The Horserace – September 20, 2016

National Polls

LA Times – Trump +5.4
People’s Pundit Daily Trump +4.3
UPI/Cvoter – Tie
St. Leo’s – Hillary +5
NBC/Survey Monkey – Hillary +5 (2-way), Hillary +5 (4-way)

State Polls

Illinois – Loras – Hillary +13 (4-way)

New York – Siena – Hillary +21 (4-way)

California – Field Poll – Hillary +17 (4-way)

Nevada – Rasmussen – Trump +3 (3-way)

North Carolina – Elon – Trump +1 (3-way)

Maine – Maine People’s Resource Center – Hillary +5 (2-way), Tie (4-way)

Maine 2nd District – Maine People’s Resource Center – Trump +5 (2-way), Trump +11 (4-way)

Florida – Monmouth – Hillary +5 (4-way)
– DOWN from +9 in August

Florida – St. Leo – Hillary +5 (4-way)
– DOWN from +14 in August


The latest polls in New York, Minnesota, and California show a -4, -7, and -7 swing toward Trump. Hillary will win these states, but what does that swing look like elsewhere?

We know that several polls have shown a similar swing in Iowa, Nevada, Colorado, Ohio, Florida, Virginia and Michigan. The Muhlenberg College poll of Pennsylvania doesn’t show any swing. Very interesting. Either Pennsylvania is an outlier or the poll is an outlier.

Give us some more damn polls!

About Hunter Wallace 12390 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Many polls ordered by the media outlet, particularly in the swing states, are probably being embargoed or scrapped because of how poorly Clinton must be doing. We should be getting more polls as we inch closer to the election, not less.

    I’d like to see an Oregon and Washington poll.

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