She’s fine:
Media waiting to interview #SickHillary!
They know they don't want to catch whatever the hell she has! pic.twitter.com/z31LvVlQkQ— 5 minutes ago (@lotterypicker) September 11, 2016
We were waiting for @wikileaks to give us an October surprised.
Today the other shoe dropped.#ClintonCollapse pic.twitter.com/afCQk78nto
— Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) September 11, 2016
Note: Share memes and parodies in the comments.
In know,the Russians put a radioactive isotope in her Lipton Tea.
The Zero Hedge crowd is particularly abuzz by this:
All Trump has to do is keep it Presidential and make this race about Globalism rather than himself.
It’s over.
BREAKING NEWS: She was diagnosed with pneumonia last Friday.
Almost certainly a lie. Not that she didn’t have pneumonia, she may or may not (probably not), but there is something more debilitating and long lasting here. Besides, if she was diagnosed with it on Friday, the antibiotics would have nuked it by Sunday (in a healthy person).
I’m calling Alzheimers. She’s almost 69. It isn’t the disease, it’s the drugs that matter here. I would look for evidence of dementia in her public outings.
The Newgate Hornpipe and the Tyburn Jig
Excellent, that’s a keeper.
Putin it’s Putin
Ricky Vaughn Retweeted
Hateful Heretic ?@hateful_heretic
If Crooked Hillary thinks 80 degrees is hot, she will be in for a surprise after she dies
How is Deplorable Hillary going to debate Trump if she is in deplorable health?
Not quite. She’d look better in a coffin.
I posted this pic on Twitter. People really seem to be enjoying this meme!
This whole event is beyond hilarious. I have been laughing about it all day.
If Deplorable Hillary had any sense she would quickly leave the race and let that idiot Joe Biden step in so he can lose to Trump instead.
I am going to check out that D.W. Griffith film you recommended, Orphans of the Storm. Thanks!
Best shoe shot since the other wicked witch of the east tasted house.