My notes:
1.) I know nothing about Alexander Acosta who is President Trump’s new nominee for Labor Secretary.
2.) Rasmussen’s Daily Tracking Poll has President Trump with a 55% approval rating.
3.) President Trump calls out the NYC-DC-LA fake news Lügenpresse. He says they serve special interests.
4.) President Trump says we have to talk about the dishonest Lügenpresse. It is an “entrenched power structure.” It distorts the truth in order to propagate the Narrative.
“Many of our nation’s reporters will not tell you the truth,” Trump said.
“The press honestly is out of control,” Trump said.
“The level of dishonesty is out of control,” Trump said.
5.) President Trump says “I inherited a mess” at home and abroad.
6.) President Trump recounts the accomplishments of the last month.
7.) President Trump reminds the people he is keeping his promises. He contrasts his faithfulness to voters with dishonest politicians. The Lügenpresse is unhappy with these policy changes: killing the Trans-Pacific Partnership, extreme vetting in the refugee program, the Wall, etc.
8.) President Trump points out that federal judges are preventing him from defending the country.
9.) Dems are obstructing Senate confirmation hearings of Cabinet picks.
10.) President Trump takes credit for persuading American corporations to keep so many jobs in the United States. It was his hands on leadership that made this possible.
11.) President Trump fulfilled his promise to appoint a strong conservative to the Supreme Court.
12.) President Trump is holding a rally in Melbourne, Florida.
13.) The Lügenpresse has concocted the fake news Russia narrative in order scapegoat Russia for Hillary’s loss.
14.) Private conversations are being illegally leaked to the Lügenpresse. They should be ashamed of themselves for publishing classified information.
15.) President Trump says the failing New York Times published a discredited front page story.
16.) President Trump says The Wall Street Journal published a disgraceful story today. They also published a ridiculous story on PewDiePie.
17.) The Justice Department is now investigating the criminal leaks.
18.) President Trump: “So much of the news is fake …” “I don’t mind bad stories” as long as they are true. There is “so much anger and hatred on CNN.”
19.) President Trump says CNN “has a lower approval rating than Congress.”
20.) Wikileaks didn’t publish classified material from the DNC or John Podesta’s emails.
21.) President Trump says the tone of the Lügenpresse is “such hatred.” The panels on CNN are almost exclusively “anti-Trump” and full of “hatred and venom.”
22.) President Trump predicts the Lügenpresse will distort the news conference. That’s what they do.
23.) President Trump downgrades CNN from “fake news” to “very fake news.”
@jaketapper looked like he was about to CRY after historic #TrumpPressConference where President bashed fake news MSM over repeated LIES. ? pic.twitter.com/9LUW9vSzMj
— ?Grant J. Kidney? (@GrantJKidney) February 16, 2017
24.) President Trump says “the public doesn’t believe you anymore.”
25.) President Trump says Reince spends all of his time responding to fake news narratives. He would rather be doing other things.
26.) President Trump: “It would be great if we could get along with Russia.” “The false horrible fake reporting makes it much harder to make a deal with Russia.” “That’s a shame.” “It is a good thing to have a positive relationship with Russia, not a bad thing.”
27.) President Trump: “I’m the least anti-Semitic person … least racist person.” He calls it a “very insulting question.”
This not a laughing matter. I'm sorry, delegitimizing the press is unAmerican
— Chuck Todd (@chucktodd) February 16, 2017
Press bashing may feel good to folks but when it's done by people in power, it's corrosive. Take off your partisan hats for a second
— Chuck Todd (@chucktodd) February 16, 2017
When the Reichstag event happens Trump can turn this amp up to 11.
Who’s going to be the mentally handicapped Dutchman?
Let’s make it a spazzy Canadian this time.
Neil Young?
Uh oh, I need to change my moniker!
Marius Van Der Lubbe, Wo Bist Du?
The U.S. Lügenpresse is not even in the same world as we are. They might as well be reporting on an alternate time line.
Time to shut (((their))) lying mouths for them.
He was in his usual great form today.
Sounds like Trump really laid it down on camera. Good. Now, if only he would talk about the identity of these (((special interests))) that the mainstream news is beholden to. Perhaps Mr. Kushner could let him in on that… Trump is so much better than Obama or Hillary, and yet so far from what White Nationalists need him to be.
Indeed. Trump is entertaining, but if he just slows down immigration, and deports one or two million illegals…while doing nothing about Kikes, and while remaining belligerent against Russia, threatening Iran just for the sake of his precious “Israel”, and building up NATO … then what, after he’s gone? President Ivankakike?
There is a war taking place about who will control the narrative and the future direction of the country. One side consists of President Trump, his voters, emerging populist and nationalist organizations and media, and a few members of the nation’s elite who have embraced this change. On the other side are entrenched interests, the mainstream media, the bureaucracy, the establishments of both political parties, and liberal advocacy groups and their street activist allies. It is becoming clear that no compromise is possible because the goals of both sides are diametrically opposed. In order for one side to become victorious will civil war be necessary?
Trump needs to call out the Second Amendment people, if it comes down to that. We know whose side they are on.
I really do feel a war looming. Doesnt everyone? They want to pull another Russian revolution, but the leftists of today are no match for normal people. They are deeply stupid if they think they can win this time.
Trump is antagonizing Christian Russia over Crimea..
Trump gives military aid to ISIS funding Saudia Arabia…
Trump still illegally occupying the soveriegn nation Syria…
F….K….Trump…he could cost me a Teenage member of family
Trump…..Paul Kersey’s pinup boy…F you Paul Kersey…
Please don t post your nonsense here
President Trump has been working for peace with Russia alliance with Russia against Islamists
By giving 100 million $$$ in military aid to the ISIS suppprting Saudis
By illegally occupying Syria…
By making bellicose belligerent threats to Shia Muslim Iran..
By ordering US Military excercises on Christian Russia’s borders..
By antagonizing Christian Russia over Crimea…Fuck off Jew Boy Jay..
You’ll be on it for a long time. Iran won’t be attacked. Trump isn’t as Dumb as Crassus.
You buy Donald’s narcissistic self-promoting bullshit..for a differing opinion on Trump’s intelligence…take a look Paul Craig Robert’s recent commentary…and then go over to The Vineyard of the Saker…
I hate having to agree with you….
I m a solid good guy
I open doors for Southern ladies
I turn off rap music in bars
I expose traitors Neo Cons cuckservatives
I m a Chicago version of Donald trump
What s not to like ?
I think it’s your cheesy mustache.
Get out of my country, sand nigger worshipper.
Former high school skank
You want Trump to bomb Iran…and continue to illegally occupy Syria…how neo-con Christian Zionist of you….do you suck off Pastor Hagee in the outhouse in the back?
We need to use our control of Southern governorships and state houses to push for local control of tv media – break the New York LA Washington media monopoly
We should also pass laws making it illegal to accept out-of-state campaign contributions. This would prevent NY-LA-DC money from corrupting our politics and defeating our representatives.
We have political dominance in all Southern states
What we now need to focus on is cultural power
We need to dominate the media in southern states and elsewhere
Paul Kersey…silent on Trump’s antagonizing Christian Russia..
Paul Kersey..another Jew Boy….
Kersey just writes about niggers. He does a good job of it. Where is this coming from?
Kearney is some kinda hardcore Irish republican…
DENNIS KEARNEY=Socialist Labor Leader…1882 Chinese Legal Immigrant Exclusion Act…
You are pretty intense my dood.
Time is very short…White Guy Trump bros think they can sit back and smoke a cigar..continue to watch NFL NIGGER BALL..
A kern in Ireland was like a gallowglas. Foreign warrior or mercenary.
Sounds more like some loon
Let s ban him
Hey Jew Boy…pogue mahon….
Okay Tory Boy!
Chink “AMERICANS” are more of a threat than niggers…Kersey never write about the chinks..is Kersey a Chink?…Is Richard Spencer dating an Iranian?
Trump wants regime change on Moscow….in case you haven’t noticed…
The war issue is quite urgent in my family…very serious….I am losing sleep over it at the moment…and yes…I do believe Trump lusted for his big tit daughter Ivanka…
Well I am very concerned about the war issue as well. I just don’t know why you are talking about Kersey, What does he have to do with this?
Because Kersey uncritically worships Trump=blank check to bomb Iran..antagonize Christian Russia=nuclear WW3…Trump wants regime change in Moscow
Yeah I don’t like uncritical Trump worship either. I am very worried about his posture towards Iran. My biggest concern is that he cut some kind of deal with the NeoCohens to push on Iran. However, I am not convinced that Trump “wants” regime change in Russia. Though we may end up fighting with them all the same. Which would spell doom for us all.
Bomb Shia Muslim Iran=war with Christian Russia..
US Military excercises on Christian Russia’s borders=regime change in Moscow…
Trump antagonizing Christian Russia over Ukraine=regime change in Moscow
Jew Parasite Worm Henry Kissinger advises Trump on Christian Russia=regime change in Moscow…
This guy s a loon
Hunter please ban this idiot
Idiot! Trump is doing all he can to mend fences with Russia!
By ordering US Military excercises on the Ukrainian border…threatening Russia over Crimea….
Trump wants to bomb Iran…Christian Russia is an obstacle to this….
You are an ignorant fool. He has no intention of bombing Itan!
Filthy Spic
Are you a Cuban Spic Cockroach?
TRUMP’S ART OF THE DEAL=I’ll give you something on Ukraine..only if you let me have regime change in Moscov…..does the body building fag Paul Kersey support this?
Feck off weirdo.
Childless former high school skank…
Psycho phaggot
Judging from this picture I think it’s safe to say Dennis is indeed a weirdo.
OMG…..NO….NO…that cannot be real……..
So brave.
I was lucky enough to be driving during it and it was amazing. Just as stupid criminals make stupid cops, liberal politicians make lazy journalists. 8 years of Obama gave them the idea that they control public discourse, that they’re owed the same deference clergy once got, and that they’re the 4th branch of government, they actually believe they’re the unbiased defenders of democracy. Trump dragging them down from their pedestal is a beautiful thing to witness.
Not in Muh town. KKK banner in Dahlonega, Georiga triggers blue-bellied transplants.
Those Yankee pigs can head on back north whenever they can find a ride. Man I wish I was there, I’d hold up a pro KKK sign.
Good for you, Miss Sunshine!
Hey, Red, I love it!
This is why only a few Yankees came south before ‘civil rights’, and it may well be the only way to make sure that only the right ones come down in the future!
TRUMP’S nigger-spic-muzzie-homo-pedophile-surgically-mutilated tranny freak US MILITARY…encircling Christian Russia….
This press conference reminds me of the reason why i voted for trump
What I’m getting here is that Trump is putting a hard squeeze on the Deep State and they are lashing out as a last gasp effort. He will get a military-style command and control structure in there, and will preferably pull heavily from military veterans to do so.
Build the ovens! Arrest the CIA for High Treason.
Why didn’t Trump just say:”America is going to be friends with Christian Russia and Shia Muslim Iran..pulling all US Troops of Syria…Germany after that”…”and I am going to appoint a special prosecutor to interrogate Hillary Clinton..”
Bingo..world peace!!!
Why does Donald Trump Continue to threaten Christian Russia over Crimea?
Trumptards say “He has to pretend to keep a tough stance against Russia, because otherwise they’ll say he’s a puppet of Putin!” — which doesn’t make sense, since they call him that anyway, and he doesn’t seem to care what the media says, and neither do most Americans.
Will Donald Trump threaten Christian Russia over Crimea tomorrow?
“This not a laughing matter. I’m sorry, delegitimizing the press is unAmerican”
Fair’s fair. Delegitimizing the president with lies and publishing classified information peddled by Obama moles is even worse.
“Take off your partisan hats for a second”
Take off your blinders. Trump wouldn’t be getting away with this if people didn’t believe there was some truth to it. Do I even have to go over all the lies told about this guy? Even before he took office, the Washington Post put on their front page a discredited propaganda piece sliming anyone who wasn’t supportive of Hillary as being a Russian agent.
“The panels on CNN are almost exclusively “anti-Trump” and full of “hatred and venom.”
They are straight up propaganda. What they usually do is invite a left winger and an unpopular anti-Trump republican like Lindsey Graham. The purpose is to give a false impression of consensus. They pretend to be unbiased but stack their panels so that everyone watching thinks that EVERYONE hates Trump, even republicans so they should too.
55% approval rating is good, take away 12% for the blacks who hate them then at least 20% of the populations must be Hispanic-Asian-Middle Eastern “New Americans” which about 70% also hate him and his approval amongst whites must be around 80% Probably the queers, college professors, Jews, and unmarried urban white females compose the only whites who are his enemies.
Chuck Todd must be retarded. The press has delegitimized itself by being the propaganda arm of the socialist communist democratic party! They cannot possibly believe that the reason the American people hate and distrust them is because of Trump. But maybe they do, because they consider us all cousin effing toothless yokels that must be too stupid to know when we’re being lied to. They don’t even bother to hide their bias! Their hubris is constantly reaching new heights. Amazing!
Trumptards say, “Trump has to pretend to be belligerent against Russia, because otherwise they’ll say he’s a puppet of Putin!” — which doesn’t make sense, since they call him Putin’s puppet anyway, and he doesn’t seem to care what the media says, and neither do most Americans.