Whites Targeted In Milwaukee Riots

Update: I just saw the videos after checking Drudge. This was much more than mere looting. Were they beating up their White anti-fa allies?

It couldn’t be happening in a better place!

Milwaukee is ground zero for the cucked suburban Whites who are giving Hillary Clinton the lead in the polls. They think Trump is a “racist” and want to virtue signal that his supporters are all a bunch of “bigots.”

“Violence and protests erupted in Milwaukee overnight after a man was fatally shot by police during a foot chase.

Police said the victim, 23, was armed with a handgun and shot dead by an officer after fleeing a traffic stop on Milwaukee’s north side Saturday afternoon.

Hours later angry crowds took to the streets, smashing a police car and setting fire to another. One officer was injured by a flying brick; a gas station and auto-parts store were set alight. Police said gunshots were heard. …”

I woke up this morning, grabbed a cup of coffee, and began scanning these videos of black mobs screaming “black power,” looting gas stations, torching an O’Reilly Auto Parts, and my first thought was about that terrible Marquette poll from last week and the morons who reelected Paul Ryan because they wanted to show they are “Wisconsin Nice.”

I heard on the news that we might get some more action tonight. Please continue!

Note: Seriously, if I was working for the Trump campaign, and I wanted blacks to start a race riot to scare White suburbanites to help Trump in the polls, I would want it to happen in either Milwaukee or Philadelphia to have the maximum impact.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I fear most cucks are beyond salvation. They’ll blame “The Democrats” for this and every other kind of negro violence and dysfunction.

    • Good. The Whites like us no what to do, to protect ourselves. The Cucks will be Diversified into the dirt. And out of OUR way.

    • Hey, this “event” is nothing to complain about. Stupid whites getting what stupid whites deserve.

      What sane white person ever dares to go into a black neighborhood without a tank and a small army?

      What sane white person in a vehicle would dare to slow down when surrounded by rioting blacks?

      What sane white person would align themselves with these primitive blacks on their soil?

      Come on. It’s culling time for our weak and weak-minded. What’s not to like?

        • It is. I am Tweeting as I am doing laundry now. I will now be contacting my SWPL neighbors, this afternoon, and gloating. I was a an ALL WHITE GOP fund-raiser last week. I met 2 really cool women, from another town. They are much older ladies, and their little old town is getting over-run with ZOG-imported Dindu druggies. They are freaked out. The one lady is in her 70’s. The other woman just turned 60. The 60 year old
          is kinds sorta SWPL. The 70 year old – who has TREMENDOUS energy – is a wholly un-reformed White. We were talking about why we are for Trump, etc, and I began talking about Race. I’m completely 100% open about my positions. I alter my “tone” and mode of expression to the setting and person. But I say, in 3D world, the exact same things I say online. I was in a jolly mood last week. The event was convivial and playful. I noted, as I was conversing with these ladies, that I have friends in Dixie, and that “No one on Earth is more of an expert on Negroes than “racist” White Southern men, as they’ve had to deal with Negroes up close for over 200 years.”. I told them there is a well-known expression, in the South, “A Nigger’s gonna Nig”. The 60 year old gasped at the use of my term “Nigger”. The 70 year old roared with laughter! We had a wonderful conversation after that. The 60 year old was looking around nervously – began to haltingly confess her fears. The Jew handler of one of the local politicians there moved close to us, since we were loud, and listened with growing horror. I stared right back at him. He knows that I know that he knows that I know. I haven’t challenged him publicly to his face – but that’s COMING.
          Whites are looking for validation to protect our own lives. You noted, month’s ago, that Trump is an Enabling Dissenter. God only knows what is going on with this campaign – but he may be elected despite EVERYTHING he’s doing to shoot himself in the foot. Keep up the Chimp Outs, Niggers! It’s not even about Trump.

          • Trump’s bumbling is quite useful.

            It makes him more Berlusconi than Adolf.

            Makes him more Archie Bunker than Franco.

            Do not worry.

          • Yup. He’s “not nice”. It’s like the Limey’s in the JewK, complaining about the Poles – but not uttering a whisper about the Dune Coons.
            I HATE Swpls.

          • Trump is half-German and half Celt. He’s stubborn as HELL, and LOVES to fight. I understand him three hundred gadjillion percent. I think he’s over the whole President Thing. But he jumped into this mess – and now he’s got to deal with it.

          • The best explanation I heard was that it was a New York Thing. We all know they are often obnoxious and will not let something go but also willing to scrap at any perceived offense. These are the people that drug bodies out of the Twin Towers, tough as nails

          • Funny thing is if Trump were black running as the black candidate none of his gaffs would make one difference, blacks would back him regardless. He could swill down a glass of purple drink and puff crack at his rallies and it wouldn’t shake his numbers in the polls. Yet whites are such a bunch of moral posturing phonies and over sensitive “cat collectors” that they forget their national question and over intellectualize the whole deal to vote against their interests for globalist dispossession.

          • our little rural white community suddenly has nogs behind the cash register at our local safeway. high white mulattoes of the type the old plantation massas would have been fucking on the side on a regular basis- wondering if they will be latching onto local white boys and popping out mongrels soon. how did they get here- how do we find out?

          • Bastard children of the wild times local girls had off in the city?

            I am wondering how all these hindus and middle easterners have would up in small towns across the country? I’ll stop at a motel in some rural community hundreds of miles from any big city and it’s owned by the Patel clan. Is this Kizir Kahn dude’s “buy a visa” immigration racket responsible for this? Is this how they get in here? Pool up some money they’ve accumulated from corrupt practices in their home country, agree to “invest it in some motel or gas station” in Bedford Falls, and a visa comes through? How come we aren’t helping our own kids become motel owners or gas station owners? I do get why we don’t want this job in the hood, but I am talking about places like that are out in the middle of nowhere and don’t cater to the food stamp and blunt clientele of “Precious” and “Gentle Giants.” I notice the Arabs seem to have taken over the “hood” liquor and lottery and fried chicken joints, but the Hindus seem to gravitate more to rural white areas. Coming from Beirut probably prepares you better for the former.

  2. The FREAKING White MAYOR is BEGGING the Niggers to “Please get your darling little babies home right now, so no harm comes to those poor sweet innocent little Black angels, meanwhile some Nigger Pastor is THREATENING more violence “Gibs me dat Cracka!”.
    The Jew Michael Mukasey was on Faux News kvetching. He said essentially that there is NO excuse for any of this, and the Authorities should SHUT IT DOWN. The Jew creates the problem and then offers the solution.

    • There is only one effective way to deal with rioters: Shoot them. Cucks and liberals never will. They always sympathize with non white lawbreakers and always blame whitey.

      Trump talks law and order. No wonder cucks and liberals hate him.

    • Maybe he doesn’t like this crap just as much as you and me. A lot of Jewish Men talk tough against this kind of stuff like the characters out of the mafia movies they’ve seen, problem is they all defer to their communities leftist intellectuals and enable it when time comes to put their money where their mouth is.

  3. Just blacks being blacks in the Midwest. I guess they couldn’t wait for the state fair to gang up and attack white people.

  4. Let it burn.
    Don’t expect much to change even if it burned to the ground. Because basic human nature the cuck whites can still virtue signal their cuckiness, the day their virtue signaling is discredited we can send up an AC-130 gun ship to stop these riots but not before their virtue signaling is discredited.

    • Decades ago, it must have been, I was struck that liberal whites would vote liberal right up to the moment that their daughters were being sodomized by negroes on their front lawns.

      • Ive said that same thing that some white males will go down on their knees praising diversity as their wives and daughters are raped before their very eyes. I call it Amy Biehl Syndrome. She is the blond , blue eyed, girl who decided to devote her life to ending Apartheid in South Africa and was killed by the very blacks she tried to help. At their murder trial Amy’s father hugged the blacks who killed his daughter, forgave them, and I am told even gave them jobs.

    • Conversely if whites are finished as the crackpot anti-whites tell us then so is their virtue signaling which is liberating. I glean a little from the dino media and what would have been national navel gazing such as 1992 has been reduced to basically second tier sports type headlines.
      I will assume that D party progs are as weary of their coalition partners as they are in Chicago. Politically only Cucks and standard Contards care about blacks besides blacks themselves such as the Obama admin.
      So it is not about Big Daddy White Man taking care of Baby Blacks it is how the up and coming D party coalition partners are going to take care of blacks.
      Prediction: Don’t be surprised that soon you will hear D party hacks saying “fucking niggers.”

    • Rio has some of the worst crime in the entire world. There are worst places like the Congo, but they are non-players in the world. Brazil is supposed to be a major player in the global economy, building commercial airliners. Rio is a very nice modern city, problem is unlike China which controls movement of peasants and doesn’t let them show up and build shantytowns in Shanghai, nor let them breed like rabbits. The absolute scum of the earth has moved to Rio and built these hell on earth, crime infested shantytowns, and had the nerve to breed more of their worthless biomass plaguing the cities productive, whiter elements with awful crime and violence. Really is no solution that isn’t really really ugly to this useless biomass.

      • Yeah, sounds about right.

        But, I did notice the rather “fit” Brazilian gals that just won at beach volleyball today.

        Lot’s of good looking White Brazilians in the stands.

        Think Brazil is like the better parts of India.

        The whiter you are, the higher caste you are and most everyone is very, very aware of racial/caste realities.

        There are few or really no idiot Liberals/Libertarian loons, blankos like we have in Paul Ryan’s Southern Wisconsin Congressional district.

    • None of the blacks involved know or care about Nehlen. Milwaukee had a chance to vote for a candidate who was campaigning on the crime issue and wanted to be tougher on weak judges, light sentences and so forth. He was defeated something like 70-30%.

      The citizens and leadership of Milwaukee will cower and give the niggers more sh*t. It’s how they roll.

      The only one willing to do the right thing surprisingly is Sheriff Clark. Being black he’s immune from the charge of racism. The SJW’s and all the minorities hate him.

  5. Immigration is seen by both Libs and Cons as the best way to control blacks.

    Paradoxically, Diversity via Immigration is the Wall against blacks for the affluent class.

    Blacks will rob browns, yellows, dotkins, and Muslims than the urban yuppies.

    Trump’s Wall threatens the Brown/Yellow Wall against blacks.

    So, open borders creates new defacto borders made up of human walls. White Lib yuppies value the brown wall against the black mayhem.

    It’s like if you break the dam and let the water flow freely, the newly created rivers serve as new barriers and moats.

    Suppose there is an open valley that blacks often pass to beat up whites on the other side of the valley.

    Suppose the dam is busted and brown water is allowed to flow and flood the valley. Open borders, right?

    Yes, but the effect will be to flood the valley, and blacks will drown in the brown river before reaching the other side of the valley to rob whites. So, open flow leads to formidable barrier.

    Jews esp see Diversity as a series of canals to block the pathways of those with pitchforks.

    Open Borders means more gentile diversity and each gentile stream can be used to block the paths of other gentiles.

    Also, in a flooded world, only those who can afford boats get to navigate and remain dry. Like Noah.

    The new great flood is Third World Humanity. Jews got the ark of elite privilege to dry and afloat amidst the flood.


  6. Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin activated the Wisconsin National Guard on Sunday to assist local law enforcement following a night of violence in Milwaukee that began hours after a police officer fatally shot a fleeing armed man there.


  7. How long must we wait, how much must we endure, before the White Republic becomes a reality? Who cannot see how rigged the system is? Dream of a White Republic. Now make it so! You already know the Ethno-State resolution is the only solution.

  8. It’s “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” for Trump.

    He is like an athlete in fight/game refereed by a crook who calls foul on everything he does but overlooks the blatant violations of the opponent.

    If Trump doesn’t complain, the referee will keep playing it crooked.

    If he complains, he will be called a ‘sore loser’.

    As for cuckservatives, they hate Trump because his brashness and boldness exposed them for the wussy dogs that they are. Their institutionalized wimpiness is what they call ‘gentlemanliness’.

    Hate-osis or Hatosis is like halitosis.

    Globerals cannot smell their own breath.

    They have so much hate(which is OK by me as long as they are honest about it) but only see and smell it on the other side.

    Btw, it was Obama/Hillary’s wars that killed or displaced millions of Muslims.

    But as long as they CLAIM to love Muslims, I guess what they DO is okay.

    If love is what you claim, you can take lethal aim.

    The worst perversion of US politics is that white conservatives must love and revere Jews who hate and revile them the most.

    Even Trump hasn’t been able to deal with this Achilles Heel.

    There will come a time when whites realize that they must wake up to Jewish Hate and sound the alarm on it.

    This is where Alt Right is ahead of Trump. Way ahead. Unfortunately, Alt Right has too many 14/88 fleas and ticks who mes up the discourse with retardo Fuhrer worship.

    Alt Right needs to fumigate itself of the 14/88 fleas, roaches,and vermin.

    Neo-Nazis might as well work for the SPLC.

    Alt Right must offer alternative to both GOP Inc and far-right nutjobs whose sense of reality isn’t far from UFO conspiracy theorists.


    • You were doing FINE until you got to your 14/88 Hating. We ARE the Alt Right. HEIL HITLER. and FUCK YOU.

        • Hitler did not wage war on Whites. The KIKES did, Didn’t you use to be on facebook, blathering about how much you LOVE nigger cock? Fuck off you god damned leech.

          • She is okay. And you are the one who does look like a washed up skank who likes a mamzer or Muslim cock up ur ass evryday. ur psychotic long rants gives the feel ur in a orgy with some random dyke kikeess, koranimal and a nigga everyday.

          • “Andrea” is a Nigger loving HOMO “male” who had taken to attempting to subvert White sites. It’s actually a rather well known infestation, that periodically crops up.

          • Kikes CREATED the whole problem, you subversive FREAK. If you has a shred of actual knowledge, you would KNOW why Hitler invaded Poland AND Russia. You are nothing but a Kike Loving subversive Nigger loving/f8cking FAGGOT. You are a twisted freak. Now run along and get a refill on your AIDS meds.

          • Not just dindus, of whom she admires their so called athletic ability, she is a staunch staunch defender of Islam and muslims. Check all her posts .. SHe would literally worship and hail muslims in her OCD stimulated long rants..May be she is dating a sand nigger now. Her long anti jew rants can be seen not from a pro white cause but love for jigaboos and koranimals. How can anyone who calls herself prowhite and commenting on prowhite blogs hate hitler for some slavs and muslims…

  9. Dumb ass negro with a title of ‘Revrun’ is still a dumb ass worthless negro.

    “A Milwaukee pastor says the lack of jobs and economic opportunities for black residents is to blame for violent protests that rocked the city following a police shooting.

    Rev. Richard Bush was surveying a burned-out gas station on Milwaukee’s predominantly black north side Sunday morning. That was the site of hours of unrest late Saturday after an officer killed a man who police say fled a traffic stop while armed. Protesters set fire to at least three other businesses.

    Bush leads the nearby Pentecostal Church of God in Christ. He says the city must put more money into the north side because residents there “don’t have nothing to do but destroy stuff.”

  10. America’s in a downward spiral. This is what happens in a forced integrated society. African Americans want community police. Why not skip the code words. These people support a “Black Government & Police” free of White People. We support the same for European Americans. We should reestablish Racial Segregation. Stop the Hate…..Separate! WPWW !

  11. Globerals are smugots, or smug-bigots.

    They are self-righteous do-goody supremacists. Their moral vanity is such that they HATE anyone who would dares to prick their bubble.

    They look in the mirror and say, ‘mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?’

    Themselves of course… even as they rig the system to prioritize their own privilege.

    Just like physical narcissists can’t stand people who don’t agree that they are beautiful, smug moral narcissists cannot tolerate anyone who doesn’t see how noble and wonderful they are. What a bunch of smugots.

    They get off by feeling they are so good and wonderful because of holier-than-thou sanctimonious attitudes that are supposedly unimpeachable.

    Narcissists hate those who dissent or challenge their high self-regard.

    Much of ‘progressivism’ isn’t about humanity or justice. Those are just empty slogans. It is about virtue-signaling or virtue-reflecting in front of a mirror.

    It is just ideological narcissism. Notice how these smugots attend the finest schools and want the best privilege(like in BLUE JASMINE) but also to signal to themselves and the world how superior they are in intellect and values to the rest of the world.

    These smugots hate Trump not because Trump is a narcissist but because he abandoned some of his former globo-narcissism to offer something to the American people who are hurting.

    Actually, the smugots prefer the former Trump who only seemed to care about himself and his personal empire.

    Trump risked much of his finances and well-being to do something for the people.

    In doing so, he exposed a giant hole at the core of globo-‘progressivism’ that talks the talk about n’justice’ but is little more than smugots grabbing everything for themselves.

    To the Globerals, that is unforgivable. Smugots want to own all the ‘virtue’ within the context and confines of their rigged system of rules called PC.

  12. I read that Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin activated the Wisconsin National Guard at the behest of Sheriff Clark. Totally figures. All the white cuck officials would be too terrified to clamp down on the rioters.

  13. The dindu who caused the riots.



    • 

  14. I seriously hope the Negroes were turning on their RACE TRATIOR allies. We need dissension within the ranks in the worst way.

  15. Wisconsin has been a Leftist State for decades it gave us the LaFollette Family and Communists always had a lot of pull around Milwaukee. May have been one of the reasons Senator McCarthy knew so much about them, but i am not sure. I attribute this to the Swedes the same as in Minnesota many of these people came to Wisconsin in the 1880s already Social Justice leftists, into a state originally peopled from Greater New England. Whats that tell you?

    People in a place like Wisconsin or in Minnesota for that matter will never be educated to be like us because they aren’t us. They do not have our blood or temperment

    • Milwaukee has always had socialist mayors. German socialists in the early part of the 20th century in particular.

      • Thats what I was always thinking of the city has had a long stretch of Judeo-Socialists running it. Wisconsin with the Scandinavian side has as well same as Sweden. Incredibly naive people

        • Exactly. We have our own madness – but we are NOT afraid of confrontation, fights, and “not being nice”.
          EFF “nice”. “Nice” is getting us killed.

        • Sweden,UK and Germany are beyond repair. Imagine in 10 years. Demographics will be completely changed. The orcs have taken it over and there is literally no chance of a white majority anymore.Even if hitler resurrects he cannot claim them back. Similar thing is happening here at Jewnited snakes albeit slowly. Too many cucks out here,s not sure if a fightback would if a fight back is helping us. Trump is the only silver lining. But lets not get in our high horses yet.He is a shady businessman anyhow. Incase of the inevitable, whites must prepare themselves to move to Russia, the last bastion of whiteness.

          • The only thing that will change the trajectory of history in Europe is a massive war and with nuclear exchange and mass starvation, you would see the whites survive at a far higher rate, these non European people are for the most part parasites. Of course then there is the issue would you really want to destroy every city just to save the nation?

            History has always shown that projections are for the most part crap, eventually there will be a massive destruction and culling of the population. The question will be how do we survive?

  16. The narrative is being heavily controlled. No comment sections on news stories. No mention of attacks on whites.

  17. I can’t help but think of a group of education majors I met in Appleton, Wisconsin in the early 2000s, who immediately started talking about how poorly blacks are treated when they heard that I am from the South. Several also went on about how they couldn’t wait to graduate and go down to Chicago to teach in an inner-city school.
    I just let them talk. Hope they are having fun now! They really didn’t understand at all why rural and small town Wisconsin is so nice. I wonder if it still is? Without blacks, my hometown would have been Appleton, Wisconsin, and it was on my side of town.

    • ‘Several also went on about how they couldn’t wait to graduate and go down to Chicago to teach in an inner-city school.’

      Sad, but true.

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