The Horserace – September 26, 2016

National Polls

LA Times – Trump +3.9
UPI/Cvoter – Hillary +1
People’s Pundit Daily – Trump +2.1
Monmouth – Hillary +3 (2-way), Hillary +4 (4-way)
DOWN 3 points
Bloomberg – Tie (2-way), Trump +2 (4-way)
DOWN 6 points
Quinnipiac – Hillary +1 (2-way), Hillary +1 (4-way)
DOWN 1 point
The Economist/YouGov – Hillary +4 (2-way), Hillary +3 (4-way)
UP 3 points
Boston Herald – Hillary +2
NBC/SM – Hillary +7 (2-way), Hillary +5 (4-way)

State Polls

New York – NBC/WSJ/Marist – Hillary +24 (2-way), Hillary +21 (4-way)

Massachusetts – UMassAmherst – Hillary +15 (4-way)

North Carolina – Gravis – Hillary +1

North Carolina – High Point University – Hillary +1 (3-way)

Florida – Florida Chamber – Hillary +3 (2-way), Hillary +2 (3-way)
UP 6 points (Hillary)

Louisiana – JMC Analytics – Trump +10 (4-way)

Iowa – Loras College – Tie
DOWN 14 points

Minnesota – SurveyUSA – Hillary +7 (2-way), Hillary +6 (4-way)

Minnesota – Gravis – Tie

Virginia – Watson Center – Hillary +10 (2-way), Hillary +6 (4-way)

Ohio – Gravis – Trump +1 (4-way)

Colorado – Gravis – Trump +4 (4-way)

Colorado – CNN/ORC – Hillary +2 (2-way), Trump +1 (4-way)

Pennsylvania – CNN/ORC – Hillary +3 (2-way), Hillary +1 (4-way)

Pennsylvania – Harper – Hillary +2 (4-way)

Pennsylvania – Gravis – Hillary +3

Pennsylvania – Mercy Hearst University – Hillary +1 (4-way)

Ohio – William & Mary – Hillary +3 (4-way)

Arizona – Data Orbital – Trump +2 (3-way)


About Hunter Wallace 12390 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Get her on the warmongering, get her on her apologetics for her rapist husband, get her on betraying the working classes.

    This three pronged assault should destroy her.

  2. It’s really skeery to think that the Fate of Western Civ/The White Race hangs on 90 minutes of “debate” tonight.

    • I dont think it does. Shes so damaged that even if when she wins the RaHoWa is on. Her very presence is illegitimate and it will be regarded as such. Soon the military and cops will mutiny and then all bets are off

  3. I wonder how the debate will go down tonight. Can Hillary physically stand for 90 minutes without a collapse of her eye wandering? I wonder if she will be replaced. i wrote an essay about that on my WordPress blog “Putnam Liberty Notes” a couple of weeks ago titled “Hillary’s Eunuchs at the Window”. Check it out.

    • I don’t wonder at all. If it happens it happens. Don’t speculate. If she doesn’t fall and there is widespread speculation beforehand she automatically wins in a sense.

  4. Clinton stood for a number of debates with Sanders. She won’t collapse on stage. And she gets to stand on a platform so Trump can’t tower over her. And I bet that she was given the questions a few days ago. Yes, I think everything about the US is corrupt.

    • I too think it’s insane for the right to speculate or even mention her falling down. What if she exhibits no symptoms? What then? She wins.

  5. I don’t know I think as its close she will use the Jigs to steal the election however if it is stolen she will be so illegitimate, its going to begin the collapse

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