She’s feeling great and everything is fine. Then she collapses. The campaign says she got a little overheated on a hot day. Then she comes outside and says she is feeling better. Now it turns out she was diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday:
“NEW YORK — Hillary Clinton was diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday, her doctor said in a statement Sunday after the Democratic nominee left a 9/11 memorial ceremony due to what her campaign said was overheating.
“Secretary Clinton has been experiencing a cough related to allergies. On Friday, during follow up evaluation of her prolonged cough, she was diagnosed with pneumonia,” her doctor, Lisa Bardack, said. “She was put on antibiotics, and advised to rest and modify her schedule. While at this morning’s event, she became overheated and dehydrated. I have just examined her and she is now re-hydrated and recovering nicely.”
Everyone who was saying she was sick a month ago was a CRAZY CONSPIRACY THEORIST. My head is spinning from all the lies about her health over the past month. Less than an hour ago, the Hillbots were still blaming the weather on Twitter. They said it was perfectly normal to cough for several minutes like she did in that video. It was perfectly normal to pass out from the extreme heat on a 77 degree September day!
Update: She has pneumonia, but she is hugging children on the street and visiting her newborn grandchild? Very strange.
This is why the mainstream media sucks. #FaintingHillary. pic.twitter.com/7UhNEx8dDm
— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) September 11, 2016
Just like the media under (((Communism))).
I wonder why?
Its BS.
The only reason we have video is because of some guy on the street with his cellphone.
Then they claim Heat when it’s 75 in NY. When they realize that is not going to fly, they switch to the old pneumonia. If she was diagnosed Friday, why did they allow her to go to the 9/11 event?
Hillary has a serious illness.
Would you say she’s in….hee, hee…”deplorable” health?
Your joke is so simple and yet I loled hard!
Deplorable is the go to adjective, for all fun loving Alt-righters.
This morning in NYC it was intensely humid. So the 75 isn’t the full picture.
How many other people collapsed?
I’m not saying she’s not sick, just that the humidity was the environmental trigger.
Great point. How many others fainted in the heat? Of the thousands there, the only one to faint was the candidate for the Presidency. That inspires confidence, doesn’t it?
As I mentioned on your post on twitter, the fact they’re claiming she was diagnosed on Friday is proof it’s a lie. Her symptoms clearly predate by a number of weeks, if not more, but we’re expected to believe that her doctor’s didn’t spot it till Friday? Pneumonia is serious in and of itself for the elderly, but it’s clearly just a cover to explain her incapacitation from whatever is really going on. I already heard they might be cancelling events due to this “pneumonia.” They needed a reason, and a little case of “pneumonia” is an easy excuse to keep her bed ridden but yet not necessarily on death’s door. Also note the way she fell to pieces in that video. I’ve been faint before, experienced dizzy spells. That was something far more extreme. The Conservative Treehouse also noted that a piece of metal seems to fall from her pants, possibly from whatever contraption she is hiding in that costume she wears.
And before the van arrives, they’ve got her propped against that barricade pole. She wasn’t standing on her own. When they come for her, she continues to fall backwards. They straighten her, move her a few steps. Then she falls forward.
Pneumonia and antibiotics can really take it out of you but this isn’t the first time we’ve seen her being held up. That photo of her being held on both sides going up a short flight of stairs – think it was from last April – is context for this episode.
Pneumonia sin t going to kill the Hildabeast
Need a wooden stake and a hammer
Pneumonia is serious for a close-to-70 year old woman.
It is said that very old vampires can go out in the daytime, but it weakens them.
You forget the garlic in the mouth.
jayvbellis,”Pneumonia sin t going to kill the Hildabeast
Need a wooden stake and a hammer”.
That was good!
Give her credit though. She is tough. She’s falling out and won’t quit.
This is summer, not Pneumonia season. When you hear of people dying of Pneumonia in summer it is usually 90 year olds. If she’s at 90 year old health levels in her late 60s that’s pretty bad. Doubt it’s pneumonia and this is just cover, if it is it is a complication of something already going on. She was falling off her plane back when secretary of state, this appears to be an accelerating downfall of something that is chronic. Slick Willy and Hillary were probably hoping it would come after all the demands of the election.
She has pneumonia and her first thought is to go see her newborn grandchild, hug some kid on the street, and teIl the media she is fine.
This woman is obviously dead woman walking and everyone knows it her mortality looks to be on shaky ground.The question is how can Trump capitalize on this? Donald by all accounts is as virile as some 40 yr olds
Hell, Trump is as verile as most 20 year olds. He’s campaigning and going to rallies every freaking day and is high energy everywhere he goes. He’s also clearly learning and memorizing key statistics and info at a really fast pace.
Trump really is a smart guy. Hillary is just said to be the world’s smartest woman. She isn’t.
So now when it suits you you’re a conspiracy theorist.
A sad world of make – believe!
I knew it!
They fired the black guy and brought in a Jew!
Dr. Lisa Bardack is the one who claims Clinton had pneumonia.
Proof she is Jewish:
Bardack (who may be an absolutely incompetent nepotistic physician – there are many), is also tied to Clinton and dementia. Her name was on a medical report claiming Clinton had subcortical vascular dementia secondary to a concussion in 2012.
She claims that these particular documents are forgeries (like the Protocols), but that does not mean the content is false. Someone in the know may have used that technique to get the word out, and did not want to use the actual medical records, which would be a Federal offense.
It would be a helluva fall that would give someone dementia – I’m calling Alzheimers for genetic and circumstantial reasons.
Clinton makes Alzheimers cure central to her campaign in December:
Why on Earth would Clinton be on coumadin rather than a newer anticoagulant like xarelto? Medical incompetence? The only reason not to switch would be if she had a bad heart valve!
Does she have dementia secondary to clots going to her brain (microinfarct dementia aka vascular dementia)?
Note at 1:42 she gets very emotional when talking “specifically to Alzheimers”
and 6:22 talking about her own mother as she aged and approached death.
She is as white as a ghost. Is it possible she may drop dead before the election??
It would be nice if she could hang on just long enough to lose to Trump in a massive landslide. Then Satan can take her home.
It’s best that she recovers in time for debate and then keels over during debate.
Look at her clothes in this series of pictures. Why is she always wearing winter clothes in the middle of the summer?
Something is wrong with that woman.
So what? Like blacks, dead people have a long tradition of voting Democrat, so it’s about time they got to elect one of their own. She’ll do as much good as Obama has, and make a lot fewer mistakes.
This MD says that pneumonia is common in Parkinson’s suffers. Pretty good video as well. Go to the 12:40 mark to hear him talk about pneumonia and Parkinson’s.
Now they’re finessing pneumonia as if it’s just a bad cold. Pneumonia kills people and it’s contagious. If they aren’t going to tell the truth they’ve got to come up with better lies.
More speculation here:
My take away from this article is that “Dr” Bardack is not Board Certified; she is a political appointee from a Jewish elite family who probably has no business being a doctor. She is saying exactly what her puppet masters tell her to say. Is Clinton actually getting medical care? Or is this Michael Jackson redux?
The Black Dude was Bill Clinton’s doctor, on loan to Hillary for the campaign.
She could have had walking pneumonia for some time and not been properly diagnosed. It isn’t uncommon. Not all pneumonias show up on an X-ray, sometimes a bronchoscopy is required.
Hillary’s health has released another black swan in Trump’s flock.
Maybe it is destiny.
The Devil’s Hand.
I’ve been coughing uncontrollably for months and I have recently been diagnosed with pneumonia. I guess I’ll just start hugging children. #typhoidhillary
I don’t think the woman in the “I feel great” video is Clinton. She’s taller, thinner. and moves much better.
I tend to doubt she didn’t know. She has the best medical care possible and every inch of her witch like body has been examined and tested.
The pneumonia thing is TOTAL BS.
Most likely another Clinton deception. However, if she actually was diagnosed Friday with pneumonia the media should be condemning her for walking around in public possibly infecting other people.
That where her story falls apart. That lie backed her into a corner whether it’s true or not.
Her team didn’t have much time to create a cover story.
Yeah, it’s total bullshit. These lies are catching up to her.
OTOH, this gets deplorablegate off the headlines.
I just watched a PBS film Churchill’s Secret. It’s about his
Stroke in the Coronation year of QEII.
He hid the stroke rebounded for the party conference at Margate and was gone in 18 months.
He lived on for anothe decade.
Clinton is smoked politically. Something is seriously wrong with her.
The media is really getting desperate to defeat Trump.
What is up with those weird glasses?
Sick Hillary Clinton Seen Wearing Anti-Seizure Sunglasses After Fainting Spell
After suffering what was reported as a fainting incident today, sick Hillary Clinton is seen wearing anti-seizure sunglasses.
Zeiss Z1 blue lenses are worn by epileptic patients to help fight off seizures.
On another website, a commenter mentioned he believed Hillary has Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (it killed actor Dudley Moore). After going to some medical sites, it may fit the bill in regard to her symptoms. She just doesn’t have the tremors that are indicative of Parkinsons.
Life with Zeiss Z1 F133 protective lenses
‘They absolutely do prevent seizures while Alice watches TV! They also prevent the seizures that happen when she reads uninterrupted for very long periods. And they’re handy for unexpected events out in the community—emergency lights, flash photography, and flickering fluorescent bulbs.’
Strange how her hair has changed. All through the campaign, it had looked great–remarkably so for hair of a woman her age–and then, suddenly, it went flat. The top picture in the graphic below is from her American Legion appearance, on August 31, the day of Trump’s visit to Mexico; the bottom one is from July 28, a month earlier, as she was giving her convention speech. Naturally, she was glamorized for the speech; but really, as I’ve said, her hair had been looking just about that vital throughout the campaign …
She’s beginning to look like a Saturday morning grocery store grandma who puts on her pajamas and combs her greasy hair to minimally get done up for the errand. She probably spends so much time medicating and sleeping that she can no longer devote even the 90 minutes a day or so, it takes to get her fully up to presidential beauty standards. Plus if you are constantly taking naps, the hair style is going to suffer.
It just occurred to me … a blue collar, not terribly involved in politics, conservative fundamental Christian (w/o a college degree) … THAT: It is sinful the way the Democrat party, the “handlers”, and obscene donors insisting that Hillary is their ticket to total power and control (you know – over the internet, the course of the New/One World Fantasy, and the weather) are treating Mrs. Clinton. Sure, at one point she thought it was her destiny to be President of the USA. Obama broke that. She knows now that it’s not necessarily in the ‘cards.’ Now they (democrat party, MSM, and Ka-Zillionaires) are pushing her on with medication and flattery to win the highest office on the planet. Trust me on the medication angle. A nice dose of Oxycontin and some coffee will bring the smile to your face for a couple hours even though 90 minutes ago you experienced a mini-stroke. Please, let her retire in peace and Luxury and find some other donkey to take her place. I like Krysten Sinema … I’m just sayin.’
Why does this verse come to mind?
‘I saw that one of the heads of the beast seemed wounded beyond recovery—but the fatal wound was healed! The whole world marveled at this miracle and gave allegiance to the beast.’ – Rev.13:3
September 11 versus July 28 …
The Dykening has begun…
Just a passing bout of pneumonia? I don’t know. I’m not a doctor …
Is that her?
Pretty sure it’s Clinton. Encountered it in a tweet that seemed to be indicating it’s she. It looks as if it could be from that little stroll she did in front of Chelsea’s apartment building, after the fainting spell or whatever it was she’d suffered.
Looks like someone who had an organ transplant and had their face puff up from the powerful anti rejection medications.
Anyone else who swayed like that claiming that they didn’t feel well due to the heat would be in an ambulance to the ER.
A lot of blood pressure meds have dry constant coughing as a side effect. She could also have congestive heart failure, which would make her weak and off kilter, possibly meniere’s disease as well.
Karma is a bitch. Maybe the rest of the jew elites will start to have health problems as a result of their anti-white genocidal policies. You can’t possibly be a healthy person if your entire life is based on killing off whites. It eventually catches up to you.
“Rockin’ Pneumonia and Boogie Woogie Flu” – Johnny Rivers (1972)
Someone who knows how to do it needs to put this as a theme song with the film clips of her head bobbling around and then the scene at the van for the grand finale.
Pneumonia? I smell a cover-up!
Pneumonia? And she loses a shoe? Imagine if she had cancer? She’d lose her mind… oh wait..
They need to wash Hillary’s blood with some young virgin girls blood. Works with mice.
When one is faint their neck droops forward. When one is in spasm (axial rigidity) their neck and torso become stiff. The video looks like spasm. Progressive Supranuclear Palsy and it’s symptoms, although rare, fit her profile and explain her quick recovery after spasm. Just opinion on visual evidence.