Since yesterday morning, we have moved on from overheated to pneumonia to a non-contagious pneumonia bug that has hobbled the whole campaign to hydrophobia to severe dehydration that has happened “on more than one occasion.”
1.) Everyone who says Hillary has a serious health problem is a CRAZY CONSPIRACY THEORIST.
2.) You’re a sexist for suggesting something is wrong with Hillary. Do you think women are weaker than men or something? Are you trying to say she can’t do the job?
3.) She is coughing like that because she has seasonal allergies.
4.) She got a little overheated at the 9/11 memorial service. It was one of the hottest days ever in New York City. She’s fine.
5.) Hillary: “I’m feeling great.”
6.) Hillary’s Doctor: She was diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday.
7.) Last night: Hillary isn’t going to California for her fundraisers. She is recuperating at home for the next few days.
8.) Chuck Schumer, Robby Mook, and the Clinton Team all got pneumonia. Hillary, however, got the non-contagious kind of pneumonia.
9.) Hillary Clinton gets severely dehydrated because she is averse to drinking water.
10.) Bill: “Rarely, on more than one occasion, over the last many, many years, the same sort of thing’s happened to her when she got severely dehydrated, and she’s worked like a demon, as you know, as Secretary of State, as a senator, and in the years since,” said the president.”
11.) Hillary avoided going to the ER in order to conceal the true nature of her condition.
Hillary Clinton is fine. This sort of thing has happened before. It is perfectly normal to pass out like that, go completely limp, and be thrown like a sack of potatoes into the back of an SUV by the Secret Service on September 11th at the 9/11 Memorial Service.
The real Hillary died years ago, possibly by sniper fire while landing
in Bosnia. She has been replaced by a contingent of humaniform robots.
However, the software that controls the robots has systemic bugs, such
as not being able to tell the truth.
What you’re saying is actually more believable than all the official explanations about Deplorable Hillary’s deplorable health.
So like the movie “Dave”?
The question isn’t so much how is she, but where is she?
Her (((handlers))) have literally taken the leading Presidential candidate by many measures, when she was clearly not of sound mind, and DISAPPEARED her! ANYONE can use her Twitter account! Where is Hillary!?! Release Hillary!! Free Hillary!!
In two weeks, for all we know, this will be old news, but a 6:38 p.m. post at http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2016/09/12/us/politics/ap-us-campaign-2016-the-latest.html contains the following odd passage:
“[Bill] Clinton said [his wife] had gotten ‘dehydrated’ at the ceremony in New York. Hillary Clinton left the event early and appeared to buckle as she was being helped into her motorcade. Her doctors later disclosed that she had been diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday.
“The former president said if there are more health problems that caused her apparent weakness Monday, ‘then it’s a mystery to me and all of her doctors.'”
Does that wording not seem calculated to invite rumor? “[T]hen it’s a mystery to me and all of her doctors,” as opposed to, say, “Then her doctors are unaware of them.”
He said today she had gone down several times. Shortly thereafter, Hillary was on Anderson Cooper doing cleanup.
We’ve gone from pneumonia to dehydration in 24 hours.
But remember it was originally “overheating” when it was 77 degrees outside…
Bill doesn’t want this shit does he?
Mr B., Bill Clinton’s father was a travelling salesman. The western end of his sales territory was Sherman and Denison. R.V. Clinton is his first cousin, and was my barber. Anytime talk turned to bill, R.V. looked painfully embarrassed. From what little was said, I got the impression that Bill is known among the family for believing the things he says, that everyone else knows aren’t true. He’s not consciously lying because it’s real, to him. I think Hillary is the same way. She really does have pneumonia, she really does get dehydrated, and she really is fine. If you can’t see that, then you and I are mentally I’ll, not her and Bill.
That sounds exactly right, James. It’s strange, the way the two of them, Bill and Hillary, came together, from different parts of the U.S., with their similar stances toward existence.
Suddenly everyone had pneumonia. What a crock of shit.
Hillary’s pneumonia was the non-contagious kind though.
The last time I had Pneumonia was at 16. I was stalling for time handing in a Geography Field Study project. Used ill health as an excuse to hand it in late. Totally fictitious claim. I suspect pneumonia is a good catch all excuse.
Strep throat was also good………
Beaners just attacked Ruan Lochte on Dancing with the Stars.
Len and Cheryl looked shook up.
They are assaulting our white suprematist swimmers in our our studios now.
If there are any whites who are still capable of waking up, that incident will have increased the ranks of the deplorables.
Lochte seems to be really dim though.
Lochte is rumored to have been a big fan of the “brown sugar” if you know what I mean…
Eww, Gross.
In this case, that punk deserved it.
Has she been seen alive since her collapse? The woman walking around dressed like her may be an unconvincing double.
“I told my wife last night, I said I won’t be surprised if I wake up today and find that Hillary Clinton has passed away,” James said. “She wasn’t appropriately checked into a hospital and investigated appropriately.”
they are priming the pump to pull her out of the debates. Her internal polling is probably horrible. They have to do D +10 to get her a lead that’s not within the margin of error and they have been asking for the “youngest member of the household”. Gee I wonder why. They are going to replace her with Biden if she has another episode or gets smoked in the debates.
Off topic:
I just found this video at the incogman.
Looks like recess at a public school in Chicago.
They will destroy civilization as we know it.
Niggers are vile beasts. Even Niglets. It’s BAD when children are DISGUSTING.
Now Hillary is claiming Pepe the Frog is a symbol of white supremacism. Her campaign is in utter free fall and she’s attacking a cartoon character.
And a very docile cartoon character at that.
Docile? Lord Kek is not docile…
A Sad World Of Make – Believe!!
MSM denied it for so long and now they’re doing damage control because they can no longer deny it, LOL. Have the FDR comparison memes started yet?
Isnt it interesting now flexible obamas schedule was that he could on a moments notice head off from the white house to begin campaigning for the beast while she recovers….would seem we either have one “do nothing” president or a pre planned event. Might it be that her deplorables comment did such harm that she needed the guy who thinks he is president to do some damage control for her…or perhaps Trump had actually made inroads into the black vote and she needed some assistance.
Should we blame Hillary on, or for, Global Warming?