Alex Griswold Is Now A Nazi

Did you know it?

Neither did I, but you learn something new every day:

“The tweet took off, and not in a good way. Literally hundreds of people responded, all saying that they would have loved if the attacker had killed Spencer. Some went further, calling for the extrajudicial killing of all Nazis.

I honestly don’t have room for all the responses along these lines. These are also the polite responses, not the ones calling me a Nazi or calling for my death.

It was an eye-opening reaction. The reason I penned the tweet was because I thought the liberal consensus that serves as the bedrock of the American society was intact. I had this whole spiel planned about how if we as a society endorse violence against one Nazi, we’re responsible if it leads to worse violence, maybe even murder, where do you draw the line, blah blah blah. I thought it was more or less self-evident that you don’t murder people on the street for expressing views you don’t like. I thought we were all the same page, and I was wrong.

What was most depressing is that the pro-violence responses came almost uniformly from liberals. I suppose that isn’t that shocking: 51% of modern Democrats believe the government should ban hateful speech entirely. …”

I’ve been saying it for a long time.

Civic Nationalism isn’t going to work. Americanism used to be a combination of whiteness, Christianity and liberal republicanism. Actually, the American identity used to be more like Northwestern European (Nordic), Protestantism and liberal republicanism until it was broadened to include the descendants of immigrants who came over during the Great Wave. Then it became whiteness and Christianity to accommodate the Jews and Southern and Eastern European Catholics.

The Cold War redefined Americanism by decoupling whiteness, the traditional bedrock of national solidarity, from liberal republicanism. For the first time in history, America was transformed into a “universal nation,” a kind of miniature United Nations, which would lead the “Free World.” At this point, Americanism was a creed which still heavily leaned on Christianity, but once the Cold War was won and the Soviet Union fell religion ceased to be a point of national solidarity too.

By the 21st century, Americanism had become nothing but an “idea.” The United States was said to be a “proposition nation.” In other words, Americans are people who live in a geographic territory who share the same ideology. The problem with this model, however, is that ideology is a poor source of national solidarity. Ideologues are notoriously sectarian. Within the United States, liberal republicanism splintered into a Right that was for “freedom” and a Left that was for “equality.”

In the political mainstream, the only thing good in this country is more freedom or more equality. That is your choice in every election. There is nothing else worthwhile in life. The problem is that liberty and equality are both like acid to any established social order. They dissolve the social fabric by weakening social bonds. Eventually, liberal republicanism in its most advanced stage, which is to say, when liberty and equality are taken to the greatest extremes, destroys any sense of national solidarity.

The Left’s latest bright idea is to jettison liberal republicanism from Americanism – ideology, the final point of national solidarity, and the last and weakest source of national cohesion. We’re told that some classes of citizens are so dangerous that they should be subjected to vigilante violence. It is legitimate to violate their constitutional rights. This caste of people are Deplorables and their ideas are so dangerous that they shouldn’t be tolerated. That’s where the mainstream Left is at in 2017.

You may have noticed that “liberal republicanism” or “civic nationalism” has become increasingly meaningless on the Left. Traditionally, liberal republicanism has meant a republican form of government coupled with ideas about individual rights. As the theory goes, the government exists to secure those rights, but in the 21st century the Left is no longer synonymous with liberalism. The Left has been infected by other more authoritarian strains of leftwing thought like Marxism and critical race theory.

Many of these leftists, who call themselves “progressives” in order to distinguish their views from “liberals,” believe in banning “hate speech” and what they call “no platforming.” They believe in violently assaulting their fellow citizens for political reasons. They support criminal conspiracies to deny rightwingers, not merely the Alt-Right but the Right as a whole, their constitutional rights.

Ultimately, the logic of “social justice” is leading us down the road to civil war. When you reserve the right to violently assault your fellow “citizens” and/or deprive them of their constitutional rights, the status of “citizen” has become meaningless. It is no longer a point of solidarity. What’s left to hold the nation together at that point? What does it even mean anymore to be an American?

Perhaps I am discounting the possibility that sixty million people will submit to the caste-based, politically correct, social justice dictatorship that progressives are striving to implement in Washington. I’m skeptical that model of Americanism will work though.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


      • For nationalism to succeed we must abandon worshipping that faggot middle eastern man Jesus and must instead follow Odin.lord kek. Christianity is useless and it only emasculating from whiteman

        • Go to hell, u SOB.

          Nor can the Table-Talk be used to argue for a pagan Hitler:
          It seems to me that nothing would be more foolish than to re-establish the worship of Wotan. Our old mythology had ceased to be viable when Christianity implanted itself. -Table-Talk [p. 61]

        • God, are you out of the loop! Or are you just loopy?

          Nor can the Table-Talk be used to argue for a pagan Hitler:
          “It seems to me that nothing would be more foolish than to re-establish the worship of Wotan. Our old mythology had ceased to be viable when Christianity implanted itself.” -Table-Talk [p. 61]

          “Implant itself”-much like when an infant implant itself in the mother’s womb. And who is the ‘mother’ of Christianity for AH? The German Volk- Catholic, Protestant Christian Germany & Austria

  1. “Caste System” now of course I want my freedom from that.

    But I suppose per usual the usual conservative intellectuals will want to “educate” the masses including the left on the usual abstract jibber jabber which is “their shiny.”

  2. NAZI? National Socialist that wants blond Europeans (Aryans) to conquer the world?
    Nazi now means anyone the left doesn’t like, much like “racist”.
    Richard Spencer is NOT a national socialist in any reasonable meaning of the word.
    (I don’t think he’s even a supremacist, but a white nationalist)
    But they are calling Trump a Nazi – even Glenn Beck said he was Hitler.

    But the Alt-right has noticed and it has been rising. Burn down Memories pizza. Hound Brendan Eich out.
    The “nice” mask of the left has come off. These people are the communist thugs. The one thing they get right is the nazis arose to oppose the leftist thugs.

    Another thing is that Cernovich, McInnes, etc. are also being called Nazis by the same people – that meme Vox can laugh at when it features Spencer will one day show one of the alt-west, not the alt-white being punched or maybe killed with the movie images of Nazis to the cheers of the left.

    • Spencer is not, but he was too clever by half in his choice of “friends” (Enoch, anglin)

      And his rhetoric (lugenpresse, children of the sun, hail trump, hail victory)

      But now he has new friends! Hunter Wallace and Jason Jiorjani – A new Triumverate?

  3. have been an NS Celt all along. ALL non-Whites, Jewed-Catholics, and of course JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOZ must go. From the planet.

  4. HW: Civic nationalism isn’t (ultimately) going to work.

    But it IS WORKING right now.

    So cheer them on.

    Furthermore, civic nationalism is de facto white nationalism in most white countries, just not our own. Getting a white nation in North America is far easier in world beswept by civic nationalism, than currently.

  5. “When you reserve the right to violently assault your fellow “citizens” and/or deprive them of their constitutional rights, the status of “citizen” has become meaningless.”

    Sounds like the New England Immigrant Aid Society® in Missouri, Kansas, Texas and Virginia, back in the 1850’s. The original SJWs.

  6. Very well put. I wonder if Trump even comprehends that? I fear he is still drinking the MLK Kool-Aid. If Trump is genuinely un red pilled his only answer to this will be to use the FBI and the feds to repress the right which is always the easy option in any democracy because any repression of the left short of death squad DHS helicopters and going full Pinochet is like throwing petrol on the flames.

  7. The sooner they burn our last bridges, the sooner we can get to rebuilding and restoring sanity. Let ’em get it over with.

  8. “…We’re told that some classes of citizens are so dangerous that they should be subjected to vigilante violence. It is legitimate to violate their constitutional rights…”

    Well if Nazi’s are so dangerous then why haven’t we locked up all the Negros?

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