Did anyone else notice that yesterday? A Donald Trump path to 270 opened up:
AZ: Trump +2 (NBC/WSJ/Marist)
GA: Trump +4 (Opinion Savvy)
OH: Trump +5 (CNN)
FL: Trump +3 (CNN)
NC: Trump +3 (Suffolk)
NV: Trump +2 (Monmouth)
IA: Trump +8 (Monmouth)
ME2: Trump +10 (Boston Herald)
CO: Trump +4 (Emerson)
Gary Johnson at 13 in Colorado sucks up just enough of the “lmao, weed” independent vote to punch Trump’s ticket to the White House:
Hillary’s Firewall consists of Colorado, Virginia, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Maine. If she loses all the other swing states, she has to run the table in these states to keep Trump out of the White House.
Note: As I said in “This Is Our Best Shot,” the stars seem to be aligning in this election. Hillary is a wildly unpopular candidate. Gary Johnson and Jill Stein are running strong enough to throw the election in the battleground states. Also, I wrote that before Hillary took her big swoon on Sunday, which is just an amazing gift that never happens.
I think Penn is going to be the next shoe to drop.
She’s fallen 6 points across the polls I have seen. I’m expecting a Tie or Hillary +1 in Pennsylvania.
I think she is losing New Hampshire and Wisconsin now. The polls are just lagging events.
Voting for Trump would be a good way for the voters of Wisconsin to make amends for their foolish and extremely shortsighted decision to cast their votes for Ted Cruz in the Republican primaries.
The Trump campaign is on a roll and the media is talking about birther garbage again.
Bannon is the best thing that happened. Since he has taken over, this campaign has been a well oiled machine.
KellyAnne is Dutch Aunting him.
Yes, Denise, though in this case, the Dutch Aunt is of Italian and Irish ancestry. Such a fascinating blend …
PA MI WI are in play. Look at stated with republican governors and a blue collar base. Trumpslide!
Trump is about to put the birther issue to rest. Good time to do it. Next week, Wikileaks and emails will mire Hillary in scandals.
I am praying he doesn’t cock it up. The press is waiting for him to show. I think he doesn’t want to lie.
He did great. He put it completely to rest.
All the media can do now is whine over details. The birther issue is officially closed.
Pennsylvania should be great for Trump. The big problem is Philadelphia, which will report last– after seeing how many votes they need to win the state.
Oh wait. Look here. 25% of Philly hasn’t reported! How will it go?
Philthydelphia is totally Nigger and Kike.
No Denise, look at my post above.
Not these days, madam …
See http://www.phillymag.com/news/2016/09/16/philadelphia-unity-cup/
Which is not to say I’d stroll through West Philadelphia at night …
See http://www.cbsnews.com/news/two-police-officers-shot-in-philadelphia/
That’s how she stole Missouri and Kentucky in the Dem primary.
Perhaps a loose nuke detonates and wiped the thug city off the map.
Not to many thugs here like Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Atlanta, Milwaukee. .we are full of 21st century invaders, mexicans, central Americans, third world Muslims and rural Chinese, tuberculosis, deng fever, bubonic plague.
Who knew that a clueless pothead like Gov. Johnson could potentially be so useful? Lol.
Weed and White Genocide! Gary Johnson.
And today, Trump suckered the media into giving him a free presser getting endorsements from military heroes for 20 minutes:
I was worried that Trump would blow it, in some way. Why did I worry? The PlaythePress Confab was wonderful! He made them wait for approx. an hour, and then….well….metaphorically fellate him for 30 minutes. On air. HAHAHA!!!!
The debates will decide it. Hillary will reassert or Trump will close it out.
Hillary Clinton is a ruthless debater who debated Barack Obama 25 times. She is a master of policy detail and will come loaded with an arsenal of focus-group tested sound bites, one liners and anti-Trump zingers. She’s like a trapped animal at this point and knows it is now or never. She’s going to try to bait Trump with needling and insults to make him blow up and look foolish.
Let’s hope the right Trump shows up not the Baffoon. No unforced errors and he can bring it home.
I don’t think that she can reassert herself at this point. The last active debate she’s had was when the democrats gang raped her against Obama.
Trump bested Rubio, Cruz, and Christie who came across as more impressive to me than Hillary.
It wasn’t one on one.
The footage of her literal “Handlers” shoving her limp body into the van like a side of beef shocked the swing voters. The cover up cemented it.
All Trump has to do is look credible at the debates and stick to the script on the trail.
Here is how the electoral map would look if only White taxpayers were allowed to vote (which is how it should be):