Trump’s National Populist Landslide In Alabama

Donald Trump romped across Alabama:

“Step aside Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. Donald Trump is the king of Alabama.

The Republican president-elect, according to uncertified final numbers, defeated Democrat challenger Hillary Clinton by a 28.3 percent differential, the largest margin of victory in a presidential race held within the state since 1972 …

If the 1.3 million votes for Trump are certified by election officials later this month, Trump would have overwhelmingly garnered more votes in Alabama than Romney in 2012 (1.25 million), McCain in 2008 (1.2 million), Bush in 2004 (1.18 million), and Bush in 2000 (944,409).”

He did it by running as an old fashioned Southern Democrat. Usually, Yankees are condescending toward Southerners. Trump channeled Huey Long and George Wallace in his own way.

More thoughts on this in the morning. This was truly a realignment of the sort we haven’t seen since the New Deal coalition.

Note: What a massive, stinging rebuke of the SPLC!

About Hunter Wallace 12380 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Chris Dorsey of Renegade Broadcasting is claiming that George Soros spent $150 million in 2009 saving one of Trump’s hotels in Chicago.

    It’s not that I didn’t know that Trump was deep in *it.* I didn’t realize to what extent, or, how direct his connections were.

    Nick Spero on Renegade aka Circus Maximus on Twitter has been exposing Trump’s past for months now. I should have paid closer attention.

    This is a message to the Southerners from a non-condescending anglocelt Yankee, straight out of NYC. Trump will not save us. He has only, possibly, bought us a bit more time.

    • Yes, and Cynthia McKinney, Dr. Russell Blaylock, Ellen Brown and Catherine Austin Fitts for cabinet positions: Sec of State, Surgeon General, Sec of Treasury and Fed Chairman respectively.

  2. Trump needs a political manager whose job is to field candidates and get referendums and other ballot actions going, and prep for 2018 primary season:


    The perfect candidate is hard for me to say, but Kellyanne Conway could do it.

  3. This is no time for pulling punches, making peace, or being “nice” to the adversary.

    We won. Be relentless.

    Drive victory home.

  4. The Media Orc Brigade is already demanding the Republicans must “reach out” to Muslims, “scared” Black & Brown “kids”.
    I think we should reach out. With a good length of piano wire .

  5. One thing that Trump should also do is patronize some good
    Non degenerate artists.

    Culture rots from the top and he can fix that with the right commissions.

    • Why the Demonrats love diversifying every white area.

      Paul Kersey
      Donald Trump 1,322,891 votes in Minnesota (45% of vote) and nearly won.

      Jo Jakeupsteinorwitz ?@josteinorwitz
      @sbpdl @GovMarkDayton thank you!! Without the 120,000 Somalians we won fam

  6. That first yuge rally in Alabama was enormously successful in getting the Trump Train rolling. Very inspirational.

    Jeff Session deserves a great deal of credit for standing tall in the immigration debate.

  7. More really good news.

    This shows that a tough White guy who stands up to BlackLiesMatter, stands up to the lying Lib press, doesn’t kiss as* to donors including Israeli first donors, doesn’t get bullied by Christian Zionists, a tough White guy from New York or even my Chicago is respected and well liked in the great Southern state of Sweet home Alabama.

    I’ve always been treated great by true Southern folks, except for a couple bullies on the Nashville police department.

  8. Hey Hunter

    How did that GOP woman Congresswoman wetting her panties over Trump saying “pussy” how did she do?

  9. Not surprising…

    After all, Mr. Trump’s platform is just an update on that of George Wallace in 1968.

    In fact, it is my honour to be associated with those who workt on that campaign.

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