I set out a tweet yesterday that has sparked a conversation:
In less than a month, we've gone from @RichardBSpencer is a Nazi to MILO is a Nazi to PewDiePie is a Nazi
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) February 16, 2017
Why is this happening? Why are Nazis suddenly being spotted everywhere? Why are so many people in the East dressing up like vaginas and holding “die-ins” in the streets? It seems like large swathes of the United States are in the grips of a mania which perplex the rest of us.
Allow me to speculate:
1.) First, the most obvious reason is because President Donald Trump won the 2016 election, and in doing so he broke the power of the ruling establishment which had united against him. Consider how they hit President Trump with hundreds of millions of dollars of attack ads that invoked all the familiar -isms and -phobias. They spent countless hours trashing him on cable television and in print accusing him of violating the norms of political correctness and it didn’t work. These people are a clerical class who have lost their legitimacy. They are unable to keep the masses spellbound anymore.
2.) Second, the fake news Lügenpresse is concentrated in the Acela Corridor, and it is hardly a secret that an extremely disproportionate number of Jews work in the mainstream news media. It is highly taboo to talk about it, but we got to be honest about the situation. It’s true that Jews are controlling the media. We can argue all day about the extent of their power and influence over the media, but they are the dominant force in the media. These Jewish media elites are freaking out because Trump has roused the fury of White Christian America in the Heartland. It’s Nazi Germany all over again!
So what we have is this small tribe of people with a history that goes back thousands of years who sit at the apex of elite culture producing institutions in the United States – a result of 20th century liberalism and meritocracy – and everything that happens on any given day in the news cycle is filtered, refracted, interpreted and broadcasted back at us from the East through the prism of their own perspective. As a result of their dominance in the mass media, they are the custodians of the Narrative and right now we have bunch of neurotic Jews having a nervous breakdown.
Is it anti-Semitic to say it? We don’t care. That’s what is going on and it is what is driving this moral panic about Nazis everywhere. We should tell the truth in all situations.
3.) Third, the rest of the country is starting to perceive that the East is a peculiar regional culture. We watch the events unfolding on television in the East, as well as on the West Coast where Eastern culture has been transplanted, and we shake our heads. WTF is wrong with these people?
Southerners have long recognized The Yankee Problem in America:
“To fully understand what the Yankee is today — builder of the all-powerful “multicultural” therapeutic state (with himself giving the orders and collecting the rewards) which is the perfection of history and which is to be exported to all peoples, by guided missiles on women and children if necessary — we need a bit more real history. …
The highflying Yankee rhetoric of Emerson and Hillary Rodham Clinton has a nether side, which has its historical origins in the “Burnt Over District.” The “Burnt Over District” was well known to antebellum Americans. Emersonian notions bore strange fruit in the central regions of New York State settled by the overflow of poorer Yankees from New England. It was “Burnt Over” because it (along with a similar area in northern Ohio) was swept over time and again by post-millennial revivalism. Here preachers like Charles G. Finney began to confuse Emerson’s future state of perfection with Christianity, and God’s plan for humanity with American chosenness.
If this were true, then anything that stood in the way of American perfection must be eradicated. The threatening evil at various times was liquor, tobacco, the Catholic Church, the Masonic order, meat-eating, marriage. Within the small area of the Burnt Over District and within the space of a few decades was generated what historians have misnamed the “Jacksonian reform movement:” Joseph Smith received the Book of Mormon from the Angel Moroni; William Miller began the Seventh Day Adventists by predicting, inaccurately, the end of the world; the free love colony of John Humphrey Noyes flourished at Oneida; the first feminist convention was held at Seneca Falls; and John Brown, who was born in Connecticut, collected accomplices and financial backers for his mass murder expeditions.
It was in this milieu that abolitionism, as opposed to the antislavery sentiment shared by many Americans, including Southerners, had its origins. Abolitionism, despite what has been said later, was not based on sympathy for the black people nor on an ideal of natural rights. It was based on the hysterical conviction that Southern slaveholders were evil sinners who stood in the way of fulfillment of America’s divine mission to establish Heaven on Earth. It was not the Union that our Southern forefathers seceded from, but the deadly combination of Yankee greed and righteousness.
Most abolitionists had little knowledge of or interest in black people or knowledge of life in the South. Slavery promoted sin and thus must end. No thought was given to what would happen to the African-Americans. In fact, many abolitionists expected that evil Southern whites and blacks would disappear and the land be repopulated by virtuous Yankees.
The darker side of the Yankee mind has had its expression in American history as well as the side of high ideals. Timothy McVeigh from New York and the Unabomber from Harvard are, like John Brown, examples of this side of the Yankee problem. (Even though distinguished Yankee intellectuals have declared that their violence was a product of the evil “Southern gun culture.”) …”
Yes, Professor Clyde Wilson was right.
The Eastern weirdos are now in the grips of another one of their periodic moral panics. As Professor Wilson explains here, this mindset has a long history in the East and is ultimately rooted in their founding religion. This is the intolerant culture that early on produced the Salem Witch Trials and the Scarlet Letter. The threatening evil that must be eradicated to achieve Yankee moral perfection has changed over the years: witches, tobacco, freemasonry, slavery, segregation, “racism,” alcoholic beverages, “the patriarchy,” etc.
As a Southerner with a sociological bent, it is fascinating for me to watch how the Jewish-dominated Lügenpresse, which didn’t really exist until the mid-20th century, interacts with the East’s indigenous culture, which was imprinted on the descendants of European immigrants by public schools, to produce the hysterical moral panic that I see on my television. The East seems to be going through another transformational moment in its history in the Age of Trump.
The Eastern woman has a certain look about her. It is dour. It is crazy. There is a boldness about her. You’ve likely seen it with your own eyes. Elizabeth Warren is the modern archetype.
Anyway, that’s my best explanation for how we have gone from Richard Spencer is a Nazi to MILO is a Nazi to PewDiePie is a Nazi in less than a month. That’s why I only see it on television. I don’t see any sign of The Resistance around here where White people overwhelmingly voted for Trump.
One of my guilty pleasures is “triggering” these people on a daily basis. It only requires a wear one of my many Trump shirts and a MAGA hat. I can see the looks I get, but few dare to confront me.
Early 20th century: Bolsheviks take over Russia, blow up churches and cause mass starvations. Red Scare grips America.
Late 20th century: Jewish elite claims it was all mindless paranoia.
Early 21st century: a gay Jew, a guy with a metrosexual haircut, and a Swede who makes shitty YouTube vids for 12 year olds trigger SJW’s. Brown Scare grips Jewish elite.
I guess I live in some kind of Bizarro World, because even though I reside in a very “blue” Northern state I have somehow managed to avoid most of the liberal insanity that is usually associated with it. Actually, there are quite a few “good ol’ boys” around here. Rumor has it that some of them even attended Boston University(!)
Much of what Hunter says of ‘the South’ (not nearly as homogeneous as he wishes – no place on earth is) applies to pretty much everywhere.
Mr. Kleinfeld – there is a strong connection between Cattholick,Orthodox Eastern Europeans and Confederates.
Many Poles in Raleigh I know, for instance, like the Confederate flag, and will always express sympathy for the South, when the subject of The War of Northern Aggression comes up.
And it goes way beyond this. These culture are sympathetick cultures.
With some folks up North, the propaganda and compulsion doesn’t take. Like people in the sequel to War of The Worlds, The White Mountains, where the Martian’s brain implants fail to take, turning them into homeless drifters and pariahs in society.
I guess my family are oddballs, then. I can trace my ancestry back in direct lineage to a fellow who arrived in what would eventually be Connecticut in the 17th century. I have his last name, 350ish years later; the people of this lineage lived in basically one town in CT during that entire period (and I still have relatives living there).
However, I was red-pilled from the earliest age by my father, who was himself red-pilled both by his parents and by early experiences with black people. I have no idea what the ancestral people were like, but as far back as living memory extends in my particular clan of “Yankees,” the family has been strongly pro-white, anti-immigration, and enthusiastically gun owning.
Then again, my 17th century ancestor was thrown out of New Haven, CT by the elders for some unspecified offense, along with his wife, so maybe it isn’t too strange that his direct, if distant, descendant also doesn’t match up to Yankee ideals (and now lives in the Midwest).
(I kind of envy the Southerners — though I don’t exactly fit into the South’s culture, and couldn’t really join it, I sort of wish that there was a Northern culture that had as strong a sense of identity, that wasn’t hopelessly insane.
I guess my family are oddballs, then. I can trace my ancestry back in direct lineage to a fellow who arrived in what would eventually be Connecticut in the 17th century. I have his last name, 350ish years later; the people of this lineage lived in basically one town in CT during that entire period (and I still have relatives living there).
However, I was red-pilled from the earliest age by my father, who was himself red-pilled both by his parents and by early experiences with black people. I have no idea what the ancestral people were like, but as far back as living memory extends in my particular clan of “Yankees,” the family has been strongly pro-white, anti-immigration, and enthusiastically gun owning. Those women in pussy hats are about as alien as Martians.
Then again, my 17th century ancestor was thrown out of New Haven, CT by the elders for some unspecified offense, along with his wife, so maybe it isn’t too strange that his direct, if distant, descendant also doesn’t match up to Yankee ideals (and now lives in the Midwest).
(I kind of envy the Southerners — though I don’t exactly fit into the South’s culture, and couldn’t really join it, I sort of wish that there was a Northern culture that had as strong a sense of identity, that wasn’t hopelessly insane.)
Western Massachusetts? I am unfamiliar with New England but that area seems like it might have some good ol boys.
I have to admit, Hunter overall makes a compelling argument.
Hunter, seriously, the whole concept of ‘anti-semitism’ belongs in permanent sneer quotes. It’s a near-crime to omit them.
A great example of this clusterfuck is the Yid who asked Trump what he’s going to do about the “rising incidents of Anti-Semitic attacks” in the US.
Trump should/could have pointed out that it’s mostly Muslims doing it, just as it is in France.
Unfortunately the exchange leaves one with the mental image of a beer ? swilling red faced midwestern German dressed in camo spray painting Swastikas on Synagogues.
We know that in France in particular and Europe in General that Aggro Muslims are mostly responsible for killing Jews and vandalism directed at them. The Heeb asking the question Jakob Turx knew this too.
God forbid anyone point out that booting out Muslims would reduce Anti-Semitic attacks to a statistical zero.
mental image of a beer ? swilling red faced midwestern German dressed in camo bought from Cabelas spray painting Swastikas on Synagogues.” How did you find a picture of me?
‘In less than a month, we’ve gone from @RichardBSpencer is a Nazi to MILO is a Nazi to PewDiePie is a Nazi’
If you ever needed proof that this country is controlled by the soul of New England Government, just have a gander at how the erstwhile New England Puritan culture of Hawthorn’s ‘The Scarlet Letter’, has remorpht into the modern Liberal culture that brands everyone with a taboo-sign who is slightly out of conformity; and, if more out of conformity, either places them in a publick stockade and or attempts to abolish them from the community, for good.
It’s the New England MoralPolitical Paradigm. With a not insignificant amount of Stalinism grafted on.
Quite right you are, Mr. Owen.
That element of Stalinism started creeping in during the Bush Administration with ‘The Patriot Act’; something which president Obama quite proudly declared he was expanding and making more systemick (spying on citizens – using government departments to intimidate political opposition) not to mention the extremities which he took the already noxious political correctness.
“That element of Stalinism started creeping in during the Bush Administration”
Actually, before WWII.
Alright, Sir – I take your correction!
Stalinism really is just socialism enacted.
Only Jewey Trots seem to care about defining it as some perversion of socialism.
They are the descendants of the mentally ill Puritans. This is just a form of twisted Puritanism. Can’t you see their ancestors screaming “burn the witch”? I bet they all own multiple cats.
I can see it. In the 1850’s and 60’s they were screaming “burn Dixie.”
Well, to be fair, at least Stalin realized that without ethnic Russians the whole USSR would immediately fold. Your East Coast overlords do not seem to be capable of this simple thought.
(Not trying to sell Stalin or communism to anyone, just an observation)
Stalin wasn’t a Yankee.
Case in point
Freemasonry – as with any other Jewish cult – would absolutely be criminalized in any decent white society.
“Nazi” is a code word for White.
“The Eastern woman has a certain look about her. It is dour. It is crazy. There is a boldness about her. You’ve likely seen it with your own eyes.”
Even the young women appear to be as old maids before their time.
The toxoplasmosis infection must cause rapid aging. They’re all cat ladies.
I thought it was the climate and the constant, frenetic political activity and the relentless butting into other people’s business.
Hahaha! They are definitely nosy. I wonder if they have any redeeming qualities at all?
I’ve met some. Not really.
I can’t help but wonder if drug use is playing a role in the premature aging (apparently) occurring among those younger feminists.If there is anything that can age a woman rapidly,it’s the use of drugs. And that may also account,at least partially,for their shrill and over-the-top hysterics.
Might be, unlike Texan and California gals, they’re just plain fuggly.
“This is the intolerant culture that early on produced the Salem Witch Trials and the Scarlet Letter.”
And more than 300 years later,their ideological,if not genetic,descendants have embarked on another round of witch hunts,chasing after bogeymen that exist only in their paranoid imaginations.
The more things change,the more they (seem to) stay the same.
Great comment, Lamplighter.
One of the peculiar things about Puritan’s psychology remanifesting in the modern New England Government culture is the fetishist obssession with abstract notions.
This is what they do : establish a hypothetical utopia in their mind, and then hunt, stigmatize, usurp, sanction, reproach, penalize, prosecute, and persecute everyone and everything they imagine to be in the way of their attaining this utopia and or and asserting it across the planet entire.
The film, ‘As Good as It Gets’, would be something very difficult for The New England mindset to fathom.
“As a Southerner with a sociological bent, it is fascinating for me …”
As a Northerner who paid attention in school, I’m getting tired of your defective grammar.
Uh…you could always go somewhere else. God forbid we trample on your perfectionism. You could get cooties hanging around here.
We’re all getting tired of you, you loathsome piece of shit.
Fuck off, ass-wart.
‘This is the intolerant culture that early on produced the Salem Witch
Trials and the Scarlet Letter. The threatening evil that must be
eradicated to achieve Yankee moral perfection has changed over the
years: tobacco, freemasonry, slavery, segregation, “racism,” alcoholic
beverages, “the patriarchy,” etc.’
Yes, Sir; what a great statement; and, no, they never seem to run out of would-be landscapes upon which to impose their artificial asceticisms.
The writings of the infamous Professor Clyde N. Wilson. One of my favourites. Although, because of his voice, his lectures are somewhat difficult to listen to.
“The Eastern woman has a certain look about her. It is dour. It is crazy.”
Huh? Of Easterners, what do you know, you fucking hick, other than what you think you’ve learned via technology to whose development the South contributed nothing? Go back to the Coosa River and do some more kayaking, made possible by a system of dams that wouldn’t even exist if your Confederacy had prevailed.
Wow, harsh man.
Let me explain the basics of wisecracking: If you get the grammar wrong, it doesn’t work. You left out the comma after “harsh.”
With your record of faulty grammar, you’ve left me uncertain whether you mean “harsh man” or “harsh, man.”
Driving Negroes.
Angola Prison.
Driving Negroes https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/01d68a570ad7a71e13168181dfff9849c0d17ef030564d33f75bf1d852c39203.jpg
Driving Negroes. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c89505423ec4e69bfb5f2e8e26c2c80ae46174351ca3334109017d0fe16416ef.jpg
Driving Negroes https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/aa29bb00ead4f54716a3d8be796bce43d4b7e966ac7c7e379fbe49bda5e38bb5.jpg
PS Article at http://discoverstclair.com/traveling-the-backroads/locks-of-the-coosa/ tells of the shaping, by man, of the Coosa River. Tells of a Confederate Captain who was a man of daring and vision. Son was a man of vision, too.
If our Confederacy had prevailed you’d be able to walk any street in Philadelphia today at any hour without being murdered by niggers. Just whose side are you on anyway?
You’re the exact charactour of what Hunter is talking about. Coming to a primarily pro-Southern site and sticking your nose up the ass of everyone who doesn’t see things your way.
Why don’t you make you’re own Yankee site? We don’t really give a fuck what you think. You hate Southerners…get in line. We just don’t want to be ruled by you and what ever wild ass idea you got last month that you suggest we should consume the whole nation with at the expense of everything else.
No matter how much you hate Southerners the state of the nation is your fault. You can’t blame it on us we don’t run anything. If we did things wouldn’t be so fucked up.
Accusing me of “hate,” I see.
No, he’s accusing you of being a fucking prick.
Which you are.
“Huh? Of Easterners, what do you know, you fucking hick, other than what
you think you’ve learned via technology to whose development the South
contributed nothing?”
Yeah, Nothing
Studied at the University of Pennsylvania.
Your state is also known for Penn State and their great football team: the Fighting Sodomites.
I wouldn’t know anything about that. That’s out in the part of Pennsylvania that’s more like the South.
It’s part of Pennsylvania, last time I checked. Your part of Pennsylvania is the part that’s more like Cameroon.
PS You forgot Texas Instruments.
Most lefties have no taste for a physical fight. Even the antifa/black-bloc is a hit and run tactic.
The “Nazi” rhetoric is merely the latest on the continuum of “Vulgar and rude”, “racist, sexist antisemitic”, “Nazi!’.
The words have lost their power since it is no longer cuckservatives on the receiving end. But they haven’t noticed so are trying to use stronger words in the vain hope they will have some, any effect.
Or as Vox Day says, “SJWs always Double Down”. They’ve do so multiple times, so is this 64x down, or 512x down.
I see slavery in the same context as abortion, but with south and north reversed. The abolitionists weren’t pure, and were mainly zealots, but were morally correct, not unlike the current pro-lifers. The war of northern aggression unfortunately didn’t solve the problem beyond the superficial layer.
Few bother to research Wilberforce in England and how he ended Slavery in a very different manner. It might not have worked here but would have exposed the hypocrisy and positions of each side. If Abolitionists bought slaves (probably the cheapest, hence least clever and productive), and had to deal with them in their neighborhoods (echoing the current immigration and refugee problems, – I want sanctuary, but not in my back yard), they would have moderated things.
But there is a curse saying an elite should rule – You can talk about genetics and IQ, but Jews are more intelligent than whites (as are Asians), and perhaps they see whites as slaves in the same way that whites saw blacks as slaves. Do you have human, civil, and God-given rights, or is it whomever is “better”?
My only observation as to the South of the current generation is they seemed to have bought into the contraceptive mentality (or at least the women did). If from the 1960s, the white families had 5+ children on average, the entire USA would be Dixiefied, to its great advantage. In the bible, bareness is a curse, in this case self-inflicted. The future belongs to those who show up.
It is irrelevant what white men do if white women reject motherhood – which was once revered and the reason for putting them on “the pedestal”. This is also true of Europe, and Pat Buchanan over a decade ago noted demographics is destiny.
One can discuss public policy and political minutiae, but the most important and critical thing is to return to the nuclear family where women were revered not for their career success, but for being the hand that rocks the cradle. Otherwise it will all be lost because there will be no one left.
I would say that the inherent theological hatred for Calvinism-the idea that God actually has an elect people for whom He’s going to save-
pisses off both the Jews-(who think they’re it…and never will be)-and the liberals who think the same thing…sort of;
and the vast unwashed Arminian/Baptistic majority- who really want to save themselves by their own bootstraps -Or who just like to talk about how much they love Jeeeeeezus.
All of these are denying the very concept of election and Sola Fide, in the very face of that masterpiece of Augustinian predestinationism-Luther’s “Bondage of the Will.”
The Yankee has substituted Unitarianism for trinitarianism, the feel-good theology of moral righteousness not needing a savior as opposed to submitting to the Bible, and bringing in the kingdom of heaven by political ends and means, rather than grace and good works flowing from that free salvation.
In other words, it’s heresy of the highest order -and anathema to any true Christian. Which is why the left favors spirit cooking, abortion on demand, uppity feminists, abortion, and sodomy.
I had come to a similar conclusion although mine was much simpler and a not nearly as well supported.
In the late 1400s if you disagreed with the mandatory worldview you were a heretic, in the 1600s you were a witch, in the 2000 you are a racist/nazi.
Political correctness is a religion. If you do not agree to the dogma you are evil and worthy of death. Jewish influence is far out of proportion to their numbers and it is rigidly based on jewish/israeli self interests even when that conflicts with the interests of America and Americans.
Some call it “The Cathedral”