About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/10/us/politics/daniel-tarullo-federal-reserve.html

    “Mr. Tarullo offered no explanation for his departure in a terse, two-sentence letter
    to Mr. Trump. But eight years is an unusually long tenure for a Fed
    governor — many leave after just two or three — and people who know Mr.
    Tarullo said that in recent years he had become increasingly worn down
    by the job.

    After Mr. Trump’s victory, some Democrats privately urged Mr. Tarullo to
    remain in place for at least another year, but they did not convince

    Gotta get that Deep State.

    • Mr B. This is something that annoys many Japanese and humiliates many more. Anytime Japan elects a new PM, the first thing he does after his inauguration, is get on a plane and report to Washington. Anytime we elect a new President, the PM gets on a plane to Washington, or in this case, Florida. Every Japanese PM has to affirm to whatever President, that Japan is still a U.S. vasal and is still subordinate to U.S. interests.

        • I can’t remember where I read it. But it was intimidated that this phenomena was a source of humiliation and anger for mainly older Japanese who had been alive in the 1940s and 50s.

          • Interesting. If there’s truth to that, it wasn’t apparent in the one encounter I personally had with a Japanese of that age-group. Maybe I’ve already mentioned to you the occasion when a Japanese man about my age brought his mother and sister to visit me and family members of mine, here in Philadelphia. As an employee of an American company in whose Tokyo office a childhood friend of mine was working, this man had come to know me while he himself was briefly stationed at the company’s office in the Philadelphia area; my friend had advised him to contact me.

            In the manner of many a modern Japanese, I guess, the man was pleased to come to know an American on American turf and thus wanted his mother and sister to meet my kin and me during a visit they were making here, to see him. As he remarked to me not long after the get-together, the personal style of his mother and my mother, who must both have been youngish women during World War II, was striking. Obviously, there was a racial difference, but they were quite similar in dress and manner.

  2. It is pretty much impossible to mobilize the West against Assad. Assad’s ability to speak directly in English to Americans is a big reason why the CIA/Mossad coup to take him out failed. Saddam and Gaddafi could never do that and they had the appearance of cartoon dictators.

    In interviews, Assad consistently comes across as a reasonable, level headed leader. He speaks good English and uses medical analogies drawing on his experience as a Doctor to explain his action in the Civil War in a way the layman can understand. The way Assad turned around this question on the dumb reporter was brilliant. The reporter is right, most refugees aren’t terrorists. But Assad noted, all it took was a FEW immigrants to harm the United States on 9/11.

  3. I’ve always been amazed that one of the most Westernized leaders in the Middle East is attacked and vilified by the people who claim that they would like to spread democracy throughout the Middle East. If you ever need convincing of the stranglehold anti-West/anti-White forces have over our foreign policy, then look no further than the dynamics involved in the USA/West–Syria conflict.

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