and a sensible foreign policy.

        • This is an opportunity. Clinton has a nice long record chopping down women who threaten her lust for power. It’s a perfect opening.

        • Trump hasn’t changed his message on any of those subjects. Instead, he has fleshed out his campaign rhetoric with several major policy speeches.

          It is the Republican National Convention. There are other Republicans – elected governors, senators, representatives – besides the nominee. He needs their support to win the general election. This isn’t a normal Republican convention. Trump has led a hostile takeover of the party and has made far more enemies than McCain or Romney ever did.

          The Alt-Right is suffering from the delusion that Trump’s victory in the primary dispatched the cucks and now he can afford to disregard them. In reality, Trump’s challenge right now – as it always is at every convention – is to unify the party by winning over the holdouts who voted against him.

          We are still very much the minority. We’re a minority within the minority that has taken over the GOP. We’re an even smaller minority in the general election electorate. The Alt-Right is having a lot of difficulty transitioning from the primary to the general election.

        • What’s going to be interesting, I think, is Ted Cruz’s speech. Is that scheduled for tonight, i.e., Wednesday night? I’d guess Trump’s attitude toward the cucks is “Let them get it out of their system.” Cruz’s speech, I’d bet, will be little different from what he’d imagined he would say were he to have won the nomination.

          • You do realize that Trump is exposing the total dysfunction of the Zionisy Cuckstablishment. I don’t think he’s doing it deliberately but they are venting like an unstable old boiler on its last six months of use.

    • Re the Republican situation, from an article at The Resurgent, Erick Erickson’s website:

      “Republicans have spent too much time trying to sell Trump to their own delegates and have yet to even try to sell him to the American public at large.”

      Here’s the link:


  24. Ben Carson is telling every-one about Saul Alinskey, and the fact the Hilary was an acolyte of Saul Alinskey.
    PS. Saul Alinskey was a JEW. Tragically – so is Donald Trump Jr’s wife, their 5 kids, and Ivanka Trump, and her mischlings. Sigh.

  25. Indelicate language but it accurately demonstrates the hypocrisy of the left.

    Hillary ClintonVerified account@HillaryClinton
    Yeah, Donald Trump has been a real gem to working women.

    RAMZPAUL Retweeted
    Anthony Cumia ?@AnthonyCumia
    Anthony Cumia Retweeted Hillary Clinton
    Your husband had an intern suck his cock in the Oval Office.

    • She also displays sullen Negritude though. The black swine teaches at a university modeled on English and French University structures that first appear in the medieval. She should go to Africa and teach Swahili. She’s trivial…

      “Taylor Swift has also profited from this vulnerable white femininity narrative by trafficking in ideas that she was being picked on by Kanye West, even when he clearly obtained consent to make reference to her in his music.”

      said blacks don’t rape and molest and rip off whites.

  26. From a piece at The Resurgent, Erick Erickson’s website:

    “Poor Melania. She looked so proud while speaking in front of a rejoicing audience. By all accounts, she successfully carried-out a perfectly commendable introduction to the nation. Hailed as grateful American immigrant, genuinely expressing profound appreciation for her adopted home. At that moment, surely she never fathomed those warm feelings of elation would turn so quickly into shame and justified fury.

    “Like so many Americans, Melania believed that the Trump Campaign would never let her down. She trusted her husband when he promised only “the best people” would work on her historical debut. But, just as millions of Americans will soon learn, it was all a farce. Instead of a queen, she felt like a fool. Perhaps worst of all, she had been betrayed in front of the entire country by those she trusted most.”

    Here’s the link:


    • Good God, man. GIVE IT A REST!

      We’ve got body count Shrillery Hildabeast, with dead men from Iran to California in her wake, and (as Dr. Duke noted over at DS) all you can post about is some Kike smear campaign about minute related to common utterances in a speech, that isn’t even a printed document?

      • Not to mention Clinton’s propping up Erdogan for years knowing he was a nasty son of bitch.
        The Obama/Clinton approved Erdogan just arrested 21,000 westernized Uni admin/teachers/professors in Turkey. And these fruitcake bitch about 5 sentences.
        Her tenure in office is a calamity.

  27. Interesting info in a piece at The New York Times:

    “It was Jared Kushner, Mr. Trump’s son-in-law and top adviser, who commissioned [Melania Trump’s] speech from Mr. Scully and Mr. McConnell—and praised their draft. But Ms. Trump decided to revise it, and at one point she turned to a trusted hand: Meredith McIver, a New York City-based former ballet dancer and English major who has worked on some of Mr. Trump’s books, including ‘Think Like a Billionaire.’ It was not clear how much of a hand Ms. McIver had in the final product, and she did not respond to an email on Tuesday.”

    Also this:

    “Across the country, slack-jawed Republican political operatives and speechwriters expressed expletive-laden bewilderment at the organizational breakdown allowing such an episode to occur.

    “In interviews, alarmed Republican speechwriters outlined the layers of formal scrutiny, apparently disregarded by the Trump campaign, traditionally applied to almost every draft of a major convention address. They described word-by-word fact-checking by a dedicated team of experts and computer software designed to catch plagiarism. Several online programs, like DupliChecker, are available at no cost.

    “To many Republicans, the lapse seemed frustratingly inevitable from a candidate who has not just eschewed the backstops of a major political campaign—he has mocked them as a waste of money.”

    Here’s the link:


    • If that’s the case then…

      1 there was a clean script professionally written as a speech

      2 she was dissatisfied with it

      3 she ran to a friend to rework it (possibly and ironically because it felt scripted, inauthentic and phoney)

      4 one of her friends thought that Obama had a good speech and slipped it in

      Oddly it shows that Trump trusted her and isn’t a control freak Mysogynist.

      • The suspicion of the New York Times appears to be on this Meredith McIver, the “New York City-based former ballet dancer and English major” to whom Melania “turned” and who “has worked on some of Mr. Trump’s books.” Once the original speech was deemed unsatisfactory, Trump (Donald) might have shifted the assignment to McIver, who might have been the one who focused on Michelle Obama’s speech. Even if that is so, it leaves the question, obviously, whether Melania Trump knew, when she was delivering her own speech, that it included the Obama material.

  28. While the average person certainly doesn’t care about Melania’s “plagerism,” this is not the point that matters. The point that matters is that the incident shows that there is serious incompetence and, quite possibly, a well-placed saboteur inside Trump’s campaign. That is concerning.

    It is also disconcerting how rapidly this retarded idea took off across the alt right that the lift was due to Trump playing high order, superstring, 11-dimensional chess to troll the media into more coverage. People are starting to engage in a lot of rationalizing and self-deception about these clearly bad moves by Trump and the campaign. This had to be incompetence or sabotage or both.

      • Inasmuch as plagiarism is a question of honor, I should think that you, at least, Mr. W., champion, as you are, of the chivalric Southern people, would care about this–but oddly enough, no, contemptible Yankee I am the only one talking about it here. You dishonestly brush it aside, as having to do with “a boilerplate line” in a “typical boilerplate speech.” You ill-manneredly try to force it out of the national conversation by saying, more than once here, that “nobody cares about it.” Rather than discuss the subject itself, you discuss it only as a tactical, political concern, i.e., “the least of Trump’s problems.” Before long, I fear, you’ll be explaining that it’s a matter of states’ rights.

        • I DON’T CARE ABOUT IT.

          Like I have said multiple times now, it was a few boilerplate lines in a boilerplate speech for a First Lady, which is ALWAYS about generic themes like “how much I love my husband” and “I want to focus on education.” I remember Laura Bush giving hundreds of forgettable speeches just like that. None of these women write their speeches anyway.

          I’m not sure why you care so much about it. No one else does. I don’t think it is worth five minutes of my time much less is it a topic worth writing about. I didn’t even write much about Hillary Clinton’s email scandal which is a far more serious issue. She isn’t even the First Lady anymore. She is the Democratic nominee for president.

          Feel free to search the archives. In the last eight years, I doubt that I have written more than two or three things about Michelle Obama, and I have certainly never written anything about a topic involving her as frivolous as this one.

          • It’s not frivolous. Yes, I can believe you’ve had little to say about the Clinton e-mail thing or about Michelle Obama; as far as all of that goes, your interests and mine are just about the same. Yes, I know, too, that you’ve dismissed, more than once now, the plagiarism charge, as having to do with boilerplate; I disagree. As for persons’ caring about it, well, if Trump and his representatives had responded honestly to the charge, the story would be settling by now.

          • It probably took a while to figure out exactly how it happened.

            I think you ought to drop it now.

    • I just don’t see it. One great big nothing burger. As far as incompetence, it’s like the CEO of a major corporation being dressed down because someone left the cap off the ketchup bottle in a lunch room refrigerator.

      There is nothing serious or of importance to tarnish the man so the media go ballistic over anything in order to scream gotcha.

      Obama wrote books that were filled with lies. When he wrote that he once dated a white girl and was appalled at her racism it was found she never existed. After being called a fabricator and liar his people claimed he was merely exercising ‘creative license.’

      That was the end of it.

      Contrast his treatment and Hillary’s to the treatment of anything concerning Trump.

  29. Smarmy Erick Erickson falsely accuses Trump Jr. of plagiarism.

    EGG MEET FACE: Liberal Media, #NeverTrump Accuse Donald Trump, Jr. of Plagiarism; Charge Refuted by Speech Author

    Liberal media outlets and Never Trump activists thought they really had the Trump campaign this time. A passage of the speech given Tuesday night at the Republican National Convention by Donald Trump, Jr., tracked remarkably similar to an article by George Mason law professor Frank Buckley.

    rick Erickson, The Resurgent: Donald Trump Jr.’s Speech Had Plagiarism Too.

    Here is Donald J. Trump, Jr. tonight:

    Our schools used to be an elevator to the middle class. Now they’re stalled on the ground floor. They’re like soviet-era department stores that are run for the benefit of the clerks and not the customers.

    Here is an article in the American Conservative from May of 2016:

    What should be an elevator to the upper class is stalled on the ground floor. Part of the fault for this may be laid at the feet of the system’s entrenched interests: the teachers’ unions and the higher-education professoriate. Our schools and universities are like the old Soviet department stores whose mission was to serve the interests of the sales clerks and not the customers. Why the sales clerks should want to keep things that way is perfectly understandable.

    It turns out that Buckley, a known Trump supporter, was one of the authors of the speech.

    A cryptic tweet by Buckley was followed a tweet from an ABC News reporter who spoke with Buckley.

    Frank Buckley @fbuckley
    Except it wasn’t stealing…

    Meridith McGraw @meridithmcgraw
    Just got off the phone with Buckley: “I was one of the principal speechwriters. It’s not a problem.”


  30. The act that Hillary still leads after all those dead cops and victims of terrorism shows that US is messed up.

    As for the lies of the Lib Glob elite, get a load of this.


    Funny. Even blacks in schools with inferior gym facilities have done better than other races.

    Could it have something to do with genetics?

    GYM CROW is real. Biology discriminates in favor of blacks in speed and power.

    But not in math and science.


    This election should be patriotic people vs the globalist establishment.

    But the GLOB has many peoples on its side.

    Immigrant groups want open borders for tribal and economic reasons. They want free access to America for their people. So, the Estab has them.

    Also, GLOB controls elite education, therefore many college-educated people are into ‘virtue-signaling’ about how they are not ‘racist’. And so many Americans are now college-educated or college-indoctrinated.

    Also, everyone is into pop culture, and ‘coolness’ is associated with globalism, proggy-ism, and anti-white-ism. This affects even unprivileged whites. They don’t have much, but they feel ‘rich’ in their cultural ‘cool’ and moral upmanship in relation to PC and Pop Culture.

    And Dems have blacks cuz of Civil Rights legacy just like GOP had black votes for a long time due to Lincoln and Emancipation.

    But eventually, the party of Lincoln became the business party, the party of the rich. Its connection to blacks became symbolic than real.

    Same seems to be happening to the Democratic Party, now the party of the 1%.

    But because of its political legacy — New Deal, Civil Rights, etc — , Dems still carry many of the lefty votes.

    But the fact that Dems promote homomania above all else shows that it’s all about globo-elitism. After all, homo queenie meanies are a bunch of hissy elitists who cater to the rich and powerful. That’s why the 1% love them so much.

    Also, GOP got labeled as the party of rich and business class, and it’s gonna take some time to shake off that brand that is still stuck.

    Indeed, Trump represents the contradiction. He’s a rich globalist billionaire, but he panders to the American working class.

    GOP will eventually have to become a social democratic conservative patriotic party for the middle class and working class. Not hostile to capitalism but hostile to globalist brand of capitalism that prioritizes the profits of the 1% and urban professionals above all else.

    Also, pop culture is poisoning America. It is no longer just fun and games. It is destroying souls and lives.


    There’s been a need for moral justification in American Politics.

    The Republican Party won the moral upperhand with the defeat over the Slave States and the freeing of the slaves. It was the party of Emancipation.

    This put Democrats, the Southern Party, at a disadvantage.

    But then, the Democrats gain moral righteousness as the party of poor white farmers, the working class, and needy immigrants against the rich Wasp elites concentrated in the GOP.

    And GOP moral credit further eroded because its link with blacks became more and more symbolic than real.

    When Democrats began to champion the blacks and radical youths, it lost many of the white ethnics, middle class, and working class. But the children of those ‘Nixon-Reagan Democrats’ were raised on PC education and Pop Culture that turned them into Progs.

    Today, Democrats have blacks, but the Democratic elites and blacks are drifting apart with homos and immigrants serving as a wedge. When will blacks realize that immigration is hurting them too? Blacks think in terms of ‘whatever is bad for GOP is good for us’. But the rise of homomania and immigration has put blacks in the back of the bus.

    And immigrants are pro-Democratic because Democratic elites value cheap docile immigrant labor and because immigrants vote Democratic.

    But we are seeing cracks in this coalition too. After all, the elites of Democratic Party are the richest people in America, very often Jewish.

    This makes many non-white groups leery of Jewish elite power.

    Trump is trying to bring together white middle class, white working class, blacks, and patriotic immigrants. Trump is hoping that immigrants who settled in the US in recent yrs favor Americanism over ethno-interests. But we are not seeing this with Hispanics. Even many legal Hispanics emotionally side with illegals and their native nations than with US patriotism that they associate with Gringo. On the other hand, they are none-too-happy with Democratic Party being controlled by the 1% in Wall Street and Hollywood and Silicon Valley, the super oligarchs, often Jewish.

  31. Does anyone remember how we have had a military coup in Turkey, two black men who have opened fire on police officers, and at least two ISIS terrorist attacks in the last two weeks?

    • No. Some hot chick said something someone else said.

      Like wow, black bodies used for fragile white privilege.

  32. Petty Erick Erickson, Ben Domenech and the ‘Nevertrump’ brigade never miss a chance to attack Trump, his campaign, family and supporters, often making mountains of molehills and flat out making sh*t up.

    Ben Domenech ?@bdomenech
    ‘Donald Trump Jr. had a chin implant.’

    Well, he couldn’t criticize JR. for plagiarism as Erick did (for obvious reasons) but he felt the need to jab him anyway.

    Do these cucks ever look in the mirror? Trump JR. puts them all to shame in the looks department.

    Plagiarism is the hot topic at the moment. Hey Erich, what about your moralizing pal, Ben? Any condemnation for his actions?

    “Red America” launched on March 21, 2006, but Domenech resigned three days later after only six posts, after other bloggers posted evidence that Domenech had plagiarized work from the Washington Post, The New Yorker, humorist P. J. O’Rourke, and several other writers. O’Rourke denied Domenech’s claim that the humorist had granted permission to use his words, adding that he could not recall ever meeting the college student. Editors for Domenech’s college newspaper, The Flat Hat, denied allegations by Domenech that one instance of plagiarism was because the editors had “inserted a passage from the New Yorker in an article without his knowledge,” saying that “Mr. Domenech’s actions, if true, [were] deeply offensive.” On March 24, 2006, the editors of National Review confirmed on its blog The Corner that Domenech appeared to have plagiarized for at least one article he had written for that publication. Washington Post online editor Jim Brady announced Domenech’s resignation saying “[a]n investigation into these allegations [of plagiarism] was ongoing, and in the interim, Domenech has resigned, effective immediately.”
    After initially denying the plagiarism allegations, Domenech apolgized, writing in a RedState post entitled “Contrition,” that “[t]here is no excuse for this…. I hope that nothing I’ve done as a teenager or in my professional life will reflect badly on the movement and principles I believe in.”
    More recently, Domenech was involved in a journalism scandal that resulted in the removal of his work from The Washington Examiner and the Huffington Post when it was disclosed that Domenech received $36,000 from Joshua Trevino, a conservative pundit and lobbyist, to write favorable opinion pieces about the government of Malaysia without disclosing the relationship. The payments came to light when Trevino registered as a foreign agent of the Malaysian government.
    After disclosure of the payments, The Washington Examiner and San Francisco Examiner, removed Domenech’s post from its website and replaced it with an editors’ note saying that “the author of this item presented content for which, unbeknownst to us, and in violation of our standards, had received payment from a third party mentioned therein — a payment which he also failed to disclose.” The Washington Examiner owned the San Francisco Examiner at the time and content was shared.

      • Now that I look at it Obamas statement is meaningless black gibberish?

        The Antarctic explorer is economical and thematically straightforward. Obama is sticking filler in there that means duck all and Melania is pointing out that work makes you free.

    • That would be copying from the Ming Dynasty and Emperor Hadrian.

      “aedificare murum”

    • Interesting observation, Lew. On Thursday, when Trump delivers his acceptance speech, we’ll see how he emerges onto the straightaway, after this three-day chicane …

    • It was used at least twice on the first night of the convention. However, your point is valid in that it hasn’t been featured and spotlighted. We will see tomorrow if Trump brings up the wall. I suspect he will because his candidacy is now almost synonymous with it. Even if he wanted to drop it Clinton definitely won’t let him.

  33. Donald J. Trump ?@realDonaldTrump
    The media is spending more time doing a forensic analysis of Melania’s speech than the FBI spent on Hillary’s emails.

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