It is what it is:
We won this night. We will control the streets. We will liberate the land. We will fight fascists. We will dismantle the state. This is war. pic.twitter.com/JnlJMUtgCj
— Occupy Oakland (@OccupyOakland) February 2, 2017
This is Trump's campaign ad for the 2020 election. Thanks Antifa, thanks leftists. pic.twitter.com/IT8Jbw4ZHS
— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) February 2, 2017
I wrote a tweetstorm about fascism late last night:
1/ I've been writing on the internet for 16 years. I'm a populist and nationalist. I've never been a fascist
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) February 2, 2017
2/ I don't like the 20th century which I consider to be a catastrophe. Fascism grew out of the wreckage of World War I
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) February 2, 2017
3/ I've never been interested in the theatrics of fascism: the mass rallies, the street fighting, the coordination of society, etc
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) February 2, 2017
4/ I don't think Southerners are any good at fascism. We're very individualistic. It is just not in our cultural DNA
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) February 2, 2017
5/ Fascism was built on the German and Italian historical experience. We had much less need for a strong state
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) February 2, 2017
6/ We don't have much real fascism in this country. We do, however, have anti-fascism
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) February 2, 2017
7/ As has become increasingly clear, these antifas are attacking a broad range of people who are not fascists
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) February 2, 2017
8/ I'm a populist. MILO is a libertarian. Lots of people who are being attacked are garden variety conservatives
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) February 2, 2017
9/ We have one side in this country which has repudiated the social contract. It feels justified in using violence to negate our rights
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) February 2, 2017
10/ How long can this continue before the antifas call forth the real thing?
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) February 2, 2017
11/ The antifas have declared that the Right as a whole must not be allowed to speak: everyone from Ben Shapiro to Richard Spencer
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) February 2, 2017
12/ When masked gangs are used to violently shut down events, the other side will eventually be forced to create its own gangs
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) February 2, 2017
13/ How else are we going to defend ourselves? There has to be a countervailing force to offset the antifas threats of violence
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) February 2, 2017
14/ I'm not a fascist, but I increasingly see the path by which real fascism will start to emerge in this country
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) February 2, 2017
15/ When you need a gang of 1,000 people to repulse a mob of antifas 1,000 strong in order to speak, we're returning to the 1920s and 1930s
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) February 2, 2017
In hindsight, now that we see that this is happening all over again, could this just be the normal course of things? Is it “fascism” or social breakdown? Is this how democracies die?
Note: The Feral Left is pretty much inviting Trump supporters to arm themselves and organize in self defense.
Southerners and rural whites are the kulaks and Jewish Communists have targeted them for liquidation. They will regret what they create….never again.
Operational word is “Freedom.” I just want my freedom from them
The title is the kernel to some pretty good and useful resource “Bloody California”, maybe
Well, Let’s respond. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fd9e0cc461415b9069f5424923ac8ca0a2f012effb7f307f46bfeeaea35e7fbc.gif
As long as these people keep attacking their own enclaves, they’ll be safe from the real World, the World of hurt.
True enough. I cordially invite them to a garden party at my home in Alabama. I have tea, scones, and various armaments awaiting them.
This is the kind of society I want to live in:
This is mine. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2aea1a079361a37f1f5c78bbc3ac2c71bdc24da152a63d432067d21603495502.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6aaf13b17932c24b030a7d4df86d82fbe93e8dc1bd20e9918e0c1b4811ea4c4e.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6faeb6226e08c6283cc4fa77911021f12c3a034daff27035f969d2f10e8494f9.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/762003a149ffa47126d2bdaa71f5d23fe0bab12f9ac73e291d0b6bcc8bf7ad76.png
Hello Hello Hello! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dafd4f4c2588d3bae0e73d4178bc2dc1402b3f051a2a5a8dbd9d51e5feb49a7b.jpg
Damn, I’m so ready for this.
This is how a minority of malcontents is hoping to make the government fold. What then if they bring 20 major cities to a stand still? Then it’s sold as a national crisis with calls for the President to step down? Sound familiar? Then the rhinos fold which is what they do. What the hell then? What are the chances? They are vile. Maybe the masses come to the rescue. I don’t know.
Have these cities secede from their states.
Mr. Wallace, you nailed it: “We have one side in this country which has repudiated the social contract. It feels justified in using violence to negate our rights.”
it’s just the next step up from constantly misrepresenting us in the media – the media always calls us racist neo-nazis/white supremacists – a gross mischaracterization. we’re getting tired of that – & now this – we’re getting tired of THIS even more quickly…
Or is it two nations, one land?
Bwahahaha! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c147d86902773b33054e1d43980be25bc760f5510ef2271e7bcea0857b57cbad.jpg
Our enemies have declared full throttle warfare: race war, class war, gender war, religious war – is this a war against humanity itself aka WWIII? I say it’s the beginning. Do not underestimate this foul breed of supposed humanity. They have no dignity, self-respect, conscience, morality, clarity or genuine intelligence. Never, ever surrender!
Lol. I dont think we are quite in Bleeding Kansas territory yet, but its a great historical reference to get the point across. I could see it if he wins a second term. Depends on how Calexit goes
America’s version of Diversity and Multiculturalism will end in racial division and nationalism. The idea of everybody liking everybody is a failure. Just look at the streets across America. Our views are becoming popular not only with White Patriots but many other political ideologies and racial groups. California will talk a big talk about Secession. However it’ll never happen. The state will never Secede because of Federal Funding, Social Security, Medicare, and the Welfare State. All political groups can’t understand the only reason the American Empire is in power is because of the funny money system / Federal Reserve. All the states need is it’s own common sense monetary policy and say goodbye USSA. However the “Lincoln Ideology” (Love of War) is still real popular in Washington D.C. The American Empire rules by military force and nothing more. Some interesting times in America and the World. WPWW !
National socialism is the way out of our Jew dystopia. Uncle Adolf showed the way.
Smart: Making the left pay a political price for violence, squeezing them to provoke an overreaction.
Stupid: Violent, Nazi rhetoric. Seeking to “trade blows” with these people in the streets.
This is Marxism writ large. The communists have always followed this plan. They don’t think they’re fighting fascists, they want control of the streets and government. They’re in for a fight. We aren’t peasants and this isn’t tsarist Russia. They’ll have to climb over a lot of bodies to achieve their goals here. From our cold dead hands.
We need an Alt-Right Officer Corps to start organizing the troops on our side.
Are there any veterans reading this who could help out?
As Greg Johnson has noted for years, the original street violence of the Fascists was simply their bringing a knife to a knife fight: i.e. the Commies started it, and the Fascists fought back in kind.
Knock me over with a feather if the American right has to get violent in order to respond to this kind of anarchic lunacy.
Note: The Feral Left is pretty much inviting Trump supporters to arm themselves and organize in self defense.
There was a militia movement which arose in the wake of Waco and Ruby Ridge. It lacked a political component, so never went too far. Nonetheless, there are lessons to be learned.
This kind of thing doesn’t happen in “shall issue” states.
Hunter, don’t you get it? Fascism is anyone who hinders the progressive agenda. They don’t care about the fine points, heck even Mitt Romney was a fascist to these people. They’re right in a way too, even though all these destructive changes being pushed during the 50s and 60s weren’t technically “communism” the right was correct to call them communists and pinkos because the essence was the same thing, to radically remake society and put the loser in the drivers seat and destroy the power of the normal, white gentile male to run his own house. Those who resist this nasty monstrous facelift, no matter how weakly, are “fascists.”
Something we should keep in mind. They are tearing up THEIR stuff in THEIR neighborhoods, blocking the roads in THEIR neighborhoods and pissing off the normal people in THEIR neighborhoods by being so ignorant. I say they should keep it up. It would be a good move to get them out to terrorize their own neighborhoods every week at least once.
Full list of 231 people arrested for rioting in DC