Cuckservatives: Federal Judge James Robart Says “Black Lives Matter”

George W. Bush appointed this cuck. It turns out he has worked pro bono representing refugees. He’s one of these judges who believes in empowering the “disenfranchised” through judicial activism.

Note: Just look at him.

Physically, Robart with his green bowtie is the embodiment of effete conservatism. He radiates weakness. He represents everything we are trying to break from on the Right.

About Hunter Wallace 12398 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. To state the very obvious:Log Cabin Homo..

    Larger point:the White Homo-pedophiles are in a political coalition with the MUZZIE and Negro because…without these farkies….the Democratic Party is a minor insignificant party=no homo-pedophile filth legal marriage…no homo-pedophile surgically mutilated tranny freaks in the Boy Scouts.


    They sure do…but consider this:the homo-pedophile Log Cabin types time frame extends no longer than the extent of their individual sodomite life=maximize their syphyllitic torn bloody rectum utility function….We…children…grandchildren get to do battle with the MOHAMMADAN-NEGRO gang rape army….after the homo-pedophiles clock out…

    • A lot of authority figures who are fags (like this judge) use wives as their “beards”. Naturally, Mrs. Robot knows all about her husband’s closet homosexualism but looks the other way because she enjoys the social prestige that comes with being the wife of a Federal judge.

  2. The bright green bow tie makes Robart the epitome of a Cuck. It was also an activist Judge who stopped White Californians from implementing Prop 187 in 1994. Prop 187 would have denied all government aid and public schooling to illegal aliens. It was an attempt by White Californians to Save the State.

  3. ” he has worked pro bono representing refugees.”

    I’m not sure if it’s LEGALLY or only ETHICALLY….but judges are supposed to STEP DOWN in cases where they have clear conflict of interest or BIAS.

    • I agree but white anti-Whites have no honor because they have no loyalty to those who like them, us. It’s all about “muh constitution”, ignoring the fact that it was written by and for White people.

  4. That cuckservative faggot judge represents EVERYTHING that’s wrong with the Federal court system.

  5. Congress crated the federal court system and congress has the power to remove immigration and naturalize issues from the jurisdiction of the federal courts system.

  6. Trump’s Kike shysters knew that the Executive Order they wrote would get kiked by the courts. Trump is impotent to stop America from being invaded. He can now recover “conservative” support by fulfilling his Israel-First promises for four years. Very high probability of more Brothers & Sisters Wars. The Poz will continue increase. Alt-Kike fags will have “pool parties”. Zionists like Milo, Spencer and so on will thrive. The Kike is laughing (even as it cries out in “pain”.)

  7. Reagan-Bush appointed federal judge ruled in the 1990’s:THE CHILDREN OF ILLEGAL ALIENS MUST BE ALLOWED TO ATTEND PUBLIC SCHOOLS!!!

    Then another REAGAN-BUSH era appointed Federal Judge ruled:THE CHILDREN OF ILLEGAL BEANERS CAN NOT BE DEPORTED…

    But you mother fuckers…Peter Brimelow…to this day worships the Hollywood Queer Ronnie Reagan because he won THE ANTI-COMMIE CRUSADE….WE HOMO-PEDOPHILE NORMED VIETNAM!!!!=60 thousand names on the Vietnam War Memorial DC…mostly working class White kids…

    Every vote cast for Ronnie Reagan-Bush turd+Bush turd was a demographic DEATH SENTENCE FOR THE HISTORIC NATIVE BORN WHITE AMERICAN MAJORITY WORKING CLASS..

  8. I knew it wouldn’t be long before Trump would run up against anti-White, judicial activism. What is he going to do besides talking tough?

  9. “I’m empty and aching and I don’t know why. Counting the cars on the New Jersey Turnpike. They’ve all come to look for America, all come to look for America, all come to look for America.”

  10. America is Kiked

    Trump’s Kike shysters knew that the Executive Order they wrote would get kiked by the courts. He is being sabotaged by the Kikes he surrounds himself with. He is their whore.

    Trump is impotent to stop America from being invaded. He can now recover “conservative” support by fulfilling his kike Israel-First promises for four years. Very high probability of more Brothers & Sisters Wars. The Kike Poz will continue to increase. Alt-Kike fags will have “pool parties”. Zionists like Milo and Spencer and so on will thrive.

    The Kike is laughing (even as it cries out in “pain”.)

  11. Yep, this judge James Robart does look like a rather weak and pathetic fellow. He would no doubt recoil at the true manliness of the men who built America. Should not pro bono work for immigrants create a conflict of interest on his behalf, and thus require him to recuse himself from any cases affecting such issues?
    With his defense of BLM, this Robart dude seems to revel in Neo-Babelism. What is Neo-Babelism? It is a term used by some Christians to describe the push to form multiracial societies and promote miscegenation. There seemed to be little in the way of articles on the web defining it, but many that used the term. As such, I put up a recent essay defining the concept of Neo-Babelism on my blog.

  12. What the actual “F” … so potential jurors can be dismissed on the grounds of overt bias in a matter, but the actual JUDGE presiding over it can be fully biased and still rule upon it??? That doesn’t make a lick of sense to me.

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