Poppy Bush: #Imwithher

Check this out.

The establishment, united, will never be defeated!
The globalists, united, will never be defeated!
The neo-liberals, united, will never be defeated!
The free-traders, united, will never be defeated!
The warmongers, united, will never be defeated!
The donors, united, will never be defeated!
Wall Street, united, will never be defeated!
Davos, united, will never be defeated!
The New World Order, united, will never be defeated!

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Jeb raked in about $40 million in the 8 years between leaving FL governorship and beginning his run for president, mainly from speeches and being an advisor. About half from Wall Street. He had a net worth of $2 million when he left office and raked in $40 million in 8 years.

    There was a many-years plan to run Jeb as the opposition to Hillary Clinton. Heads we win, tails you lose kine of plan. He was a Bush so the GOP nomination was supposed to be a “gimme.”

    • If we lived in a Plato-like meritocracy instead of a democratic oligarchy Yeb Boosh would have been lucky making $12 an hour driving for Uber. It’s almost miraculous that Trump was able to blindside the (((political-media establishment))) and win the GOP nomination. The script called for Yeb! to be the party’s nominee and then get defeated by Hillary, the way that Shitt Romney was the party’s fake opposition against Bathhouse Barry Soetoro in 2012.

  2. The only thing standing in the way of world government for the anti-Christ is Donald Trump. These devils are going to make an attempt on Trumps life.

  3. This society needs reorganized badly. For example the media, they’re not a news organization, they are a pack of snobs putting out anti western civilization propaganda every day. Almost all of them need fired. The colleges and universities need cleaned out from top to bottom. Whole departments should be abolished, Black studies, Woman’s studies, Chicano studies, Gender studies. And the communists who teach this crap should be sent packing.

  4. If only Reagan had defied the party establishment and picked his friend Paul Laxalt, the governor of Nevada who was his first choice, we might never have been tormented by these Bush bastards.

    The stage is being set for George P. Bush and Chelsea Clinton in the future.

  5. The Clintons are CIA ASSETS. Bill Clinton was inducted into the CIA at Georgetown and Hillary was inducted at some point at Wellesley College. Bill Clinton was spying for the CIA while in Britain inside the student movement, his whole draft dodger thing was a facade. When Clinton returned to the USA both he and Hillary finished up at YALE LAW SCHOOL yes YALE U the same place that gave us Skull and Bones, John Kerry and the Bush Family. During the 1980s the Rose Law Firm was part of the IRAN CONTRA Cocaine Smuggling operation and helped funnel potentially billions overseas.

    The 1992 Election was THROWN by Bush 41 as he was 68 yrs old and facing potential Impeachment over Iran-Contra shenanigans the decision was made at Bilderberg in Baden Baden in 1991 to get rid of Bush for Clinton so that Bill would finally close the door on Iran Contra and all of that and Bill did.Bush 41 retired in peace. The deal was made that a Bush would return to office in 2000 and thats what happened, Bill Clinton if you remember Al Gore wanted him nowhere near the campaign he knew he was working for Bush.

    The 2008 Election I believe was a George Soros International Jewish Banker coup against the Bush-Clinton Dynasty because it was believed that Hillary was compromised which would slow progress for the NWO Eight years later, Hillary is seen as a safe pick, because simply the Democrats have no one and her connections to the Bush Family have been forgotten

  6. If Yeb and GW Bush hadn’t have been born into established wealth they wouldn’t be able to manage even a bus company, or work as a Doctor. Their choice in women is terrible in terms of genetics.

  7. The man who mainstream the term “New World Order” is now betraying his party to support Hillary. Not a big surprise. Daddy Bush -and little Dubya- worked for what professional pay-triot Alex Jones would vaguely term (((the elite))).

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