It is good to see Rush talking about the -isms and -phobias:
“RUSH: The Democrat Party is a shrinking and dwindling hate group. That’s literally what they’ve become. You know, I remember the reason why I say that and why I think that this is an important point. Early in my career, when I was still learning about all this, when I was wet behind the ears and naive… Up until the time I started this radio show, nobody that knew me ever thought I was a hatemonger or a racist or homophobic or sexist or bigoted or any of that. Nobody. There wasn’t anybody.
Six months after being on the radio with this program, I’d become all of that. And I remember… I don’t want to mention names here because these people are still alive. …
George W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, Donald Trump. Take your pick. They are hated; they are not opposed, and I wish an even bigger percentage of the American people would figure this out. The American people are running around thinking that all the hate and the racism and all these other isms are located on the Republican Party side. The Republican Party has bent over backwards not even criticizing Democrats in hopes that people wouldn’t think they’re what the Democrats say they are, while the Democrats go out and behave that way times ten all the time every day and never get called on it.
But they are the hate groups, they are the hate party, they are the people that literally thrive and subsist on it. And you can see it. You can see it in these protests. You can see it in these so-called acts of dissent, which are nothing more than riots. …”
The Democrats really do come at you with a dozen -isms and -phobias. Those are the things which make you a terrible person. In contrast, it makes them saints. They have a “conscience.”
Note: I’ve never been a talk radio listener. I might have to start tuning in.
Liberals are the real haters. Got it.
Asia for Asians, Africa for Africans, White countries for Everyone!
Anti-Whites say what is non-White belongs to non-Whites and what is White ALSO belongs to non-Whites.
They say they are anti-racist, what they really are is anti-White.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
Rush, I suspect, has a very good idea of the Red Pill reality.
He walks a fine line dealing with a mass audience, keeping his advertisers happy, and having his mainstream conservative buddies continue to invite him to the establishment party. On the other hand, he has enough money and fame where he could break free if he had sufficient backing. It just may be with Trump in the White House, there is a new wind blowing through the country and he is going to sail with it, so to speak.
It’s worth getting him on the side of White Nationalism. He’s what is called in the infowar field a Key Communicator. His word carries with a lot of people who could be won over to the cause.
Convert Rush and you redpill the entirety of the Boomer Cucks who listen to him.
He knows all this stuff. But admitting any of it on air would finish his career.
If shit hits the fans, Rush will side with Trump.
Little while back Rush was talking about removal of MLK bust and the media frenzy,Rush said ” it wasn’t thrown in the trash.
The Isms, Ists and phobias junk is a weak spot of the Left’s
These sound like good words. Let’s pump it up. The Democrat Party is a traitor party holding allegiance to foreign powers. That’s what needs to start being made clear. They serve Europe’s master.
‘These sound like good words. Let’s pump it up. The Democrat Party is a traitor party’
Good talking point that hasn’t been hammered frequently enough.
He’s normally pretty circumspect with words. That sounds like someone ready to have a conflict.
So no Tubman $20?
I never really paid much mind to Rush for most of my life, but from what I’ve read about him in recent times in the altright-sphere, he really does seem like he knows the score (or is at least close to it). Wish I’d paid attention sooner. Same with Coulter.
Ann Coulter, yesterday:
Ann Coulter is good. It’s obvious she knows far more than she says.
Now, Ann also knows that these legal points are meaningless. It’s wrong to exclude Mexicans and Asians and Africans from America. Everything else is just red tape.
And she’ll never name The Kike, or (with her being a muz-mudshark) attack Muslims as Muslims.
Rush is a pretty good barometer of Jew anxiety. When out of the blue for no apparent reason Rush defends the Jews, you know (((they))) are worried.
“The Democrats really do come at you with a dozen -isms and -phobias. Those are the things which make you a terrible person. In contrast, it makes them saints. They have a ‘conscience.'” :
“Conscience does make cowards of us all, and thus the native hue of resolution is sicklied o’er with the pale cast of thought, and enterprises of great pith and moment with this regard their currents turn awry, and lose the name of action.”
“Fauxcahontas Warren”
Rush knows plenty. And knowing all that, he worked to keep whites on the Republican plantation, not really pushing them towards something better.
He’s no Ann Coulter, who legitimately took a risk to advance white interests, he only came along grudgingly.
Perhaps he’s useful, but not to be trusted.
Rush Limbaugh will never cross the line in the sand drawn by the Jewish elite. His whole career has been built on teasing white American Christian heterosexual men.
Disagree. Rush’s whole career has basically been reading liberal news outlets and rebutting it. Its a very effective tactic, and you have to remember he was the ONLY alternative to the liberal Network News and newspapers in 1993. Yes, he’s safe and doesn’t name the Jew but Rush shattered a taboo of questioning the media. For that alone, he’s an important figure. Trump wouldn’t have been President without Rush sowing the seeds of media doubt (he calls them mediots) back in the 90s.
The Democratic Party changed in the 1960s. The Democrats have been Cultural Marxists since the 1960s. However that’s changing now. The Democratic Party celebrates every single race, sodomite, and liberal in America. However the party only has a passing mention about “Rural America” or White America. I’d say the Democrats are abandoning Cultural Marxism (Forced Mixing) and become a Minority Supremacists political party that’s open against White People. The Alt Right should stay active in changing the GOP from a “Conservative” party into a Nationalist party representing Traditional Values and White Pride. When the GOP officially rejects the Alt Right and keeps our candidates off the Ballot…..the Alt Right should focus hardcore on Third Party / Independent candidates and run directly against Democrats and Republicans in future elections. WPWW !
Rush, conservatives favorite junkie. There was a time he would be recognized as the traitor that he is.