Editor’s Note: I wrote this biographical article to fill in some blanks for a journalist who is writing a book about the Alt-Right. There are a lot of those coming out next year.
I grew up in Eufaula, AL.
In hindsight, that fact alone seems to explain a lot about me. I had a normal childhood. I don’t recall ever having any negative experience that triggered a racial awakening. I wasn’t attracted to the movement by racial animosity. My life was pretty ordinary until my second year in college at Auburn University in 2001.
By then I already knew three things:
– First, I knew that race existed and that racial differences were real from growing up in the Alabama Black Belt. It wasn’t something that I thought much about. I had arrived at that conclusion from observation and experience. I found it strange that anyone could believe otherwise given the sheer weight of the evidence.
– Second, I understood the connection between racial identity and politics. In the Alabama Black Belt, elections are mere racial head counts which determine which racial group holds political power. This struck me as just another realistic observation about the world. All the happy talk about colorblindness and individualism is belied by the results that routinely play out in Alabama’s elections.
– Third, I knew that I had populist instincts. I identified with my people. I was already interested in exploring and learning more about their history.
In late 2001, I was posting on internet gaming forums when 9/11 happened and I came across Pat Buchanan’s book The Death of the West: How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Culture and Civilization. It was that book which cemented my worldview. I had become interested in immigration due to a new chicken plant which was attracting illegal aliens to my hometown. I was also interested in the debate about reparations for slavery at the time. It was Pat Buchanan though who first drew my attention to changing racial and cultural demographics.
It began to dawn on me that by the mid-21st century Whites were going to become a minority nationwide and that the whole country was going to look like the Alabama Black Belt. I knew from first hand experience what that was going to be like and that it was going to be an unmitigated disaster for my descendants. Coupled with the invasion and dying populations of Western Europe, I was “red-pilled” (a term which only came into use much later) that Western civilization as a whole was dying and that a great historical event was unfolding within my lifetime.
After 9/11, I found Pat Buchanan and shortly thereafter I found Stormfront, which was still then in its infancy. If memory serves, I found it either through word of mouth on a gaming message board or through searching online for Pat Buchanan. I became an active poster on Stormfront for a few years. What I took away from Stormfront was an interest in White Nationalism and the idea of setting up a vBulletin forum.
I was still very young. I was at the beginning of my journey. I had become interested in paleoconservatism and White Nationalism, but I didn’t want to be limited by those things. I wanted to interact with a broader group of people and discuss a wider variety of subjects. After a series of bans on a gaming messageboard, I bought and set up a free speech vBulletin forum called “Freedom Forums” which went through a series of names – “Hellfire Forums,” “The Phora” and “The Lyceum” – before finally stabilizing as “The Phora.” From 2001 until 2005, I ran all these free speech forums which together became known as “The Phora,” and which still exists today under its own management.
Looking back on it now, The Phora was like the 4chan of the early 2000s. It was a purely anonymous messageboard where people who had been banned from other messageboards came together to discuss edgy ideas. It wasn’t just a White Nationalist forum. I went out and recruited paleoconservatives, libertarians, communists, socialists, liberals, moderates, anarchists, nihilists, Neo-Nazis, trolls, gamers, etc. The idea was to throw all these people together in one forum and have them debate current events, economics, politics, history, philosophy, race relations, religion, science and any number of topics. As a model, it worked and for many years this generated all kinds of fascinating discussions on the internet where I learned a bunch of things.
How should I describe this world to an outsider? I suppose you could say that it was the fringe of White Nationalism. It was an archipelago of vBulletin messageboards that radiated out from Stormfront. The Phora, for example, begat Aryan Dawn which developed into Pantheon Europa which evolved into Skadi Forum which split into Ave-Melita, The Nordish Portal, Blut und Boden, Stirpes, Großdeutsches Vaterland, etc., etc. That was just one offshoot of The Phora which wasn’t a “hate group” so much as it was a debating society. There were many others like the Speakeasy, Stumble Inn, The Beer Barrel, Salo Forum. There were all kinds of small, niche forums that catered to an ever widening audience for White and European identity politics.
I was a college student in my early twenties. I was exploring my own identity. I was in the process of building my worldview. So, you know, I was interested in White Nationalism, but I also went through a Nietzsche phase, an Ayn Rand phase, a Michel Foucault phase, an Aristotle phase, etc. As the warlord of this free speech messageboard, I read deeply into political theory, philosophy, history and science trying to make sense of the world and spent years debating people on the internet about these topics.
As for politics, I loved reading Pat Buchanan, Peter Brimelow, Jared Taylor and Sam Francis. I discovered American Renaissance and VDARE shortly after finding Stormfront. I found William Pierce and the National Alliance. I never joined the group, but I enjoyed listening to the old man’s radio shows. I also enjoyed reading LewRockwell.com – the Mises Institute was directly across the street from my apartment in Auburn – and Justin Raimondo’s Antiwar.com. I cultivated a mix of White Nationalist, paleoconservative and libertarian discourse. All these columns and ideas were shared and debated at length across our archipelago of messageboards.
It was the early 2000s and President George W. Bush loomed large over our emerging world. From the beginning, I hated everything about George W. Bush. In fact, I disliked W. so much that I voted for Al Gore and John Kerry out of spite. I hated the Iraq War. I hated his push for comprehensive immigration reform. I hated his free trade deals. I hated hearing lines like “Axis of Evil” and “the soft bigotry of low expectations.” I came to really dislike mainstream conservatism and felt vindicated by the Crash of 2008. I wasn’t alone either. Bush confirmed everything we had come to dislike about mainstream conservatism.
In 2006, I had a big falling out with my fellow administrators at The Phora. The one thing that I never developed much of an interest in was the technical side of managing a vBulletin forum. The Phora was regrettably destroyed half a dozen times by hackers. I had graduated from college, was doing new things in my life, and washed my hands of the project and turned it over. A new version was created which has remained online to the present day. I was banned from my own forum in 2007 and haven’t posted there in nine years.
I founded Occidental Dissent in 2006. It started out as a WordPress blog and vBulletin forum. I eventually scrapped the original blog and forum, briefly joined a new throwback forum called The Lyceum, scrapped that forum, started a new short lived blog called Odessa-Syndicate, and finally relaunched Occidental Dissent in the summer of 2008. It took me two years to shake the habit of forum posting and transition to blogging. I’ve been blogging in this space ever since and haven’t looked back. I like WordPress much better than the old vBulletin archipelago which has been slowly withering away since the rise of blogs, podcasts and social media platforms.
2008 was a seminal year in the history of the Alt-Right. It was the last year of the George W. Bush administration when the American economy crashed. It was the first time I had heard of Richard Spencer after I discovered Takimag. It was the year the nascent “Alternative Right” got its name. It was the year the Alt-Right got heavily involved in the Ron Paul campaign and it was also the year Barack Obama was elected president. If I hated George W. Bush, I would have have crawled over broken glass to avoid voting for John McCain whose amnesty bill, sanctimonious anti-racist moral posturing and neocon warmongering embodied everything I despised about the GOP. In the end, I voted for Chuck Baldwin in the 2008 general election out of disgust with McCain.
Some pundits falsely assume that the Alt-Right began as a racist backlash against Barack Obama. This couldn’t be further from the truth. The “Alternative Right,” or Dissident Right, was born in opposition to George W. Bush and mainstream conservatism – it was all the people who had been purged over the years from “respectable” National Review/The Weekly Standard conservatism and who had begun to congregate in the forum archipelago. In the beginning, it was mainly White Nationalists, paleoconservatives and libertarians who posted on websites like The Phora, Original Dissent, and Liberty Forum and who opposed George W. Bush and the neocons. This was a vibrant intellectual scene many years before the “Alt-Right” got its name.
From the White Nationalists, the Alt-Right took its views on race and identity. From the paleoconservatives, the Alt-Right took its views on free-trade and culture. From the paleo-libertarians, the Alt-Right took its views on foreign policy and backed Ron Paul in 2008 and 2012 when the libertarian wing was ascendant. From the nihilists and trolls, the Alt-Right took its spirit of iconoclasm. A radical sense of realism (i.e., to be “red-pilled” and see the world for what it really is and follow the truth wherever it leads), a strong sense of identity, and an iconoclastic temperament are the hallmarks of the Alt-Right culture.
Over the years, I have spent a lot of time thinking about why I got caught up in this, and my best answer is that we are all in a way products of our culture, which is a product of time and history. In the 1830s, Eufaula, AL was settled by White settlers who aggressively pushed aside the Creek Nation. In the 1850s, the same spirit led men from my hometown to carry the banner of “Southern Rights” to the battlefields of Bleeding Kansas. In 1861, Barbour County, AL was a hotbed of secession. Eufaula, AL was the quintessential antebellum Alabama cotton town. In fact, we produced the first governor of Confederate Alabama, John Gill Shorter.
In the 1870s, Barbour County, AL was redeemed in the Election Riot of 1874. In the 1890s, Barbour County produced Reuben F. Kolb, Alabama’s leading Populist who ran for governor in 1890, 1892 and 1894. In 1907, the reformer Braxton Bragg Comer was elected governor of Alabama; I grew up in Comer, in the remains of what used to be Comer Plantation. I’m proud of the fact that Henry Steagall of Alabama’s 3rd District was an author of the Glass-Steagall Act which shackled Wall Street during the Great Depression. In 1943, Chauncey Sparks of Eufaula was elected governor of Alabama as a strong states’ rights Democrat, and in 1958, John Patterson of nearby Phenix City, AL was elected governor of Alabama.
None other than George Wallace was from Clio, AL – the backcountry of Barbour County, AL where I am from. George Wallace was governor of Alabama for 16 years. He ran for president three times in 1968, 1972 and 1976 and had a major national impact on the American Right. Surely, it is not a coincidence that being born and raised in what is arguably the populist county in the most populist state in the United States, or being surrounded from birth by scenes of the Old South in all its splendor and glory, or growing up in the hometown of the most well-known segregationist in American history had something to do with my political and cultural views. I think it might have gotten the ball rolling. It’s a hop and a skip from George Wallace to Pat Buchanan to Donald Trump.
Who am I really? What’s my identity? Where do I belong? I’m a White Southerner, a Millennial, an Alt-Right Southern Nationalist writing about my people in the early 21st century.
Note: At some point, I will pick up the story from 2008, but this period of the Alt-Right is more well known. There’s not much to say about it that hasn’t been already said. The 2001 to 2009 period were the formative years of the movement and I am surprised that so little has been written about this.
Very interesting. I can relate to a lot of this. Are you going to submit a shorter version to AmRen?
I haven’t thought about it. I wrote this on the spur of the moment tonight after getting a request for some biographical information from a journalist.
Good stuff.
Who is the journalist?
I see a lot of parallels in your experience and mine. Very interesting. We have probably crossed paths somewhere in the past in message boards.
The Alt-Right arguably started among a group of commentators at FrontPage Mag, Takimag, and a few other sites in the early- to mid-2000s. The paleolibertarian and HBD elements, I recall, played a big role. It really took off when Richard Spencer took over as an editor at Takimag in 2008 and formalized the movement.
I remember when swarms of White Nationalist commentators like Captainchaos used to harangue Spencer and John Zmirak in the comment section. At the time, we didn’t know what to make of Spencer’s politics.
I seem to remember Trainspotter and Vikingmanx were also commentators at the time.
I had a big falling out with Trainspotter too, but he seems to have resurfaced on Twitter.
I first conversed with Trainspotter on a horrible news forum called Topix. That was my first forum and exposure to the anti-whites, plus the white/pink rabbit memes from the bugsters. That was around 2007-08…
I went from apolitical, to rabid Nationalist populist or red pilled very quickly. From there Apricity, then blogs…
One good thing about Topix, I learned how to troll, and started to grow my psycho linguistic arsenal.
He’s hit a nerve.
The only forum I used in the early days (mid-1990s to about 2009) was Stormfront. I even met up with some other SF posters in real life and engaged in street activism.
I eventually grew out of the forum model. It eventually struck me as a big waste of time and a serious cyber-security risk.
I recall there was a lot of controversy surrounding OD and guys like Linder and Greg Johnson. Remember the “Cat Lady” scandal? Things got pretty heated.
My father was in the hospital in the spring and summer of 2009. (He passed away that summer). I can remember passing the time visiting him by perusing articles at sites like OD. I could have sworn Greg’s Counter-Currents site was up and running in 2009, but apparently it wasn’t operational until 2010. Your site and Greg’s helped me get through a tough patch.
I still post on Stormfront occasionally, but mainly to spread White Genocide memes. Used to post on Twitter until they started asking for phone numbers. I think people who give these companies their personal details are crazy, since they have no reason for taking your details other than intel gathering for the government. Google, Youtube and Twitter are the main cyber security risks.
Yeah, I’ve clashed off and on with Linder for years now, and I had a big falling out with Greg Johnson in 2010, but I have since moved passed that. I eventually learned it was a waste of time to fight with people. Also, the forum warlording had a dampening effect on everything we did in the early days and we have grown since moving beyond that format.
Also imo Greg became more populist and Brad metapolitical. Met half way.
The 1850’s South could be seen as a nascent archaeo-futurist state. Tradition plus a modern post-enlightenment understanding of science and technology.
In the end, like minded Whites must stick together, and work together.
What woke me was Obama’s election and the anti-White Blacks that supported him. They celebrated their victory over Whites all over the net and there were so many of them. I knew right then that anti-racism is a scam and there was a bad future coming for Whites. Thank you Obama.
As far as I can remember, I have always been aware of racial differences.
Good read.
I voted for Kerry in ’04 too. Didn’t vote in ’08 or ’12. I hated Hanity and Rush but after Obama won his first term I immediately started listening to them and watching Fox News. The day after the election I called the NAACP and told them blacks don’t need a crutch anymore. Boy was I wrong.
Six months post the ’08 election I’m searching the internet trying to learn the truth about the Klan, and I came across OD, which, for me, was the gateway to the Alt Right.
Being pre-red pilled from growing up around blacks and other non-Whites, what I found was an affirmation and a collection of places I could go for pro-White commentary. I’ve been here ever since.
The Pro-Obama shenanigans in the early Democratic primaries fundamentally made me suspicious of the Democratic Party and the rioting in London 2011 really ” redpilled” me. Cap it with a few books like Bernal’s Black Athena booom! Already thoroughly critical of Bush though.
Encourage chimpouts because these chimpouts create many racially conscious whites.
I’ve been following you since 2004 and ”The Phora”, Brad. I’m sure that some of your today’s OD audience too. For me posting on this board has been nothing but a waste of time, sure I learned a lot.. but ultimately I don’t see a point of it and vBulletin forums, this one or others are largely obsolete in 2016.
But the Phora had quite some characters. Dr Brandt, the German guy, among others.
You should consider expanding the brief essay into a book. An insider’s perspective on a movement which has shifted the American political landscape is a valuable historical document.
Hunter should write a few books at least! Lots of info and insights.
Most Marxists call themselves revolutionaries and these days far right people do (Hitler rejected being a revolutionary). The thing is that I was a revolutionary among revolutionaries. It started out with me trying to promote an alternative stance on the Jewish question – which factored in dissidents and class position.
The result was widespread anger in the mod panel – to the point that even Mazdak and you were united with the current management. I was then blamed for thephora’s decline, when in fact the decline of the vbulletin is a trend, it’s not isolated to thephora.
I knew I was the scapegoat, so I came up with a plan. If I turned on thephora, soon the staff would start to fight each other, no longer having me to explain all their problems. The result was that the entire forum fractured.
Daryl Basarab is the Bobby Fischer of forum conflict which has similarities to class conflict.
While i do recall you as an original enemy who then switched positions, I don’t have any desire to escalate. Having said that, we take very different views on the alt right Boom. You think it’s great because it encourages populism. In my view, it’s lead to ideological deviations (such as the declaration that Putin is an anti-Communist, which never would have occurred before the Boom).
The vBulletin forum was becoming obsolete by the mid-2000s. There was a migration away from the old forum archipelago to blogs, webzines, podcasts and social media. 4chan and Reddit absorbed the forum culture.
One thing about the move to blog format is that people tend to go their own direction. The forum format definitely leads to “virtual classes” which conflict based on authority, even though there is no money involved.
Whether you’re a Jew, I don’t know, Mr. Basarab; but if you’re not, you’re doing a good imitation of one. Everything you say is calculation, positioning; nothing is frank, straightforward.
You’re essentially saying Jews are superior, since cynicism and intelligence are related.
And if I am?
‘You’re essentially saying Jews are superior, since cynicism and intelligence are related.’
Another clear evidence of Mr. Besarab being Jewish, John.
You know I’m always happy to hear from you, Junius, even on this subject that is difficult for you.
Thank you so much, John.
Yes, the subject is not easy, but, certainly not unapproachable.
The long and the short of it is this : until the last decade, when the internet – and my use of it – begin to rectify having lived my life under tight government media control and my own rather moderate interest in politicks, I had no earthly idea that my daddy’s people had been pillaging NC and waging an undeclared war against it’s government, it’s people, and it’s culture , my whole life.
As it gradually dawned on me, I was sickened by it.
Yet, what sickens me more, and that which I cannot quite fathom, is why it is tolerated?
Certainly, I find it insupportable, to say the least.
I suppose they are lucky I am not governor. More I will not say.
Have a good night.
“More I will not say.”
Your usual understatement, Junius.
Thank you, John.
I suppose now, in light of our conversation about the odd similarities that you and I have observed between The South and Mother Russia, I will draw your attention to a polite dispute we had over England, a few months back, and whether it was either The South or The North which had more faithfully perpetuated that culture, here.
You know, I have oft reflected upon that, and now I am prepared to posit something that, after such time, I believe is more conclusive :
The South represents the oldest English culture – that of piety, self-superiority blended with humble introspection, and that of Chryst centrick White beliefs.
The North represents the modern English culture – a culture which, though born in the early Middle Ages, crosst over the Rubicon at the beheading of Charles I and which rose with the ascension of the Roundheads – the leader of which, Oliver Cromwell, who, as you doubtlessly know, was uniquely disposet to Jewry.
And, not coincidentally, from that time forth,you can see the rise of The English Empire with the rise of Jews in England.
I assert this because, as I have come to see it, wherever Jewish culture is in ascension – all the traits of empire – exploitation, centralization, wars of conquest, rampant-individualism, coercion, systemick usurpation & usury, and secularism will be manifest.
Somehow, through it all – The South, and it’s sprawling culture of little uncentralized village churches, has held onto Chryst; – all this while while The Modern English Church has been largely relegated to an irrelevant role in modern English life, though, over here – it still retains a certain strength; as it champions lesbians bishops, gay marriage, secularism, diversity, multiculturalism – just a few from the list of heresies that invalidate it as an authentick Christian institution.
England is a Jewish country – whether the English know it or not, just as is the far western and northeastern parts of this country.
Not surprisingly the Jews have been waging an all-out undeclared cultural war on the South and bible-believing Midwest, to do precisely what they have done to the other parts of the Anglo-Saxon world that they, over a millenia, conquered.
Most Southerners don’t know it, but The Lord does.
Will he lift a hand to deliver his faithful children from The Devil and his minions?
I don’t know; yet, in the meantime, my travels will allow me to speak the truth all across the Tarheel State, come what may.
If I die secure in the knowledge that my wife knew how much I loved her, and that North Carolina had begun to fully recognize her enemies, and strike out at them, I would cross over very satisfied, indeed.
Well, this is very interesting, Junius. Maybe you’re familiar with the weekly entries of the blogger “Cambria Will Not Yield,” who seems to me to share your vision of what’s going on in the modern world. Maybe I made clear to you that it was from him that I learned of “The Parson’s Daughter of Oxney Colne.” That’s the Anthony Trollope story that you had no trouble believing I find congenial. Just this past week, I think it was, Cambria Will Not Yield mentioned, as he’d previously mentioned, “A Canterbury Tale,” which is an English movie from World War II. That, too, is something I learned of from him and that I went on to watch, at YouTube, when I’d encountered his earlier mention of it. That, too, I found congenial.
Shortly after you and I had that discussion, some months ago, about the connection with Britain, I encountered the following statement:
“I do not understand these people or their ways well enough.”
At https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Lowndes_Yancey#Diplomat is that statement’s source. The statement was made by William Lowndes Yancey, whom Jefferson Davis had appointed as head of the Confederacy’s diplomatic mission to England. Well, actually, it was a diplomatic mission to both England and France, but England seems to be the place Yancey was saying he didn’t understand. I don’t know whether he ever even got to France.
Now, Junius, doesn’t that seem strange? If I were to visit Britain and then, upon my return to the U.S., tell you that I didn’t “understand [those] people or their ways well enough,” you wouldn’t believe me. Even though I carry virtually no blood of Great Britain, I probably understand Britain better than it was understood by William Lowndes Yancey, whose ancestry, for all I know, was 100% British and whom Jefferson Davis thought qualified to represent the Confederacy to the British.
Well—it is very interesting that you date the break, between Southerners and their British ancestors, to the beheading of Charles I. Every time I think of that beheading, I wish the Gatling gun had been invented, so that King Charles could have whipped it out, mowed down Cromwell and company, and regained his throne—yet I am not unconnected to Britain, to which I am joined only culturally, in consequence of my being a U.S. Northerner, not by personal ancestry.
Well—this is a mystery.
Well, Dear John, I understand this (your connection to modern British culture not by blood) but, to me it is no mystery. In such a case, there can be no other answer than you were English; and, I suspect, for many centuries, probably starting around the time of Elizabeth and running up to your most previous death in the early 1930s.
The Ancient Greeks had a concept for this : that, when you came back into this realm, you were constrained to drink from ‘The River of Forgetfulness’, so that you would forget who you were.
I think, by reason of spiritual deduction, there is a lot to that; and, to that end, I’ll carry it a little further : upon death your brain dies, and, probably with it, all the specifick details of your intellectual knowledge, but, even if that is not true, and even if you are allowed to carry that aspect of your existence back into the other realm, one things seem clear – you carry with you your feelings for things; certain inexplicable sympathies that travel through all eternity with you.
I really cannot think that this is any other logical way to explain your many cultural predilections any more than mine.
Furthermore, it is interesting that, given your feelings, you are here; which, as well, tends to support another theory I have : that God allows you to play a part in where you shall be reborn.
Now, there are many evidences I could give you for these things, but, here is the most concise one that I think would intrigue you – the story of Confederate General Gordon, in all of 7 minutes.
I hope you enjoy, and see some of yourself in it.
No, Dear John, while I know of ‘Cambria Will Not Yield’, I have not gone to it.
Though, on the rarest of occasions, I have briefly visited a numkber of blogs, there are only two blogs I attend – Mr. Griffin’s and ‘Southern Future’ by Mr. Cushman.
I am this way because of three reasons –
#1. These men are fellow Southern Nationalists, Confederates, and secessionists.
#2. I love how they think and write. They speak the truth – no matter what.
#3. I believe that it is NOT good to scatter your seeds to the wind, but, pick a person or a thing and go as deeply into them or it as possible, and then when there is no further to go, stay with them and help nurture new things in them.
Thus, I have kept most of my childhood friends, my beloved wife, and many old books and musical instruments.
Something that began to disturb me deeply about this society, in the 1980s, was that suddenly, folks started going to the neighbourhood less and less, and started flitting about all over hell’s culinary creation.
The proliferation of the corporate chain restaurant had something to do with that, and, for that and other reasons, I won’t go to them – although, there again, it is the flitty attitude of many folks, nowadays, that is the seed for this.
Down here, we have many fine Southern-style restaurants, but, the wife and I almost exclusively attend Claudine’s in Rich Square.
A family run place, it is wood paneled and bright Irish green paint with the friendliest people. In fact people will start talking table to table, even though they don’t know each other, although, often they do know each other.
Everybody loves this restaurant – from negro preachers to Klansmen, and there ain’t no place in the history of The South where the sweet iced tea is so good. I don’t know what they do to it, but, they do something magical with it, or maybe it is just the the mo-jo possesst by the two negresses, out back, who do all the cooking, because they also fry chicken livers, and make fresh barbecue like nobody’s business.
Unfortunately, Rich Square was once a thriving rural town, but, has been destroyed by New England Government policies of integration and ‘free-trade’, so that the only things left in the town are a pharmacy, a negro barbershoppe, and Claudines. The rest is falling down and abandoned.
It’s another reason why I cringe when I see the Yankee flag, and try to repress the urge to …. at those waving it.
Anyway, back to ‘spreading my seeds’ – I think folks don’t go into things far enough.
Maybe this is The Russian Soul in me, because I notice that, nowadays, many people in this country have tons of friends who ain’t really that, but, my Russian friends have few friends – only those friends are extremely close and, with the rarest of exceptions, held for life.
People at the country Freewill Baptist church we attend are like this, too. They may not like you, but, they accept you, and don’t flit about – but, stay in one place from cradle to grave.
Well, I reckon I accidently got back on that rancourous subject you and I had about rural Southerners, earlier this year, and their underlying views and habits.
God bless you and your mama, and have a Merry Merry Chrystmas!
Thanks, Junius. Merry Christmas to your wife and you. At the risk of sounding a little too rural myself, I’ll say I’m hankering after that iced tea you’ve described.
Thank you, John.
By the way, I think we can forgive the rare flexing of your rural muscles…
Yet, when that ole hankerin’ gets too ornery, drive down and I’ll take you to Claudines, where you can throw your insulin glands into shock with overly sugared Indian leaves!
Yes, I’ll relate your holiday salutations to my other self.
God bless you and Merry Merry Merry Chrystmas!
He is a Jew, John, in every way from blood to the steady stream of polite anti-White and anti-nationalist opining -he provides – the latter which declares him to be the most opprobious and sinister kind – the secular Leftist Jew.
Even his ikon, ‘Basarab’, refers to an area of Southeastern Europe called ‘Bessarabia’ a land long populated by rural Jews and their stetls, until the 1940s, when The Klezmers were driven out.
No doubt some of his blood kin heritage is there.
Speaking of that part of the world, Junius …
Maybe you and I have succeeded in identifying the birthplace of Dixie. Shortly after you remarked on the similarity of Southerners and Russians, when I’d paralleled the Kentucky and Kievan baptisms, I vaguely recalled that I’d once or twice remarked to Mr. Wallace, our host, that Southerners are “Scythians.” Accordingly, I checked the history of the Dnieper, the river in which those ancient Kievans were baptized.
Behold the first Dixie reference, in classical times …
Dear John,
You know ; you really need to stop it with all this brilliance. It’s a bit unseemly!
I suppose that, in order to contextualize your fine analogy into something lightly systemick, please allow me to skip over to India – where, it has been said – since at least as far back as The Upanishads – that all entities, races, nations, groups, and individuals are merely unseen entities that, as if there were some actual substance to ‘spontaneous generation’, skip about this realm, throughout the eras, manifesting, rising, falling, dying and disappearing, only to, after an indiscernible time, begin, yet again, another span of the like.
This is what The Tibetan Buddhists are apt to call – ‘the trap of the futility of endless incarnations’ – something which, in the context of an individual soul, is seen as such a misfortune as to be regarded as motivation for seeking enlightenment, so as to break this cycle.
Thank you for evolving our conversations. That’s a very worthwhile knack, and not commonly instrinick to the human specie.
Have a great day!!!
Mindful that the seeming reappearances of peoples might have a physical basis, lost, or all-but-lost, to history, I bring to your attention, Junius, the red-blocked passage in the graphic below.
From the Dnieper to the Highlands to Dixie …
PS As the graphic below will show, Southrons and Russians—the Scythian tribes, as I should say, half a world apart—share another trait: Difficulty in recognizing the Jewish. The tedious Russian official in the pages you’ll see below reminds me of an Occidental Dissent commenter who made clear, I think, that he was a Southerner and with whom I had an exchange several months ago. While the said commenter was insisting that I’m Jewish, he was crediting himself with being less naïve, with respect to the recognizing of Jews, than his fellow Southerners.
The two pages in the graphic are from the autobiography of Hiram Maxim, inventor of the machine gun. That’s a book to which I was led, indirectly, when our fellow Occidental Dissent commenter, Timber Wolf, referred to the Gatling gun. As I was reading, just a few days ago, the two pages below, I was instantly reminded of your remark, Junius, about the psychological similarity of Russians and Southerners. Had you not spoken of that, the two pages below would probably have made no special impression on me.
My association of Scythians with rural Americans began to form one to two decades ago, when I was doing some reading about the barbarian peoples of ancient times. A reference to the similarity of the words “Scot” and “Scythian” stuck in my mind, even though it had not been made by a writer whom I knew to be a reliable linguist. Similarly, an illustration of an old medallion gave me an impression of Scythians as long-haired white men with long pants for horseback riding and no taste for the urban—like what the English settlers became as they spread into the open lands of America (and like what their descendants still are, in a way, as members of motorcycle clubs). Probably, that’s why I was struck by the similarity of the Kentucky and Kievan baptisms; but our present exchange, Junius, is what led me to Google “Scots and Scythians” and thus to discover the passage I presented in my previous comment. (I mean the passage in which Scots of rank, in the Declaration of Arbroath, declare themselves descendants of Scythians.)
Should you visit Google Books, by the way, to examine Maxim’s autobiography, you’ll see that the passage in the graphic below is quickly followed by remarks about the intense religiousness of Moscow, which Maxim visited while he was in Russia. That, too, is a passage that wouldn’t really have struck me if you and I hadn’t recently been talking about the resurrection, so to speak, of the Russian Orthodox Church. It’s amazing how thoroughly the Communists succeeded in making that most religious of countries seem completely non-religious for decades.
Well—the graphic follows. The autobiography was published in 1915, the year before Maxim’s death …
There you go, again, John – way over your allotment of brilliant remarks for the month – if not the year.
It’s quite haunting what you have revealed.
Let me belabour what is obvious, and what may not be – in your assertion of the connection betwixt the Dnieper and The South, and, more specifically, that of Northeastern North Carolina.
First, the central quote :
‘… we find that among famous nations The Scots has been gracet with widespread reknown. It journeyed from Greater Scythia, by way of The Tyrrhenian Sea and The Pillars of Hercules…’
First, let me say that Northeastern North Carolina is, along with Southeastern Virginia (same culture) not only the oldest part of The Confederacy, and the whence all other parts sprang, it is the most resistant to change, of any sort; and, curiously, though we have a wee minority of some Yankees – the amount is notably less than most other parts of The Rip van Winkle State – as North Carolina was well known, in the 18th and 19th centuries.
And, back to the issue of ‘change’ : yes, people do have crackberry devices, here, and watch NFL on satellite dishes, BUT, the social order is largely intact as are the social mores. If you were old enough, and not careful, at a glimpse, only the car models would inform you that this is not 1965 – that and the abandoned mom & pop stores destroyed by New England Government malfeasance.
One small evidence of this is that, if you walk by the side of the road, many people, driving by, will wave at you (even though there is NO acquaintance – this a preservation of pre-Dark Ages’s customs that pilgrims surely followed when traveling the long roads by foot.
The area is overwhelmingly populated by descendants of field negroes, Injuns, and a White minority – of which a preponderence is either unadulterated Olde England or Scots. Slavs, Italians, Hispanick, and Scandinavian – so in abundance elsewhere in the fifty states are of a number negligible, here.
Many areas, in my neck of the woods, are so Scots of heritage, they go by such names as ‘Hamilton’ or ‘Tillery’ or ‘Weldon’ or ‘Severn’ or ‘Conway’ or, most blatantly illustrative of what you have posited : ‘Scotland Neck’.
To my knowledge – in the fine old town of Scotland Neck there was only one family of Jews – a family by the name of ‘Farber’, and they owned and ran the large clothing department store, as was typical of the wee Jewish minority in this part. They were, however, assimilated Jews, as would best suit those living knee deep in what uset to be heavily Klan country – though the KKK has been generationally routed out by decades of poison anti-White Jewish TV.
Now, as to Maxim, and his invented gun, perhaps you realize what a haunted association that is, as not far from our antebellum mansion are all the remaining workshop tools of the Northeastern North Carolinian inventor – Richard Gatling – those tools having been brought from the Gatling family’s withered ancestral home, in the 1970s, and placet in the oldest surviving general store of this town, it having been erected in the 1790s.
Now, at this juncture, I must go to work, John, though, I shall return and remark further upon your exceedingly interesting connections.
Thank you and God Bless you and your mama!
That you for the blessing, Junius. I send one to your wife and you.
That is very interesting, the waving from cars to persons who are walking along the road. Although I personally tend to nod at, or sometimes greet, a person I approach one-on-one—say, on a roadside—I’m pretty sure I’ve never waved from my car to a stranger or been waved at from a stranger in a car.
With respect to the destruction of mom-and-pop stores and some other valuable features of the old America, I’ll say two things. First, the North, as I imagine you know, has suffered it, just as the South has. Second, the person who brought it about wasn’t a New Englander. It was LYNDON JOHNSON.
Holy cow: “Scotland Neck.” That does say it.
Having veered off toward the history of Hiram Maxim, I never checked the background of Richard Gatling, who, as I now see, at Wikipedia, was from Hertford County. Well, I guess I wouldn’t be a true American if I didn’t admire inventors, as I do, so I’m picturing Gatling’s tools on display in the general store you’ve mentioned. What a local treasure. I’d love to see a picture of that.
Here’s a news story guaranteed to warm your heart: A North Carolina girl fears her home is becoming, once again, the Rip van Winkle state, because of its legislative opposition to transgender bathroom-ing: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/opinion/article73908062.html
Hmm—well, maybe the writer of that piece isn’t your idea of a good daughter of Dixie. Pretty, though.
Dear John,
With regards to the connection ‘twixt The South and Russia – and the wars Jews, and Jewish dominated governments (most particularly that of The English and The New England) seem hellbent to wage upon both entities, I happened across this RT interview about prejudices against Russia, and why, they (so much like the role of boogey-man that, in this country, The South is always given to play) are so often seen in a negative light.
Of course, some parallels between Russia and The South must not be made because The South is, since the early 1960s, a conquered country and seems content to be a prized colonial possession of The New England Empire – whereas Russia has been, and IS, sovereign, and capable of projecting her powers not only within, but, beyond her borders.
I draw your attention to the opening 150 seconds.
Thanks for the link, Junius. Even though the host of the discussion spent more time listening to himself than he spent listening to the guests, I watched the whole of the program, which drew me in. Your view of the English and American governments as a sort of Double Rome, cooperating to control West Scythia (the non-northeastern U.S.) and East Scythia (Russia) struck me as very interesting.
I’m sorry, John. Somehow I misst some of these comments of yours.
I don’t like it when that happens as your conversation is so deep, well-mannered, and balancet – not to mention generous.
I’m glad you got drawn in and watcht the whole RT program.
For several years now, I have seen post 1913 Warburg takeover of New England Government’s currency as the tipping point where Jewish interests completed the covert takeover they had commencet in the 1780s of Washington D.C., and which, prior, they had achieved with the British policymakers on 10 Downing St.,by the early 18th century.
Much as I have come to regard the beheading of Charles I as the tipping point betwixt Olde and Modern England, 1913 seems to be the time when Jewish interests effected an informal merger occurred between the two governments.
There are a lot of evidences of this, but, none stronger than the fact that for much of the last century, The ‘American’ Army has been busy fighting wars that, perhaps with the exception of Korea and Vietnam, seem to have the firm print of Jewish interest on it.
WWI, WWII, and The Second Gulf War are startling examples – not to mention the perpetual covert overthrows of Arab Governments – from Iraq, to Libya, and now Syria, not to mention the constant manoeuvering Washington is always doing for Israel.
Israel is a Rhode Island size country on the other side of the earth and it has no oil exports, so why are we continually told that it is vital for national security?
Whose security, one feels compelled to ask?; particularly when The New England Government does not even make a perfunctory attempt to control it’s own borders?
I like your analogy of ‘West Scythia – Confederacy and ‘East Scythia’ – Russia, with regards to a double Rome.
That’s very clever, and, in fact, wasn’t Rome a ‘double? – as there was The Eastern Empire, at Constantinople, and the Western Empire in Rome, itself.
Really, the parallels you draw between Rome and The Jewish Anglo-American forces is quite remarkable, this in spite of the fact that bordering on two millenia seperate these two monstrosities.
Merry Chrystmas!
PPS The following, Junius, is the classical text that’s in the Wikipedia passage I presented, a comment or two ago, in graphic form:
“The Borysthenes, the second largest of the Scythian rivers, is, in my opinion, the most valuable and productive not only of the rivers in this part of the world, but anywhere else, with the sole exception of the River Nile…It provides the finest and most abundant pasture, by far the richest supply of the best sorts of fish and the most excellent water for drinking – clear and bright… no better crops grow anywhere than along its banks, and where grain is not sown the grass is the most luxuriant in the world.”
—?Herodotus, Histories IV.53
The Borysthenes, as Wikipedia made clear, is what we now know as the Dnieper.
Mr. Wallace, our host, recently posted the following …
PPPS Until I was reposting the video of Hank Williams, Jr., Junius, I didn’t notice it contained motorcyclists, which, in the comment I’d already posted, I’d mentioned as Scythian types.
Those dudes are looking pretty Scythian …
Funny that you say that, John, because I have always remarkt to my wife that these sorts of motorcycling fellows were Dark Age warriors lost in time.
Sometimes, I have even thought of them as Mongols on their famous short-horses.
In fact, the whole culture of male long hair, females with tattoos, always strikes me as such.
Here, for your edification, is the reconstructed face of a tattooed Siberian princess – she ‘discovered’ in 1993…
Junius —
I must tell you that every sentence in this entry of yours seems like a thunderbolt of insight. While I myself struggle with an understanding of these things, you seem to have a very-clear image, in your mind, of the peoples we’re talking about.
To take your sentences one by one:
“Funny that you say that, John, because I have always remarkt to my wife that these sorts of motorcycling fellows were Dark Age warriors lost in time.”
Though that is, in a way, what I myself was saying, you seem to have, in your mind, a very-clear image of the peoples we’re discussing. You see far more clearly than I can the connection between what was and what is.
“Sometimes, I have even thought of them as Mongols on their famous short-horses.”
Again: Your mental image of the peoples we’re discussing seems so clear. Not having known of the “short horses” of the Mongols, I would never have been struck by this parallel—of the steeds.
“In fact, the whole culture of male long hair, females with tattoos, always strikes me as such.”
Yet again, your vision of these peoples seems so clear.
“Here, for your edification, is the reconstructed face of a tattooed Siberian princess – she ‘discovered’ in 1993… ”
Thanks for this. Although I knew of this “ice maiden” and had seen, I’m pretty sure, photographs or drawings of the tattooing on her, I’d not known of this reconstruction of her face.
Well, John, if you were ‘struck by a thunderbolt’, you and your horse recovered quickly!
And, fragmenting into parts, let me, pursuant to Bedford Forrest’s famous command, charge after you in several directions, all at once…
‘While I myself struggle with an understanding of these things,’
It may just be not just an issue of ‘seeing’, John, but, that it is your nature to prefer the struggles of mystery, as opposet to those or revelation.
On the other hand, maybe not.
Be that as it may, I, too, struggle, all the time, with these things; yet, because of my artistick work, I have had no choice but to learn to act confidently on subtle whispers, and whisperers, that most would neither hear, nor, if they did, would allow to go unrepresst, this because they would regard them as certain evidences of insanity.
I think that makes me seem a bit more more cocksure than I am:::)))
‘Though that is, in a way, what I myself was saying, you seem to have, in
your mind, a very-clear image of the peoples we’re discussing’
Perhaps, I do.
‘You see far more clearly than I can the connection between what was and what is.’
I don’t quite entirely in the illusion of now, although, I am overawed by The Good Lord’s abilities to make it seem so real.
That said, for some reason, I came into this life with the sense of being old, and with the strong conviction that love requires remembrance.
Thus, I hold on, or at least, attempt so, to what has impresst
itself upon me.
‘Again: Your mental image of the peoples we’re discussing seems so
clear. Not having known of the “short horses” of the Mongols, I would
never have been struck by this parallel—of the steeds.’
Well, I really have thought nothing of it, until, now, when I try to see ‘my seeing’ through your eyes.
‘(“In fact, the whole culture of male long hair, females with tattoos, always strikes me as such.’)
Yet again, your vision of these peoples seems so clear.
The first time I became conscious of this particular ‘vision’, John, was years ago at a Motley Crue festival. Something about the musick, the way the people were interacting with each other, and the many tattoos, that were, then, becoming fashionable, struck me as something I might have seen on a Scythian Plain, many centuries earlier.
This all started when I was a little boy, and my daddy, in his library, was explaining to me some of his experiences fighting Germans, in 1944. Though I was raptly intent to his words, I kept having my focus interrupted by what I would later come to realize were scenes of The Russian Front, during those same times.
Admittedly, that was odd, though, as a child I did not run from these visions, because I had not yet been conditioned to think such ‘visions’ as ‘peculiar’.
I did, however, struggle with the visual imagery; this because, as my daddy would show me pictures of the front, I had a strange sense that he had survived that conflagration, while I had not.
I. also, for reasons I cannot know, always felt differently about that war; – that, though I was proud of him, and loved him very much, I always thought the Germans were right – though, I never would have dared say it, not could I have voiced it, even if I had been so brazen
That, too, was very problematick for me, because I was unable to reconcile that strong sentiment with what the meaning of the war was, or, as I have come to realize … how the war had been explained to me, as my daddy had understood it.
By the time I was about 10, privately to myself, I became deeply suspicious that I, like my daddy, had been a combatant on thew Eastern Front, though, I had not been a Russian, but, one in tarnisht black and silver.
Later on, as German veterans of that war kept coming into my life, and seem so very attracted to me, as was I to them, I simply accepted it as a private fact that this was so; this because they intuitively recognized me, just as I recognized them – though, this ‘vision’ is something very difficult to describe.
On a concluding note ; yes, I thought you might be familiar with The Siberian princess, though, I am glad to have shared with you her face, as nothing brings home the deepest meanings of this entire conversation like the face of a woman whom you might wish to kiss, and who, with a slight adjustment of wardrobe, might just have been one woman in the crowd, at that Motley Crue show, several decades back.
Thank you so much for all your kind and supportive words, and for not being afraid to talk openly of these things. A lot of men cannot seem to acknowledge each other except through conflict, on blogs, and I think it speaks well of you that you can.
I hope that, for Chrystmas, you will go fetch mama, and return back to your childhood neighbourhood, in Philadelphia, to your Roman Catholick Church.
Someone is waiting for you, there.
So, this girl, Junius, whom I will not name, always amuses me—makes me laugh—and now, as her face lights up, she says, with enthusiasm, “Mötley Crüe Day!”
This is in 1983, maybe; and while at a restaurant called Hamptons, this girl, I, and one or two colleagues have seen Mötley Crüe, seated a few tables away from us. This was at lunchtime, on a sunny day, but the four members of the band were there in full costume: the spandex or some such garb; the teased hair; and makeup, no doubt, though I really didn’t take note of that. When they’d walked into the room where we were seated, a force of nature seemed to have swept into it; but because I hadn’t been keeping up with the hair bands, I’d had to ask our waitress which band it was.
Yeah—so that was it. As this girl and I had been walking through our workplace’s parking lot, upon our return from lunch, I’d remarked that she, I, and our colleagues should have lunch on this date every year, to commemorate our having seen Mötley Crüe. “Mötley Crüe Day!” she’d said, with ironic delight, but I’m afraid no such anniversary was ever celebrated.
That same year, 1983, I happened to pick up, in a record store, an EP by another band, Ratt; and when I flipped it over, to examine its rear side, I was amused by its dedication: “To all our families and heavy metallists and dangerous women everywhere.”
Never in my life, Junius, have I experienced anything like your strange vision of World War II, and I appreciate your having detailed it. I’ll hold in my mind your suggestion for my keeping of Christmas.
In the graphic below, the first image is the present Google Maps street view of what was once Hamptons, locus of the Mötley Crüe sighting. About a mile from that structure, I should note, is Warner Bros. Studios, which, in those days, was The Burbank Studios, a joint holding of Warner Bros. and Columbia. Maybe that’s why the band members, as they all but burst into view before my colleagues and me, seemed to have stepped out of a rock video.
Your mention of short horses is what led me to the second and third images, which show a present-day Mongol girl on a type of short horse and then being blessed, it seems, by a lama, who knows her to be the continuation of his people.
Since I don’t know the date of the fair-weather day on which my colleagues and I saw Mötley Crüe, I can only designate today, December 21—the day before my sixty-third birthday—as HONORARY Mötley Crüe Day. With gratitude to Occidental Dissent, through which I have valuable exchanges with you and others, I dedicate the video below to Scythians, motorcyclists, and ice maidens—past, present, and to come …
Curiously, this tattooed Siberian Princess looks an awful lot like women you will find in the modern day Flanders area.
To repeat myself for the fourth or fifth time: Your vision of the peoples we’re discussing seems to me so clear, Junius. I can believe what you say, about the Siberian Princess’s resemblance to women of Flanders.
Thank you for your faith, John, on such an improbable thing to envisage, and even more problematick to confirm.
Thank you.
Good posts by Hunter and Daryl. All the best to you two. We had our first child, not so much time for the jewlag archipelago anymore.
I have a new phone number.
Congrats, Daniel.
I ran across Mazdak the other day on Facebook.
HW, your biography left out the part where an angel with a funny name appeared to you while you were sleeping in a barn one night and told you to dig up some golden guac bowls, so you could translate the gibberish scribbled on them using a seer stone placed at the bottom of your stovepipe hat. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7d2cf06cb5950b6d4646062b54aab0e872371a8119ad16c014c4d3d3ca0382a6.png
Good times.
My path into that intellectual culture started when I was banned from Free Republic in 1999 for criticizing Jews.
I still remember that poster The Skunk from the Liberty Forum who used a Gene Autry avatar (circa 2001). He was far ahead of his time imo in mixing funny trolling that enraged Jews and true cons with good content.
I still read Free Republic out of habit.
Hunter why are my comment on moderation?
(Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by Occidental Dissent)
Me too. I got banned from Free Republic, and also from multiple “anti-Jihad” sites, for just mentioning the USS Liberty.
For me it was watching the neocons gin up a war for oil, fighting in that war, then coming home to learn that 9/11 was an inside job.
Race realism was just a natural product of too many negative experiences with blacks combined with perplexity over no one doing anything to enforce immigration laws. It didn’t take much scratching to realize the central role of international jewry in all of this. But they are not alone, the Catholic Charities and other Christian groups are not to trusted which is why I am an unaffiliated Monotheist.
The answer of separatism in the form of Texas leading red states out of the union came from James Howard Kunstler mentioning Occidental Dissent. Ron Paul fell short, but the Mantra driven growth gave us Trump.
Now the alt right doesn’t know what to do with itself.
I suggest professionalizing and a platform of racial unity. Our current path is a dead end; and no amount of zeal from the dark corners of the internet can make an anti God extremism palatable to normal people. You may get short term growth at the expense of long term growth, hailing victory while losing the war.
I’ve been following you since 2004 and ”The Phora”, Brad. I’m sure that some of your today’s OD audience too. For me posting on this board has been nothing but a waste of time, sure I learned a lot.. but ultimately I don’t see a point of it and vBulletin forums, this one or others are largely obsolete in 2016.
But the Phora had quite some characters. Dr Brandt, the German guy, among others.
This deserves to be emphasized. It was far from true that all the participants in those threads were “racists.” I was never a member, but after hearing about the Phora, I spent countless hours in 2008 perusing old threads there. Some of it was quite fascinating.
GNXP, Stirpes and Majority Rights (in its early years, before it was devastated at the hands of Daniel S) deserve a mention among sites that sprang up to discuss controversial aspects of racial issues and which contained a great deal of intelligent debate.
@Mr. Griffin…
Thank you for having shared that with us.
It is most interesting, particularly the part about your evolution NOT being a reaction of Obama and liberalism, per se, but, to Bush ‘conservatism’.
As to the ‘phases through which you’ve gone : what phase are you in, now?
Very interesting. Thanks for writing this. I was especially interested to find out about your role in Phora.